Mexico, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1955, no date (P0278)
Photographs of Mexico, Missouri, including A.P. Green Fire Brick Company operations, local buildings, and monuments.
Mexico-Audrain County Library Photographs, no date (P0401)
1 folder
Photos of historic buildings associated with the 1990 move of the Mexico-Audrain County Library, including Carnegie Library building.
George E. Meyer Photograph Collection, 1878-1948 (P0689)
10 photographs
Photos of Judge Mathias McGirk home and burial site in the Rhineland area. Additional images of Millie Finley, Jesse James (in death) Captain Callaway grave, and early drawing of Hermann.
Stella Michel Photograph Collection, no date (P1061)
Twenty-five copy prints of historic Missouri trees.
Midland Printing Company, Jefferson City, 1939 (P1010)
Poster done by Midland Printing showing California missions and a message to turn to the Bible, 3 copies
Fred G. Mieswinkel Photograph Collection, 1925-1960 (P0729)
4 photographs
Photos of Marionville and Lawrence county, MO, 1925 and ca. 1960.
Eddie Miller Photograph Collection, 1852-1922 (P0608)
0.23 linear feet
Photographs of the Truman Presidential Library, ca. 1974. Copy photos, the bulk of which depict DeSoto, Jefferson County, MO. Also images of Washington County and Old Mines, MO.
Mrs. Floyd Miller Photographs, no date (P0768)
3 photographs
Photos of historic sites in Graham, MO, Nodaway County.
George C. Miller Photograph Collection, 1910-1960 (P0081)
4 photographs
1974 color photo of Conley House, Columbia, MO. 2 b/w fashion photos, a wedding dress and "ornate" gown. B/w cabinet card of two unnamed children from St. Joseph, MO.
Merritt F. Miller Collection, 1866-2003 (C3921)
0.8 cubic feet (40 folders)
Photographs, negatives and caption notebook of a University of Missouri professor of soils, 1904-1938; and dean of the College of Agriculture, 1838-1945; depicting scenes of the Ozarks; European landmarks and agriculture; a North American tour of the International Society of Soil Science; and various Missouri, Columbia, and University of Missouri scenes. Also included are correspondence to and from Miller, postcards he collected while visiting Europe, and miscellaneous papers.
Tom Miller Photograph Collection, no date (P1081)
Snapshots of Gallatin, St. Joseph, Jefferson, and Plattsburg.
Virginia L. Miller Photograph Collection, 1961 (P0472)
2 photographs
Photos of the Isaac Miller house, St. Joseph.
Wilber Miller Photograph Collection, 1850-1958 (P0494)
0.16 linear feet
Copy photographs of Stockton, MO
Irene Milne Photograph Collection, no date (P0640)
3 photographs
Photos related to Jesse Carroll, Richville, Holt County.
Milton D. Rafferty Photograph Collection, 1933, 1967 (P1190)
Photographs used to illustrate Milton D. Rafferty's article "Missouri's Black Walnut Kernel Industry" Missouri Historical Review, Volume 63 Issue 2, January 1969.
Edward Minden St. Louis Streetcar Photographs, 1930-1950 (S0753)
0.25 cubic foot, 46 negatives
Edward Minden primarily was interested in the Long Island Railroad and the trolley and subway systems in Brooklyn and Queens. The Queens Borough Library received several Edward Minden photographs in the Ron Ziel Collection of Long Island Railroad Photographs. The photos Minden took of streetcars in St. Louis comprised part of that collection.
MISSOURI (Snag Boat) Pictures, 1923 (C0925)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Picture of deep water commissioners leaving Kansas City on the MISSOURI on the way to St. Louis, 22 May 1923. Two photographs of an unidentified man.
Missouri Academics Portraits, no date (P1198)
Portraits of college and university presidents, members of regent boards, staff, administrators, and professors.
Missouri Artists Portraits, 1906, no date (P1199)
Portraits of Missouri artists; artists either born in Missouri or who created works on Missouri topics.
Missouri Automobile Club Marker Dedication Photographs, 1932 (P1155)
Photographs of the ceremonies for the dedication of a Missouri Automobile Club Granite Boulder and Tablet at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, MO, 1932. Also includes a photograph of a symbolic bond burning to celebrate the retirement of bonds funding the state's highway system.
Missouri Bicentennial Commission Records, 2008-2022 (CA6643)
2.75 cubic feet, 943 GB of digital files, 2 flash drives, 2 external drives, 4 oversize items
The records of the Missouri Bicentennial Commission include promotional and planning material; poster contest submissions; correspondence; artifacts; video recordings; photographs; exhibit material; project materials on the Missouri Bicentennial Quilt, Missouri Community Legacies, and My Missouri 2021 Photograph Contest; and miscellaneous administrative material. Includes radio scripts and audio recordings of Bill Eddleman’s Missouri Bicentennial Minute that aired on KRCU Public Radio.
Missouri Capitol Murals Photograph Collection, no date (P1052)
Photographs of the murals in the Missouri State Capitol building. Photos are from unknown sources and photographers; additional photos can be found in the Walker and Massie photographs.
Missouri Capitol Photographs, 1913-1927 (C3757)
43 lantern slides
Images include elevations, plans, perspective drawings, and photographs of the Capitol in Jefferson City, as well as murals, tapestries, and sculpture commissioned to decorate the building.
