Natalie K. Hammer and Hanan J. Hammer Papers, 1950-2004 (K1100)
0.05 c.f.
Includes Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) materials and a Boy Scout photographs and other local programs.
Frank Hamsher Papers, 1981-1994 (S1231)
5.8 cubic feet
The Frank Hamsher papers contain correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, and newspapers, pertaining to Hamsher’s duties as the head of St. Louis City’s Community Development Agency (1981-1982) and counsel to Mayor Vincent Schoemehl (1982-1990). The bulk of the materials in this collection pertain to the St. Louis City-County Board of Freeholders, a nineteen-member panel first established by the Missouri Constitution of 1875, and later revived in 1987 by St. Louis County Executive, Gene McNary. The Board of Freeholders’ mission was to draft a plan for reorganizing St. Louis County municipalities, as well as consider the reunification of St. Louis City and County. Materials of interest include correspondence between Hamsher and Schoemehl, in which Hamsher provides him with advice and analysis on selecting candidates to the Board of Freeholders and public opinion regarding the Board of Freeholder’s plans.
Christopher Hanch Papers, 1970s-2021 (CA6648)
5.0 cubic feet, 3.69 GB of digital files
The papers of Christopher Hanch an artist and poet from St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, contain photography, poetry, artwork, memoirs, writings, and miscellaneous material.
W. W. Handy Papers, 1973, 1985 (R0600)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The W.W. Handy Papers contain a pamphlet titled, "United Baptist Churches: Who Are They?" written by Elder W.W. Handy of Piedmont, Missouri, in 1973.
Sharon Kinney Hanson Papers, 1930s-2021 (CA6432)
9.8 cubic feet, 2 audio cassette, 2 video cassettes, 7 oversize items, 1 DVD, 4 c.d.'s
The papers of a non-fiction writer and poet include her writings, correspondence with Missouri literary figures, and research material, as well as material pertaining to her work within the Missouri literary community and her efforts to establish a Missouri Poet Laureate. Also includes the papers of her husband, Richard Hanson, who worked much of his career in Missouri state government, retiring as commissioner of administration, along with Hall and Hanson family papers and genealogical material.
Harding And Cogswell Limestone Company Drawings, 1896-1995 (S1117)
3 cubic feet
This collection contains drawings of St. Louis area buildings from 1986 to 1995
Hardy Family Papers, 1849-1987 (S0380)
0.8 cubic feet, 164 photographs
The Hardy Family Papers contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and research papers of the Hardy family, who founded a salt packing and distribution business in St. Louis in 1914. The collection primarily chronicles the life of Jane Tillman Hardy, Thomas Walter Hardy Jr., and the family’s involvement with Hardy Salt.
Hardy Salt Company Records, 1914-1990 (S0379)
3.4 cubic feet
The Hardy Salt Company Records document the company's founding as a salt packing and distribution business, through its growth into a significant salt manufacturer and distributor in the 1930s, to its sale in 1985 to the Diamond Crystal Company. The collection primarily documents the Manistee Salt plant operations from 1931-1971. It includes Board of Directors' meeting minutes, Profit Sharing Trust meeting minutes, financial statements, articles about salt production, correspondence between Thomas Walter Hardy Jr. and his father, and photographs of the Manistee Plant.
Moses Harman Papers, 1858-1984 (C3802)
0.1 cubic feet (13 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Papers of Moses Harman, founder and publisher of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, later the American Journal of Eugenics. He was a proponent of women’s rights and the eugenics movement during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The papers include typescript copies of speech and articles by Harman, a photograph, articles about Harman, and issues of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, 1896-1907.
Jane Harrigan Papers, 1980s (CA5007)
1.2 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes
Manuscript, research materials, photographs, and other materials relating to her book Read All About It, an account of a day at the Boston Globe. Includes a copy of the book.
Elmer G. Harris Collection, 1937, 1980 (P0881)
3 photographs
Photo of Harris and advertising card for his mules.
Nancy Whitnell Harris Papers, 1925-1988 (K0245)
0.1 c.f.
Newspaper clippings, research notes, and Harris's Master's Thesis, "The Development of Educational and Cultural Center in Kansas City's Brush Creek Valley".
Harrison Family Genealogy Collection, 1980 (R0143)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Harrison Family Genealogy Collection contains photocopies of a compilation of historical and genealogical material concerning the Harrison family of Phelps and Laclede counties in Missouri. Assembled by Florence J. Malaney, the material includes copies of family papers, genealogical research on the family by Clair V. Mann, and correspondence with Robert K. Hooker.
