Paraquad Records, 1981-2002 (S0956)
17 cubic feet
The Paraquad Records contain correspondence, grant files, legislative materials, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the organization's mission to help people with disabilities to live independently in the St. Louis area.
Judith Katz Parelman Papers, 1920-2007 (K0759)
1 c.f.
Parelman was an educator, youth director, and administrator. Includes event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs, and resumes often pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Parents As Teachers Records, 1973-2022 (S1125)
44 cubic feet
The Parents as Teachers Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, evaluation reports, facilitator guides, training manuals, DVDs and CDs, pertaining to early childhood education. Established by early childcare educators in 1981, Parents as Teachers mission is to promote early childhood development by assisting parents and caregivers with providing educational opportunities for pre-K-12 children.
George W. Parker Papers, 1962-2000s (CA5963)
115 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes, 176 audio cassettes, 9 audio discs, 47 audio tapes, 10 video cassettes, 3 CDs, 7 oversize items
Sara A. Parker Papers, 1970s-2000s (CA6104)
13.7 cubic feet, 2 oversize items, 4 audio cassettes, 31 video cassettes
Professional papers of the Missouri State Librarian who served from 1995 through 2005. During a career spanning 43 years, Parker also served as Pennsylvania and Montana state librarian and held other librarian positions in Colorado and Springfield and Monett, Missouri.
Gordon R. "Parky" Parkinson Papers, 1929-1988 (K0506)
0.3 c.f.
Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Superintendent. Includes histories of TWA, speeches and manuscripts by employees, policy and procedure information, clippings and photographs.
Parkville Presbyterian Church Records, 1845-1981 (K0134)
4 MR
Organizational records of the Church in Parkville, MO, one of the oldest congregations in the Greater Kansas City area. Consists of Session Minutes as well as scattered reports of committees, financial material and documents for the Church; Church Rolls; Correspondence; and Scrapbooks.
Parnell Family Collection, 1835-1981 (SP0090)
1.5 cubic feet (26 folders, 361 photographs, 1 oversize box)
The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1940-2016 (CA6500)
9.4 cubic feet, 4 oversize items
The papers of an historian specializing in Missouri history who attended the University of Missouri contain correspondence, scrapbooks, speeches, postcards, and miscellaneous material. Parrish taught at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, before becoming a professor at Mississippi State University.
Kate Parry Papers, 1973-2022 (CA6660)
1.4 cubic feet, 7 computer discs
The papers of a reporter, editor, ombudsman, and assistant managing editor who primarily worked for the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the St. Paul Pioneer Press, contain clippings, correspondence, training materials, speeches, and miscellaneous professional material.
Charles K. Parsons Papers, 1904-1983 (K0117)
8 f
Material related to Parsons' career as a railway mail clerk. It includes photographs of a train derailment in 1914, copies of postal laws, regulations, and schemes, as well as some railroad passes and correspondence related to his retirement in 1950
Partin and Lash Family Papers, 1911-2021 (K1416)
7 c.f.
Papers of the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families, include correspondence, photographs, marriage records, divorce papers, deeds, birth and death records, and other materials. Papers refer to over thirty individuals from the Partin, Lash, and Bristol families; many papers are related to William (Bill) Charles Partin, son of May and Marvin Luther Partin.
Matthew K. Partin Collection, 1919-2005 (K1254)
15 c.f.
Research notes and materials collected for a book concerning Harry S. Truman's early political life, federal prosecutions of election fraud, Tom Pendergast and his political machine, and Kansas City police.
Pasadena Hills Records, 1947-1989 (S0709)
11 cubic feet
The St. Louis County Court incorporated Pasadena Hills in 1843. The Stifel Company was the first property owner in Pasadena Hills: Carter Realty became the second. A Board of Trustees was implemented in 1949, after Pasadena Hills incorporated into a village. The board is responsible for Pasadena Hills' laws and ordinances. The Pasadena Hills Records include correspondence, legal records, news clippings, maps, architecture drawings, and reports.