The Missouri Collection, 1771-2024 (C3982)
18.6 cubic feet (854 folders, 893 photographs), 37 oversize items, 9 audio cassettes, 7 audio discs, 9 CDs, 1 computer disc, 8 reels of film, 6 film strips, 9 DVDs, 3 video cassettes, 585 MB of digital files
The Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Missouri Constitutional Convention Portraits, 1922-1923 (P1086)
Portraits of representatives to Missouri's Constitutional Convention.
Missouri Covered Bridges Photograph Album, 1930s (C4359)
1 oversize volume
An album of 20 11x14 black and white photographs of Missouri bridges. The album is labeled ""Covered Bridges."" The first 13 images are of covered bridges and the last seven are of a variety of other bridges in Missouri. Most images are captioned with information about the location of the bridge and sometimes dates of operation.
Missouri Department of Agriculture Photographs, 1920-1978 (P0203)
10 photographs
Photos of the Missouri State Fair.
Missouri Department of Conservation Photographs, no date (P1075)
Portraits of Joel M. Vance and Wilbur C. Buford. Exhibition for the Centennial Forests Celebration, recognizing 100 years of forest conservation.
Missouri Division of Tourism Photographs, 1945-1980 (P0452)
0.08 linear feet
Photos of Thomas Hart Benton and Missouri Historic Sites, monuments, markers, and memorials.
Missouri Geological Survey Photograph Collection, no date (P1161)
Copy photos of Evans Pottery near Dexter, Missouri, in Stoddard County, and the products manufactured there.
Missouri Governors Portraits, 1876-1994 (P1091)
Portraits of Missouri Governors
Missouri Guerrillas Postcards, 1862-1876 (P1093)
Postcards of Misosuri Guerrillas
Missouri Historic Church Slide Collection, 1973-1987 (P1006)
455 slides
35mm slides of historic church buildings across Missouri. Includes both original photography and copy slides.
Missouri Historic Mining Photograph Collection, circa 1880s-1900s (R0620)
0.22 cubic foot (4 folders, 110 photographs)
The Historic Mining Photographs Collection contains images concerning mining industries in Missouri, with an emphasis on the Old Lead Belt of southeastern Missouri, and the Tri-State Mining District centered on Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. The subjects include surface installations of various mines, mining equipment, mills, and general views of the mining areas.
Missouri Honor Medalist Portraits, 1933-1975 (P1209)
Portraits of recipients of the Missouri Honor Medal, awarded by the University of Missouri's School of Journalism for distinguished service in journalism. Represented in this collection are Pauline Frederich, Sylvia Porter, Dorothy Roe Lewis, Katharine Graham, Doris Fleeson, Malvina Lindsay, Mary Margaret McBride, and Daniel Fitzpatrick.
Missouri Judges Portraits, 1845-1938 (P1085)
Portraits of Missouri judges.
Missouri Legislators Portraits, 1880-1996 (P1084)
Portraits of Missouri's United States senators and representatives.
Missouri Lumber and Mining Company Photographs, 1906-1916 (C3875)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Photographs of various Missouri Lumber and Mining Company operations in and around the Ozark town of Grandin, MO. Taken and collected by Harry M. Griffith, a company physician.
Missouri Military Portraits, 1860-1950 (P1197)
Portraits of military servicemembers and officers from or with connection to Missouri.
Missouri National Guard Photographs, 1893-1932 (P0076)
0.2 linear feet
Images of Charles Lindbergh, aerial photos of Columbia, MO, Fort Riley (KS), Lambert Airfield, 35th Division Aviation, Digital images of Fort Riley, national guard officers under Gov. Wm. J. Stone.
Missouri Opera Star Portraits, 1928 (P1082)
Portraits of Missouri opera stars of the early 20th century.
Missouri Postcard Collection, 1870-1997 (P0032)
1 cubic foot
An artificial collection of postcards depicting a broad selection of Missouri landscapes, towns, and cities.
Missouri Postcard Collection, 1907-1971 (SP0016)
.5 cubic feet (9 folders)
The Missouri Postcard Collection contains postcards featuring images from around the state of Missouri. Materials continue to be added to the collection.
Missouri Press Association Meeting Photograph, 1884 (P0245)
121 MB of digital files (3 tifs)
Digital scans of 1884 meeting of the Missouri Press Association in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Missouri Press Association Photograph Collection, 1867-1985 (P0475)
Photos of the Missouri Press Association and newspaper journalists and editors.
Missouri Press Photographers Association Photographs, 1988 (CA4989)
0.6 cubic feet
Photographs used in an exhibit and MPPA’s “Pictures of the Year” contest.
Missouri Press Portraits, 1872-1924 (P1196)
Portraits of journalists, including many newspaper editors, from Missouri, or who have written significantly on Missouri topics.
Missouri Ruralist Photographs, 1936-1978 (P0030)
6.67 cubic feet (480 folders)
Photos from the agriculture magazine "Missouri Ruralist."
Missouri School of Mines Photograph Collection, circa 1940 (P1188)
Photographs of buildings on the Missouri School of Mines campus in Rolla, MO, with a particular focus on the power plant and boiler complex.