S. Claude Null Family Papers, 1840-1992 (R1390)
1.75 cubic feet (57 folders, 3 volumes, 203 photographs)
The S. Claude Null Family Papers contain the personal and family papers for Claude Null of Rolla, Missouri. These papers include personal correspondence, genealogy research, and photographs for the Null, Harrison, Headrick/Hedrick, and connected families.
O'Bannon Homestead Collection, 1892-2007 (K1114)
8 f
Research and documentation of the restoration of the homestead located in in Garden City, Cass County, Missouri. Also photographs of the property, both exterior and interior; and of the photographs of the O'Bannon and Johnson families.
Charles O'Dell Collection, 1825-1997 (C4265)
4.0 cubic feet (138 folders)
The papers of a medical librarian for the Ellis-Fischel State Cancer Center, a public school and college instructor in literature, music, and performing arts, and amateur genealogist. The papers focus on genealogical research material, correspondence, notes, publications, newsletters, newspaper clippings, family group sheets, name lists, scrapbook material, photographs, slides, and other miscellaneous genealogical material.
Diane Berry O'Hagan Papers, 1940s, 1979-2010s (CA6525)
0.2 cubic feet
Letters, cards, clippings, drawings, photographs, and miscellaneous material documenting a decades-long pen pal friendship between the family of Diane Berry O'Hagan of Versailles and Columbia, Missouri, and the family of Hu Keng-Seng of China. The two became pen pals after World War II and reconnected in 1979 after more than 30 years.
Robert S. O'Keefe Papers, 1911-1987 (K0546)
0.5 c.f.
Personal papers of former Senior Vice President of J.C. Nichols Company. Includes publications, photographs, slides, clippings, speeches.
Rose O'Neill Papers, 1863-1990 (SP0026)
2 cubic feet (35 folders)
The Rose O’Neill Papers consist of the personal correspondence of Rose O’Neill and her family members and friends.
Edmund C. Oakes Papers, 1943-1987 (S0593)
0.25 cubic foot, 11 folders
This collection consists of correspondence and military papers of Illinois native Edmund C. Oakes (1916-1986) who served in the US Army at the Battle of the Bulge, where he received disabling wounds. He later became Illinois state commander of Disabled American Veterans. The papers include an emergency war-time teaching certificate of his wife Catherine Oakes and correspondence with political figures Otto Kerner and John F. Kennedy.
Oakwood Country Club Records, 1893-1993 (K0397)
2 c.f.
Begun as the Progressive Club, Oakwood was the primary county club for the Jewish community of Kansas City. Organizational records including minutes from Annual and Board of Directors meetings, financial reports, by-laws, constitutions, and amendments, architectural drawings, correspondence, and photographs.
Thomas R. Oates Papers, 1940-2006 (CA6212)
7.2 cubic feet
A collection of photographs, slides, and negatives of Dr. Thomas R. Oates, a nationally known documentary photographer and Saint Louis University alumnus. He did extensive research on rural Missouri and farming, as well as the inner city environment of St. Louis.
Treva Faye Oden Collection, 1887-2010 (C4480)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Copies of newspaper articles and photographs, biographical and historical records for Antioch Christian Church and Grand Prairie Baptist Church located in Callaway County Missouri.
Marian Ohman Papers, 1893-1935, 1960-2002, bulk 1970-1985 (C4733)
5.5 c.f. (398 folders), 1 16mm film reel, 1 v.c., 1.17 MB born digital files, 31 oversize items, 2670 photographs, 1100 slides, 2 card file boxes
Research files on Missouri courthouses and churches, including photographs. Also contains information about the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year; the Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney art collection; architects Morris Frederick Bell and Harvey Ellis; and Black bandmaster and composer, Major N. Clark Smith.
Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Records, 1933-1982 (S0479)
14 cubic feet, 3 microfilm rolls, 341 photographs, 3 oversize volumes
The Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, contracts and negotiations, grievances, and membership enrollments records documenting the union's day-to-day business activities, including contract negotiations with gas companies, union conventions, and labor strikes.
Older Women's League Records, 1981-2009 (S0674)
25 cubic feet, 9 photographs
The Older Women's League (OWL), founded in 1981, is a national membership organization with more than 30,000 members and 1000 chapters. The St. Louis Gateway Chapter, one of the largest with 350 members, was founded in 1985. OWL's mission is to improve the image and status of mid-life and older women through grassroots advocacy, mutual support, and education. The collection includes correspondence newsletters, meeting minutes, reports, and photographs.
