Cochran-Jeffress Family Papers, 1831-1994 (C4669)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Family genealogy of the Cochran-Jeffress family of Cooper County, Missouri. Included are pages from the Jeffress family Bible and Cochran family photographs, circa 19th century.
Ethlyn Cockrell Papers, 1907-1960 (C3419)
0.2 cubic feet (13 folders)
The papers of Ethlyn Cockrell, a Missouri schoolteacher, World War I Army nurse, and Red Cross public health nurse, include material on the American Red Cross and photographs.
Edward H. Coe, Jr. Papers, 1950-1973 (C4472)
0.8 cubic feet (16 folders)
Papers of a corn geneticist, including seminar information, peer reviews, correspondence, and information from the Genetics Department of the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Jerome S. Cohen Papers, 1953-1996 (K0741)
20 c.f.
Personal and professional papers of the civic and business leader, including materials related to the American Humanics Foundation; H. Roe Bartle; the Mayor's Christmas Tree Fund; and the Kansas City Zoo. Also includes Ray Morgan's notes and drafts for Cohen's biography.
Myrl A. Cohen and Florence W. Cohen Papers, 1967-1977 (K1272)
0.1 c.f.
The papers consist of newspaper clippings and articles, programs, publications, and other items relating to Congregation Beth Shalom. The papers also include materials relating to the Shifra Gabra Fund, i.e. trust agreement, financial notes, correspondence, and articles covering the period ca. 1967-ca. 1977.
Cole Association Records, 1932-2019 (CA6577)
0.1 cubic feet
Minutes, newsletters, clippings, and miscellaneous material concerning family reunions of the descendants of William Temple Cole, Hannah Cole, and Stephen Cole.
Cole Camp High School Collection, 1955-1980 (R0528)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Cole Camp High School Collection contains photocopies of programs for commencements and homecoming reunions of the Cole Camp High School in Benton County, Missouri.
Timothy M. Cole Papers, 1872-1991 (R1449)
(3 folders)
The papers of Timothy M. Cole contain letters, ledgers, names, and an animal disease guide by Timothy Cole. There are also minutes from the Barry County Baptist Association (digital), a class role book for the Newtown Baptist Church, and a hundredth anniversary history for the Northside Baptist Church.
Nadine Mills Coleman Papers, 1965 (C2182)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Clipping and miscellany about Governor Lon Vest Stephens.
O.T. Coleman Papers, 1918-1962 (C3353)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
The papers of O.T. Coleman contain clippings; World War I envelopes with censor stamp; biography; reports on limestone grinding, soil, work for farmers on relief; letters about book reviews, articles, Missouri State Extension Service, nomination as fellow of American Society of Agronomy, awards; letters of commendation; appointment as extension professor emeritus.
O.T. Coleman Papers, 1917-1960 (C0976)
0.4 cubic feet
The papers of O.T. Coleman contain his World War I correspondence from Camp Funston, KS; England; France; and Germany. The collection also includes clippings and pictorial images regarding World War I and Coleman's diaries as a soil extension agent at the University of Missouri.
O.T. Coleman Papers, 1946-1961 (C2266)
0.19 cubic feet (9 folders)
The papers of O.T. Coleman contain speeches and articles by a soil specialist with the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Missouri and director of Missouri county soil testing laboratories.
College Club of Kansas City Records, 1950-1996 (K0323)
3 c.f.
Minutes, dues records, yearbooks, calendars of events, scrapbooks, and publicity files of the Club formed by American Association of University Women (AAUW) members who wished to have more control at the local level: to be a "non-profit group whose purpose would be to foster good fellowship among college women and to support local projects of a non-controversial civic, educational, and social service nature."
College Club of St. Louis Records, 1916-2008 (S0230)
1.25 cubic foot, 1 roll microfilm
The collection consists of nine scrapbooks on one roll of microfilm containing press clippings and programs of activities and benefits, 1916-1943, of the College Club of St. Louis, whose membership consists of women graduates of accredited colleges. Additional materials of interest include correspondence regarding the College Club of St. Louis’s consolidation with the St. Louis branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumni in the early 1920s.
College Undergrduate Slang Study Records, 1967-1968 (C4589)
0.75 cubic feet (21 folders)
Surveys and results of a language study conducted by linguistic students at Brown University in 1967 and 1968 on the usage of slang.
Collett Family Papers, 1833-1964 (C2949)
0.22 cubic feet (11 folders)
Genealogical material about the Collett family of Adair County, MO. Tax receipts, miscellaneous pamphlets and newspaper clippings, poetry and essays.
Elise Guignon Collins Collection, 1861-1986 (K0704)
0.25 cf
Clippings, correspondence, photographs, and papers concerning the history of Kansas City, the area around Visitation Church at 52nd and Main, researched by Collins; and pamphlets, newspaper clippings, regarding the Guignon and Boussier families.
