Jack Leonard Ralston Papers, 1874-1996 (K0424)
21 c.f.
Research materials, magazine articles that Ralston wrote, books, and sheet music for the Organ that he collected and some he wrote. Much of the material is religious in nature. Also correspondence, scrapbooks, and material that discusses Ralston's personal life and career as music librarian.
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp Papers, 1800-1994 (S0568)
65 cubic feet, 202 folders, 39 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls
Julian Sturtevant Rammelkamp was a journalism historian, history teacher, and one-time chair of the history department at Albion College in Michigan. He authored "Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch," published in 1967. Included in the collection are note cards from his study of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Post, correspondence with major writers, and rare books.
Robert Rankin Papers, 1937-1992 (S0252)
20 cubic feet, 835 folders
The papers of Robert Rankin contain correspondence, articles, meeting minutes, and reports chronicling her career as vice president of the Danforth Foundation, where he focused on issues dealing with spirituality and ministry on college campuses. Subjects of interest include campus ministries, higher education, African Americans, women, and disabilities.
George Rawick Papers, 1841-1988 (S0630)
36 cubic feet, 51 audio tapes, 24 photographs
The papers of George Rawick contain correspondence, writings, and publications relating to Rawick's research on slavery in the United States and his research on the American labor movement. Materials of interest include transcripts of slave narratives Rawick collected from the Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration.
Ray Family Collection, 1900-2002 (R1356)
5 cubic feet (91 folders, 2CDs, 10 oversize volumes)
The Ray Family Papers contains the personal papers of Wilda I. Housden Ray and genealogical information on the Ray and Housden families, photographs of the family and Licking, Missouri.
Mary Ray Collection, 1981-1993 (CA3169)
5 cubic feet
Research materials of a Missouri genealogist consisting of correspondence with clients, family charts, and other research papers.
Carol M. Raynor Papers, 1961-2022 (CA6505)
3.2 cubic feet
Journals and miscellaneous material of a psychiatric nurse therapist and writer from Saline County, Missouri. The journals cover Raynor's frequent travels to London and include photographs, drawings, postcards, and ephemeral material.
Allen Walker Read Papers, 1835-2002 (C4033)
82 cubic feet (2127 folders), 11 oversize items, 2 audio tapes, 6 audio cassettes
The papers of Allen Walker Read contain the personal and professional papers of a prominent etymologist, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, teaching and research materials, writings, and records pertaining to his involvement in linguistic organizations and conferences.
The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1926-2024 (CA6651)
0.3 cubic feet
Addition of correspondence, minutes, membership lists, programs, constitutions, memorials, and miscellaneous material, 1926-2022. See also C3638.
The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1925-2012 (C3638)
0.8 cubic feet (23 folders)
The origins, history, minutes, and memorials of The Readers, a Columbia, Missouri, club for women started in 1925. The club’s emphasis is the reading and discussion of books. Profiles of women from this club give a useful comment on the concerns of educated women in the early twentieth century.
Reagan-Boegel Family Papers, 1855-2021 (S0505)
1 cubic foot
The Reagan-Boegel Family Papers contain family tree charts, photographs, and newspaper clippings chronicling the history of the Reagan and Boegel families of Montgomery and St. Charles counties dating back to the mid-1800s.
Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection, 1932-1990 (R0616)
(8 rolls of microfilm)
The Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection contains microfilm copies of printed minutes of the annual meetings of the Rebekah Assembly of Missouri. The minutes include lists of state officials, delegates and alternates, financial information and committee reports, matters concerning the Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Missouri, and a listing of the names and local addresses of all Rebekah lodges in Missouri.
Red Bridge Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Congregation Records, 1879-2016 (K1361)
2 c.f.
Member directories, financial summaries, photos, programs, newsletters, records of land purchases, sketches of bldg plans, records of dissolution of corp., anniversary booklets and other items from the life of the church. Previously known as Oak Park Christian Church.
Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Records, 1985-1987 (S0962)
0.1 cubic foot
The Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Records contain newsletters, concert tickets, and programs pertaining to providing financial literacy resources and advocacy to women affected by poverty and domestic violence.
Rediscover Mental Health Services Records, 1969-1995 (K0511)
41 c.f.
Administrative records, board minutes, legislation on federal and state levels, community contact and involvement, funding and programs offered and administered by Rediscover and its predecessors.
Reed Family Papers, 1894-1996 (C4065)
2.4 cubic feet (69 folders)
Lyle Reed Collection, 1874-1998 (C4382)
1 cubic foot (52 folders)
Rare fiddle books, magazines, and other items related to the history of fiddle music collected by Lyle Reed and his wife, Marjorie Reed.
Reed-Carter Family Papers, 1867, 1893, 1976, 1980 (S0134)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The Reed-Carter Family Collection contains a pamphlet titled Trails West: Breckenridge Hills (A Brief History), histories, and newspaper clippings of the Reed-Carter family, the first African-American family in Breckenridge, Missouri.