Charles and Marian O'Fallon Oldham Papers, 1913-2004 (S1112)
2 cubic feet, 38 folders, 179 photographs, 10 oversize items, 2 cassette tapes
This collection contains correspondence, photographs, court transcripts, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the lives of Civil Rights activists Charles and Marian Oldham. Charles Oldham was instrumental in organizing picket lines and demonstrations that helped open college admission for African Americans at Washington University in St. Louis in 1948. The Oldhams were also active members of the St. Louis chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and participated in the Jefferson Bank protests in 1963. Other subjects of interest include Marian O’Fallon Oldham’s tenure as a member of the University of Missouri’s Board of Curators and Charles Oldham’s time as the National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. The materials in this collection date from 1913 to 2004.
Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Records, 1760-2004 (CG0010)
296 cubic feet
The Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Papers contain case files and correspondence of the firm from the 1880s to 1980s. This collection also includes the genealogy of the Oliver and Watkins families, family correspondence, and civic involvements with the Boy Scouts of America, Rotary Club, Sons of the American Revolution, and Presbyterian Church. In addition, this collection contains material related to the Little River Drainage District, Oliver Land and Development Company, and Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
John W. Oliver Papers, 1936-1990 (K0751)
25 c.f.
Speeches, writings, correspondence, photographs, and personal files of Oliver, Senior U.S. District Judge of Western Missouri. Also personal papers of his wife, Gertrude Field Oliver (1916- ).
Philip G. Olson Papers, 1919-2006 (K1126)
10 c.f.
Olson is a retired University of Missouri-Kansas City professor in Sociology whose research focused on urban neighborhoods. Includes research materials, gathered by Olson, about neighborhoods in Kansas City, MO.
Helen Onson Papers, 1938-1994 (C4043)
0.65 cubic feet (14 folders, 1 oversize volume, 1 DVD)
The Helen Onson Papers contain photographs, diaries, newspaper clippings, and a scrapbook documenting Onson’s career as a basketball player in the 1930s and 1940s. Also included are clippings and correspondence related to Helen Stephens and her Olympic Co-Eds traveling basketball team, and material on the Harlem Globetrotters and its founder, Abe Saperstein. The collection also includes a DVD with an interview of Onson discussing her basketball career and friendship with Olympian Helen Stephens.
Perry O. Onstot Papers, 1985-1989 (C4672)
0.15 cubic feet (4 folders)
The professional papers of a University of Missouri graduate and marketing consultant specializing in agricultural chemicals include clippings, photographs, correspondence, and miscellaneous material concerning his work in China with Canpotex Limited.
OPEN PLACES (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1960s-1990s (CA6620)
2.8 cubic feet, 11 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 2 video cassettes, 1 video tape, 14 oversize items
Addition of records includes correspondence, photographs, audiovisual material, and miscellaneous business records.
OPEN PLACES (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1961-1987 (C3705)
3.8 cubic feet (269 folders), 1 audio tape
The records of a small poetry magazine, edited by Eleanor M. Bender, include correspondence, financial documents, grant information, issues 1-44, Poet Series 1-5, photographs, news-paper clippings, and a taped interview with Nan A. Talese, senior editor at Random House. See also collection 3068.
OPEN PLACES (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1968-1987 (C3068)
6 rolls of microfilm
Records of a small poetry and review magazine. Consists of general, contributor and publication correspondence. Includes materials pertaining to the magazine's last six years of publication, 1981-1987. See Collection 3705 for material relating to the magazine's first fifteen years.
Open Space Council Collection, 1988-2005 (S0302)
1 cubic feet
This collection contains photographs of events sponsored by the Open Space Council of St. Louis, including Operation Clean Stream, which seeks to protect and restore the Meramec River and its tributaries.
Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records, 1939-2023 (S0062)
51 cubic feet
The Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records contains correspondence, programs, and financial materials relating to the history of opera in St. Louis from 1939, including the opera productions, metropolitan opera auditions, and the efforts to raise the public's interest in opera.
Optimist International Records, 1919-2019 (S1244)
137 cubic feet
The Optimist International Records contain board and convention meeting minutes, club files, publications, grant files, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting the organization’s mission to promote the common good in communities, traditionally supporting youth through various programs. Materials of interest include files on individual Optimist Clubs throughout Missouri and the world, which include membership lists and club reports sent to Optimist International. The materials in this collection date from 1919-2019.
