Russell S. Bauder Papers, 1910-1971 (C3347)
24.7 cubic feet (1821 folders)
The papers of Russell S. Bauder, a University of Missouri professor, economist, and arbitrator, consist of arbitration cases and labor agreements, 1929-1971; U.S. Employment Service papers, 1935-1939; U.S. National War Labor Board, Wage Stabilization material, 1942-1952; speeches and articles, 1932-1943; miscellaneous economics papers and correspondence, 1939-1949; and miscellaneous reference materials, 1910-1960.
Michael William Bauer 32nd Degree Mason Certificate, 1924 (C2349)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Printed certificate, in Latin, naming Bauer a 32nd Degree Mason in May 1924.
Royal D.M. Bauer Family Papers, 1840-1943 (C2263)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers of the Royal D.M. Bauer family contain miscellaneous legal and personal papers relating to the Royal D.M. Bauer, Edward Clark Bauer, and S. John Anderson families.
Robert Baumann Photograph Collection, 1919-1960 (P0215)
40 photographs
Postcards related to Bagnell Dam, including construction, and other photos from Lake of the Ozarks area.
Israel J. Baumgardner Photograph Collection, 1880-1940 (R1299)
5 cubic feet (58 folders, 18 CDs, 3,685 negatives, 14 glass plate negatives)
The Israel J. Baumgardner Photograph Collection contains the negatives created by Baumgardner, a photographer in Rolla, Missouri. Many of the images are studio portraits, but others include roadside landmarks of Route 66, World War I and II era images, and the local area. He also engaged in commercial and advertising photography.
J. Christian Bay Papers, 1815-1989 (CA6710)
1.0 cubic foot, 1 oversize volume
The papers of Jens Christian Bay include certificates, photographs, correspondence, publications and writings, lectures, and miscellaneous personal and biographical material. Also included is a scrapbook celebrating the 80th birthday of Bay, which includes celebratory letters.
Albert Isaac Beach Papers, 1924-1931 (K0072)
8 c.f.
Papers of Kansas City mayor Albert I. Beach who served three terms in office cover the period 1924-1931.
Gary W. Beahan Collection, 1880-1972 (C4718)
0.2 cubic foot (6 folders)
Family papers and other materials collected by Gary W. Beahan, genealogist and former Missouri State Archivist, largely pertain to several families from the Mid-Missouri area.
William G. Beard Photograph Collection, 1910-1932 (P0590)
0.08 linear feet
Photos of Stony Hill area, Gasconade Co., MO, 107 photographic postcards of people and activities taken by Michael Gabler.
Maurine Beasley Papers, 1917-2020 (CA6002)
26 cubic feet, 57 audio cassettes, 10 video cassettes, 5 DVDs, 8 computer disks, 4.14 GB of digital files, 4 oversize items
The papers of a journalism professor specializing in journalism education and women journalists include book manuscripts and research material; materials on the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; writings on journalism education and media gender bias; and miscellaneous professional material.
Beauvais Manor Records, 1834-1999 (S0611)
11 cubic feet, 184 folders, 298 photographs
Beaver Family Papers, 1890-1986 (SP0028)
3 cubic feet (43 folders, 1 oversize, approximately 250 photographs)
The Beaver Family Papers consist of genealogical research, personal correspondence and photographs of the Beaver and Hudson families.
June Wuest Becht Papers, 1904-2010 (S0312)
9.5 cubic feet
The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, lesson plans, and newspapers documenting June Wuest Becht's career as a writer and lecturer focused on the Olympics, including the 1904 Olympics held in St. Louis, Missouri, women in the Olympics, and women in sports.
Ralph C. Bedell Papers, 1929-1986 (C2543)
50.25 cubic feet, 36 audio tapes, 2 films, 1 filmstrip
Papers of educator and psychologist. Bedell directed NDEA Counseling and Guidance Institutes, taught at the Universities of Nebraska and Missouri, and served as secretary-general of the South Pacific Commission. Collection includes materials from Counseling and Guidance Institutes, counseling case files, and papers of South Pacific Commission.
Mary Alice Beemer Photograph Collection, circa 1885-1955 (R0496)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder, 37 photographs)
These are photographs of the town of Newburg and vicinity in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are views of employees, equipment, and facilities of the "Frisco" railroad, businesses, buildings, and street scenes, and miscellaneous photographs of locations near Newburg including the Dana Lead Mine and Stonydell Swimming Pool.
E.T. Behrens Papers, 1896-1947 (C2413)
0.9 cubic feet
The papers of E.T. Behrens contain photographs, financial records, scrapbooks, correspondence, bills, receipts, and tax forms of Sedalia cigar-maker. Accounting records relate to Sedalia Independent Company and Behrens Cigar Manufacturers. Scrapbooks are collection of information preparing for 1921 Missouri centennial.
Paul Beisman Photograph Collection, 1928-1939 (P1024)
Photographs of performances at the Muny Theatre
Belchamber Family Papers, 1892-1993 (CG0041)
3.2 c. f.
