Oak Grove Congregation of the Church of Christ, Phelps County, Missouri Records, 1888-1926 (R0803)
(1 volume)
This is the record book of the Oak Grove Church, north of St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The records consist primarily of a roster of members, 1888-1902.
Oakwood Country Club Records, 1893-1993 (K0397)
2 c.f.
Begun as the Progressive Club, Oakwood was the primary county club for the Jewish community of Kansas City. Organizational records including minutes from Annual and Board of Directors meetings, financial reports, by-laws, constitutions, and amendments, architectural drawings, correspondence, and photographs.
Treva Faye Oden Collection, 1887-2010 (C4480)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Copies of newspaper articles and photographs, biographical and historical records for Antioch Christian Church and Grand Prairie Baptist Church located in Callaway County Missouri.
Ofenstein Family Photographs, c. 1880s-1890s (C4588)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photographs of members of the Ofenstein family from St. Louis County, Missouri. Also, a photocopy of Adam and Walhburga Ofenstein's golden anniversary announcement and an advertisement for Ofenstein's Grove.
Ofenstein Family Photographs, 1880s-1890s (C4588)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photographs of members of the Ofenstein family from St. Louis County, Missouri. Also, a photocopy of Adam and Walhburga Ofenstein's golden anniversary announcement and an advertisement for Ofenstein's Grove.
"Official Welfare Services in Missouri, Their Development and Correlation, 1821 to 1936," MASW, 1821-1936 (C2083)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report compiled by MASW on state welfare services, particularly correctional and eleemosynary institutions, their historical development, organization, and functions.
Robert J. Offutt Diary, 1898 (C3755)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains an extract from the diary of a Callaway County, MO, man who went to Alaska with a large party to prospect for gold. Entries mention travel, but nothing about the gold fields themselves.
Oglesby Coal Company Papers, 1865-1931 (C0150)
0.5 cubic feet
Deeds, abstracts, and correspondence referring to the sinking of a vertical mine shaft for the Oglesby coal mine, Oglesby, La Salle County, IL. Includes a will of Preserved Smith, Dayton, OH, January 5, 1887.
Marian Ohman Papers, 1893-1935, 1960-2002, bulk 1970-1985 (C4733)
5.5 c.f. (398 folders), 1 16mm film reel, 1 v.c., 1.17 MB born digital files, 31 oversize items, 2670 photographs, 1100 slides, 2 card file boxes
Research files on Missouri courthouses and churches, including photographs. Also contains information about the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year; the Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney art collection; architects Morris Frederick Bell and Harvey Ellis; and Black bandmaster and composer, Major N. Clark Smith.
Old Path Association of Baptist Churches Records, 1896-1949 (R0646)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Old Path Association of Baptist Churches Records contain microfilm copies of annual session minutes of the Old Path Association of Baptist Churches in Benton, Hickory, Polk, and St. Clair counties in Missouri. Included are minutes of the meetings, the articles of faith, rules of decorum, lists of churches, officers, and representatives, statistical information, and correspondence with other associations.
Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Records, 1760-2004 (CG0010)
296 cubic feet
The Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Papers contain case files and correspondence of the firm from the 1880s to 1980s. This collection also includes the genealogy of the Oliver and Watkins families, family correspondence, and civic involvements with the Boy Scouts of America, Rotary Club, Sons of the American Revolution, and Presbyterian Church. In addition, this collection contains material related to the Little River Drainage District, Oliver Land and Development Company, and Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
Oliver Family Photographs, 1875-1933 (P0250)
Photos from prominent Cape Girardeau families including the Oliver family, Mary Watkins Oliver and Robert Burett Oliver.
Edna McElhiney Olson Photograph Collection, 1880-1961 (P0170)
0.2 linear feet
Photos of St. Charles street scenes and historic houses.
Oregon County Masonic Records, 1871-2018 (R1469)
3.25 cubic feet (58 folders, 10 photographs)
The Oregon County Masonic Records contain materials related to the Masonic lodges and Order of Eastern Star chapters in Thomasville and Alton, Missouri. The Woodside Masonic Lodge No. 387 and the Alton Masonic Lodge No. 255 were the only lodges in Oregon County, Missouri. These materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, financial records, bylaws, photographs, and membership petitions.
Minnie Organ Notebook, 1895 (C1195)
0.03 cubic feet (1 volume)
Lectures on political philosophy.
William J. Orr Papers, 1899-1940 (R0857)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
These papers deal mostly with the conviction, appeal , and later the death of J. F. Kennedy, a train-robber. William J. Orr was an attorney for the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railway, and later the St. Louis-San Fransisco Railway, who prosecuted Kennedy in 1899. Also included is an obituary of Orr from the Springfield, Missouri News Leader.
