Richard Drace White Papers, 1895-1953 (C3624)
0.5 cubic feet (42 folders)
Unpublished autobiography, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings of a Missourian who graduated from the United States Naval Academy, spent forty years on active duty in the Navy, was made a Rear Admiral, and served in the diplomatic corps.
T.E. White Notebooks, 1892-1897 (C0988)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Notebooks kept by a state veterinarian listing calls and symptoms of cattle examined.
Thomas B. Whitledge Papers, 1874-1916 (R0276)
(22 folders)
These are letters to Thomas B. Whitledge, an attorney and politician in St. Marys, Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri. Correspondents include Edward A. Rozier, Benjamin B. Cahoon, and Richard C. Kerens. Subjects include levee districts, railroads, oil exploration, and the Republican Party. Topics in the latter category include patronage, religious toleration, and the Taft/Roosevelt split of 1912.
William Brewer Whitlow Papers, 1894-1943 (C0035)
30.8 cubic feet (2,781 folders), 3 rolls of microfilm (13 volumes only on microfilm)
The Papers of William Brewer Whitlow contain materials pertaining to the liquidation of seventy-seven insolvent banks in Missouri. Whitlow, a lawyer from Fulton, was appointed to liquidate the banks. Also includes Whitlow's political papers as chairman, Callaway County Democratic Committee; member, State Democratic Committee, 1937-1939; and state senator from the 10th district, 1938-1942. These papers concern campaign programs, publicity and speakers; public opinion and reaction to proposed legislation; constituent requests and endorsements; and Senate bills, amendments and committee work.
Donald R. Whitman Collection, 1874-2008 (SP0079)
2.5 cubic feet (42 folders, 50 photographs, 4 VHS tapes, 5 oversize items)
The Donald R. Whitman Collection contains the personal papers of Donald Ray Whitman, including correspondence, genealogical records, and photographs. The collection also documents Whitman’s service in the United States Air Force and his work in the Marshall Islands during Operation Ivy in 1952, as well as his career with the National Weather Service in Kansas City, Missouri.
Pierre A.V. Wibaux Papers, 1881-1927 (C2656)
1 cubic foot
Negative photostats of letters from Wibaux, who immigrated from France to Montana in 1881, to his brother Joseph. Includes business letters and contract re. His cattle ranch and gold mine, newspaper articles, photographs and Joseph's notes. English translation follows each item.
Otto Widmann Collection, 1898-1965 (C4001)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)
The collection contains correspondence, notes, publications, and miscellaneous material compiled by Daniel McKinley for a biography of Otto Widmann, an ornithologist from St. Louis, Missouri.
Elsie Arline Stults Wiedenhoeft Papers, 1700-1983 (C4173)
0.8 cubic feet (35 folders)
Correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs and genealogical material of the Stults, Roach, Niedhamer, Middleton, Earhart, and related families.
Clara L. Wilber Papers, 1885-1933 (SP0100)
0.4 cubic foot (8 folders, 1 photograph)
The Clara L. Wilber Papers contain the personal papers and handwritten poems of Carthage, Missouri, woman Clara Luella Wilber.
Wilbert S. Myers Papers, 1880-1937 (C4343)
0.8 cubic feet (11 folders)
This collection includes diaries of Wilbert S. "Wib" Myers from 1887-1907. Also includes an autograph book from Emma Josephine Wheeler along with tintypes of her with family and friends in 1891. Wilbert S. Myers also wrote "Record of Life Events" and "Births, Marriages, Deaths" of citizens of Miami, Missouri and Whittier, California.
Russel Wilbur Papers, 1856-1919 (C4283)
0.25 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers of Russel Wilbur contain minute books and correspondence from St. Louis organizations attended by Reverend Russel Wilbur. Other volumes include personal diaries and poetry books that belonged to Wilbur's mother, Charlotte Wilbur.
Mildred Durr Wilcox Papers, 1859-2010 (CA6640)
1.4 cubic feet
The papers of Mildred Durr Wilcox include correspondence, photographs, business records, family papers, genealogy, legal documents, deeds, and miscellaneous material.
Laura Ingalls Wilder Papers, 1894-1943 (C3633)
3 rolls of microfilm (34 folders)
Papers of the author of the "Little House" series of children's stories. Manuscripts, a diary and some correspondence are included.
Robert S. Wiley Collection, 1869-1994 (R0521)
8.5 cubic feet (177 folders, 639 photographs, 25 slides, 2 audio discs, 13 oversize folders)
The Robert S. Wiley Collection consists of legal documents, publications, promotional material, and ephemera related to Missouri, specifically Stone County, and to travel, tourism and recreation in the White River region of Missouri and Arkansas. The collection also contains material largely focused on Missouri State Representative Dewey Short and the Republican Party.
