Chez Coffeehouse (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1969-2006 (CA6306)
0.3 cubic feet, 7 computer discs, 2 audio discs, 3 oversize items
Materials collected by Lyn Wolz surrounding the Chez Coffeehouse reunion in 2006 include a binder with publications, articles about the coffeehouse, photographs, and reminiscences. Also included are computer discs with photographs, audio remembrances, and audio from the 2006 concert, as well as two copies of "Joint Effort," an album created by patrons of the Chez in 1969.
Washington Henry Chick Papers, 1965 (C2577)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Pamphlet about the life of Washington Henry Chick in western Missouri and Kansas. Program of dedication of William M. Chick post office.
Childbirth and Parent Education, Inc. of Kansas City Records, 1968-1980 (K0911)
1 c.f.
Organizational records include correspondence, newsletters, other printed/published materials, convention files, and questionnaires.
Childbirth Education Association of Greater Kansas City Records, 1966-1985 (K0676)
2 c.f.
Organizational records of the Association including minutes, correspondence, public relations files, photographs, clippings, financial records, teaching manuals, and publications.
Martha Patton Childers Collection, 1957-2011 (K0590)
13 c.f.
Family papers of Childers, her mother Louise Childers, and sister, Virginia Childers containing correspondence, memorabilia, personal diaries, and other papers documenting the lives of these women.
Children of the Confederacy, Missouri Division, Records, 1937-1961, 1972-1975 (C4591)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders, 1 volume)
Applications for membership in the Missouri Swanee and Charlotte Jones Smith chapters, Fayette, Missouri; convention programs, correspondence, and miscellaneous records; and a scrapbook from the Maud Robinson chapter, Waverly, Missouri, 1972-1975.
Chiles/Huston/Kearny Family Papers, 1850-1992 (K0677)
4 c.f.
Newspaper clippings, U.S. maps, magazines, books, and event programs, correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, cards, notebooks and diaries pertaining to the families in Kentucky, New England, and Jackson County, MO.
Tom Chorlton Papers, 1960s-2010s (CA5803)
37.75 cubic feet, 29 video cassettes, 2 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape
The papers of an educator, political activist, and gay rights advocate include correspondence, meeting and event material, clippings, photograph albums, and miscellaneous records and personal papers. Also included is research material and drafts for Chorlton’s book The First American Republic.
L.R. Chrisman Letter, 1960 (C3240)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Describes Martha Jane Canary Burke (Calamity Jane) in her last years at Deadwood and Belle Fourche, SD, during the late 1890s and early 1900s. She died in 1903 and is buried in Deadwood.
Christ Church Cathedral Photographs, 1845-1980 (P0840)
19 photographs
Portraits of Christ Church Cathedral clergy
Christ Church Episcopal, Rolla, Missouri Records, 1899-1985 (R0161)
26 folders microfilmed
These are records of Christ Church Episcopal in Rolla, Missouri, and its women's auxiliary, St.
Margaret's Guild. Included are records of church services, minutes of committee meetings, and
financial records, 1899-1970, the records of St. Margaret's Guild, ca. 1910-1983, and miscellaneous
historical materials, ca. 1910-1985.
Christ Lutheran Church, Stover, Missouri Records, 1871-1995 (R0545)
(6 rolls of microfilm)
The Christ Lutheran Church, Stover, Missouri Records are records of Christ Lutheran Church at Stover in Morgan County, Missouri. Included are minutes of meetings of the church council, membership registers, records of the Ladies Aid Society, financial records, and historical material.
Robert P. Christeson Collection, 1841-1995 (C3971)
36.0 cubic feet (887 folders), 1387 audio discs, 135 audio tapes, 152 audio cassettes, 112 wire recordings, 3 film reels
The Christeson Collection contains sheet music, song books, and other publications related to square dancing and folk dances, publications on the history of violins and fiddles, catalogs of instruments and musical recordings, correspondence, photographs and family papers, fiddle organization newsletters, fiddle contest flyers and folk festival information, and the working papers of volumes I and II of The Old-Time Fiddler's Repertory. In addition, this collection contains Christeson's original wire recordings, audio tapes, and audio discs of fiddle tunes, jam sessions, fiddle contests, and other folk genres.