Earl J. Reeves Papers, 1933-2001 (C4378)
5.4 cubic feet (143 folders)
Correspondence, reports, newsletters, teaching material, diaries, education material, genealogical material, military service, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, travel and newsletters of a professor of Political Science, former president of Missouri Valley College, and co-director of Community Bible Study International (CBSI) for Asia.
Reform Movement Oral History Collection, 1988 (K0266)
0.3 c.f.
Oral interviews with individuals personally active in the Kansas City reform movement in opposition to the Pendergast Machine and for good Municipal government from the 1920s through the 1950s.
Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWEL) Records, 1971-1998 (S0757)
15 cubic feet, 15 cassette tapes, 5 videotapes
The records of the Reform Organization of Welfare (ROWELL) contain correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, and audiovisual records documenting the organization's mission to advocate for the poor by working for legislative and administrative changes to the welfare system. In particular, ROWEL advocated for increases in cash grants for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and provided workshops to train welfare supports as lay lobbyists. Included in the collection are issues of ROWEL's in-house newsletter "Action Alerts."
John Keating Regan Papers, 1939-1960 (S0173)
0.02 cubic feet
The collection contains correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting John Keating Regan’s career as the United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri (1962-1977).
Regenhardt Family Papers, 1809-1980 (CG0036)
1.2 c. f.
The Regenhardt Family Papers include Civil War muster rolls of the 56th Enrolled Missouri Militia, McNeely family Bible records, Regenhardt Construction Company papers related to the building of Academic Hall on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University, and postcards of Academic Hall.
Leonard D. and Marie H. Rehkop Collection, 1917-1990s (CA6608)
4.75 cubic feet, 28 oversize items
Addition of correspondence, photographs, school papers, business papers, women’s extension club records, and miscellaneous material of a family from Higginsville, Missouri, that owned Rehkop Studio in Higginsville, Concordia, and Sweet Springs, Missouri.
Charles Rehkopf Papers, 1923-1995 (S0705)
6 cubic feet, 92 folders, 3 discs
The Charles Rehkopf Papers sermons, articles, and papers written by Reverend Charles Rehkopf during his career as an Episcopal pastor, archivist, and historiographer. Also included is his book on the history of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church and recordings of some of his sermons.
Loren D. Reid Papers, c. 1900-1992 (C3946)
6.8 cubic feet
Personal and professional papers of a professor of speech at the University of Missouri-Columbia, include correspondence; manuscripts of two of his books, HURRY HOME WEDNESDAY and FINALLY IT'S FRIDAY; other writings and speeches; and travel memorabilia.
Jack Reitzes Papers, 1931-2006 (K0996)
1 c.f.
Born in Kansas City, Reitzes was an member of Temple B'nai Jehudah. Materials related to his and his family's activities including newspaper clippings, yearbooks, correspondence, commemoration booklets, event programs, newsletters, photographs.
Religious Culture of St. Louis Senior Seminar Papers, 1980-1982 (S0140)
0.01 cubic foot, 3 folders
This collection contains eleven papers from History 293 (Spring, 1981), a senior seminar held at the University of Missouri-St. Louis on the religious history of St. Louis.
Renshaw and McLin Family Papers, 1845-2000 (SP0087)
4 cubic feet (61 folders, 3 volumes, 1 oversize box)
The Renshaw and McLin Family Papers contain the personal papers of the Renshaw and McLin families of Cave Spring, Missouri, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, and genealogical material. The collection also consists of records related to Mount Zion Presbyterian Church located in Cave Spring.
William Rensing Papers, 1945-1986 (K0523)
0.5 c.f.
Photographs, newspaper articles concerning the works of the German-born, Kansas City area sculptor.
Reproductive Health Services Records, 1969-1992 (S0197)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 microfilm roll
The Reproductive Health Services Records contain correspondence, brochures, reports, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks pertaining to the organization’s mission to provide reproductive healthcare to individuals. Subjects of interest include family planning, opposition to abortion, and birth control.
Bob Reuter Papers , 1977-2013 (S0368)
4 cubic feet
The Bob Reuter papers consist of photographs, diaries, flyers, CDs, and a song lyric book, documenting Reuter's life and career as a singer/songwriter, musician, photographer, and host of KDHX's Bob's Scratchy Records. During his career, Reuter belonged to several influential St. Louis-area music groups, including the Dinosaurs (Punk), Kamikaze Cowboy (Alt-Country), and Bob Reuter's Alley Ghost.
Paul Joseph Revitt Papers, 1940-1990 (K0849)
14 c.f.
Personal and professional papers of Revitt, professor in the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of Music. Includes research and final drafts of his master's thesis and doctoral dissertation and other articles and books; daily expense books and diaries; travel scrapbooks; and printed, and published material.
