Van Beydler Stereoscopic Photographs, 1993 (P0381)
1 folder
Contemporary stereographic photographs of Waynesville and Pulaski County.
Betty Lipsitz Bikson Family Papers, 1916-2000 (K0898)
.19 c.f.
Personal papers of Bikson including newspaper clippings, magazines, photographs, certificates, and family history.
Billings Centennial Historical Committee Photograph Collection, 1885-1925 (P1073)
Copy photographs from those collected by the Billings Centennial Historical Committee for use in the publication, Billings Centennial 1871-1971.
John H. Bing Scrapbook, 1995 (K0571)
0.02 c.f.
Scrapbook of Kansas City Star clippings collected by Bing, a former Trans World Airlines (TWA) employee.
Robert I. Bitner and Esther L. Gottlieb Bitner Family Papers, 1932-2000 (K1292)
0.25 c.f.
The family papers of Robert I. Bitner (1918-1995) and Esther L. Gottlieb Bitner (1918-2012) contain materials relating to the history of their childhood, education, marriage, and children, as well as their religious and community activities in Kansas City, Missouri. Materials documenting Robert Bitner's service in the U.S. Army during World War II are also included.
Black Pages Collection, 1984-2010 (S0578)
0.4 cubic foot, 9 folders
This collection contains issues of Black Pages, a telephone directory of African-American businesses in the St. Louis area. Publisher Melvin Jones began Black Pages in 1984 and publishes the directory annually.
Robert H. Blackburn Papers, 1976-2008 (K1367)
0.1 c.f.
The Robert H. Blackburn Papers contain materials related to Southwest High School in Kansas City, Missouri, materials about Hallmark Cards, and photographs of Kansas City Royals baseball players.
Mary Kay Blakely Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA6145)
5 cubic feet
Personal papers of the author, journalist, and professor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Includes correspondence, research materials, published magazine and newspaper articles.
William J. Blanton Papers, 1682-1997 (C3829)
2.0 cubic feet (66 folders)
The papers contain Blanton family genealogical research, including correspondence, census records, tax lists, land grants, deeds, and genealogical charts, as well as marriage, birth, and death records.
Wayne Bledsoe Papers, 1972-2013 (R1355)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 1 DVD)
The Wayne Bledsoe Papers contain materials related to Bledsoe's career in bluegrass. A noted host and program producer of Bluegrass for Saturday Night, KUMR. This collection includes bluegrass festival program booklets from Dixon, Missouri and a DVD containing the KMST radio station 40th anniversary show introduced by Wayne Bledsoe.
Blind Boone Memorial Foundation, Inc. Papers, 1886-1976 (C3664)
0.4 cubic feet (60 folders)
Included in this collection are some of the compositions of John William "Blind" Boone, a musician and composer of classical and ragtime music. Also included are orchestrations and choral arrangements of Boone's music, correspondence, programs, and posters from a memorial concert in 1961. Correspondence concerning recovery of Boone's piano and posters and tickets from some Boone concerts are also part of the collection.
"Blind Boone's Piano Music", 1998 (CA5761)
1 CD
Audio recording of music composed by African-American John W. "Blind" Boone, performed by Frank Townsell.
Rita Copaken Blitt Papers, 1908-2003 (K1152)
0.5 c.f.
Blitt is an internationally renowned artist and sculptor. Includes exhibits brochures, booklets, and portfolios; newspapers and magazines articles; books, CDs, and VHS tapes relating to her life and art.
Henry W. Bloch Papers, 1947-2015 (K1343)
4.5 c.f.
Personal papers of Henry W. Bloch, including materials relating to philanthropic activities with UMKC, the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum, and other entities; correspondence, speeches, op-eds, public appearances; news articles and publications; photographs; family correspondence and family history; 90th birthday and retirement celebrations, etc.
Susan Block Papers, 1970-2005 (S0853)
17 cubic feet
The papers of Susan Block contain correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, and legal materials chronicling Block's career as a St. Louis County Circuit Judge and advocacy for children.
Robert B. Bloomgarten Architectural Records, 1950-1994 (K0823)
47 c.f.
Architectural drawings, photographs, project files, and other documents relating to Bloomgarten's career as an architect in Kansas City, MO.
Thomas F. Blount Papers, 1889-1916 (R1366)
(1 folder)
The Thompson F. Blount papers consists of letters received and sent by Thompson F. Blount. Blount was an influential businessman in Washington County, Missouri.
Michael A. and Jenifer Smith Blum Collection, 1996-1998 (K1009)
0.1 c.f.
Publications, music and program information for the rededication celebration of Congregation Beth Torah and dedication of their first permanent house of worship.