Tom Collins Papers, 1908-1985 (K0830)
0.5 c.f.
Collins was a noted humorist and author. Includes newspaper clippings, brochures, magazines, photographs and a phonograph record relating to Collins career.
Columbia (Mo.) Kiwanis Club Records, 1940-2010 (CA6035)
16.2 cubic feet
Records of a Columbia, Missouri, service organization include annual reports, minutes, correspondence, and financial records.
Columbia (Mo.) Track Club Records, 1968-2013 (CA6209)
3.4 cubic feet, 8 computer discs
Records of a not-for-profit organization founded in 1968 in Columbia, Missouri, to promote a year-round program of race-walking and distance running for everyone. Includes clippings, correspondence, newsletters, photographs and slides, publicity materials, race results, and miscellaneous records.
Columbia Art League (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1959-2008 (CA6259)
12.8 cubic feet, 5 computer discs, 25 oversize sheets
Official records and other materials of a nonprofit organization founded in Columbia, Missouri in 1959 and dedicated to the encouragement and support of active community participation in the creation and appreciation of the visual arts.
Columbia Audubon Society Records, 1957-2019 (CA6550)
4.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize item, 1 card file
Records of the organization include minutes, financial records, scrapbooks, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, and miscellaneous material.
Columbia Brick and Tile Company (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1907-1986 (C3854)
12.8 cubic feet (771 folders, 9 volumes)
Business, financial, and manufacturing records of the Edwards Brick and Tile Company (1927-1930), the Edwards-Conley Brick and Tile Company (1930-1946), and the Columbia Brick and Tile Company (1947-1986). The collection covers such subjects as industrial health and safety, natural gas supply regulation, legislation, energy and environmental concerns. Includes advertising literature, blueprints, correspondence, photographs, maps and plats, books, and miscellaneous material.
Columbia Council on Religion and Race (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1963-1970 (C3841)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)
The records contain minutes, committee reports, correspondence, clippings, conference materials, and housing surveys. The major emphasis of the records is on racial discrimination in housing in Columbia, but also includes information on the entire state.
Columbia Garden Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1919-1967 (C3622)
1.25 cubic feet (33 folders, 6 volumes)
Minutes, clippings, photographs, yearbooks, and scrapbooks of an organization of women interested in growing flowers and stimulating beautification of their community.
Columbia Housing Authority (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1955-2006 (C4700)
17 c.f. (520 folders) 194 audio cassettes, 31 audio tapes, 6 oversize volumes, 8 oversize items
Records of the organization include home surveys and photographs of urban renewal areas, disposition of properties, HUD board minutes, hearings, retreats, audio cassettes, newspaper clippings, and correspondence.
Columbia League of Women Voters Records, 1923-1974 (C3450)
2.3 cubic feet (68 folders, 17 volumes)
Meeting minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, newspaper clippings, publications, and miscellaneous material of the Columbia, Missouri, League of Women Voters.
Columbia Military Service Center (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1961-2010 (C4687)
0.2 cubic foot (5 folders)
Assorted records include correspondence, board of director meeting minutes, notes, news clippings, financial statements, and articles of incorporation of a Columbia, Missouri, serviceman’s center.
Columbia Mothersingers Records, 1946-2021 (CA6623)
7.74 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes, 1 computer disc, 2 DVDs
The records of the organization consist of scrapbooks, photograph albums, meeting minutes, membership lists, president’s notebooks, histories, and miscellaneous material.
Columbia People-to-People Sister City Corporation Papers, 1963-1973 (C3652)
0.2 cubic feet (18 folders)
The papers contain correspondence, minutes, programs, financial records, newspaper clippings, and photographs of Columbia People-to-People Sister City Corporation, Columbia, Missouri, and sister city committee of Armenia, Colombia, South America. Material pertaining to membership, fund raising, exchange visits, library contributions, and sponsorship of students.
Columbia Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Records, 1941-2022 (CA5402)
13.0 cubic feet, 7 computer discs, 2 audio cassettes, 25.3 MB of digital files
Meeting minutes, treasurer’s reports, constitutions, yearbooks, newsletters, photographs, weaving notes and patterns, swatches and samples, a scrapbook, and miscellaneous material.
Columbia, Missouri, Black Community Photographs, c. 1958-1963 (C3902)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Copies of photographs depicting black businesses and residential communities in Columbia, Missouri.
Columbia, Missouri, Commission on Adolescent Behavior Report, 1966 (C2420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Commission's recommendations for adolescent behavior in dating, recreation, dress, drinking, smoking, and driving, and suggestions to parents.
Columbia, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1875-1994 (P0078)
An artificial collection of photographs of Columbia, MO.