The Belchamber family papers contain photographs, correspondence and scrapbooks from the Belchamber family and its various branches. This collection also includes photographs and memorabilia relating to Will Mayfield College in Marble Hill, the Iron Mountain Railroad, and regional buildings and environs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Bell Family Papers, 1821, 1860s-2004 (CA6483)
5.2 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 4 cased images, 1 glass plate negative
The papers of a publishing family from Fulton, Missouri, who owned the Ovid Bell Press, contain correspondence, photographs, clippings, business records, family genealogy, and miscellaneous material. The collection largely pertains to Ovid K. Bell and his son, Ovid H. Bell.
Bell Family Papers, 1875-1969 (C3045)
1 roll of microfilm
The papers of a Boonville, Missouri, family contain genealogical material, correspondence, memoirs, clippings, photographs, and Marie Bell McCoy's manuscripts.
Charles C. Bell Photograph Collection, 1863-1927 (P0657)
14 photographs
Photos of Charles C. Bell of Boonville, the Firmin Desloge family, engravings of notable Missourians, and composite of Missouri National Guard, Veteran Company A, 3rd Infantry.
Ovid Bell Papers, 1899-1921 (C3224)
1 cubic foot
Business correspondence of Ovid Bell, editor of the FULTON GAZETTE. Covers letters F-W, arranged alphabetically. Some correspondents are Walter Williams, Joseph Mudd, Joseph W. Folk, David R. Francis, and representatives of other newspapers in Missouri.
Ovid H. Bell Collection, 1824-1950 (C3805)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of and materials collected by a Fulton, Missouri, resident relating to the history and residents of Callaway County. The collection is comprised of correspondence, copies of speeches and lectures given by Bell on historical topics, and documents including a typescript 1849 diary of James Tate, tax rolls for Callaway County, Callaway County Agricultural and Mechanical Society membership lists, and a regimental history and troop roster of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.
Ovid K. Bell Papers, 1808-1923 (C2507)
0.4 cubic feet (28 folders)
Papers pertaining to the early history of Callaway County, MO. Included are personal accounts of the settlement of the Cote Sans Dessein area and later proceedings and reports of commissioners of the court.
Bellevue Valley Community Association Records, 1927-1950 (R0347)
0.3 cubic foot (10 folders)
The Bellevue Valley Community Association Records contain minute books and miscellaneous papers of the Bellevue Valley Community Association. The Association was formed at Caledonia, Washington County, Missouri, in 1926 to promote civic and social improvement. The minutes are complete from January 13, 1927, to the dissolution of the Association in 1950.
Bellevue Valley Historical Society Photograph Collection, 1880-1940 (P0914)
0.25 linear feet
Photos of Washington County, MO
Bellflower Presbyterian Church Records, 1901-1952 (C1343)
0.01 cubic feet (1 volume)
Typed copy of session minutes and church register.
Bellville Family Papers, 1909-1944 (S0771)
0.1 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains correspondence to and from members of the Bellville family.
Belwood-Ezell Family Papers, 1850-1935 (C0073)
0.6 cubic feet
Correspondence, diaries, and miscellaneous items of families living in Saline and Pettis Counties, MO. Much of the correspondence pertains to news of family members and friends. Most of the letters are to and from family members, including children, of Mary Belwood Ezell and Francisco Ezell.
Bemis Bag Company Records, 1904-1976 (S0683)
2.5 cubic feet, 30 folders, 83 photographs, 1 scrapbook
he Bemis Bag Company Records contain correspondence, yearbooks, reports, and photographs documenting the company’s operations, which consisted of manufacturing bags and packaging for seed, food, chemicals, and pharmaceutical supplies.
Benecke Family Papers, 1850-2001 (CA5893)
44.9 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes, oversize material
Addition of Benecke family materials. Includes professional and personal correspondence, photographs, glass plate negatives, cartes-de-visite, stereograph cards, diaries, clippings, volumes, periodicals, scrapbooks, Grand Army of the Republic materials, Missouri Constitutional Convention materials, genealogical data, ephemera, and miscellaneous material. Includes Magruder, Sasse, Zillman, and other related families.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
Norman Benedict Photograph Collection, 1870-1924 (P0507)
14 photographs
Photos of Boone County colleges and universities: University of Missouri, Christian College, and Stephens College.
Mary L. Bennett Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0808)
21 photographs
Photos of St. Louis street scenes and the Judge & Dolph Drugstore. Photographs of the Berry family. Group portrait of a conference at William Woods College, ca. 1920.
Benson Manufacturing Company Records, 1920-1970 (K0105)
30 c.f.
Research notes and reference materials, color sketches and drawings and catalogs relating to lighting equipment and architectural details designed, manufactured and distributed by the Benson Manufacturing Company, a brass, metal, and plastics fabrication company in Kansas City.
Benson Telephone Company (Linn County, Mo.) Records, 1899-1956 (C4428)
0.3 cubic feet (3 folders)
A selection of correspondence, fiscal records, and legal materials surrounding the Benson Telephone Company and its connection to the Bucklin Telephone Exchange in Linn County.