Roy Blunt Papers, 1970s-2023 (C4571)
93.0 cubic feet (1,825 folders), 43 audio cassettes, 21 audio tapes, 5 CDs, 33 DVDs, 1 film reel, 217 video cassettes, 112 GB of digital files, 47 oversize items, 2 oversize volumes, 1 external hard drive
The papers of a Republican U.S. Representative and Senator from Southwest Missouri contain constituent mail, press material, press clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, audiovisual material, invitations and scheduling information, personal correspondence, briefing memos, and miscellaneous political materials. Blunt also served as Missouri Secretary of State, 1985-1993.
Board of Election Commissioners Records, 1974-2002 (S1181)
1.5 cubic foot
The Board of Election Commissioners Records consists of microfiche containing information on St. Louis City voters, including their names, addresses, as well as their ward and precinct. T
H. Riley Bock Collection, 1884, 1992 (P0626)
Photographs of sites and objects relating to Amos Camden Riley. Portrait of Phil Gottschalk, 1992.
Lynn Bock Research Collection, 1856-2000 (CG0062)
4.0 c.f.
This collection contains mostly copied materials and excerpts from published materials, nearly all relating to the creator’s research on the Battle of Island No. 10 and New Madrid, Missouri, in 1862. It also includes two manuscript versions of his book, “Island No. 10: Struggle for the Mississippi Valley” (co-authored with Larry J. Daniel, published in 1996,) and materials related to his efforts to get that book published. There are also folders of correspondence, related to his research, several reissues of newspapers that dealt with the battle for Island No. 10, and some materials related to his research for the article “Constitutional Warfare in Missouri.”
Bode Family Papers, 1754-2010 (C3999)
7.0 cubic feet (228 folders), 1 audio cassette, 2 audio tapes
The collection contains the personal and professional papers of four generations of the Bode family, many of whom were ministers in the Evangelical Church Society of the West (Evangelischer Kirchen Verein des Westens), now the United Church of Christ. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, sermons, publications, and publicity clippings.
Bartlett and Mary Boder Photographs, 1880-1962 (P0927)
8 photographs
Photos of St. Joseph: Missouri Valley Trust Co. and St. Joseph museums.
Laurel Boeckman Collection, 1860-2002 (P0238)
1 folder
Large postcard collection showing various tourist areas in Missouri as well as places outside Missouri. Other images include photos of Virginia Mayo, the Boone County Fair, St. Louis, and Columbia images.
Marie Daerr Boehringer Papers, 1930-1997 (C1221)
4.0 cubic feet (126 folders)
Diaries; correspondence; newspaper clippings; article; poem and story manuscripts; publications; and miscellaneous papers of a Cleveland, Ohio, journalist and poet.
Chet Boeke Papers, 1978-2000 (S0620)
0.8 cubic foot (30 folders)
The Chet Boeke Papers contain correspondence, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and reports documenting Boeke's service as a police officer for the St. Louis County Police and state representative for St. Louis County in the 82nd district.
Atwell Loomis Bohling, Jr. Papers, 1939-1997 (K0654)
49 c.f.
Jack Bohm and Liz Viscofsky Bohm Papers, 1950-2006 (K0995)
0.2 c.f.
Family papers including newspaper clippings, event programs, flyers, biographies, and photographs relating to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood.
Ashleigh P. Boles Papers, 1886-1960 (C2431)
10 cubic feet
The papers of Ashleigh P. Boles contain correspondence, photographs, and publications of horticultural agent and director of Agricultural Development Department of the Missouri Pacific Lines. The collection also contains similar materials relative to his participation in short courses on railroad transportation of agricultural products; and membership in Friends of the Land Society, Civitan Club, and American Railway Development Association.
Bruce D. Boling Papers, 1920s-2014 (CA6301)
2.4 cubic feet
Personal papers of Bruce D. Boling, Ph.D. Includes photographs, correspondence, certificates and diplomas, and some information regarding his involvement in the El Kahir Shriners in Iowa.
Anita Lyons Bond Papers, 1964-1995 (S0656)
0.2 cubic foot, 4 folders
The Anita Lyons Bond papers document her life and career as a civil rights activist, her involvement in Missouri politics, and her presidential appointment to the Missouri Citizens Advisory Committee to the United States Civil Rights Commission. The collection contains correspondence writings, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets.
Angelo Louis Bongino Collection, 1934-1997 (K0878)
1 c.f.
Research and personal papers of Bongino relating to the Italian community in the Northeast Kansas City, particularly Holy Rosary Church. Includes Bongino's published articles, photographs, and video.
Book Lovers' Club Records, 1915-2011 (K0901)
2.25 c.f.
Organizational records of the oldest African American women's club in Kansas City. Includes minutes, yearbooks, meeting programs, photographs, financial records, and other related materials.