Christian College (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1836-1986 (C0038)
30 cubic feet (1,392 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm, 1 card file, 51 lantern slides, 11 audio cassettes
The records of the first women’s college chartered in Missouri, and one of the first chartered west of the Mississippi River, consists of correspondence, catalogs, yearbooks, photographs, and financial records.
Christian Nationalist Crusade Collection, 1945-1968 (S0467)
0.2 cubic foot, 7 folders
Christian Women's Benevolent Association Records, 1899-2011 (S1235)
7.5 cubic feet, 12 oversize volumes, 4 VHS tapes
The Christian Women’s Benevolent Association Records contain Christian Women Benevolent Association (CWBA) Board Meeting Minutes (1899–1952); Christian Old People’s Home Ledgers and Meeting Minutes (1915–1949); Christian Hospital of St. Louis Board Meeting Minutes (1923–1959); and scrapbooks, photographs, videotapes, and ephemera relating to the CWBA’s activities from 1899 – 2011. Most notably, the records include admittance ledgers from the Christian Orphan’s Home as well as the Mothers and Babies Home of St. Louis from 1899 to 1933. The admittance ledgers are a particularly rich source of genealogical information, as they contain applications for entry into the home. Details such as date and place of the child’s birth; vaccination records; parents’ full names, birthplace and occupation, and nationality and religion; and location of the nearest living relative are listed.
Donald M. Christisen Papers, 1870-2003 (C4054)
18.1 cubic feet (409 folders), 2 audio tapes, 27 audio cassettes
The papers of a wildlife field biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation. They include correspondence, field diaries, maps, reports, studies, publications, and photographs. Christisen specialized in the study of native prairie ecosystems, prairie chickens, squirrels, and mast (forage nuts). The papers also include railroad timetables, accident reports, photographs, worker's logs, publications, maps, and blueprints documenting his interest in railroads.
Adrienne Tinker Christopher Papers, 1965 (C2906)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Three short articles concerning incidents, activities and people in early Westport, MO.
Marian Christy Papers, 1967-2022 (CA6748)
0.25 cubic feet
The papers of Marian Christy, a syndicated journalist from the Boston Globe, contains copies of correspondence from politicians and celebrities, and Knifed Watercolors, a book written by Christy. Also includes a booklet from the Museum of Contemporary Art, which contains background information on Christy.
Polly Allen Chung Photograph Collection, 1960s (P0141)
1 folder
Assorted color and b/w prints and negatives related to the Campbell Harrison House during the 1960s when it was connected to the MU Home Economics Department
Church of the Brethren, Missouri-Arkansas District Records, 1891-2008 (CA6293)
17 cubic feet
Magazines, conference minutes, booklets, literature, educational material, manuals, reports, catalogs, notebooks, yearbooks, statistics, and audiovisual material of the Church of the Brethren, founded in 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany, now with members throughout North America and the world.
Church Women United in Missouri, Columbia Unit Records, 1945-2009 (C4183)
4 cubic feet (132 folders)
The records of a Columbia, Missouri, women's church organization, which contains newsletters, reports, directories, membership materials, meeting minutes, notes, financial records, history, scrapbooks, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Church Women United in Missouri Papers, 1948-1976 (C0282)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of the state chapter of a national Christian women's ecumenical organization affiliated with the National Council of Churches. Includes constitutions and bylaws, minutes, annual and triennial reports, lists of officers, financial statements and budgets, correspondence, official histories, programs, proclamations, publicity materials, photographs, and clippings.
Dean Cimaglia Papers, 1907-2011 (S0336)
15 cubic feet
The collection contains correspondence, photographs, reel-to-reel film, cassette and VHS tapes, and yearbooks chronicling Cimaglia's interests in photography, family history, and involvement with the First Baptist Church of St. John, Missouri.
