St. Joseph Auditorium Company Share, 1904 (C1981)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Share issued to James Knotts.
St. Joseph Lead Company Annual Report Records, 1866 (R0046)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The St. Joseph Lead Company Annual Report contains a photocopy of the annual report of the trustees of the St. Joseph Lead Company in Saint Francois County, Missouri. There is also a special report by geologist, J.W. Foster.
St. Louis Banking Houses Notice, 1855 (C2828)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Handbill issued by twenty-two St. Louis businessmen during the Panic of 1855, guaranteeing the safety of deposits in seven St. Louis banking institutions. Dated January 15, 1855.
St. Louis County Residential Architectural Drawings, 1928-1967 (S1171)
3 cubic feet
This collection consists of architectural drawings and plans for homes in St. Louis County, Missouri.
St. Louis Hotel (Jefferson City, Mo.) Register, 1859 (C1064)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
St. Louis Hotel, Jefferson City, MO, George W. Capell, proprietor.
St. Louis Iron and Machine Works Account Book, 1879-1881 (C1230)
0.23 cubic feet (1 volume)
Record of accounts of a St. Louis, MO, iron and machine works.
St. Louis Iron and Machine Works Letter Books, 1896-1898 (C1231)
0.23 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Letters signed by G.H. Krutzsch, vice president, and W. Brock. Volumes are indexed. Vol. 1, 12 October 1896-13 August 1897. Vol. 2, 2 September 1897-29 January 1898.
St. Louis Labor Council Minute Books, 1913-1963 (S0061)
14 rolls of microfilm
The St. Louis Labor Council, AFL-CIO Meeting Books contains meeting minutes, committee reports, and attendance lists documenting the Council’s efforts to strengthen organized labor, and avocation for social justice in the St. Louis area from 1913 to 1963.
St. Louis/Southern Illinois Labor Tribune Records, 1918-2019 (S0521)
49 cubic feet
Maury Rubin founded the St. Louis Labor Tribune in 1935 to help expose poor quality work on non-union housing projects in St. Louis. Rubin's nephew, Ed Finkelstein, became publisher in the late 1970s, and Rubin died in 1984. The collection primarily includes the paper's photograph negative morgue. Also included in the collection are correspondence, memorandum, and newspaper clippings documenting labor-related events and news stories.
St. Louis Mississippi Bridge Company Articles of Association, 1867 (C1721)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains Photostats of the articles of association of a company that was organized to construct a bridge over the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO, to St. Clair or Madison County, IL. Capital, stock, and directors.
St. Louis National Stockyards Company Records, 1877-1979 (S0139)
0.15 cubic feet, 5 folders
The records of the St. Louis National Stockyards Company contain Annual reports, stockholders meetings, histories, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a rates investigation cases of one of the major stockyards in the nation.
St. Louis Regional Chamber Records, 1912-2004 (S0162)
46 cubic feet, 2088 photographs, 174 video tapes, 7 cassette tapes
The St. Louis Regional Chamber records contain materials from its six-predecessor organizations, the City Plan Commission, the Metropolitan Plan Association, the St. Louis Research Council, the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, the Regional Industrial Development Corporation (RIDC), and the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA). The records include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, and videotapes, documenting the St. Louis Regional Chamber and its predecessor’s mission to promote regional cooperation and planning for the development of the area’s resources. Materials of interest include RCGA and RIDC’s reports and studies, which provided economic and sociological analyses, as well as statistical data, of urban problems in transportation, public works, labor, the environment, capital investment, manufacturing, industrial education, and employment. The materials in this collection are incomplete, as they do not contain the records of the City Plan Commission before 1912.
St. Louis Rotary Club Newsletters, 1949-1961 (S0616)
0.1 cubic foot, 1 folder
St. Louis Streetcar Strike of 1900 Scrapbook, 1900 (S0664)
1 volume
The 131st Division of the Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employees was founded in 1899 by several St. Louis Transit Company employees. In 1900, the union members, disgruntled by long work hours, low pay, and the mistreatment of employees, went on strike against the Transit Company. The strike lasted from March to September. During that time, St. Louis was in a state of lawlessness, 14 people were killed, and nearly 200 wounded. The collection consists of one scrapbook documenting this bloody strike.
St. Louis Strike Newspapers, 1978-1981 (S0706)
0.4 cubic feet
This collection contains copies of newspapers published during a labor strike against the major St. Louis dailies in 1973 and 1978.