Boone County Black Archives Collection, 1867-2014 (C4057)
0.6 cubic feet (38 folders), 1 video cassette, 4 compact discs, 1 computer disc, 1 DVD
The Boone County Black Archives Collection is an artificial collection documenting the lives of Black people living in Boone County, Missouri. The materials include photographs, scrapbooks, correspondence, news clippings, booklets, and other ephemera.
Boone County Medical Society Records, 1999-2017 (CA5972)
0.8 cubic feet
Addition of the Society's publication, "Prescriptions." See also C2475.
Boone County (Mo.) Muleskinners Records, 1983-2015 (CA6228)
0.7 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 1 computer disc
Programs, meeting minutes, press releases, membership lists, correspondence, newspaper clippings, financial records, newsletters, and annual reports of the Boone County, Missouri, Democratic organization, 1983-2015.
Boone County Related Agencies Association Records, 1997-2006 (CA6606)
2 cubic feet
Board material, membership forms, financial records, newsletters, conference material, and miscellaneous material of an organization dedicated to enhancing social services in Boone County, Missouri, through networking, collaboration, and professional development.
Boone County Retired Teachers Association Records, 1973-2014 (C4299)
1.0 cubic foot (29 folders)
The records of the Boone County Retired Teachers Association contain meeting minutes, membership directories, newsletters, obituaries, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Boonslick Kiwanis Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1965-2010 (C4724)
3.0 cubic feet (75 folders)
Reports, correspondence, minutes, sponsored events, photographs, and miscellaneous material of the Boonslick Kiwanis Club, Columbia, Missouri, a civic service club which operated both locally and internationally.
Bootheel Project Records, 1993-1997 (C3928)
3.2 cubic feet (122 folders), 157 audio cassettes, 9 audio discs, 2 video cassettes
The records of the Bootheel Project document the art, culture, and heritage of the Missouri Bootheel. The records include photographs, color slides, audio cassettes, transcripts, and video cassettes of interviews with Bootheel residents. Sound recordings, planning documents, field workers’ notes, and miscellaneous items collected throughout the project are also included.
Alice Rostov Bordy Papers, 1979-2002 (K0869)
0.13 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Alice Rostov Bordy Papers contain administrative papers from 1979 to 1980 for Menorah Medical Center. This collection also includes a 2001-2002 Beth Shalom remembrance booklet, a Beth Shalom Men's Club luncheon discussion booklet, and a clipping from the 1956 edition of the Kehilath Israel News.
Bosworth Hunting Club Records, 1912-2022 (CA6750)
6.4 cubic feet
Meeting club minutes, bi-laws, articles of incorporation, financial records, USDA projects, correspondence, ballots, membership information and histories for the Bosworth Hunting club that was in Chariton County, Missouri, 1912-2022.
Virginia M. Botts Collection, 1890-1992 (C4477)
1.6 cubic feet (47 folders, 3 oversize items)
Materials surrounding the involvement of Boone County genealogist Virginia M. Botts in local historical and preservation efforts as well as postcards, photographs, and genealogical research papers and correspondence.
Charles E. Boulson Papers, 1928-1990 (R0404)
2.5 cubic feet (55 folders, 2 oversize folders, 3 VHS)
The Charles E. Boulson Papers contain the personal and professional papers of an electrical engineer in Missouri. Boulson was the general manager of the Sho-Me Power Corporation from 1954 to 1974 and a member of the Board of Directors of Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks, professional and historical writings, speeches on rural electrification in Missouri and corporate manuals and annual reports of Sho-Me Power Corporation and Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
David Lawrence Boutros Papers, 1975-1999 (K0689)
7 c.f.
Collection was removed from SHSMO and returned to donor on 7/2/2014
Edward L. Bowles Papers, 1883-1991 (C4191)
0.19 cubic feet (9 folders)
Photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous documents concerning Edward Bowles and the history of Westphalia, Missouri.
Boy Scout Troop #61 Collection, 1917-2001 (K0809)
1 c.f.
75th Anniversary commemorative book, scrapbooks, publications, printed materials and photographs concerning the sole surviving Jewish sponsored Boy Scout Troop in Kansas City.
Minnie Hahn Boyce Photograph Collection, 1889-1911 (P0524)
2 photographs
Photos of the Missouri State Capitol, 1917 and ca. 1889-1911.
Pierre A. Boyer Collection, 1942-1992 (C4349)
2.6 cubic feet (125 folders), 3 audio cassettes
Collected papers of a Missouri storyteller and musician. Includes publicity, performance information, biographical materials, research files, newspaper clippings, flyers, announcements, photographs, and an interview with Boyer on three audiocassettes.