J.W. Towl Papers, 1917-1944 (R0475)
5 folders
This collection includes correspondence and business records of J. W. Towl, a businessman at
Potosi in Washington County, Missouri. Included are letters and shipping receipts regarding the
barite industry, mineral lands, and the Southeast Missouri Lead Company, 1918-1939, an inventory
of goods at the Towl store in Potosi, 1928, and receipts for subscriptions to the Missouri War Chest,
Inc., 1944.
Ben Townsend Day Book, 1835 (C2501)
0.23 cubic feet (1 volume)
Day book of accounts of a general store in Arrow Rock, MO, June-November 1835.
Benjamin F. Townsend Ledger, 1859-1882 (C4535)
0.2 cubic feet (1 oversize volume)
Ledger of an Arrow Rock general store owner, Benjamin F. Townsend, which notes customer information and account balances from 1859-1882.
Trade Cards, no date (C2808)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Twenty-one printed, colored trade cards from various Missouri business establishments.
Donald H. Tranin Papers, 1930-2007 (K0694)
7 c.f.
Personal papers of Donald Tranin, his father Earl Tranin (1896-1979), and the Paper Supply Company of Kansas City, MO. Included are political activities, investments in businesses and real estate, and civic activities.
Frank E. Trask Architectural Records, 1907-1959 (K0711)
11 c.f.
Architectural drawings, photographs, and other documents related to Trask's work as an architect in Kansas City, MO.
Charles Trefts Papers, 1903-1963 (C3465)
0.2 cubic feet, 4 audio cassettes
Business correspondence, financial papers, photographic salon stickers, prizes, and other items of St. Louis professional photographer Charles Trefts, organizer of the Advertising Slide Company. His photographic collection was presented to the State Historical Society in 1964.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
Trenton Drug Store (Trenton, Mo.) Records, 1898-1908 (C2962)
6 rolls of microfilm
Daybooks, account and cash books, and ledgers. No information available on the establishment or dissolution of the store.
Tri-State Exploration Company Collection, 1927 (R1041)
(1 folder)
This is a certificate for one share of stock in the Tri-State Exploration Company, which had offices at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, and mineral leases on land in Lawrence County, Missouri. The certificate was issued to L.M. Miller on November 4, 1927.
William H. Trigg Collection, 1776, 1835-1899 (C0281)
1.2 cubic feet (5 volumes)
Books from the collection of William H. Trigg, Boonville, MO. Accounts of the Banking House of William H. Trigg and Co. and a scrapbook containing miscellaneous material, mostly news clippings from the 1860s and some paper money from the 1700s and 1800s.
John E.M. Triplett Papers, 1882-1920 (C2213)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Chattel mortgage for stock and farm machinery to Triplett of Triplett, Chariton County, MO, from Jeff Pennington, Carroll County, MO, 5 August 1899, and thirty-eight promissory notes to Triplett.
Troost Avenue Development Company Records, 1961-1986 (K1314)
0.2 c.f.
two volumes : certificate of incorporation, by-laws, minutes 1961-1986; stock certificates 1961-1983
Marion A. Trozzolo Papers, 1951-1989 (K0835)
5 c.f.
Papers of Trozzolo, businessman, inventor, and leader in the re-development and revival of the River Quay District of Kansas City, MO. Includes clippings, photographs, correspondence, business records, abstracts, court transcripts, posters, and his book, "Tales of River Quay".
Cyrus R. Truitt Scrapbooks, 1893-1963 (C1432)
0.6 cubic feet (6 volumes)
Scrapbooks of photographs of Novinger and Adair County, Missouri, 1893-1963, with explanations and captions by Truitt. Pictorial history of coal mining in western Adair County. Truitt titled the scrapbooks “Mostly Ghosts.”
D.M. and J.H. Tucker Papers, 1833-1902 (C0178)
0.2 cubic feet
Records of a mercantile firm in Fulton, MO. Business, the Civil War, state insane asylum, and politics are discussed. Records of the Tucker and Harris mercantile firm, later the D.M. and J.H. Tucker firm.
Tuolumne County Water Company Share, 1855 (C2747)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
One share of stock in the Tuolumme County Water Company, Columbia, CA, April 6, 1855, bought by John O'Neill. Note by J. Christian Bay that O'Neill collected distribution dividend in 1906.
TWA Active Retired Pilots Association (TARPA) Records, 1932-2007 (K0563)
8 c.f.
Publications and records related to retired pilots of Trans World Airlines. Includes labor agreements, photographs of pilots, and seniority list.
U.S. Commissioner of Patents Papers, 1849-1858 (C0588)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers contain letters to the U.S. Commissioner of Patents about various agricultural subjects in Missouri. Most of the letters were written by Henry Ancrum in 1849. Also includes article on grape culture in Missouri by George C. Swallow, 1857.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Questionnaires, 1923-1935 (C0179)
0.2 cubic feet
Questionnaires sent out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Agricultural Statistics, seeking information on farm prices in the past. One group was sent in 1923, the second in 1925, and the last in 1935.