George Bent Letters, 1906-1928 (K0201)
0.02 c.f.
Abstracts of letters written by George Bent, son of Indian trader William Bent, to George E. Hyde, "Dean of American Indian Historians", reporting his memories and others he interviewed concerning the activities and conditions of the plains Indians from roughly 1860 until about 1875, when the warfare between the whites and the Indians on the Southern Plains had effectively ended. A few of Bent's original letters are included.
Bentley Family Collection, 1815-1981 (C3042)
5 rolls of microfilm, 0.4 cubic feet (11 folders), 1 oversize item, 1 oversize volume
The collection contains the correspondence of Nancy V. Bentley, Jordan R. Bentley, and J. Marshall Bentley. Also included are legal papers and bills of sales for enslaved people pertaining to the Bentley family and Thomas Fristoe; reminiscences of Jordan R. Bentley and material pertaining to Bentley and other allied families; material on the Civil War in Chariton, Howard, and Cooper Counties; material on family and social life in the 1880s and 1890s; and Chariton County history.
Benton County Medical Society Records, 1915-1954 (R0278)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Benton County Medical Society Records contain a photocopied volume that includes a roster of members, financial records, and meeting minutes of the Benton County Medical Society. Also included are several applications for membership. The records date from 1915 to 1954.
Benton County, Missouri School Records, 1870-1956 (R0217)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Benton County, Missouri School Records contain a microfilm copy of the records of Kreisel School, which was located southwest of Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri. The records include daily and term attendance records, 1870-1871 and 1885-1956; and the records of the district clerk, 1907-1954.
Benton Family Papers, 1851-1975 (C3721)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
Personal papers, genealogy, and clippings of a Clinton County, Missouri family. The personal papers are mostly Quit-Claim Deeds, General Warranty Deeds, and Trust Deeds, to a Coleman D. Benton and papers from a Circuit Court case regarding an unpaid financial matter. Genealogy includes a handwritten account of the Benton family history by Rita Benton, wife of Thomas Hart Benton (artist). Clippings are newspaper clippings and magazine articles written about Thomas Hart Benton, a famous Missouri artist.
Coleman D. and Nancy "Nannie" V. Benton Papers, 1871-1920 (C4144)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The correspondence of Coleman D. Benton and his fiancée, and later wife, Nancy “Nannie” V. Hampton.
Laura H. Benton Account Book, 1913-1932 (C0285)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Itemized sales and expense records for dairy and poultry products, Lexington, Missouri.
Ula Sharon Robinson Bergfeldt Papers, 1861-1993 (K1223)
8 c.f.
Family, personal and professional materials of Bergfeldt, professional dancer, teacher, producer, and founder of the Kansas City Dance Theatre. Includes family papers: photographs and legal documents for the Sharon and Headlee families, Spring Hill, KS; personal papers: correspondence between Ula and William Harold Bergfeldt (1895-1971) during their courtship and early marriage, as well as Harold's correspondence to his parents and photographs from France following World War I; and professional papers: scripts for ballets and administrative records of the Kansas City Dance Theatre.
Donald H. Bergman Papers, 1893-2009 (S0827)
7.5 cubic feet, 145 folders, 582 photographs
The Donald Bergmann Papers consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, and photographs, documenting his service in the Army in Korea after World War II and his later involvement in St. Louis businesses, organizations, and charities. Topics of interest include the St. Louis Chapter of the Victorian Society in America, the Landmarks Association of St. Louis, and the German American Heritage Society.
Carolyn R. Bergseid Postcard Collection, 1906-1944 (P0548)
28 postcards
Postcards of St. Joseph, Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Bolivar, and the University of Missouri Columns.
Walter J. Berkowitz Papers, 1924-1965 (K0104)
3 c.f.
Personal papers and materials collection and generated by Berkowitz, a prominent businessman and civic leader in Kansas City.
Estelle Rose Berman and Fred S. Berman Papers, 1910-2008 (K0945)
0.5 c.f.
Papers of Berman family including scrapbooks of Kappa Tau Sorority, family and organizational photographs, diplomas, certificates, clippings, and programs.
Max and Libbie Rothenberg Bernstein Papers, 1914-1962 (K1304)
1.25 c.f.
papers include photographs of Bernsteins and Rothenbergs, their certificate of marriage, his naturalization certificate and induction to the Scottish Rite, as well as various religious publications. In addition, two news articles are included involving a jewel thief, Fred F. Falkman, who conned Libbie into an engagement in order to steal from a local jeweler, Max Daniels, and $75 from her sister, Annie. In 1925, he was apprehended in Dallas, Texas for defrauding jewelers.
Berry-Stewart Family Collection, 1870-2000 (SP0074)
1 cubic foot (19 folders, 130 photographs)
The Berry-Stewart Family Collection contains materials related to the Berry and Stewart families of Boone and Greene County, Missouri. Items in the collection include marriage certificates, diplomas, correspondence, funeral announcements, and photographs. This collection also contains material related to businesses in Springfield, Missouri.