Harshbarger Family Papers, 1800s-2010s (CA6178)
104.8 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes, 16 audio cassettes, 8 CDs
Correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, diaries, U.S. Naval records, farm records, real estate records, clippings, songbooks, sheet music, and audio recordings of a Boone County, Missouri, family. Includes genealogical materials on the Aydelotte, McVicker, Mossholder, and Tourtillott families.
Bonnie Hart Papers, 1948-1997 (S0657)
20 cubic feet
Bonnie Hart pursued a private campaign to protest and oppose nuclear power. She wrote to legislators and newspapers, made numerous calls to radio programs, and collected a large newspaper clippings file about the hazards of nuclear energy. Known as the Atomic Lady, Hart was a major source of information for other anti-nuclear activists. The collection primarily contains Hart's large newspaper clipping file and her book and magazine collection. In addition to nuclear power, topics of interest include Vietnam, the space program, and various political campaigns. The papers include several folders of the correspondence she received from legislators in response to her letters expressing her anti-nuclear stance.
Jo Hartley Papers, 1968-1986 (C3976)
2.0 cubic feet (140 folders), 5 audio cassettes
The papers of the editor of COMMENT, a publication that disseminated information on research about women, include correspondence, issues of COMMENT, grant applications and reports, and notes from conferences Hartley attended.
Alexis F. Hartmann Jr. Papers, 1884-2008 (S0341)
1.6 cubic feet
The Alexis F. Hartmann Papers contain correspondence, photographs, maps, and yearbooks documenting Hartmann's personal and professional life, including his career as a pediatrician at St. Louis Children's Hospital and a professor of pediatrics at Washington University.
Harvey J. Schmelzer/Charles J. Schmelzer II Papers/Schmelzer Realty Co. Records, 1925-1987 (K0622)
39 c.f.
Administrative files of the Realty Company and some personal files of Charles J. Schmelzer II. Includes appraisals and property management of specific buildings and general background information on buildings and streetscapes in Kansas City, MO. Some files contain photographs.
Hashbarger, Ruth, (1917-2004), Papers, 1852-1988, 1852-1988 (C2968)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of Ruth Hashbarger contain family documents and books from the Goebel, Roesche, and Haeberle families, all of whom immigrated to the United States from Germany. Ruth Hashbarger was a descendent of these families.
Allen W. Hatheway Papers, 1915-2013 (R1392)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders, 3 VHS, 6 DVDs, 2 photographs, 10 lantern slides)
The Allen Hatheway Papers contain correspondence, videos, and photographs concerning the Carondelet Coke Works in St. Louis, Missouri. The papers include correspondence of Hatheway, John Buchanan, and Erwin Blind, the latter two worked at the coke works. Also included are videos and photographs dealing with the history and workings of the coke works.
Harley Haton Papers, 1951-1994 (S1095)
40 cubic feet
The Harley Haton Papers contain correspondence, photographs, obituaries, photocopies of marriages, wills, and birth records, ancestral charts, and cassettes pertaining to Harton's (1922-1989), research on the Ehler, Fischer, Kroeschen, Nolting, and Wittrock families, who immigrated to the United States from Germany in the 19th century.
Frederick Hauenstein Papers, 1980 (R0085)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Frederick Hauenstein Papers contains a photocopy of Frederick Hauenstein's autobiography. An engineering graduate of the Missouri School of Mines (now Missouri University of Science and Technology), he worked as a surveyor and engineer in the western United States, and was the last president of the Pine Belt Lumber Company in Oklahoma.
Alan R. Havig Papers, 1900s-2010s (CA6676)
14.8 cubic feet
The papers of Alan R. Havig, a local historian and professor, contain research on Walter Williams, the Santa Fe Trail, Old Trail Roads, and Highways. The papers also contain information on authors, playwrights, and plays from the 1900s through the 1910s.
Bernard Hayes Papers, 1961-1989 (S0480)
0 .4 cubic feet, 16 folders, 105 photographs, 2 audio tapes
Bernard Hayes pioneered African-American radio in Louisiana, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco before becoming an announcer at KATZ in St. Louis in April 1965. In 1972 and 1977, he helped organize efforts to ensure that local black-owned radio stations retain their black employees and programming. He became the news director of KWMU in March 1982. The collection includes scrapbooks, photographs, an oral history and a cassette and records produced or recorded by Hayes.