Frank Courtney Wilkinson Family Papers, 1862-1958 (K0713)
41 c.f.
Wilkinson was an attorney, banker, real estate businessman, and member of the Missouri House of Representatives. Includes notebooks, photographs, memorabilia, correspondence among family member, high school and college coursework, Navy publications and printed material used in son Frank Lee Wilkinson's training during World War II, and genealogical research and family history.
James L. Wilkinson Papers, 1877-1913 (C0187)
0.25 cubic feet (12 folders)
Papers of a Franklin County, MO, area teacher. Includes personal account books, 1884-1911; Grange Mutual Aid Society account book, 1877-1885; Missouri teaching certificates, 1878-1905; a "Manual of Ironton Public Schools;" a pamphlet entitled "Silver Nuggets" by Lon V. Sephens; and miscellaneous pamphlets and essays.
Willett Family Papers, 1883-1982 (C4233)
1.5 cubic feet (34 folders), 10 volumes
The papers of the Willett Family document the professional and civic activities of Rollin and Seena Willett family of Columbia, Missouri, including their involvement with the White Shrine of Jerusalem and the Athens Rebekah Lodge.
William Latour Photographs, 1869-1910 (P1192)
Photographs by William Latour of Sedalia, including studio portraits and photos from a tour to Egypt and Jerusalem, ca. 1910.
William Volker and Company Records, 1893-1964 (K0059)
14 c.f.
The William Volker Company provided William Volker with the means to become a major philanthropist in Kansas City, Missouri. Included is limited correspondence, Company records pertaining to sales, accounts, employee policies, and photographs of employees. Also included are requests for financial assistance from the William Volker Fund.
William Woods University Records, 1880s-2000s (CA6180)
140.85 cubic feet, 26 oversize volumes, 9 oversize items, 1 audio tape
Academic and administrative records of school established in 1870 in Camden Point, Missouri, and moved to Fulton, Missouri, in 1890. Includes yearbooks, newspapers, newsletters, catalogs, student scrapbooks and photograph albums, and materials of Olympian Helen Stephens.
Williams Family Papers, circa 1861-2000s (R1308)
(10 folders, 121 photographs)
These are photographs, business papers, genealogical materials, and other items from the Williams, Sturgeon, Watson and allied families of Phelps County, Missouri. Included are papers concerning pyrite mining in Phelps County and a rare view of the village of Beulah around 1906.
C.C. Williams Papers, 1897 (C1530)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain a quitclaim deed to Williams of Pettis County, MO, from the Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company and the Merchants Insurance Company, under the name of Rhode Island Underwriters Association.
George Williams Papers, 1892 (R1384)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The George Williams Papers contain the testimonies for those who witnessed the murder of George Williams a deputy sheriff in Taney County, Missouri. He was killed by a mob in March 1892.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams Photograph Collection, 1871-1945 (P0535)
45 photographs
Copy photo of Presbyterian Church, ca. 1871, Boonville. Photos of Phelps, Franklin, Carter, Greene, and Crawford counties, focusing particularly on caves and other natural features.
Orsono Ayers Williams Papers, 1861-1903 (C3135)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Civil War correspondence of O.A. Williams, Confederate army surgeon, and his friends and relatives, containing a mixture of family matters and local news.
Roy D. Williams Papers, 1853-1972 (C3769)
2.0 cubic feet (122 folders)
Papers of Judge Roy D. Williams of Boonville, Missouri, containing speeches (primarily on local and regional history), historical notes, clippings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellany.
Sara Lockwood Williams Papers, 1885-1961 (C2533)
27.5 cubic feet (1433 folders, 54 volumes)
The papers of Sara Lockwood Williams and Walter Williams; material on their journalistic careers; and information on the founding of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and Walter Williams' presidency of the University, 1931-1935.
Williams-Shaw Family Papers, 1796-1904 (C0189)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Papers of a Virginia family who moved to Rutherford County, Tennessee, in the 1830s and to Cass County, Missouri, in the 1860s. Includes tax receipts, legal documents regarding land purchases, accounts, and plans and lists of materials for building a barn, 1867.
Willis Family Papers, 1843-1908 (C0419)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Correspondence between A.F. Willis on a trip to the West and his wife in Fayette, MO. He spent several years in California, working in the gold fields and other jobs. Also letters from A.J.'s brother, W.F. Willis, from Alabama and miscellaneous letters and papers.
Wilson Family Papers, 1898-1926 (C0438)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Biographical sketches, 1898, of John Wilson and R.P.C. Wilson, Platte County, MO, politicians; resolution about Platte County delegates to constitutional convention; letter, 1926, with Civil War reminiscences of Confederate troops under Sterling Price.