St. Louis Strike of 1877 Manuscript, 1877-2000 (S0320)
0.01 cubic foot
An Unpublished manuscript on the response of the Working Men's Party, St. Louis chapter, to the 1877 national railroad strike. Also included in this collection is an article by David Roediger entitled, "Not Only the Ruling Class to Overcome, But Also the So-Called Mob: Class, Skill and Community in the St. Louis General Strike of 1877," published in the Journal of Social History, Vol. 19, No. 2. Winter 1985.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-1974 (C3661)
16.4 cubic feet (925 folders), 40 oversize volumes
The records consist of minutes, financial records, correspondence, and printed material of the union. The records also include The Typographical Journal and The Bulletin of the International Typographical Union and material from the St. Louis Allied Printing Trades Council.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-2008 (CA5275)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 card files
Addition of union publications, meeting minutes, and membership records.
St. Louis Union Labor Advocate Newspapers, 1934-1937 (S0203)
1 microfilm roll
The St. Louis Union Labor Advocate was a Labor newspaper endorsed by Central Trades and Labor Union of St. Louis and St. Louis branch of AFL. The paper was the precursor of the St. Louis Labor Tribune. The collection does not include issues from September 1934 and May 1, 1937
St. Louis Vertical File, 1859-2011 (S0814)
0.4 cubic feet
The St. Louis Vertical File Collection is an artificial collection consisting of newspaper clippings, personal papers, oral histories, genealogy records, magazines, and other published material regarding St. Louis-area topics, including Forest Park, Dredd Scott, Gaslight Square, Delmo Housing Corporation, and architecture.
St. Louis Women's Labor Conference Collection, 1973 (S0110)
0.01 cubic foot
The St. Louis Women’s Labor Conference met in 1973 to discuss working women’s issues such as organizing the unorganized, job training, equal pay and advancement, and daycare. Conference participants listened to speeches by prominent women unionists, attended workshops, and passed resolutions as part of a larger plan that was designed to further women’s positions in the workforce. The collection includes correspondence, flyers, a meeting packet, resolutions, and handouts.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection, 1852, 1916-1984 (R1506)
18 cubic feet (14 folders, 81 volumes, 33 oversize volumes)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection contains records of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company “Frisco.” These records include AFE completion reports, ICC valuations, equipment registers and inventories, and materials on corporate history.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection, 1920-1980 (R1491)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders, 1 photograph)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection contains a sales kit, business records, and photographs for the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" Railway Company. The collection includes train and freight schedules, specifications for rail cars and lines, promotional materials, maps, sales manuals, and images of railcars and stations.
Reba Staggs Papers, 1938-1990 (C3970)
1.0 cubic foot (75 folders)
Papers of Reba Staggs, a graduate of Drury College and the University of Missouri and Director of the Department of Home Economics of the National Live Stock and Meat Board in Chicago, Illinois. The papers consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous materials.
Standard Oil Company of Indiana-Kansas City, Kansas, Office Records, 1915-1923 (K0367)
1.35 c.f.
General ledgers of the Kansas City, KS office of a major national oil company.
Abner Ford Staples Family Papers, 1814-1865 (K0227)
0.03 c.f.
Letters written by and to Staples family members who moved from Georgia to Tennessee, then Independence, MO. Topics include news from home and notice of deaths, marriages, and births. Also are legal document relating to land purchases.
Star Ranch and Land Company Records, 1919 (R0779)
(1 folder)
This is an illustrated letter offering land for sale near Neelyville in Butler County, Missouri. The Star Ranch and Land Company offered thousands of acres on a lease with option to buy program.
Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company Records, 1890s-1993 (CA4111)
139.7 cubic feet, 12 oversize volumes, 13 oversize items, 2 16 mm films
Business records of a Louisiana, Missouri, company include correspondence, reports, catalogs, printed materials, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Also included is material pertaining to varieties of fruits and plants developed by Luther Burbank.
George Stark Photographs, 1890-1903 (P0546)
3 photographs
Photos by Stark of steamboat William McClellan ca. 1903, cotton bales in a Pemiscot Co warehouse, and Washington Ave in St. Louis, ca 1890s.
Lloyd Crow Stark Papers, 1941-1972 (C0293)
1.9 cubic feet
Personal and business papers of a prominent Louisiana, MO, nurseryman and former Democratic governor of Missouri, 1937-1941. These materials include personal correspondence, nursery and agricultural business papers, family correspondence, and miscellaneous photographs.
Nathan Julius Stark Papers, 1948-1992 (K0459)
7 c.f.
Scrapbooks of correspondence, photographs, and other documents compiled by Stark, an executive with Hallmark Cards and Crown Center Redevelopment Corp., concerning his activities including leader of a civic group that helped Kansas City General Hospital become a nonprofit corporation, a founder of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, and board chairman of Truman Medical Center.
William H. Stark Papers, 1912 (R0578)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The William H. Stark Papers consist of a letter from William H. Stark of Stark Nursery Company at Chester, Newton County, Missouri, to C. E. Stoddard, Washington, D.C., regarding a new variety of peach.