Oral Histories of the Japanese American Community in St. Louis Collection, 1906-1988 (S0682)
7 cubic feet, 68 folders, 1134 photographs, 21 cassette tapes, 8 books, 6 scrapbooks
The Oral Histories of the Japanese American Community in St. Louis Collection documents the experience of Japanese Americans relocation into internment camps and to what life was like for Japanese Americans post-relocation. It includes tapes and transcripts of the oral history interviews conducted as part of Herm Smith's documentation project, which began in 1984. Also included in the collection are the records of the St. Louis Chapter of the Japanese American Citizen League (JACL), which Smith collected during the project. The JACL materials date from the 1950s to the 1970s, and consist of newsletters, newspaper clippings, financial ledgers, meeting minutes, and correspondence, which document the group’s efforts to protect the civil rights of Japanese Americans.
Oral History Collection, 1971-1995 (S0829)
11 cubic feet
The Oral History Collection consists of reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes, and transcripts of oral histories conducted by Western Historical Manuscript Collection staff and the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) students. Topics of interest include African-American community leaders, labor leaders, immigrants, the Great Depression in St. Louis, and Jazz musicians.
James W. Orchard Papers, 1958-2016 (R1351)
0.5 cubic foot (10 folders, 1 CD, 4 DVDs, 1 a.c.)
The James W. Orchard Papers contains the papers of Missouri bluegrass musician Jimmy Orchard including event and festival fliers, photographs, recordings of shows, and music album information.
These are the bylaws and two annual booklets for the Azotus Shrine No. 5 of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem at Joplin in Japser County, Missouri. The annual booklets include lists of officers and past officers and a list of members.
Oregon County Masonic Records, 1871-2018 (R1469)
3.25 cubic feet (58 folders, 10 photographs)
The Oregon County Masonic Records contain materials related to the Masonic lodges and Order of Eastern Star chapters in Thomasville and Alton, Missouri. The Woodside Masonic Lodge No. 387 and the Alton Masonic Lodge No. 255 were the only lodges in Oregon County, Missouri. These materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, financial records, bylaws, photographs, and membership petitions.
Organization for Black Struggle Records, 1970-2016 (S1240)
3 cubic foot, 72 folders, 905 photographs, 35 video cassettes
The Organization for Black Struggle Records (OBS) contains correspondence, press releases, flyers, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to address the needs and issues of the Black working class in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Topics of interest include housing and job discrimination cases, criminal justice reform, and apartheid in South Africa.
Organization History of Ferrier Harris Nursing Home Manuscript, 1979-1980 (S0411)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains a brief history of the Ferrier Harris Nursing Home written by Harriet (Lamb) Williams, a former board member of the nursing home and daughter of Ferrier Harris, the organization’s namesake.
Osage River Resevoir Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1891-1999 (P1129)
An artifical collection of photographs of the counties surrounding Truman Resevoir and Lake of the Ozarks: Henry, St. Clair, Benton, Hickory, Morgan, Camden, and Miller counties.
Joseph J. Oshiver Papers, 1933-2005 (K0596)
33 c.f.
Architectural drawings and other records for Kansas City architect Oshiver, as well as research and other materials relating to Sacred Structures, the Jewish Community in the Kansas City area, and other personal and professional activities.
Otterville Presbyterian Church (Cooper County, Mo.) Records, 1849-1996 (C3951)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of the church consisting of record books containing minutes of meetings and church registers, and a church history. Includes similar records of the Stony Point Presbyterian Church, Morgan County, MO.
Ozzie Overby Papers, 1950s-2010s (CA6470)
27.85 cubic feet, 6 oversize items, 2 rolls of architectural drawings, 2 audio tapes
The papers of a University of Missouri architectural professor and historian, who served as the director of the MU Museum of Art and Archaeology and was involved with historic preservation efforts, largely contain professional material, along with some personal material.
Geneva Overholser Papers, 1970s-2000s (CA6182)
19 cubic feet, 40 audio cassettes, 44 video cassettes, 13 DVDs, 1 CD, 5 computer discs, 1 oversize volume
Papers of a journalist who was an editor for the Des Moines Register, on the editorial board of the New York Times, ombudsman for the Washington Post, and director of the school of journalism at University of Southern California. The papers consist of her writings, administrative files, speeches, and correspondence documenting her career in newspapers and public affairs journalism.
