Charles Gustavus Loesch Collection, 1862-1996 (C3931)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Newspaper clippings, photographs, and a memoir of Missouri Civil War veteran Charles G. (Gus) Loesch.
Logan Family Papers, 1836-1866 (C0363)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Family letters concerning business, family matters, and health. Letter, 1836, from Philadelphia about purchases and shipment of goods. Letters also written from Kentucky, Missouri, and California. Diary of Martha Logan describes the route taken to California in 1864.
Logan Wood Genealogical Records, 1700-1980 (K0181)
0.2 c.f.
Genealogical notes, letters, transcribed copies of historical documents and other materials relating to family lines of interest to Dr. Logan Wood, a physician in Bolckow, Andrew County, Missouri.
John A. Logan Letter, 1865 (C2198)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to the Officers and Soldiers of the 15th Army Corps congratulating them on the close of the successful march to the sea during the Civil War. The letter discusses the battles at Resaca, Atlanta, Marietta, Nickajack Creek, Kenesaw Mountain, and Jonesboro.
John Lomax Papers, 1862-1865 (C2635)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of John Lomax contain Civil War letters and letters regarding family genealogy.
Long Brothers Account Books, 1856-1881 (C2495)
0.52 cubic feet (5 volumes)
Account books of the general stores of Alfred Long, Cadet, Missouri, and John and William Long, Bellfountain, MO.
Fannie Blair Long Papers, 1834-1944 (C2222)
0.5 cubic feet (25 folders)
Miscellaneous correspondence, legal papers, photographs, genealogy, mementos, accounts, books, and diary of Fannie Blair Long and family. Includes settlement of Isaac Long estate, Keswick, VA.
Isaac Long Papers, 1859-1871 (C2294)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Family papers of a resident of Albemarle County, VA. Three letters and two receipts concerning accounts, hiring employees, and local and family news.
William C. Long Papers, 1859-1891 (C2624)
0.17 cubic feet (8 folders)
Nineteen Civil War letters; letters to and from Irwin Walley, Long's son-in-law; miscellaneous family papers; and photographs of the opening of the Oklahoma Territory, 1891.
Meron G. Mayhew Lonsdale Papers, 1847-1927 (C0130)
0.2 cubic feet
Family letters; bills; Boone County tax receipts for the Civil War period; Missouri University commencement programs, 1880-1881; Christian College catalogue; and newspaper clippings pertaining to family.
Looney's Creek Baptist Church Record Book, 1836-1894 (C3024)
1 roll of microfilm
Record book of Looney's Creek Baptist Church in Shelbyville, Shelby County. Contains meeting minutes and lists of members.
Louisiana and Middletown Plank Road Company Records, 1851-1873 (C1152)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Road company established to construct an improved road from Louisiana, Pike County, MO, to Middletown, Montgomery County, MO. Early efforts to build and maintain the road are described in detail. Most meetings were held in the road company's office in Louisiana. Also two photographs.
James A. Love Papers, 1836-1913 (C0131)
0.4 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Personal papers and business records of an educator in Callaway County, MO. Includes a journal, clippings, and miscellaneous items. Volumes include personal and tuition accounts, student registers, and records of Tippecanoe Club and the lyceum.
Blanche Beal Lowe Papers, 1858-1933 (C3083)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Blanche Beal Lowe contain personal letters between the Marr and Lowe families, originals and typed copies; genealogies of Absalom Smith family and of William Fletcher Lowe family; and a newspaper clipping with typed addenda about Mrs. Samuel Perry.
Larry Lowic St. Louis Architecture Collection, 1803-1995 (S0565)
14 cubic feet, 161 folders
This collection contains secondary source material and notes Lowic accumulated for his book "The Architectural Heritage of St. Louis, 1803-1891." Subjects of interest include St. Louis neighborhoods, buildings, churches, and the cultural influences of the French and Germans on the city's built environment.
William O. Lowman Papers, 1841-1898 (C3136)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence regarding sale of Harris Mineral Springs and advertising the Erie Medical Company.
Ralph F. Lozier Papers, 1855-1945 (C2655)
65.75 cubic feet, 5 volumes
Correspondence, pamphlets, speeches, and newsclippings related to Lozier's legal, agricultural, and political careers. Research notes for and copies of Lozier's two historical novels (check contract if publication request occurs). Campaign papers of Lue C. Lozier.
Luckett Family Scrapbook, 1854-1936 (C0872)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Items collected by Maria Rees Luckett of Pettis County, Missouri, and her daughter, Susan Magoffin Luckett Longan, including pictures, clippings, greeting cards, letters, and other miscellaneous material.
Lumber Company Price Lists, 1869-1894 (C0590)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains price lists of G.C. Hixon & Company, of Hannibal, Missouri, 1869 and 1879; Judson Lyon, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1881; and I.M. Howell & Company, Atchison, Kansas, 1881. Also includes a statement of lumber shipments in 1894 and logging costs to various towns on the Mississippi River.
Lykins Family Papers, 1841-1950 (K0294)
0.16 c.f.