State Bank of Poplar Bluff (Mo.) History, 1951 (C0941)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Pamphlet commemorating fiftieth anniversary of founding of bank. Includes biographical data on officers, history of bank, and photographs of officers, employees and facilities.
State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center-Kansas City Records, 1980-2012 (K0150)
58 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City office of the State Historical Society of Missouri Research Center-Kansas City (formerly the Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Kansas City pre-2012).
State Historical Society of Missouri Audio Cassette Collection, 1976-2000 (C3963)
0.3 cubic feet, 34 audio cassettes, 1 8mm film
The State Historical Society of Missouri Oral History Project is a collection of miscellaneous interviews, lectures, and speeches collected over the years.
State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection, 1814-1962 (C0995)
14 rolls of microfilm
The State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection consists of typescripts of articles and manuscripts donated over the years to the Historical Society.
State of Missouri Photograph Collection, 1903-1904 (P0018)
0.36 cubic feet (486 photographs)
Over 400 original photos created for the 1904 publication on Missouri at the time of the World's Fair by Walter Williams; shows all aspects and counties in Missouri.
Suzanne Statland Papers, 1950-1978 (K0841)
3 c.f.
Statland was involved in several Kansas City area historical, social and educational groups in Kansas City. Includes organizational files for the UMKC Friends of the Library, Historic Kansas City Foundation, Landmarks Commission, and Future Alternatives. Also research and speeches relating to human resources and relations, as well as various issues, such as parking and the environment.
Mark Stauter Collection, 1852-1980 (R1432)
2 cubic feet (120 folders)
The Mark Stauter Collection consist of materials donated by Dr. Mark Stauter, the former director of the State Historical Society of Missouri's Rolla Research Center. The papers cover a variety of topics related to Missouri history.
Ste. Genevieve, Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob Plank Road Company Stock Certificate Collection, 1854 (R0747)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a certificate for one share of capital stock in the Ste. Genevieve, Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob Plank Road Company, which built and operated a toll road in St. Francois and Sainte Genevieve Counties in Missouri. Philip Stapp acquired the certificate on February 3, 1854.
Carl Russell Stenstrom Architectural Records, 1971-1992 (K1282)
12 c.f.
Architectural drawings of Kansas City architect, a devotee of Frank Lloyd Wright, who specialized in residences and commercial projects.
Stewart Funeral Home Records, 1931-1943 (R0079)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Stewart Funeral Home Records contains a microfilm copy of records of funerals conducted by the Stewart Funeral Home at Lebanon in Laclede County, Missouri. The entries include vital statistics and genealogical information, the cause of death, the date and place of burial, and the cost of the funeral.
Norman S. Stiefel Papers, 1924-1992 (K1109)
7 c.f.
Personal papers and financial records concerning Norman S. Stiefel Company and Norman's Wholesale Jewelry Company.
Stock Certificates Collection, 1800s-1900s (C4154)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Assorted 19th and 20th century stock certificates, which include railroad companies, city loans, bridge, mining and construction companies.
Cashers Stoddard Receipt, 1821 (C1648)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a receipt for interest paid on a lot purchased in St. Charles, MO.
Rose Lesky Stolowy and Sol Stolowy Papers, 1938-2002 (K0434)
6 c.f.
Advertisement film (ca. 1947) for the Midtown Fabric Shop. Also tailor pattern sets, financial and customer records for the Fabric Shop and the Kansas City Custom Garment Company, and family photographs and correspondence.
Stone Hill Wine Company (Hermann, Mo.) Records, 1896-1919 (C0345)
7 oversize volumes
Ledgers, sale books, harvest book, bank draft register, warehouse receipt book, and price list for winery and brandy distillery owned and operated by George Stark and his sons, Ottmar G. and Louis J. The company included a bottling plant in St. Louis and a whiskey distillery in Bardstown, KY.
Stotts City Bank (Stotts City, Mo.) Records, 1891-1929 (C0170)
2 rolls of microfilm
Papers from a southwest Missouri bank which was liquidated in 1929. Collection also contains material on the Lawrence County Land and Mining Company and the Stotts City Special Road District.
Strafford, Missouri Bank Books, 1910-1938 (C0056A)
26 rolls of microfilm (114 volumes only on microfilm)
Records of the bank include balance books, collection register, daily statement registers, day books, deposit certificate register, discount registers, distribution of expense accounts register, draft registers, inventory book, ledgers, notes due books, record book containing minutes of the stockholders meetings, statement books, and stock certificate register.
Strawn-Neate Dry Goods Company (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1901-1931 (C4171)
0.6 cubic feet (17 folders), 2 volumes
The records contain correspondence, receipts, Boone County and City of Columbia tax statements, customer account books, and ephemera pertaining to the Strawn-Neate Dry Goods Company. The receipts include the names of various local Columbia, Missouri, businesses, and often indicate where they were located.