Committee FOR Annexation Records, 1963-1964 (K0086)
0.3 c.f.
Materials in support of the annexation of the Hickman Mills school district to the Kansas City, Missouri, School District. Also campaign information of an earlier school levy increase is included, as well as research materials related to the advantages of annexation, campaign literature distributed, and news clippings
Committee for Environmental Information Records, 1956-1977 (S0069)
12 cubic feet, 439 folders, 4 photographs, 8 audio tapes, 1 microfilm roll
The records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, narrative histories, and curricula documenting the Committee for Environmental Information's mission to collect, evaluate, and make available to the public, information concerning nuclear tests and weaponry and the uses of nuclear energy.
Committee For Free Choice Records, 1969-1982 (C3707)
3.2 cubic feet (291 folders), 2 oversize volumes
The Committee For Free Choice records (CFFC) consist of policy statements, correspondence, program plans, political lobbying information, and newsletters. CFFC is an affiliate of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Much of the collection is information from NARAL and affiliates and related organizations.
Community Children's Theatre Records, 1947-1999 (K1255)
19 c.f.
Organizational records of Kansas City area Children's Theatre group made up of a number of local theater companies: presidents files, committee notebooks, minutes, rosters, financial records, programs, publications, newsletters, and photographs. Also plays/scripts and performance photographs. scrapbooks, various books, catalogues, and professional publications.
Community Development Society Records, 1969-1995 (C3880)
15.0 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes
Records of a professional association of academics and practitioners of community development in the United States and Canada, which promotes the effective practice of community development through advancement of education and research in the field. The records consist of correspondence and memoranda of officers; board meeting minutes; committee records; annual meeting materials; issues of the Journal of the Community Development Society and other publications; membership brochures, directories, newsletters, and surveys; and other assorted organizational records.
Community Development Society Records, 1964-2019 (CA5728)
19.3 cubic feet, 13 rolls of microfilm, 14 computer discs, 2 flash drives
Addition of publications, correspondence, financial records, board meeting minutes, committee materials, annual meeting materials, handbooks, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Community School Historic Subject Files Collection, 1883-1996 (S1092)
3 cubic feet, 105 folders, 22 photographs
The collection contains newspaper clippings, photographs, and art reproductions related to the history of Missouri, St. Louis, and the United States. Staff members of the Community School, an independent educational institution that encourages a non-rigid educational environment for children, collected the materials to educate their pupils. Topics of interest include the Veiled Prophet Ball, the Old Courthouse, Jefferson Barracks, and the Gemini and Apollo space programs.
Community Video Advisory Board (CVAB) Records, 1969-1992 (K0403)
1 c.f.
Administrative materials of the Board which oversaw operation of American Cablevision's public access channel. Also information from Ecumedia, an interfaith, nonprofit television show on Channel 30 of American Cablevision, and the Metropolitan Inter-Church Agency (MICA), a council of churches that brought the Christian community together.
Community Woman's Club of Gideon Records, 1929-1990 (R0477)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
These are record books and scrapbooks of the Community Woman's Club of Gideon in New
Madrid County, Missouri. The record books contain minutes of meetings, membership rosters, and
treasurer's records, 1929-1975. The scrapbooks include printed material, photographs, and miscellaneous
items concerning the club's activities, 1940-1990.
Compton Heights Band of St. Louis Records, 1960-2022 (S0438)
17 c.f.
This collection consists of correspondence, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, photographs, negative slides, programs, flyers, scripts, VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, and one vinyl record that document the band’s history and mission to play and preserve concert band music in the Compton Heights community.
Congregation B'nai Jehudah Collection, 1950-2011 (K0649)
1 c.f.
The Congregation is the oldest reform temple in Kansas City, MO. includes newsletters and publication from the Congregation.
Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner (BIAV) Collection, 1969 (K0916)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
This collection contains a ""Grace and Blessings"" booklet and a yarmulke from the Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner Mortgage Burning Dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Israel Bettinger.
Congregation Beth Israel Abraham Voliner Collection, 1915-2003 (K1303)
0.3 c.f.
he collection contains a scrapbook documenting the activities of the Giborim
Chapter of the National Conference of Synagogue Youth and other miscellaneous
materials related to local Jewish synagogues and organizations.
Congregation Beth Shalom Records, 1917-2002 (K0602)
37.12 c.f.
Organizational records including minutes, financial records, correspondence, commemorative booklets, brochures, speeches, photographs, VHS cassettes of rabbinical lectures, religious activities, and various school programs.
Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood Records, 1961-2006 (K0603)
12 c.f.
Organizational records of the Sisterhood including by-laws, committee reports, financial documents, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks related to the year's activities including meetings, conferences, and social gatherings.