Robert Anthony Pastore Papers, 1985-2002 (K0577)
3.5 c.f.
Papers from former member of Board of Directors of Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes stockholder meeting reports, minutes, bankruptcy reports, annual reports, and miscellaneous reports.
John Douglas Patrick Collection, 1961-1989 (K0843)
0.2 c.f.
The collection contains articles, press releases, and photographs regarding the exhibition of Patrick's most famous painting Brutality, at the Broadway Valentine Center in Kansas City, Missouri.
Joye Patterson Papers, 1967-1988 (C4448)
1.6 cubic feet (39 folders), 2 audio cassettes
The correspondence and professional papers of a journalism professor, including material on women’s studies and women in media, the status of women, and the “Q-Conference.”
Dale Thomas Patton Papers, 1944-1994 (K1309)
0.25 c. f.
The collection contains the personal papers of Dale Thomas Patton, former Deputy Director of the Regional Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training for the U.S. Department of Labor in Kansas City, Missouri. Included in this collection are letters of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Patton for the position of Deputy Director, correspondence, certificates, a military photograph of Dale Thomas Patton, travel expenses, employee records, pamphlets, a memoir of a World War II combat diver written by William J. Donath, and a 1944 U.S. Naval Aviation yearbook.
Patton-Scott Family Papers, 1836-1983 (C3710)
1.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, genealogy, poetry, prose, and miscellaneous volumes of the Patton and Scott families. Describes agriculture, economic conditions, overland travel, daily life, family activities, and tragedies. Firsthand accounts of the Civil War's influence on civilian life in Missouri, Mississippi, and Indiana.
Thomas D. Pawley III Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA5546)
35 cubic feet
Papers of a professor of speech and theater at Lincoln University, poet, and playwright; member of Missouri Arts Council, Missouri Humanities Council, Mid-America Arts Alliance, and other organizations. Includes manuscripts, correspondence, organizational records, teaching materials, and miscellaneous.
Marjorie B. Paxson Papers, 1844-2008 (C4078)
7.25 cubic feet (180 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 27 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 2 computer discs
The papers of Marjorie B. Paxson, a journalist and newspaper publisher who established the National Women and Media Collection, include news articles, correspondence, material on national and international women's conferences, and miscellaneous personal and professional papers.
Frank Paxton, Jr. Papers, 1960-1997 (K0558)
41 c.f.
Personal and business papers of Paxton, former president of Paxton Lumber Company and civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Includes material on the lumber business, and his interest in education and the Guadalupe Center. Also extensive genealogical research on the Paxton family.
Heather N. Paxton Collection, 1820-2015 (K0721)
2 c.f.
Advertising flyers to local Kansas City area events and organization, concentrated mostly on the artistic community. Also research and writings by Paxton, a local author and historian.
John W. Payne Papers, 1940-2023 (C4707)
0.2 cubic foot (3 folders)
Memoir written by engineer officer Daniel P. Griffin to honor his commanding officer John W. Payne upon his death in a plane collision over the Grand Canyon in 1956.
Peace Lutheran Church Records, circa 1884-1984 (R0199)
(1 roll of micofilm)
The Peace Lutheran Church, Phelps County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the records of Peace Lutheran Church at Elk Prairie in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are the constitution, membership rosters, minutes of quarterly meetings, and the centennial history of the church. Records up to 1924 are in German.
Stanley Stuart Pearson Diaries , 1947-2019 (KA2621)
7 c.f.
This collection contains the daily diaries of Stanley Stuart Pearson from 1945 to 2019.
Pearson was born in Minnesota on September 4, 1928, to Albin S. and Mary R. Pearson. In 1960, Pearson married Ardyce “Ardy” Hemmingson. Together they had three children: Steven, Charles “Chip,” and Susan. The Pearsons moved to Kansas City, Missouri, in the 1970s. Content of the diaries contain weather and agenda items as well as opinions and current events.