Overseas Weekly Collection, 1959-1984, 2009-2010 (CA6419)
0.9 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette
Collection of newspapers, clippings, reminiscences by former staff members, and miscellaneous material concerning the Overseas Weekly, an independent tabloid newspaper for American enlisted men. The newspaper was started in Germany in 1950 and later had a Pacific Edition during the Vietnam War, as well as a Stateside Edition in the 1970s.
Dennis Owsley Papers, 1978-1999 (S1238)
44.0 GB
The Dennis Owlsey Papers contains filmed lectures, essays, oral history interviews, playlists, and photographs pertaining to his work as a Jazz scholar and critic. Owsley is the long-time host of KWMU's Jazz Unlimited (1983-present), and has written several books on St. Louis Jazz history, including City of Gabriels: The History of Jazz in St. Louis, 1895-1973. Materials of interest in this collection include oral histories Owsley conducted with notable St. Louis Jazz musicians, including Clark Terry, Larry Bowie, and Willie Atkins. Other items of interest include photographs Owsley took of Jazz performances in St. Louis, including the St. Louis Jazz Fest in 1988 and the Mid-America Fest in 1983. The materials in this collection are entirely digital and date from 1978 to 2019.
Ozark Mountainwood Express, 1981 (R0949)
(1 folder)
This is an issue of "Ozark Mountainwood Express", a semiannual publication devoted to Ozark music, culture, and tourism. The editor was J. T. Aubrey Roberts of Harrison, Arkansas. Although unnumbered and undated, this issue contains calendars of events for 1981.
Ozark Rivers Oral Histories Collection, 1981-1983 (R1430)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders, 7 cassettes, 7 CDs)
The Ozark Rivers Oral History collection consists of interviews done by Alex Primm of eight individuals living in Crawford, Franklin, Phelps and Washington counties in Missouri and their corresponding newspaper articles.
P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records, 1916-1995 (K0604)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Missouri State Chapter Records, 1890-2010 (CA5409)
9.8 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 2 oversize items
The records of the organization include publications, chapter histories, record books, scrapbooks, directories, yearbooks, photographs, membership records, financial records, convention materials, and miscellaneous material.
Regina Entin Pachter Papers, 1946-2006 (K1142)
3 c.f.
Pachter was owner with her husband, Meyer Pachter of the Pachter Garment Company. she was also a talent pianist who performed widely. Includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, programs, scripts, and sheet music pertaining to Pachter's involvement in various Kansas City Jewish organizations.
Florence Goldfinger Pack Collection, 1933, 1943, 1988, no date (K1425)
0.12 cubic foot
The Florence Goldfinger Pack Collection contains photographs and clippings concerning Florence Pack, dating from 1933 to 1988. The collection contains a mixture of dated and undated materials, with mediums ranging from newspaper clippings to photographs. Many of the items are school related.
Hazel Call Page Papers, 1938-1981 (K0097)
0.5 c.f.
Mrs. Page had been supervisor of the Works Projects Administration (WPA) Statewide Library Project in Missouri. Included are records of the administration of the WPA Library Project and those related to Mrs. Page's book on that subject.
Palmer & Kuehn and Associates Architectural Records, 1960-2002 (K1117)
40 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, photographs, and correspondence, of the firm who specialized in churches, schools, hospitals, and small business buildings primarily in the Kansas City area.
Vincent and Lucie Palmer Papers, 1927-1987 (S0817)
15 cubic feet, 137 folders, 32 film reels, 257 photographs
The collection contains personal and business correspondence, receipts, newspaper clippings, 16mm films, and personal notes regarding lectures and films documenting Vincent and Lucie Palmer's career as explorers and underwater adventures.
Panel of American Women-Kansas City Branch Records, 1963-1991 (K0618)
5.5 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City branch, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes treasurers' files, program Committee information, correspondence, miscellaneous articles, workshop and panel information, cassette tapes, and historical information on the branch establishment.
Cowan Family Papers, 1855-2013 (SP0007)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cowan Family Papers contain correspondence and financial records pertaining to Frank Cowan and his property in Barton County, Missouri. Other materials include documents and photographs relating to the history of the Golden City High School.