

Teresa Gallagher Papers, 1927-1988 (S0871)
5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, newspaper clippings, articles, photographs, and audio recordings. The materials in this collection document Teresa Gallagher’s involvement with the Thomas A. Dooley Foundation, the Tom Dooley Heritage, Inc., and other organizations and people who worked to continue Dr. Tom Dooley’s mission to provide medical care to developing nations. The collection also includes information regarding Gallagher’s book Give Joy to My Youth: A Memoir of Dr. Tom Dooley.

James and Hope Edwards Terrell Papers, (CG0054)

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of letters, newspaper clippings, photographs, negatives, schoolwork, and other materials from James Terrell and Hope Edwards Terrell, in addition to letters, drawings, and other materials from members of the Edwards family. The collection also contains playbills, programs, tickets, photographs, correspondence, articles, and newspaper clippings related to the Sikeston Little Theater, as well as its cast and crew. 

Ben Terte Papers, 1921-1977 (K0758)
1.92 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Benjamin Terte Papers contains correspondence, publications, scrapbooks, and a published biography by Benjamin Terte's daughter, Carol Terte Gill.


The Legal Aid Society of the City and County of St. Louis, 1956-1970 (S0458)
0.4 cubic foot

The Legal Aid Society of the City and County of St. Louis was formed in 1956 to provide indigents with legal representation in civil cases. The Society began representing community organizations in 1969 and lost its affiliation with the United Fund for defending non-indigents and militant groups. The collection includes newspaper clippings, a report of the Bar Association's investigating committee, independent contributions, correspondence, and committee memorandum.


The Mirror Collection, 1952-1953 (R0866)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are four issues of 'The Mirror: Reflections from the Sports, Entertainment and Other Fronts,' from 1952 and 1953. Edited by Paul Stubblefield, 'The Mirror' was published weekly at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. It contained television schedules, listings for dances, concerts, meetings, recreational activities and sporting events, and advertisments for local businesses.


The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection, 1950-1960 (SP0043)
1 cubic foot (2 folders, 2 oversize)

 Finding Aid

The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection contains brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, and restaurant menus from locations across southwest Missouri. Material continues to be added to the collection.

Theater Programs, St. Louis, Missouri Collection, 1852-1953 (S0595)
0.25 cubic foot, 12 folders

 Finding Aid

This collection contains play bills and programs of theater productions at St. Louis theaters from 1853-1917.


Theatrical Mutual Association (TMA) Lodge 13 Records, 1910-1995 (K1217)
0.31 c.f. (1 folder 1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Includes scrapbook containing minutes of the TMA club, and a history of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)-Local 31 by Ray Maier.


Edward J. Thias Papers, 1954-2002 (S0742)
0.4 cubic foot, 11 folders

 Finding Aid

The papers of Edward J. Thias Papers contain books written and/or illustrated by Thias, including works about his participation in World War II, Missouri architecture, Thias family genealogy, and collected pencil sketches. In addition, this collection contains many unbound, original pencil sketches of various St. Louis and Missouri landmarks and attractions.


Thixton Family Papers, 1860s-2007 (C4726)
0.4 cubic foot (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

Photographs and miscellaneous family papers pertaining to Burton Ellsworth Thixton, Deliah Comer Thixton and their descendants in Moniteau, Morgan, and Benton Counties, Missouri.

Thomas M. Binger Collection, 1888-2025 (CA5812)
31.8 cubic feet, 1 audio disc, 4 video cassettes, 20 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Collection of U.S. railroad timetables, publications, promotional material, photographs and miscellaneous material, and newsletters of Missouri railroad enthusiast organizations, Mid-Missouri Railfans and the St. Louis chapter of the National Railway Historical Society. Also includes some personal and family material.

Alexander Napier Thomas Papers, 1862-1971 (K0169)
0.20 c.f. (18 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters and documents related to Thomas' service in the Civil War including a significant number written while a prisoner-of-war in Libby Prison. Also included are membership certificates and notices of election to public office and speeches Thomas delivered as part of his public career as mayor of Aurora, NE, state representative from Hamilton County, NE.

David E. and Horace E. Thomas Papers, 1904-1985 (C4002)
2.0 cubic feet (114 folders), 4 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of David E. Thomas, Congregational minister and professor of religion, and his son, Horace E. Thomas, a Columbia, Missouri, surgeon who spent World War II in military hospitals in the South Pacific consist of correspondence, manuscripts, class notes, research notes, photographs, printed articles and pamphlets, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous materials related to their careers, including research for Horace’s medical school thesis, Chronic Radiation Poisoning in Rats.


Dorothy Brown Thompson Papers, 1860-1994 (K0695)
52 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers, writings, and research materials of Thompson, a poet and genealogist. Includes personal and professional materials: poetry manuscripts, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, and ephemera. Secondly, her extensive genealogical research includes specific family lines, correspondence, and historical publications. Also materials of her husband and son.