Sharon Pedersen Papers, 1975-2017 (S1157)
31 cubic feet
This collection contains personal papers documenting the education, work, hobbies, and personal life of Sharon Leslie (Smith) Pedersen (1943-2017). Pedersen, a Kirkwood, Missouri resident, and mother of four, worked as a high school English teacher and librarian, public librarian, and Peace Corps educator in China. She earned degrees in English, philosophy, education, history, library science, and creative writing from the University of Missouri and the University of Colorado. Throughout her life she was an avid outdoorsman, master gardener and was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, International Folk Dance Association of St. Louis, Ethical Society of St. Louis, Wild Ones Native Plant Society, and Washington University Woman's Club. Papers include genealogy and family history, photographs, educational and work records, correspondence, journals, and essays.
Larry and Margaret Peeno Papers, 1959-2016 (S0306)
9.5 cubic feet
The Maggie and Larry Peeno Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, curriculum guides, newsletters, reports, surveys, photographs, and VHS tapes documenting the Peeno’s 50+ year career in art education in Missouri and the United States. Items of interest include curricula developed by Maggie Peeno for the University City School District, including the “We Live in University City” booklet.
Pegasus Air Transport Records, 1981 (K0070)
1 f
Business study conducted by Pegasus Air Transport designed to assist in securing funds to implement an air cargo service in Kansas City, MO.
Eugene Joseph Peltier Papers, 1934-1991 (K0417)
19 c.f.
Rear Admiral Peltier Chief of Civil Engineers of the U.S. Navy and prominent Public Works civil engineer. Includes scrapbooks, photographs, personal and professional correspondence and related papers.
Raymond Peltzman Collection, 1914-2007 (K1140)
6 c.f.
Personal, academic, and professional records of Raymond Peltzman and his wife, Anna Lottie Berkson, and genealogical information about their extended families. Also family photographs and genealogical information about the Alport, Berkson, Dworsky, and Peltzman families.
Penn Valley Meeting of Friends Records, 1943-1998 (K0077)
4.5 c.f.
Organizational records of the Penn Valley Meeting of Friends including minutes, correspondence, photographs, periodicals, political and social issues literature, and other records of the Quaker organization.
Penney-Missouri Journalism Awards Records, 1960-1993 (C4050)
23.4 cubic feet (1056 folders, 2667 photographs), 20 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Penney-Missouri Journalism Awards consist of administrative material concerning the program's newspaper, magazine, and television competitions and workshops. The collection includes correspondence, financial records, and photographs.
Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)
The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.
PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records, 1948-1999 (K1086)
2 c.f.
The P.E.O. Sisterhood is a philanthropic and educational organization interested in bringing to women increased opportunities for higher education. Includes scrapbooks of photographs of individuals and events, booklets, clippings, and listings of officers.
Selwyn Pepper Papers, 1928-1995 (S0488)
2 cubic feet, 98 folders, 2 photographs
Selwyn Pepper was a St. Louis-area journalist who Began career at "The Scrippage," the Soldan high newspaper. In 1935, Pepper joined the staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and covered major news stories, including heatwaves, riverfront bond issue fraud, and the Cardinals' World Series win in 1946. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings.
Perche Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minute Books, 1874-2005 (C3635)
2 rolls of microfilm
Records of the Perche Church from its founding in 1874 as the Arm of Bethlehem Church. The name was changed in 1880. Minutes of business sessions include periodic lists of members.
Performing Arts Foundation of Kansas City Records, 1965-1983 (K1124)
0.5 c.f.
The Foundations purpose was to encourage interest in and appreciation for the performing arts, to hold an annual performing arts festival, and to promoted a new performing arts center. Includes correspondence, contracts, printed materials, programs, and clippings concerning productions mounted by the Foundation. Also the 1968 MRI study, "The Performing Arts in Kansas City."
Marlin Perkins Papers, 1873-1991 (S0516)
17.4 cubic foot; 350 folders; 2854 photographs; 32 16mm films; 29 audio cassettes, 14 audio discs, 16 items
The Marlin Perkins Papers consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, zoo animal feeding records, business contracts, equipment lists, maps, archaeological records, publications, and zoological findings, conservation and ecological writings, scrapbooks, photographs, and film. The materials in this collection are related to Marlin Perkins’ involvement in national and international zoos, wildlife and nature conservation, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, Zoo Parade, and various other dealings involving wildlife.