Cora M. Wilson Collection, 1884-1903 (P0837)
6 photographs
Portraits of Joseph W. Folk, David R. Francis, and James W. Van Cleave.
Francis M. Wilson Papers, 1853-1946 (C1039)
27.4 cubic feet, 14 oversize volumes
Papers of a U.S. district attorney, receiver for the Kansas City Railways Company, and Democratic nominee for governor of Missouri in 1928 and 1932, who died a month before the election of 1932. Also papers concerning his father, R.P.C. Wilson, I.
James Wilson Papers, 1864-1951 (C1994)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of James Wilson contain documents pertaining to the death of Major Wilson, U.S. Army, who was shot by Confederate forces near Union, MO, in 1864.
Laurel E. Wilson Papers, 1860-2008 (K0594)
1 c.f.
Research files of Wilson, Professor Emerita and former curator of the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection-University of Missouri-Columbia, concerning the history of the Kansas City Garment Industry.
E.J. Winkelmeyer Photograph Collection, 1890 (P1007)
Photograph of the old Boone County Courthouse
Winterbower-Wooldridge Family Papers, 1836-1926 (C3046)
2 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, legal documents, financial records, and miscellaneous items of the Winterbowers and Wooldridges, prominent Cooper County, Missouri, families.
Wise Family Photographs, 1893-1904 (P0874)
8 photographs
Photos of and relating to the Wise family of Kirskville, MO.
Frank Oliver Wiziarde Papers, 1887-1993 (K0322)
16 c.f.
Wiziarde was Whizzo the Clown, much beloved television personality airing and at other venues in the Kansas City area and Topeka, KS. Includes news clippings, correspondence, Whizzo show ideas, magazines, photographs, circus contracts, posters, masks, banners, flyers and videotape and film.
Robert Oliver Wiziarde Papers, 1894-1980 (K1157)
0.01 c.f.
Research notes and short biography and copies of correspondence and music written by Wiziarde, a composer, playwright, poet, and author in the Kansas City region.
Theodore H. Wolff Papers, 1865-1979 (C3057)
0.8 cubic feet
Manuscripts, correspondence, and research materials used by Reverend Theodore Wolff in his writings. Also information on the Methodist movement in Missouri and other religious sectors.
Wolkow and Benjamin Family Papers, 1831-1978 (K1241)
3 c.f.
Genealogical charts of the David Hersh Wolkow and David Benjamavich [Benjamin] families.
Woman's Society of Christian Service, Methodist Church Papers, 1879-1971 (C3120)
8 cubic feet
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, programs, committee and officers reports, pamphlets and published volumes of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. Correspondence covers years 1940-1944. The bulk of the collection covers years 1940-1968.
Woman, Church and State, 1893 (C3598)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Book by the president of Woman's National Liberal Union in which she portrays Christianity as degrading to women because it teaches that they are inferior to men and are responsible for bringing sin into the world.
Women of the Mansion Photograph Collection, 1834-1933 (P0536)
0.5 linear feet
Photos of Missouri first ladies, female relatives of the governor, and the governor's mansion. Many images used in their book Women of the Mansion, Missouri, 1821-1936
Women's Association of the First Congregational Church, Kansas City, MO Records, 1886-1933 (K0001)
0.3 c.f., folders
These records include minute books and financial records for this organization.
Women's Home Missionary Union of Missouri Records, 1885-1914 (K0002)
0.3 c.f., 8 folders
These records include financial records for the organization.
Wood & Huston Bank (Marshall, Mo.) Records, 1881-1913 (C4539)
0.4 cubic feet (2 oversize volumes)
The records of the bank consist of a remittance ledger (1881-1902) and a loan book (1881-1913).
Wood Family Papers, 1702-1978 (C4208)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
Correspondence, genealogical material, transcriptions of wills and deeds, notes, and clippings related to the Wood, Warren, Gibbs, Church, Peabody, and other connected families. The Wood family appears to have originated from York, England, then settled in Maine, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Bristol County, Massachusetts. The majority of the material focuses on the 1700s.
Grace Wood Papers, 1859-1895 (C0441)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Land patents and other documents.
Wood-Smith Family Papers, 1864-1987 (C3857)
5.2 cubic feet (306 folders), 5 DVDs, 1 audio tape
Correspondence, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, photographs and films of two Missouri families with roots in Jasper and Pike Counties. Guy M. Wood was First Associate City Counsellor for the city of St. Louis in the early 1930s. Roy G. Smith served nearly fifty years with the Young Men’s Christian Association in the Philippines, Peru, and the United States.