Osage River Resevoir Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1891-1999 (P1129)
An artifical collection of photographs of the counties surrounding Truman Resevoir and Lake of the Ozarks: Henry, St. Clair, Benton, Hickory, Morgan, Camden, and Miller counties.
Mary Jane Pinson Ott Photograph Collection, 1863-1941 (P0731)
0.23 linear feet
Copy negatives of La Belle, MO, from La Belle's Historical Collection by Mary Jane Pinson Ott.
Otterville College (Otterville, Mo.) Records, 1885-1908, 1967 (C3066)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
The records of Otterville College contain a minute book, catalogs, receipts, and miscellaneous material.
Otterville Presbyterian Church (Cooper County, Mo.) Records, 1849-1996 (C3951)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of the church consisting of record books containing minutes of meetings and church registers, and a church history. Includes similar records of the Stony Point Presbyterian Church, Morgan County, MO.
Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers, 1889-1967 (R0173)
0.75 cubic foot (42 folders)
The Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a civic leader and mayor of St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. She was the first woman to be elected to the mayoralty of a city in Missouri. The papers include material regarding city business, her position on the board of Missouri State Training Schools, and her activities with the Rebekah Lodge (I.O.O.F.).
Nancy Catherine (Lewis) Owen Papers, 1868-1897 (K1098)
0.01 c.f.
Correspondence to ""Kitty"" Lewis
Herbert A. Owens Papers, 1880s-1940s (CA5977)
4 folders
Tax receipts, abstracts, financial records, insurance papers, and business correspondence of a resident of St. Joseph, Missouri.
Ozark Land and Lumber Company Records, 1887-1933 (C0037)
8 cubic feet (688 folders), 100 oversize volumes
The business papers and record books of a Shannon County, Missouri, lumber company consist of correspondence, financial records, minutes of directors’ and stockholders’ meetings, store records, cutting and other lumber records, land records, and survey maps.
Ozark Prairie Presbyterian Church (Lawrence County, Mo.) Records, 1879-1954 (C3050)
1 roll of microfilm
Volume one contains minutes of the monthly church business sessions which consist mainly of the names of those present or absent, the current pastor, new members, departing members, and presbytery delegates. Volume two provides a comprehensive record of the pastors, elders, deacons, communicants or members, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and Sunday School statistics.
Ozark Republican Club of Winona Records, 1896 (R0056)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Ozark Republican Club of Winona Records contains a minute book for the Ozark Republican Club of Winona, Shannon County, Missouri. Included in the volume is a list of charter members.
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Missouri State Chapter Records, 1890-2010 (CA5409)
9.8 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 2 oversize items
The records of the organization include publications, chapter histories, record books, scrapbooks, directories, yearbooks, photographs, membership records, financial records, convention materials, and miscellaneous material.
Ernest Jesse Palmer Papers, 1891-1962 (C3405)
7.0 cubic feet (499 folders)
The papers of Ernest Jesse Palmer contain correspondence between Palmer and his associates in fields of botany, geology, and archaeology. Most of collection deals with identification of plant species, especially the hawthorn (Crataegus). Also included is correspondence with his family in Webb City, Missouri, and W.D. Rush, a life-long friend.
Palmer-Driggs Family Photographs, 1867-1949 (P0635)
23 photographs
Photos of members of the Rust, Driggs, Osborn, Palmer, Snyder, and Blair families.
Palmer-McCauley Family Papers, 1858-1915 (C3952)
0.2 cubic feet
Papers of the Palmer-McCauley family of Missouri. The papers consist of Civil War correspondence, a daguerreotype, and miscellaneous tax, financial, and other family documents.
Palmore Chapel Records, 1894-1976 (R0066)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Palmore Chapel Records contain a typescript of records for the Palmore Chapel in Bollinger County, Missouri. The records include lists of pastors, members, baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
Cowan Family Papers, 1855-2013 (SP0007)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cowan Family Papers contain correspondence and financial records pertaining to Frank Cowan and his property in Barton County, Missouri. Other materials include documents and photographs relating to the history of the Golden City High School.
Paul Paquin Papers, 1889-1892 (C1024)
0.33 cubic feet (16 folders)
Correspondence and papers of Paul Paquin, Missouri state veterinarian and founder of the pathology and hygiene laboratories in the Missouri State University before the main building burned in 1892. Includes letters to and from his assistants, stock-raisers, and business acquaintances.
Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis Collection, 1887-1947 (K1388)
0.05 cubic foot (4 folders, 23 photographs)
The Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis Collection contains materials related to Fred and Ora Pearl Paradis, their family, and their friends, which includes a ledger, postcard, certificate, and photographs.