Citizens Council on Housing and Community Planning, Inc. Records, 1948-1962 (S0376)
0.15 cubic foot, 6 folders
The records of the Citizens Council on Housing and Community Planning, Incorporated contain correspondence, bylaws, minutes, project files, notes, and reports. The CCHCP was organized in 1946 by leaders from civic, educational, religious, labor, veteran, and social welfare organizations. It later expanded to include members from architectural, planning, legal, building, and real estate organizations. The purpose of CCHCP was to aid in "Achieving adequate housing in well-planned neighborhoods for every citizen." The CCHCP exerted its influence through educational activities, including public forums, institutes, workshops, courses, newsletters, and meetings. Among other projects, CCHCP favored the development of the Pruitt-Igoe Housing Project.
Citizens for Global Solutions of Greater St. Louis Records, 1947-2012 (S0041)
3 cubic feet, 1 photograph
The records of Citizens for GLOBAL Solutions of Greater St. Louis contain newsletters, correspondence, membership rosters, speeches, reports, bylaws, meeting minutes, and financial materials pertaining to the group's mission to lobby for world peace in a world community where enforceable law replaced armed conflict. The group was founded in 1947 as the World Federalists Association of Greater St. Louis.
Citizenship Education Clearinghouse Records, 1956-1995 (S1033)
13 cubic feet
The Citizenship Education Clearinghouse Records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, grant files, and newsletters pertaining to the organization's mission to integrate participatory citizenship into high school curricula.
City of Rocheport (Mo.) Records, 1887-2017 (CA6025)
42.2 cubic feet, 83 audio cassettes, 1 computer disc
Records of the city of Rocheport, Missouri, include meeting minutes; financial records; files on sewer, street, and waste water improvements; audio cassettes of council meetings; correspondence; materials pertaining to the 1993 Mississippi/Missouri Rivers flood; and files on city hall renovation, planning and zoning, and recreational trails program.
Civic Progress, Incorporated Records, 1953-1984 (S0153)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection contains articles of incorporation, agendas, histories, correspondence, and speeches documenting the organization’s efforts to support long-range infrastructure and culture improvements in St. Louis City.
Civil Research Institute Records, 1920-1966 (K0071)
15 c.f.
Working papers for the Institute, whose purpose was to study problems in the Kansas City area with regard to politics, health, police, city budgets, charters, and state reorganization, independent of influences of local governments. The work involved preparing in-depth studies of the specific problem, its causes and possible solutions. These records contain much of the raw data collected during the research process.
Civil War Commemorative Envelope, 1961 (C2811)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Envelope commemorating the Civil War battles of Wilson's Creek, Springfield, and Oak Hill.
Civil War Round Table of St. Louis Newsletters, 1958-1967 (S0324)
1 microfilm roll
Volumes 1-3 of Bushwacker, the official publication of the Civil War Round Table of St. Louis, containing information on the association's activities and the history of the Civil War.
"Civil War, Missouri: 'The Road to Secession,'" Alan Weber, 1966 (C3084)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a paper written for a school project by a 17-year-old high school student.
Civilian Conservation Corps, Camp No. 3737, Collection, 1935-1983 (R0177)
3 folders
The Civilian Conservation Corps, Camp No. 3737 Collection contains photocopies of correspondence, camp newspapers, and a scrapbook pertaining to the CCC camp near Lynchburg, Laclede County, Missouri. There are also a few items from camps in Winona and Sumner, Missouri, and newspaper clippings regarding reunions in 1983 of former CCC trainees in Missouri.
Charles Edward Clark Papers, 1930-2006 (K0673)
6 c.f.
Research materials of a former Regional Director of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Includes newspaper clippings, journals, magazines, brochures, flyers, newsletters, and audio cassettes.
Christopher Jackson Clark Papers, 1941-2014 (K0555)
11 cubic feet (333 folders, 1 CD, 1 DVD, 142 photographs, 67 slides, 17 items)
The Christopher Jackson Clark Papers consist of correspondence, training and operation materials, publications, photographs, and artifacts pertaining to his career with Trans World Airlines, his contribution redefining retirement within the organization, and his involvement with Save-A-Connie.
Dave P. Clark Architectural Records, 1927-1986 (C4461)
3.0 cubic feet (161 folders, 18 oversize folders)
Sketches, blueprints, project files, and office papers of architect Dave P. Clark, including materials from the firms of Berry McAlester, Harry Satterlee Bill, and Deering and Clark.