U.S. Post Office (Rockbridge, Mo.) Records, 1902-1935 (C0064)
0.5 cubic feet
Two record books kept by the postmaster: the official postmaster's account book, 1905-1918, and the register of money orders issued, 1902-1916. Papers include accounts, audit sheets, federal communications, money order forms, orders for stamps, and registered mail forms.
U.S. Superintendency of Indian Affairs, St. Louis Records, 1807-1855 (C2969)
6 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, account books and treaties with various Indian tribes. Much of the material is to and from Indian agents at the area agencies. The bulk of the material is from the period when William Clark was superintendent. Also included are records of the Missouri Fur Company, 1812-1817.
Originals at Kansas State Historical Society.
U.S. Wage Stabilization Board, 9th Region Minutes, 1951-1953 (C0154)
0.2 cubic feet
Minutes record regulations under which the board operated; labor-industry cases brought before the board; decisions; and petitions regarding wage rates, holidays, overtime and merit plans.
The Board's region consisted of Kansas, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.
Lyle Welles Underhill Architectural Records, 1909-1939 (K0136)
3.12 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, contracts, photographs, correspondence, and related memorabilia of Underhill, a woman architect in Kansas City, MO who specialized in school buildings in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri. However, other types of buildings are also included.
United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 249 Records, 1987-1998 (K1225)
0.25 c.f.
Newsletters and printed materials from the UAW local in Kansas City, MO.
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Collection, 1925-1995 (S0756)
0.8 cubic foot, 20 folders
The United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (UE) was founded in 1936 as a labor union, and affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) until 1948. As anti-Communist tensions escalated in post-WWII years, Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. The Act required union officers to sign an affidavit disavowing their ties to the Communist Party. Several UE officers refused to sign the affidavit, and, as a result, the CIO expelled the UE from the union and created the International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (IUE) in its place. Many of the papers and artifacts contained herein come from the personal collection of Lloyd Austin, a former employee of Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Austin’s collection contains original copies of the Emerson Equalizer, a newsletter published by the Local 1102 UERWCIO during the Emerson Electric sit-in of 1937. The sit-in lasted 53 days and sought to gain recognition from Emerson President Joseph Newman. When the strike finally ended, Newman conceded and agreed to recognize worker’s rights under the Wagner Act of 1935. The remainder of this collection consists of World War II worker propaganda, pro/anti-Communist literature, news clippings pertaining to the Emerson strike, and a second scrapbook by Emerson employee William C. Reidel.
United Garment Workers of America, Local 47 Records, 1898-1915 (K0458)
1 c.f.
Organizational and membership records (Membership List and Receipt Accounts, and Membership Register) of the labor union. Includes minutes of a few meetings, a day-book of expenses and income, receipts and notes, and a general ledger.
United Mine Workers of America, Local No. 298 (Richmond, Mo.) Records, 1901-1945 (C3044)
9 rolls of microfilm
Membership records for the organization known locally as the Welsh Miners' Union. Contains members' names, record of dues payments, suspensions, transfers, and death claims.
United Shoe Workers International Union (USWA) Records, 1940-1985 (S1032)
55 cubic feet
The United Shoe Workers International Union (USWA) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, contracts, charters, and newsletters of the union's headquarters in St. Louis.
United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records, 1915-1996 (R1321)
17 cubic feet (372 folders, 4 maps, 3,238 photographs, 68 negatives, 936 slides, 3 volumes)
The United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records contain the records of the Bureau of Mines office and research facility established in Rolla, Missouri in 1915. The records include correspondence, operational reports, project reports, photographs, newspaper articles, program materials, and maps.
United States Reserve Insurance Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri Records, 1921-1928 (K0406)
0.1 c.f.
Minutes of Board of Directors and Stockholders meetings, as well as the corporation's bylaws.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Records, 1957 (C2350)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from J.H. Longwell, director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences, to selected faculty members inviting them to a meeting re the development of an "agribusiness" curriculum. Also a memorandum from Elmer R. Kiehl, chairman of the Committee for Review of Research and Educational Programs, urging attendance at the meeting.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Economics Records, 1906-1966 (C0010)
26 cubic feet (2,172 folders)
The records of departments of farm management (1910-1919), rural life (1919-1926), and agricultural economics (1926-1966), chaired by D. Howard Doane and O.R. Johnson.
Uri Seiden and Associates Records, 1950-1988 (K1228)
38 c.f.
Drawings of an engineering/architecture firm in Kansas City, MO.