Lucy Reed Hazelton Papers, 1946-2003 (S0686)
1 cubic foot, 18 folders, 2 audio tapes
The papers of Lucy Reed Hazelton document her career as a poet, writer, commercial, and fine artist in Webster Groves, Missouri. The collection includes awards, booklets, correspondence newspaper clippings, poems written by Lucy Reed Hazelton. Also included is an oral history interview with Ms. Hazelton, on two audio cassettes with a transcript.
Health Planning Agency of St. Louis Records, 1952-1990 (S0898)
2 cubic feet
This collection primarily consists of reports on St. Louis area hospitals and medical care.
Heaney Desegregation Collection, 1891-2004 (S0899)
9 cubic feet
The Heaney Desegregation Collection contains oral history interviews, newspaper articles, reports, and court files Gerald William Heaney used for his book, "Unending Struggle: The Long Road to an Equal Education in St. Louis."
Sister Ruth Heaney Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA6138)
2.4 cubic feet
The papers of Ruth Boylston Heaney, Benedictine sister of Our Lady of Peace Monastery in Columbia, Missouri. Widow of Larry Heaney (founder of the Milwaukee Catholic Worker) and a social activist, Heaney raised her six children on a Catholic Worker farm in Starkenburg, Missouri. She volunteered with the Benedictine sisters and eventually joined the order in 1979. Includes correspondence with prisoners, notebooks, and limited photographs.
Heart of America Genealogical Society (HAGS) Records, 1955-2005 (K0720)
19 c.f.
Organizational records including financial and business related materials, newsletters, minutes, membership directories, scrapbook, correspondence, and query files,incorporation and dissolution papers.
Heart of America Kennel Club Catalogs, 1950-2016 (K1400)
3.17 cubic feet (52 folders)
The Heart of America Kennel Club Catalogs contain dog show catalogs dated between 1950 through 2016.
Heart of America Kennel Club Event Documents, 1954-2016 (K1401)
0.7 cubic foot (15 folders)
The Heart of America Kennel Club Event Documents contain premium lists and judging programs related to the Clubs all-breed dog shows, obedience trials, puppy matches, and combined specialty clubs dated from 1954 to 2016.
Jeanette Rothgeb Heaton Collection, 1899-2003 (CA6749)
0.2 c.f.
National Historic Place certificate, New Lebanon histories, photographs, general store ads, and a New Lebanon church Sunday school records ledger book, 1926-1927.
Friedrich Hecker Papers, 1825-1986 (S0451)
4 cubic feet, 81 folders, 7 microfilm rolls
Friedrich Hecker led an unsuccessful revolt for a German republic in 1848; emigrated to America; aided a second Baden revolt in 1849; and settled in St. Clair County, Illinois. Hecker commanded two regiments in the American Civil War and was active in Republican party politics. The papers contain correspondence, certificates, newspaper clippings, and artifacts, primarily on the German revolts, the Civil War, and Republican politics. The collection is in German and English.
Joseph F. Heifner Papers, 1971-2016 (S1225)
0.4 cubic foot
The Joseph F. Heifner papers consist of family correspondences dating between 1847 and 1890. The letters, written primarily by Heifner siblings Joseph, Nancy (Ryan), Mary (Copes), and Loretto (Beatty), along with their children, detail significant events for the Missouri-based family over a half-century period, including the a scarlet fever quarantine in St. Louis, an 1866 St. Louis cholera outbreak, an 1873 Missouri state vote on liquor licenses, as well as mentions of natural disasters, political campaigns, parades and celebrations. The correspondence also includes personal family topics regarding finances, births, deaths, marriages, and baptisms. In addition correspondence, the collection also contains four photographs of Joseph Francis Heifner, his wife, Phoebe Elizabeth Bailey Heifner, and their children. The materials in this collection are arranged alphabetically, and chronologically thereunder.
Fred V. Heinkel Papers, 1914-1988 (C4105)
28.4 cubic feet (1,442 folders)
The papers of Fred V. Heinkel contain materials documenting the political and business activities of a former long-time president of the Missouri Farmers Association (MFA). A small amount of personal material is also included.
Judith D. Hellman Papers, 1950-1991 (K1383)
.15 c.f.
The Judith D. Hellman Collection contains materials related to Hellman's time as a Jewish representative with the Panel of American Women, Kansas City Chapter.
F.F. "Hank" Henderson, Jr. Papers, 1922-2019 (CA6276)
15 cubic feet, 8 computer discs
Personal papers and genealogical research of a Sedalia, Missouri, native. Contains publications and research files pertaining to the Drake, Dodson, and other families of Missouri. Includes correspondence, photographs, and official records.