Scrapbooks and other items, chiefly clippings, documenting Mrs. Lykins' promotion of the establishment of the Home for Widows and Orphans of Confederate Soldiers: an account book kept for the Potawatomi Baptist School and Mission, which Lykins, missionary, businessman, mayor of Kansas City, MO, took over from his first father-in-law, Isaac McCoy; an account book by Lykins and Brent; and clippings of material written by Mrs. Lykins, Lykins, and others.
Lynch Family Papers, 1765-1929 (C4117)
0.1 cubic feet
The papers of the Lynch Family of Howard County, Missouri, contain correspondence, photographs, land records and other legal papers, financial documents, genealogical data, and Civil War service papers. The correspondence within this collection is primarily between members of the Lynch family.
James Lewis Lynch Memoirs, 1838-1923 (C0132)
0.7 cubic feet
Memoirs written by Lynch about his family in Howard and Saline Counties. Genealogy from Austria to Virginia to Missouri, farm life, education, Civil War experiences, and tobacco exporting, 1864. Essays for children on citizenship, study, and the Christian life.
Ransom B. Lynch Journals, 1816-1957 (R1518)
1.5 cubic feet (29 folders)
The Ransom B. Lynch Journals consist of 42 journals written by Dr. Ransom B. Lynch of Texas County, Missouri, from 1875 to 1934. The journals describe Dr. Lynch’s daily activities, finances, medical practice, and weather conditions.
William H. Lynch Diaries, 1864-1865 (C1153)
0.02 cubic feet (2 volumes)
William H. Lynch of Houston, MO, served as commissary sergeant in the 32nd Regiment, Infantry, Missouri Volunteers, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division. Vol. I Civil War, 1864, Vol. II Civil War and University of Missouri, 1865.
William Henry Lynch Papers, 1859-1905 (R0202)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
The William Henry Lynch Papers contain microfilm copies of the diaries and personal papers of an educator in southern Missouri. Lynch was a native of Houston, Texas County, Missouri. He served in the 32nd Missouri Infantry during the Civil War, and was principal of schools in Steelville, St. James, Salem, West Plains, and Mountain Grove, Missouri, following the war.
Nathaniel Lyon Letter, 1861 (C0470)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Col. Sigel, from Huffman's Crossing of the Osage River, July 10, 1861.
Discussion of the military strategy in southern Missouri in chasing Jackson.
Mabrey Family Papers, 1854-1964 (SP0018)
.5 cubic feet 69 folders
The Mabrey family papers consist of the diaries and letters of Henry Yeakley Mabrey and his son, George Henry Mabrey.
Machette-Scott Family Papers, 1791-1940 (C4486)
2.8 cubic feet (81 folders)
Correspondence, financial records, postcards, journals, scrapbooks, photographs, genealogical records, and chapters of an unpublished book regarding a middle-class Victorian family from Fulton, Missouri.
John Machir Papers, 1791-1899 (C2893)
0.6 cubic feet (27 folders)
The papers of John Machir, a businessman and landowner who lived in St. Louis and Columbia, Missouri, consist of the legal papers of his father, Henry Machir, business correspondence, bills of sale for enslaved people, deeds, tax bills, surveys, personal correspondence, and account books.
John Armenius Mack Papers, 1850-1869 (R0742)
(1 folder)
The John Armenius Mack Papers contain photocopies of the correspondence of John A. Mack, an attorney and county official of Greene County, Missouri. Most of the collection consists of letters to his sons, who were serving in the Union Army in Missouri and Arkansas. There are also postwar letters to Mack from Jefferson City, containing political news.
Macke Store Records, 1835-1972 (C0043)
26 rolls of microfilm (2,192 folders, 24 volumes on microfilm)
The business records of a Gordonville, Missouri, dry goods store, which grew into a general merchandise and farm service operation, follow this family-owned business from Vicksburg, Mississippi, through its move to Cape Girardeau County in 1840 and trace its development there into the 1970s.
Madill Family Correspondence, 1866-1867 (S0634)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains correspondence to and from William and George Madill, who were brothers who lived in St. Louis in 1866 and 1867. They had a brother, H.J. Madill, who lived in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. In the letters, the brothers discuss H.J.'s running for political office on the Republican Party ticket and William's bout with cholera.
Garland Jefferson Mahan Diaries, 1864-1873, 1961 (C2586)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains diaries detailing a trip taken by ox train in 1864 from Cole County, MO, to Virginia City, MT. Also chronicled, although to a lesser extent, is the return trip by steamboat down the Missouri River in 1866. Diaries also include drafts of letters, notes, and lists of students. A typescript of the diaries, plus photos of some of the sites along the route taken in 1961, complete the collection.
John B. Mains Papers, 1861-1864 (R0245)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The John B. Mains Papers contain photocopies of Civil War letters written by John B. Mains who served in the 6th Missouri Infantry. Mains wrote from camps in Missouri while he served in John C. Fremont’s Army of the West, and from Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama during service with the Army of the Tennessee.
Elliott W. Major Papers, 1860s-1950 (C4039)
0.3 cubic feet (9 folders)
The collection contains newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, telegrams, and memos relating to Elliot Major's campaign for governor of Missouri in 1912, and major events that occurred during his administration.