Thomas Watt Ustick Papers, 1849-1866 (C0183)
0.3 cubic feet
Correspondence, bills, receipts and licenses of a St. Louis printer. Summonses and other papers pertaining to a law suit in LaCrosse, WI. Indentures, contracts and miscellaneous papers, and family history.
Valle Mining Company Records, 1839-1884 (R1278)
(12 rolls of microfilm)
These are account books, ledgers, cash books, and other business records of the Valle Mining company at Valles Mines, Missouri. Most of the collection concerns mining on the Valle tract in Jefferson and Saint Francois Counties and related general merchandizing at the company's store. There are various records showing the receipt and shipment of ores, names of individual miners, charges and credits to individual and company accounts, and shipments of mineral to the Carondelet Zinc Works at Carondelet, Missouri, and consignment houses in Saint Louis and New York.
Valley Hotel Register, 1883-1885 (K0171)
1 MR
Guest register for a hotel in Bolckow, Andrew County, MO. Guests registered by name, city and/or occupation.
Van Buren Drug Store Inventory Records, 1960 (R1438)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The collection consists of an inventory book of a drug store in Van Buren, Missouri from 1960.
Van Horn Tavern Collection, 1829-2013 (C4634)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders, 1 CD)
The collection contains clippings, photographs, correspondence, an appraisal, and miscellaneous material concerning the Van Horn Tavern in Boone County, Missouri, compiled by Patrick Dougherty. Includes an audio interview with Fergene Goddin Sims, whose family lived in the tavern in the early 1900s.
Robert Thompson Van Horn Family Papers, 1832-1965 (K0297)
2 c.f.
Van Horn was a newspaper owner/editor, a mayor of Kansas City, U.S. Congressmen, and civic leader. Includes correspondence, Civil War service records, business and property records, and some artifacts and ephemera. Also contains the papers of Van Horn's granddaughter Adela Cooley Van Horn, who traveled extensively, and kept correspondence, passports, narratives, and photographs, and genealogical records.
Vanmeter Family Papers, 1836-1948 (C0414)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Business papers, tax receipts, real estate documents, and World War I letters of a Saline County, MO, family.
Farm record books kept by A.J. Vanmeter, 1859-1871; bank checkbook; and travel diary of a motor trip from Missouri to California and back in 1922.
Charles Vatterott Dissertation Collection, 1919-1972 (S1004)
3 cubic feet, 75 folders
This collection contains correspondence, articles, oral history interviews, and photographs collected by Cornelia Frances Sexauer for her 2003 thesis, "Catholic Capitalism: Charles Vatterott, Civil Rights and Suburbanization in St. Louis and the Nation 1919-1972." Charles Vatterott was a real estate and civil rights activist, who was instrumental in creating the St. Louis Interracial Justice council in 1944. He also established the Vatterott Foundation in 1948 to improve educational and career advancement opportunities for ethnic and religious minorities.
Mason Vaugh Papers, 1928-1970 (C3130)
0.9 cubic feet
Papers of the second person to receive a degree in agricultural engineering from the University of Missouri, who for thirty-six years served as a Presbyterian lay missionary in India.
Biographical material, index to publications, correspondence, articles, research materials, and miscellaneous pamphlets.
Davis Vaughan Letter, 1865 (C3536)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from Vaughan, publisher of the newspaper Express, asking Pat Ingraham of Saline County, Missouri, to show copies of his paper to friends there in order to increase subscriptions.
W. N. Veirs Realty Company Records, 1910 (R0737)
(1 oversize volume)
This is a brief real estate record index kept by W. N. Beirs Realty company of Springfield, Missouri, in 1910. It includes descriptive entries for individual parcels, located mostly in Springfield.
Hy Vile Family Papers, 1922-1984 (K0560)
8 c.f.
Vile was a civic leader and founder and chairman of the board of Vile-Goller/Fine Arts Printing and Lithographing Co. Personal and professional correspondence of Vile including newspaper columns and manuscripts he wrote; materials related to his various community and civic activities; honors, awards and recognitions received; family history; and travel literature.
Samuel Spencer Vinton Collection, 1864-1939 (R0819)
(2 folders)
This is a freight receipt book of Samuel Spencer Vinton (1828-1890), and a reminiscence by his son, Samuel Spencer Vinton (1857-1951). The receipt book reflects a freighting business from Sedalia to southwestern Missouri, 1864-1865. The reminiscence, written in 1939, concerns life around Springfield, Missouri, circa 1875-1890.
Busch Voigts Papers, 1960s-2007 (K0566)
0.25 c.f.
Papers of former Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilot. Includes correspondence, invitations, pilot newsletters, newspaper clippings, card decks, photographs, and a TWA booklet.
Volker Rememberance Album, 2003 (K0436)
0.16 c.f.
Research notes, planning, and public relations information for the annual show house funding raising event for the Kansas City Symphony.