Henry C. Thompson Collection, 1820-1957 (P0354)
21 photographs

Facsimile of signatures of Missouri governors, 1820-1940, photos of Henry C. Thompson and some of his paintings, early notable Missourians, St. Francois County, mining, and images relating to Mormons.


Henry C. Thompson Papers, 1884-1970 (R0047)
2.25 cubic feet (89 folders, 4 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Henry C. Thompson Papers contain the original and microfilm copy of papers of a trustee of the State Historical Society of Missouri, genealogist, and a historian of mining in St. Francois County and the operations of the St. Joseph Lead Company. The collection includes research notes and correspondence, and a group of lead company records, 1884-1902.

J. G. Thompson Papers, 1920-1951, 1999 (C4638)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains five time books (1920-1951) of a railroad conductor from Hannibal, Missouri, who worked for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. Also included is a Thompson family history based on the time books written by Thompson's son, postcards, and miscellaneous materials.

Alvin J. Thornton Papers, 1940-2001 (C4041)
2.0 cubic feet (72 folders), 1 audio disc

 Finding Aid

The papers of Alvin "Jack" Thornton, a former World War II B-24 pilot and POW, include photographs, correspondence, diaries, and miscellaneous materials relating to his military service and family.

James T. Thorp Scrapbooks, 1840-1955 (C1429)
1.5 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Materials collected and organized by Thorp as histories of the Missouri River, steamboats, and Miami, MO. Includes photographs, newspaper clippings, bills, receipts, excerpts from the MIAMI WEEKLY NEWS, and miscellaneous items.


Hester I. Thurston Papers, 1955-1989 (K1250)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Subject files concerning seminars and workshops that Thurston, Director of Continuing Nursing Education at the University of Kansas Medical Center, either attended or taught. Includes correspondence, course outlines, lectures, and other supplemental educational materials. Also correspondence concerning nursing school accreditation committees.


Tibbe-Cuthbertson Family Papers, 1846-1986 (C3711)
1.2 cubic feet (59 folders), 2 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Washington, Missouri, family whose patriarch, Henry Tibbe, and his son, Anton, founded the Missouri Meerschaum Company, include family and business correspondence, genealogy, property deeds, an early history of the Missouri Meerschaum Company, material on a patent infringement dispute, pipe catalogs, clippings, and photographs.


Louise Wilder Smith Tierney Papers, 1953 (K0032)
0.08 c.f. (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Copy of original script of "Fort Osage-Mother of the West", a play written by Louise Wilder Smith, Missouri native and author, and supporting materials related to its production at the Fort Osage Pageant of 1953.


Virginia P. Tindall Papers, 1931-1990 (C4258)
0.45 cubic feet (9 folders, 1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Virginia P. Tindall contain information about the Women’s International Auxiliary to the International Typographical Union, photographs, convention materials, and other information pertaining to Tindall’s activities working in labor rights.

Thomas Britt Todd Medical Account Books, 1910-1958 (C2221)
0.25 cubic feet (12 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Medical account books and records of a general practitioner in Nevada, MO. Descriptions of service, medication, fee, and amounts paid. Notes on drugs, metric charts, obstetrics records and records of births and vaccinations.


Thomas M. Todd Papers, 1938-1950 (C3790)
0.8 cubic feet (46 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of Thomas McCutcheon Todd, a World War II soldier from Nevada, Missouri, comprised primarily of letters written to Todd’s family. Many of the letters were written while Todd was in military training and during his enlistment in the U.S. Army; they detail issues of work, family, war, and death during the 1940s.

William Miles Todd Collection, 1864-1984 (C4595)
0.5 cubic feet (10 folders, 4 volumes, 1 oversize item)

 Finding Aid

Genealogical information and photographs of the Todd and related families of northwest Missouri as well as unpublished manuscripts on Gentry and Worth Counties.


Ruth Brent Tofle Papers, 1930-2008 (C4188)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a member of the University of Missouri-Columbia, Campus Planning Committee for Facilities and Grounds. The material includes correspondence and reports. There are also two folders containing both personal and professional correspondence of the Belcher and Troxell families.


Toll-German-Kemper Family Papers, c. 1850-1973 (C4244)
3 cubic feet (95 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of the Toll, German, Kemper and related families, of the Kansas City and Jackson County, Missouri, area contain correspondence, genealogical material, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and extensive photographs.


Fannie Marie Tolson Papers, 1890s-2005 (C1704)
2.3 cubic feet (63 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 1 DVD

 Finding Aid

Fannie Marie Tolson was the first African-American educator to teach in the desegregated schools of Fayette, Missouri. Her papers include family correspondence and photographs, memorabilia from Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, teaching aids, documents concerning St. Paul's Methodist Church in Fayette, and recordings of two interviews conducted with Tolson.


Henry Tomas Papers, 1950-1985 (S0810)
5 cubic feet, 32 folders, 90 photographs, 43 volumes

 Finding Aid

The Henry Tomas Papers include correspondence, sheet music, collections of stamps and postcards, and photographs. It also contains a series of newspaper clippings in Lithuanian. Henry Justine Tomas was born in Russia in 1918 and grew up in Lithuania. He worked as a translator for the United States intelligence services. He published Lietusviskasis Pamarys: Pakalnes ir Labguvos apskritys (“The Lithuanian Seashore: with local names and map”) in 1975.