Reynolds Family Papers, 1875-1997 (CG0007)
2.6 cubic feet
The Reynolds Family Papers contain photographs, correspondence, reel to reel films, and other papers related to the Reynolds family of Morehouse, Missouri from 1875-1997.
Donald W. Reynolds Papers, 1945-1994 (CA6476)
11.55 cubic feet, 2 films, 1 oversize item
The papers of Donald W. Reynolds, a journalist and founder of the Donrey Media Group, include correspondence, photographs, articles, biographical material, and audiovisual material. Reynolds was a University of Missouri alumni and the Reynolds Journalism Institute was named after him after the university received a grant from his foundation.
Ribeau Family Papers, 1870-1982 (R0101)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Ribeau Family Collection contains photocopies of correspondence, tax receipts, and miscellaneous records of an African-American family in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. They lived in a historic poteaux-en-terre house built in 1778.
Patricia Rice Papers, 1973-1986 (S0722)
0.6 cubic feet, 10 folders
This collection contains resource materials collected by Patricia Rice while reporting on women in politics from 1973-1986 as an employee for the St. Louis Post Dispatch.
Pam Rich Papers, 1973-1980 (C3957)
0.8 cubic feet (60 folders)
Papers of Pam Rich, lobbyist for Women's Political Caucus, 1979-1980, an organization which advocated ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment by Missouri. Includes correspondence with state legislators, campaign brochures, publicity clippings for and against ERA, newsletters, and notes on various legislators.
Carol R. Richards Papers, 1967-1985 (C4073)
7.0 cubic feet (188 folders), 5 audio cassettes
The papers of journalist Carol Richards consists of articles, books, clippings, correspondence, handwritten notebooks, audio cassettes, and miscellaneous research materials on a variety of topics such as education, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, and women's issues.
Richmond Heights Historical Society Records, 1900-2013 (S0274)
21 cubic feet
The Richmond Heights Historical Society (RHHS) Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, newsletters, plat maps, newspaper clippings, and correspondence collected by RHHS’s volunteers documenting the history and culture of Richmond Heights from the 1900s to the present. Materials of interest include maps of Richmond Heights’ area subdivisions, including the names of homeowners. The materials in this collection date from 1900 to 2013.
Ray S. Richmond Papers, 1914-1984 (S0553)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 scrapbook, 14 photographs
Ray Richmond was born in Fillmore, Illinois on June 5, 1896. He played minor league baseball for the Bloomers of Bloomington, Illinois before joining the St. Louis Browns in 1920 and 1921. Richmond played eight games for the Browns and had a lifetime record of two wins and one loss. He died in DeSoto, Missouri on December 21, 1969. Scrapbook primarily documents Richmond’s baseball career, with two letters from 1983 and 1984.
Julia B. Slemons Harrison Riedel Papers, 1600-1990 (K1022)
5 c.f.
Genealogical research on the Slemons, Gardner, Lyles, also biography, Brigadier General William F. Slemons. C.S.A.: His Ancestors and Descendants, by Riedel
Carl R. Rieger Papers, 1943-1998 (C4556)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Carl R. Rieger contain military papers, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other material relating to his time spent as a prisoner of war during World War II.
Alice Cary Risley Papers, 1857-1991, bulk 1863-1939 (R0478)
(1 roll of microfilm)
This collection consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Alice Cary Risley, a volunteer nurse for the Union army in New Orleans during the Civil War, and a postwar resident of West Plains, Missouri. Risley was active in the National Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War and the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. She corresponded with members of these organizations and with former soldiers.
Amanda Elizabeth Evans Rivard Papers, 1919-1980 (K0149)
0.08 c.f. (4 folders)
Photocopied scrapbook, including photographs of homes Rivard designed and newspaper clippings related to her career as a woman architect in Kansas City, MO.
River Faces Scrapbook, 1983-1987 (S1150)
0.025 cubic foot
This collection contains a scrapbook of River Faces parade in downtown St. Louis
Ann Stillwell Robards Papers, 1967-2002 (K1291)
4.5 c.f.
The papers of Ann Stilwell Robards include photographs and materials related to flight attendant training for the TWA Breech Academy. Breech Academy opened December 3, 1969 as a 34-acre training facility located at 6300 Lamar in Overland Park, Kansas, and was named after Ernest R. Breech, TWA chairman emeritus. Also included are TWA artifacts and oversize items.
Charles C. Roberts Photograph Collection, 1988 (P0693)
1 folder
Photos of the Frisco House and Wright County Historical Society members.
John W. Roberts Folklore Collection, 1975-1985 (CA4756)
6 cubic feet, 1 card file
Student papers and related materials received by a former University of Missouri-Columbia folklore professor.
Michael Roberts Papers, 1940-1991 (S0525)
0.25 cubic feet
Michael Roberts was a St. Louis real estate and media entrepreneur of WHSL-TV, St. Louis' first African-American owned television station. The papers, which range from 1960-1991, photographs and newspaper clippings.