Samuel Collier Major Papers, 1861-1884 (C0368)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A letter, 5 April 1861, listing law books and where they might be purchased; a handbill for an administrator's sale, 6 June 1876; and a handwritten legal bond, 6 October 1884. Major was a public administrator.
Solomon Males Papers, 1861-1863 (C1952)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificate of promotion to 1st lieutenant in the 6th Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, 1861; certificate of promotion to captain in same outfit, 1863; and mustering-out papers, 1863.
Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Papers, 1798-1981 (S0452)
25 cubic fet, 1321 folders, 268 photographs, 39 glass slides, 17 volumes
Edward Mallinckrodt was an Industrialist, scientist, and philanthropist in St. Louis. He Served as Mallinckrodt Chemical Works director (1901-1965), vice-president (1918-1928), and board chairman (1928-1965). The collection Documents family and business history, Mallinckrodt’s contributions to medicine, conservation, and education. Included in the collection are correspondence, reports, biographies, speeches, notes, scrapbooks, publications, blueprints, patents, and photographs.
Clair V. Mann Collection, 1821-1973 (C3556)
5.25 cubic feet (560 folders, 23 volumes)
Papers pertaining to the Meramec Iron Works, James family, Frisco Railroad, School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, engineering education, testing of students, and other subjects of interest to Mann as an historian and engineer.
Henry Perrin Mann Papers, 1862-1865 (R0455)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Henry Perrin Mann Papers contain the Civil War diaries of Henry P. Mann, Co. B Cavalry, 36th Illinois Infantry. The company was later assigned to the 15th Illinois Cavalry as Co. K. The diaries cover the Pea Ridge campaign in Missouri and Arkansas, the occupation of Corinth, Mississippi, the battle of Chickamauga, the siege of Chattanooga, and the Atlanta campaign. The entries for 1865 concern personal business and finances.
Maschel Manring Papers, 1858-1880 (K0291)
0.3 c.f.
Manring was a businessman/farmer in Daviess and Gentry Counties, MO and also commissioned officer in the Union Army. Bound volumes used for multiple purposes including record book of Gentry County, MO School District #3; account book/ledger for livery business; Civil War diary; "A Trip to Kansas" describing nature of the land and soil, towns, and people; and general notes and personal financial records.
Maramec Iron Works (St. James, Mo.) Scrip, 1869 (C1515)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains ten cent merchandise certificate No. 1463 issued by the Maramec Iron Works, 1 February 1869.
Curtis Fletcher Marbut Papers, 1852-1983 (C3720)
6.8 cubic feet (250 folders)
The personal and professional papers of C. F. Marbut, a geology professor at the University of Missouri, 1895-1910, and soil scientist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1910-1935, includes correspondence, estate and financial records, photographs, publications, manuscripts, and maps. The personal correspondence received by Louise Marbut Moomaw and a short series of Civil War letters are also included in the papers.
Mariska Pugsley Marker Papers, 1813-2008 (K0500)
8 c.f.
Family papers of descendants of John Campbell of Kansas City, in particular the Frederic and Charlotte Pugsley family and their daughter Mariska.
Meredith Miles Marmaduke Papers, 1823-1886 (C1021)
0.6 cubic feet; also available on 1 roll of microfilm
Correspondence and miscellaneous personal and business papers of a Saline County, Missouri, farmer, businessman, lieutenant governor, and governor of Missouri.
Marshall Family Papers, 1852-1909 (C0204)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Land deeds and family letters of the Joseph Marshall family and Lynch family, Saline County, MO, from Fayette, Fulton, Glasgow, Pettis County, Howard County, and Blue Lick, and from Lynch sisters at Oxford Female College, Cooper Female Seminary, and Minnesota with mention of family members, schools, slaves, California, and crops.
J.L. Marshall Accounts, 1854-1878 (C1541)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Itemized drug accounts of J.L. Marshall, J.S. Moffatt & Company, J.T. Cunningham, and W.C. Bolin with the following companies: Z.F. Wetzell & Company, Henry Blaksley, Richardson & Company, and Meyer Brothers & Company all of St. Louis, MO, and William P. Troth & Company, Philadelphia, PA.
Martin Family Papers, 1857-1944 (R1472)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Martin Family Papers contain an autobiographical account of Paris Clark Martin's life. The autobiographical stories include events leading up to and after the Civil War, information about southeastern Missouri, and Tom How's (Howe's) Mill. The collection also includes the memoirs of Paris Clark Martin's son, William Lawrence Martin, which discusses his father.
Absolom J. Martin and Eli T. Martin Letters, 1863-1864 (K0299)
0.01 c.f.
Letters written from various war camp locations and a hospital in Virginia. Usually the brothers, who were in the same Confederate regiment, would write their own separate letters on a single piece of paper.
Mary Kenney Photograph Collection, 1857-1987 (P1210)
28 photographs
Photographs of Glasgow, Missouri, and the Rocheport, Missouri, cave. Postcards depicting Hannibal, Missouri.