Joanna Benecke Townsend Family Papers, 1846-2002 (K1222)
9 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Includes correspondence and postcards, financial records, newspaper clippings, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) materials, home movies, and Townsend genealogical notes/individual profiles. Also Townsend's personal diaries kept in the later years of her life.


E.B. Trail Collection, 1858-1965 (C2071)
4.2 cubic feet (279 folders, 62 volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, bills of lading, notes, photographs, clippings, periodicals, scrapbooks, account books, freight books, cabin registers, and portage books of E.B. Trail, collector of the history and memorabilia of steamboating on the Missouri River and its tributaries.

E.B. Trail Photograph Collection, 1845-1963 (P0021)
1.1 cubic feet (513 photographs)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Dr. E. B. Trail, St. Louis was a collector of steamboat images and articles, which he kept in scrapbooks. Includes images of steamboats, rivers, and other boating-related scenes.

Donald H. Tranin Papers, 1930-2007 (K0694)
7 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of Donald Tranin, his father Earl Tranin (1896-1979), and the Paper Supply Company of Kansas City, MO. Included are political activities, investments in businesses and real estate, and civic activities.


Trans World Airlines (TWA) Records, 1929-2002 (K0453)
280 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Records and publications of the Airline including information about flight incidents, personnel, and aircraft.

Frank E. Trask Architectural Records, 1907-1959 (K0711)
11 c.f.

Architectural drawings, photographs, and other documents related to Trask's work as an architect in Kansas City, MO.


Paul Travers Collection, 1926-1957 (S1101)
0.8 cubic foot, 12 folders

 Finding Aid

The Paul Travers Collection contains scholarly articles written by John Dewey, as well as ephemera from the St. Louis Browns.



Charles Trefts Papers, 1903-1963 (C3465)
0.2 cubic feet, 4 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

Business correspondence, financial papers, photographic salon stickers, prizes, and other items of St. Louis professional photographer Charles Trefts, organizer of the Advertising Slide Company. His photographic collection was presented to the State Historical Society in 1964.


Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs

 Digitized Materials

This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.

George Wesley Trefts Papers, 1936-1962 (C1422)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a photographer and member of he United States 79th Fighter Group stationed in northern Africa and Italy during World War II. Includes correspondence, clippings, and photographs.


William Maclaren Trenholme Letters, 1931-1963 (C3357)
1.25 cubic feet (98 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains personal letters written by Trenholme to his mother, Louise Trenholme Stephens. Trenholme was a naval officer and later a nuclear physicist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There are also letters from Trenholme’s wife, mother-in-law, and other relatives.

Tri-State Mining Superfund Site, 1945-2018 (SP0019)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Tri-State Mining Superfund Site records contain the research of Shanen Givone into the environmental impact of nuclear contamination and mining in the Joplin area and into Kansas.


Trinity Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Records, 1946-1972 (R0529)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Trinity Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Records are the constitution and bylaws from 1946 and an illustrated roster of the members of Trinity Lutheran Church dated 1972 at Cole Camp in Benton County, Missouri. 


Belle Alexander Troxell Collection, 1857-1951 (C3460)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

Programs, clippings, photographs, postcards, and miscellaneous items, collected by a Columbia, Missouri, resident and member of several women's organizations.



Marion A. Trozzolo Papers, 1951-1989 (K0835)
5 c.f.

Papers of Trozzolo, businessman, inventor, and leader in the re-development and revival of the River Quay District of Kansas City, MO. Includes clippings, photographs, correspondence, business records, abstracts, court transcripts, posters, and his book, "Tales of River Quay".


Cyrus R. Truitt Scrapbooks, 1893-1963 (C1432)
0.6 cubic feet (6 volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks of photographs of Novinger and Adair County, Missouri, 1893-1963, with explanations and captions by Truitt. Pictorial history of coal mining in western Adair County. Truitt titled the scrapbooks “Mostly Ghosts.”


Harry S. Truman Photograph Collection, 1941-1957 (P0189)

7 b/w photos (some with negatives) of bust views for Harry S. Truman, U.S. Senator from Missouri and, in 1952, U.S. President, from 1941 (2), 1952 (3), and 1957 (2). Photos from 1952 contain a written message to the SHS from and signature of Mr. Truman.

Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis Records, 1911-1960 (S0293)
10 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, and reports documenting the Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis's mission to prevent, relieve, and control the spread of tuberculosis in the St. Louis area.


E.W. Tucker Papers, 1920-1980 (C4000)
1.2 cubic feet (65 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Colonel Eugene W. Tucker, staff member and later executive officer of Kemper Military School, include lecture material, articles, speeches, correspondence, school catalogs, financial reports, and miscellaneous items.


William C. Tucker Photograph Collection, 1958, 1962 (P1045)

Five photographs of Warrensburg, MO, ca. 1958-1962.