Personal Rights of Missourians (PROMO) Records, 1984-2003 (S0960)
12 cubic feet
The Personal Rights of Missourians (PROMO) Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, legislative materials, and educational resources pertaining to PROMO's mission to protect the rights of LGBTQ+ Missourians through education, political lobbying, and grassroots organization.
Peter Tamony Memorial Lecture Collection, 1986-2003 (C3944)
0.3 cubic feet, 20 audio cassettes
Audio cassettes and transcripts of speeches, photographs, and advertisements documenting the Peter Tamony Memorial Lecture series at the University of Missouri.
Walter L. Pfeffer II Collection, 1949-2021 (CA5847)
17.45 cubic feet, 48.4 MB of digital files, 3 VHS
Records of Columbia Association of Life Underwriters, University of Missouri Alumni Association, Evans Scholars Alumni Association, MU College of Arts and Science Alumni Association, MU Political Action Committee, Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Southside Optimist Club, and DeSmet Jesuit High School, and personal papers.
Walter L. Pfeffer II Photographs, 1982-1994 (P0408)
0.25 linear feet
Photographs of several Homecoming King candidates (Pete Cowgill, Kevin Avondet, and Marty Heady) for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1977 - the first year for a king candidate. Photos of model railroad installation and Highland Park Carousel. Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Extensive photographic documentation of muscular dystrophy telethons and award banquets, early 1990s.
Michael Gene Pfefferkorn Papers, 1976-2001 (S1219)
9.25 cubic feet
The papers of Michael Gene Pfefferkorn contain correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, and speeches concerning the historic preservation of St. Louis landmarks and neighborhoods, including the Major John Stevens Bowen House; the integration of St. Louis City Schools during the 1970s; and the establishment of the American Tax Token Society in 1971. Other topics of interest include the publication of the Missouri Journal of Numismatics, which Pfefferkorn edited from 1976 to 2001. The papers date from 1964 to 1993.
Sandra Jo Pfefferkorn Papers, 1967-1981 (S1220)
0.25 cubic foot
The papers of Sandra Jo Pfefferkorn contain evaluations, reports, and writings concerning Central High School and the development of its curriculum, student writing abilities, and student and faculty morale at Central High School. Other items of interest include a 1967-1968 annual report published by the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. The papers date from 1967 to 1981.
Phantom Flyers Newsletters, 1975-1985 (S0795)
0.25 cubic foot, 5 volumes
This collection contains issues of Phantom Flyer, published by the McDonnell Scales Modelers Club.
Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1950-2015 (R1262)
7 cubic feet (15 folders, 37 volumes, 1 oversize volume)
The Phelps County Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Records contain meeting minutes, printed newsletters, and scrapbooks of the Phelps County Regional Medical Center
Auxiliary (now Phelps Health Auxiliary and Volunteer Services) at Rolla, Missouri. Organized in 1950 as a women’s auxiliary to the Phelps County Memorial Hospital (now Phelps Health), the Auxiliary grew to coordinate a number of programs including volunteer services, fundraising, programs for youths, and nursing scholarships.
Phelps County, Missouri Collection, 1921-2012 (R1303)
1.25 cubic foot (41 folders, 2 oversize, 3 photographs, 130 negatives)
The Phelps County Collection is an ephemeral collection containing materials related to the history of Phelps County. Those materials include information on local businesses, civic and social organizations, schools, churches, historical information on the county and towns, and photographs.
William C. Phelps Papers, 1918-2014 (CA6721)
1.8 cubic feet (1 audio tape), 17 oversize items, 3 oversize volumes
The papers of William C. Phelps, the 40th Lieutenant Governor of Missouri, contain correspondence, programs, newspaper clippings, certificates, campaign materials, and photographs. Also include are three scrapbooks, which contain photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other miscellaneous materials.