Parcell Photographs, 1893-1896 (P1071)
Photographs by Parcell of Kirksville, Missouri, of Dr. Andrew T. Still, and students and faculty of the American School of osteopathy.
Paris M. Walker Funeral Home (Marshall, Mo.) Records, 1898-1934 (C4279)
1.2 cubic feet (9 volumes)
The records of the Paris M. Walker Funeral Home, Marshall, Missouri. Volume one is an expense book/ledger, 1898-1904, and 1928-1934. It contains Paris M. Walker
receipts listing materials or services provided, and costs. Volumes 2-9 contain funeral records of individuals covering the years 1902-1920.
Park College Alumni Office Photographs, 1894-1900 (P0785)
6 photographs
Photos of Park College, Parkville, MO.
Guy Brasfield Park Papers, 1894-1951 (C0008)
28.2 cubic feet (2,341 folders)
Official and personal correspondence and papers of Guy B. Park, Democratic governor of Missouri from 1933 to 1937. Also includes his work as an attorney for the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, 1933-1946, as well as some personal papers of Eleanora Park.
Parkville (Mo.) Ordinance Book, 1888-1926 (C4411)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
Handwritten ledger of city ordinances passed by the Board of Alderman of Parkville, Missouri, also includes notices published in newspapers.
Parkville Presbyterian Church Records, 1845-1981 (K0134)
4 MR
Organizational records of the Church in Parkville, MO, one of the oldest congregations in the Greater Kansas City area. Consists of Session Minutes as well as scattered reports of committees, financial material and documents for the Church; Church Rolls; Correspondence; and Scrapbooks.
Parnell Family Collection, 1835-1981 (SP0090)
1.5 cubic feet (26 folders, 361 photographs, 1 oversize box)
The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.
John C. Parrish Papers, 1877-1954 (C0034)
5.4 cubic feet (515 folders, 8 volumes)
Correspondence, business papers, and account books of Dr. John C. Parrish of Vandalia, Missouri. He was a member of the board of curators of the University of Missouri, 1905-1917; held interests in the lead and zinc mining industry in Missouri and Oklahoma; and was active in the Republican Party in Missouri.
Duke Needham Parry Papers, 1882-1932 (C2227)
2 cubic feet (115 folders, 20 oversize items, 1 oversize box)
Newspaper clippings, unpublished articles, and miscellaneous notes by Parry while International News Service foreign correspondent in Japan.
Mary Banks Parry Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0515)
12 photographs
Photos of Columbia, 1870s-1913, including an early image of Stephens College, 1913 photos of Sigma Chi fraternity, and images of the Parry family.
John F. Patton Collection, 1847-1937 (C4176)
0.8 cubic feet (15 folders)
Account books of Dr. William S. Campbell of Albany, Missouri; medical student's notebook, University of Louisville, 1855-1856; two volumes of Physician's Record of Prescriptions, concerning prescribing intoxicating liquors, 1924-1925; Physician's Daily Visiting List and Record, 1927; Jenkins P. Robertson's personal account book, 1847; D.A.R. correspondence, diplomas, and miscellany, 1930-1932.
Patton-Scott Family Papers, 1836-1983 (C3710)
1.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, genealogy, poetry, prose, and miscellaneous volumes of the Patton and Scott families. Describes agriculture, economic conditions, overland travel, daily life, family activities, and tragedies. Firsthand accounts of the Civil War's influence on civilian life in Missouri, Mississippi, and Indiana.
John H. Pattrick Papers, 1885-1962 (C1291)
24.5 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 1 audio cassette, 1 oversize item
The John H. Pattrick Papers include photographs and miscellaneous material related to Pattrick's experiences while stationed in France during World War I, as well as correspondence and scrapbooks documenting his life and the lives of his family before and after the war. An extensive postcard and greeting card collection, which belonged to his daughter, is also included.
Marjorie B. Paxson Papers, 1844-2008 (C4078)
7.25 cubic feet (180 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 27 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 2 computer discs
The papers of Marjorie B. Paxson, a journalist and newspaper publisher who established the National Women and Media Collection, include news articles, correspondence, material on national and international women's conferences, and miscellaneous personal and professional papers.
Grace Price Paxton Collection, 1846-1964 (C4541)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders, 3 oversize items)
Personal memorabilia of Grace Price Paxton, including programs from Christian College, school certificates, correspondence, diplomas, and legal documents concerning the Price and Holliday families; 1872 land deeds for and in Caldwell County, Missouri, sold by the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad; bill of sale for an enslaved woman, Silvy, and her child; and World War II ration books.
Heather N. Paxton Collection, 1820-2015 (K0721)
2 c.f.
Advertising flyers to local Kansas City area events and organization, concentrated mostly on the artistic community. Also research and writings by Paxton, a local author and historian.