St. Charles County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1887-1968 (P1149)
An artificial collection of photographs of St. Charles County, Missouri.
St. Clair County, Missouri, School District Records, 1899-1952 (C4287)
0.4 cubic feet (15 folders), 8 oversize volumes
The records of the St. Clair County, Missouri, School District contain teacher's student records, term reports to District Clerk, Board of Education meeting minutes, and Annual School Enumeration Records.
St. Clair County, Missouri, School Record Book, 1892-1904 (C1226)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Includes minutes of board meetings and names of resident taxpayers for the Oak Grove School District No. 7, Township 37, Range 24, St. Clair County, MO.
St. Clair County, Missouri, School Record Book, 1897-1904 (C1227)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Teacher's daily register for Oak Grove School District No. 7, St. Clair County, MO. Also includes two pages of a daily record kept by J.P. Green, Kings Prairie School District No. 1, Dallas Township, St. Clair County, 1882.
St. Ferdinand's Chruch, Florissant, Missouri Records, 1792-1977 (S0432)
5 microfilm rolls
Established in 1789 as the first church in Florissant, Missouri, St. Ferdinand's was the focal point of the Catholic Indian Mission Movement of the 19th century with Father DeSmet and Mother Duchesne both active there. The records include registers for baptisms, first communions and confirmations, marriages, burials, and financial records of both Old St. Ferdinand's (1789-1955) and New St. Ferdinand's Church (1955- ). In Latin, French, and English.
St. James, Missouri Collection, 1869-1980 (R1528)
3 cubic feet (31 folders, 6 oversize folders, 141 photographs, 2 glass plate negatives)
The James Memorial Library Collection contains photographs, genealogical records, maps, organizational records, publications, papers, and scrapbooks collected by James Memorial Public Library in St. James, Phelps County, Missouri.
St. Joe Minerals Corporation Collection, 1864-1974 (R0048)
(12 rolls of microfilm)
hese are business records from mining concerns in Missouri's "Old Lead Belt." The collection
includes records from the St. Joseph Lead Company, the Doe Run Lead Company, the Bonne
Terre Farming and Cattle Company, and the Mine La Motte Corporation.
St. John's United Church of Christ (Pinckney, Mo.) Records, 1870-1978 (C3615)
1 roll of microfilm (1 folder, 2 volumes)
Church records, including births, confirmations, marriages, deaths, communions, family register, collections, and love offerings. The church was established in 1870 with fourteen families included in its membership.
St. John's United Church of Christ (Concordia, Mo.) Records, 1863-1933 (C3905)
4 folders, 1 roll of microfilm
The records of St. John's United Church of Christ include the constitution, minutes, and annual reports of the church. The records are in German. A translation of the records is included in the collection.
St. Joseph Lead Mining Company Papers, 1800, 1892 (C0574)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The St. Joseph Lead Mining Company Papers consist of a positive photostat of a Spanish land grant for an area that was later purchased by St. Joseph Lead Mining Company. Also included is an illustrated booklet, compiled by J. Wyman Jones, detailing history of the company.
St. Joseph, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1865-1966 (P0954)
6 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs depicting the city of St. Joseph and its residents.
St. Louis Desegregation Case Records, 1849-1986 (S0684)
3 cubic feet, 35 folders
This collection contains legal materials, reports, and analyses pertaining to Craton Liddell vs. the Board of Education, City of St. Louis. Minnie Liddell, the mother of Craton Liddell, organized a boycott against the Board of Education of the City of St. Louis in 1971 after the school board announced that they would bus her son from the overcrowded Yeatman School to a substandard school outside Liddell's neighborhood. The Board of Education relented to the boycott, and transferred her son to another school. Liddell continued her fight, filing a lawsuit against the Board of Education in 1972. The lawsuit was finally settled in 1999 and resulted in a city-wide busing plan that encompassed sixteen school districts in the St. Louis area, known as the Voluntary Interdistrict Transfer Program.
St. Louis History Slide Shows, 1984-1986 (S0519)
0.8 cubic foot, 6 folders, 561 slides, 5 reel-to-reel audio tapes, 7 audio cassette tapes, and 1 videotape
The St. Louis History Slide Shows contains three slide shows: a forty-minute presentation highlighting women who have made significant contributions to St. Louis, a slide show about the Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis Research Center’s labor history collections, and a slide show about the St. Louis Collection.
St. Louis Iron and Machine Works Letter Books, 1896-1898 (C1231)
0.23 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Letters signed by G.H. Krutzsch, vice president, and W. Brock. Volumes are indexed. Vol. 1, 12 October 1896-13 August 1897. Vol. 2, 2 September 1897-29 January 1898.
St. Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition Record Book, 1898-1899 (C1228)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of the Committee of Fifty, an organization formed to plan the 100th anniversary celebration of the Louisiana Purchase, to be held in St. Louis in 1904. Pierre Chouteau, descendant of Laclede Liquest, founder of St. Louis, began plans for the celebration in 1896. Meetings were held at the Missouri Historical Society. Also an envelope of loose papers.
St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection, 1853-2023 (S0580)
16 cubic feet
The St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection consists of local St. Louis publications and original artwork, chronicling the history of print, television, radio, advertising, and public relations in the St. Louis Region. Materials of interest include issues of the St. Louis Outlaw, a radical newspaper published in the 1970s.
St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Records, 1810-1993 (S0415)
15 cubic feet, 474 folders, 98 photographs
The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society records contain abstracts of medical journals written by St. Louis doctors, newspaper clippings, reports, and photographs regarding medicine and medical practice in Missouri.
St. Louis National Stockyards Company Records, 1877-1979 (S0139)
0.15 cubic feet, 5 folders
The records of the St. Louis National Stockyards Company contain Annual reports, stockholders meetings, histories, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a rates investigation cases of one of the major stockyards in the nation.
St. Louis Naturalists Club Records, 1896-1990 (S0539)
4 cubic feet, 244 folders, 278 photographs, 7 reels microfilm
The St. Louis Naturalists Club originated in 1898 when several friends met to discuss topics related to natural science. The club was limited to twelve members and met on the last Saturday of every month at the home of one of its members. The host was responsible for a presentation related to the natural sciences for the edification of their fellow members. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a scrapbook.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Records, 1878-1902 (S0773)
1 cubic foot, 1 microfilm roll
The records of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch contain photocopies of correspondence, contracts, receipts, and balance statements relating to the newspaper's business operations.
St. Louis Protestant Orphan's Asylum Records, 1834-1940 (S0058)
8 microfilm rolls
The St. Louis Protestant Orphans' Asylum Records contain bylaws, histories, annual reports, board minutes, matrons' daybooks, and admission and departure records documenting the organization's mission to care for orphaned children.
St. Louis Publications Collection, 1887-2005 (S0764)
4 cubic feet, 56 folders
This collection contains various St. Louis publications, including but not limited to store advertisements, civic organization newsletters, religious publications, women's magazines, and African-American organizations. Topics of interest include trolleys, St. Louis histories, and local businesses and government.
St. Louis Strike of 1877 Manuscript, 1877-2000 (S0320)
0.01 cubic foot
An Unpublished manuscript on the response of the Working Men's Party, St. Louis chapter, to the 1877 national railroad strike. Also included in this collection is an article by David Roediger entitled, "Not Only the Ruling Class to Overcome, But Also the So-Called Mob: Class, Skill and Community in the St. Louis General Strike of 1877," published in the Journal of Social History, Vol. 19, No. 2. Winter 1985.
St. Louis Tornado of 1896 Collection, 1896 (S0307)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains three books regarding the St. Louis Tornado of 1896: The Great Tornado at St. Louis, May 27, 1896, 1896; St. Louis Chronicle’s Photographic Views of The Great Cyclone at St. Louis, May 27, 1896, 1896; and Pictured Story of the Tornado, 1896.
St. Louis Tornado Photographs, 1896, 1896 (P0277)
40 photographs
Photographs of damage following an 1896 tornado in St. Louis, including many by Samborsky Photo. Some of these images were published in Julian Curzon's The Great Cyclone at St. Louis and East St. Louis, May 27, 1896.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-2008 (CA5275)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 card files
Addition of union publications, meeting minutes, and membership records.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-1974 (C3661)
16.4 cubic feet (925 folders), 40 oversize volumes
The records consist of minutes, financial records, correspondence, and printed material of the union. The records also include The Typographical Journal and The Bulletin of the International Typographical Union and material from the St. Louis Allied Printing Trades Council.
St. Louis, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1817-1971 (P1151)
An artificial collection of photographs depicting the city of St. Louis.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)
These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.
St. Martins School, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1897-1900 (R0414)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The St. Martins School, Morgan County, Missouri Records contain a record book from the Saint Martin’s School District, which was located north of Versailles and east of Glensted in Morgan County, Missouri. Included in the record book are meeting minutes, district expenditures, and annual enumerations of both children and taxpayers.
St. Paul United Church of Christ (Hermann, Mo.) Records, 1844-1998 (C3969)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of a protestant church in a German community in Gasconade County, MO. The collection also includes records of the neighboring St. James Evangelical and Bethel Evangelical churches.
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Records, 1882-1939 (R0122)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Records contains a microfilm copy of minutes of congregational meetings, church registers, and records of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri. Nearly all of the texts are in German.