Victor E. Clark Collection, 1968-1969 (S0014)
0.01 cubic foot, 8 folders
The Victor E. Clark Collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting Clark's attempt in 1968-1969 to create a "Hitler Museum" of the former Nazi buildings and bunkers in Obersalzberg, Germany.
Clay County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1830-1980 (P1112)
An artificial collection of photographs of Clay County, Missouri, including photographs of the James Farm, Excelsior Springs, Liberty, Watkins Mill, and other settlements and features in the county.
Clemons Family Papers, 1922-1967 (C0488)
0.2 cubic feet
Papers of Clemons family of Harviell, Butler County, MO. Includes correspondence to Suzanna and Charles Clemons of Minneapolis, MN, from their relatives in Harviell. The letters describe farming and family life in the region. The papers also include a postcard, five photographs, and a menu and roster from Jefferson Barracks, MO, Army camp.
Clergy and Laity Concerned (CALC), St. Louis Branch Records, 1966-1990 (S0691)
1 cubic foot, 28 folders, 21 negatives
James Weldon Click Papers, 1933-1963 (S0507)
13 cubic feet, 503 folders, 4 photographs, 1 16mm film
The James Weldon Click papers primarily document his efforts to rid United Electrical Local 1102 of Communist influence and establish the new International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America-CIO, (IUERNWA). The collection contains meeting minutes, convention materials, correspondence, labor agreements, photographs, and a scrapbook.
Charles V. Clifford Scrapbooks, 1914-1970 (C3619)
1.7 cubic feet (117 folders)
St. Louis Municipal Opera memorabilia, including the history of the summer theatre in Forest Park, programs, articles on musicals held through the years, stars and casts, and photographs.
Jessie Alice Cline Papers, 1920-1991 (C4459)
8.0 cubic feet (156 folders), 7 oversize items
The papers of a restaurant owner and operator and Professor of Home Economics at the University of Missouri, include correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbook material, and research materials concerning the restaurant industry and food preparation.
Marcia Cline Papers, 1964-2016 (S0333)
2 cubic feet
The collection contains photographs, correspondence, research notes, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the Labor Movement in St. Louis, including the Coalition for Labor Union Women. Included in the collection is correspondence between Marcia Cline and other women in the labor movement; topics of interest include implementing a mass socialist movement in the United States.
Clinton Daily Democrat Records, 1880s-2008 (CA6644)
2.5 cubic feet
The records of the Clinton Daily Democrat contain photographs, correspondence, printed material, and miscellaneous. The newspaper began operating in Henry County, Missouri, in 1868.
Coalition for Information on School Desegregation Records, 1954-1984 (S0448)
4 cubic feet, 325 folders
The Coalition for Information on School Desegregation was founded in 1981 to provide information on school desegregation in the St. Louis metropolitan area through a speakers' bureau, resource center, and newsletter. This collection includes reports, meeting minutes, newsletters, news clippings, and court documents on school desegregation cases.
Coates House Restoration Records, 1886-1982 (K0214)
0.3 c.f.
Relate to the purchase and subsequent resale of the Coates House, a historic hotel in Kansas City, MO by The Historic Kansas City Foundation. includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, Coates House Task Force minutes, contracts, fundraising efforts, and handwritten notes.
Earlene Coburn Papers, 1897-1994 (S0564)
0.8 cubic feet
The Earlene Coburn Papers contain photographs and correspondence documenting her childhood and early adulthood in St. Louis, Missouri. Materials of interest include images of Coburn participating Job's Daughters International events, a masonic fraternal order for girls and young women.
W. J. Cochran Construction Company Records, 1870-1982 (C4469)
13.8 cubic feet (323 folders, 6 oversize folders), 7 audio cassettes
Architectural project files, blueprints, correspondence, estimates, and oral histories from a Boonville, Missouri, construction company that was in existence for over one hundred years from 1870-1981. Includes plans for schools, businesses, residences, post offices, and other public buildings in mid-Missouri counties.