Hazel Henderson Papers, 1968-2022 (CA6692)
87.0 cubic feet (244 video cassettes, 67 computer disks, 42 CDs, 165 DVDs, 396 audio cassettes, 2 flash drives), 2 video tapes
The papers of a journalist, nontraditional economist, environmentalist, futurist, and media executive, include publications, research files, correspondence, and audio/visual material. Also included is material she produced with her husband, Alan F. Kay.
Morris Henderson Newspaper Clippings Scrapbooks, 1955-1982 (S0641)
1 cubic foot
This collection consists of scrapbooks of Morris Henderson, a prominent civil rights leader and president of the St. Louis County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (1955-1959; 1963-1964) and director of the Peoples' Hospital (1960-1964). Subjects of interest include People's Hospital and the NAACP.
Orval L. Henderson Jr. Papers, 1904-2015 (C4130)
15.2 cubic feet
The papers of Orval Henderson contain records of the Missouri Society for Military History, Missouri Militia/National Guard research files and articles, other materials relating to Missouri military history research and historical organizations, and personal papers. Henderson was a Missouri Department of Natural Resources employee who served in the Missouri National Guard from 1948-1990.
Orval L. Henderson Jr. Papers, 1944-2015 (CA6425)
1.9 cubic feet
Addition of military research material, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Henderson-Marr Family Papers, 1898-1992 (C4449)
0.9 cubic feet (22 folders, 1 oversize item)
Writings of Augusta Henderson-Marr with photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other genealogical research concerning the Henderson, Marr, and related families of Callaway County, Missouri.
Henry Tobias Brewers and Maltsters Union #6 Collection, 1873-1990 (S0615)
16.2 cubic feet, 314 folders, 2 records, 1 reel tape, 556 photographs
The Brewers and Maltsters Local #6 is the oldest labor union in continuous operation in the city of St. Louis. This collection documents the changes that the Maltsters Union #6 underwent over the years as well as the everyday details of a labor union. The collection also contains material that Henry Tobias collected on the history of brewing and St. Louis breweries. Included are materials from the Dancing Masters of America and the Dancing Teacher's Association of St. Louis.
Ethelda Henry Genealogical Collection, 1671-1988 (C3881)
34.6 cubic feet (2,364 folders)
Family histories and genealogies of over 400 Boone County and central Missouri families, including the Asbell family. The collection also includes cemetery, census, marriage, school, will, Bible, and church records; clippings, photographs, family and genealogical correspondence, source materials, abstracts, and manuscripts; and miscellaneous.
Hensley Family Papers, 1926-1992 (K1371)
1 c.f.
This collection consists of papers and photographs related to the service of Robert Glenn Hensley and Terry Hensley.
Administrative files of a major Kansas City real estate firm including leases, studies, sales records, property management records, aerial photographs, maps and drawings.
Heritage League of Greater Kansas City, 1980-2011 (K0723)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of a consortium of historical agencies in the greater Kansas City area. Includes incorporation papers, constitution, by-laws, minutes and agendas, correspondence, financial records, membership lists, and files on special events, programs, and workshops initiated by the group.
Heritage Trust Records, 1972-1983 (K0961)
0.15 cubic foot (10 folders, 51 photographs)
The Heritage Trust Records contain correspondence, administrative files, an inventory, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to architectural ornamentation recovered from demolished building in Kansas City, Missouri.
Herriman Chapel Camp Collection, 1987 (R1240)
(1 folder)
This is "Herriman Chapel Camp: 60 Years of Vision," an illustrated history of a religious campground in Cedar County, Missouri, affiliated with the Church of God (Holiness). Hazel Messick conducted the historical research and Art Witt provided the photographic restoration and layout for the booklet.
Margaret Hickey Papers, 1922-1990 (S0236)
29 cubic feet, 824 folders, 763 photographs, 2 microfilm rolls, 1 videotape
The papers of Margaret A. Hickey consist of correspondence, speech files, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks documenting her career as a lawyer, journalist, businesswoman, public servant, from the 1930s into the 1980s. An interest in women and their economic and social problems proved the motivating force behind much of her work. As a lawyer, she became conscious of the unique legal problems facing women; as a government advisor, she studied various facets of women's role in society; and as the founder and director of Miss Hickey's School for Secretaries, she helped train educated women for careers in the labor force.