Anton J. Stankowski Papers, 1890-1977 (C4552)
0.4 cubic feet (14 folders, 1 oversize item)
The papers contain notes and clippings kept by Stankowski regarding University of Missouri football and intramural sports, as well as correspondence and other materials concerning the 1966 reunion of the 1916 University of Missouri football team.
Enos Stanley Notebook, 1867-1898 (C3546)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The collection contains copies of a notebook in which Enos Stanley of Taney County, Missouri, made entries of marriages he performed as justice of the peace, recorded family births and deaths, and noted some money transactions.
George E. Stanley Invitation, 1896 (C1539)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Cha[rle]s A. Thomas, Norborne, MO, from Carroll County, MO, Apr. 30, 1896.
Invitation to witness the execution of William P. Taylor, April 30, 1896, at 11:00 A.M. for the May 10, 1894, murder of Gus Meeks. Invitation nontransferable.
Star Bible Class Papers, 1884-1920 (C0567)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Letters from church workers in Japan to the Parkville, Missouri, Presbyterian church class. Class record book containing minutes, roll, and accounts. Miscellaneous materials, financial statements for 1915 and 1917, tribute to a class member, and excerpts from ordinances of Parkville, 1884.
Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company Records, 1890s-1993 (CA4111)
139.7 cubic feet, 12 oversize volumes, 13 oversize items, 2 16 mm films
Business records of a Louisiana, Missouri, company include correspondence, reports, catalogs, printed materials, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Also included is material pertaining to varieties of fruits and plants developed by Luther Burbank.
George Stark Photographs, 1890-1903 (P0546)
3 photographs
Photos by Stark of steamboat William McClellan ca. 1903, cotton bales in a Pemiscot Co warehouse, and Washington Ave in St. Louis, ca 1890s.
Nancy Enloe Stark Papers, 1895-1958, 2022 (CA6649)
2.4 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item
The papers of Nancy Enloe Stark largely contain scrapbooks and scrapbook material, which includes news clippings, religious material, personal letters and cards, and some genealogical material.
Stark-Logan Family Papers, 1813-2012 (CA6607)
2.2 cubic feet
The papers of a family from Louisiana, Missouri, include clippings, photographs, correspondence, genealogical information, and miscellaneous material, including material on Gov. Lloyd Stark.
State Historical Society of Missouri Art Collection Records, 1824-1988 (P1042)
Photographs of artwork held in the State Historical Society of Missouri's art collection.
State Historical Society of Missouri Photographs, 1896-2010 (P0137)
3.34 linear feet
Photos of the State Historical Society of Missouri, its staff, facilities, and events.
State Historical Society of Missouri Records, 1898-2023 (CA5785)
214.25 cubic feet, 26 oversize volumes, 24 oversize items, 5 audio cassettes, 4 CDs, 7 DVDs, 72.1 GB of digital files
The records of the State Historical Society of Missouri include correspondence; state historical marker files; scrapbooks; records of Executive Directors Richard Brownlee, James Goodrich, and Gary R. Kremer; executive committee and annual meeting materials; financial records; audiovisual recordings; and miscellaneous administrative material.
State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection, 1814-1962 (C0995)
14 rolls of microfilm
The State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection consists of typescripts of articles and manuscripts donated over the years to the Historical Society.
Ruby Rose Stauber Papers, 1777-2016 (SP0015)
13.5 linear feet, 2 oversized box
The papers of Rose Stauber contain the personal papers of Ruby Rose Stauber. They include correspondence, genealogical research, family photographs, and material related to Rose’s 31 years of service in the Women’s Army Corp.
Mark Stauter Collection, 1852-1980 (R1432)
2 cubic feet (120 folders)
The Mark Stauter Collection consist of materials donated by Dr. Mark Stauter, the former director of the State Historical Society of Missouri's Rolla Research Center. The papers cover a variety of topics related to Missouri history.
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, Circuit Court Attorneys' Roll, 1844-1978 (C3674)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of a roll of attorneys and their addresses, as written by each individual who practiced before the Ste. Genevieve County Court from 1844 to 1978.
Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1835-1994 (P1131)
An artificial collection of photographs of Ste. Genevieve County, primarily in the city of Ste. Genevieve.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri Archives, 1756-1930 (C3636)
78 rolls of microfilm (1474 folders)
The collection contains French colonial and territorial records of the District of Ste. Genevieve, along with Ste. Genevieve County records and court records. A third of the documents are dated 1756-1804; the remainder date from 1805 to 1930.
Steamboat Cargo Record, 1859-1963 (C0644)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A record of the boat, master, destination and cargo of vessels leaving the port of Cambridge on the Missouri River. Most of the cargo was tobacco, hemp, potatoes, hides, and wheat. The book was used as a scrapbook by John B. Land and was recovered by removing most of the clippings. See also the Land, John Braxton (1860-1949), Papers, 1918-1939, (C0359).