Carpenters' Local 1596 Records, 1871-1975 (S0163)
8 microfilm rolls
Carpenters' Local No. 5 Records, 1886-1948 (S0161)
4 microfilm rolls
The Carpenters’ Local No. 5 Records contains meeting minutes, rosters, treasurer reports, and ledgers documenting Carpenters Local No. 5’s effort to improve working conditions and increase wages for carpenters in St. Louis from 1886 to 1948.
Charles L. Carr Papers, 1915-1951 (K0909)
2 c.f.
Carr was an attorney in Kansas City, MO and the General Solicitor for the Kansas City Public Service Company. Includes the personal and professional papers of Carr: correspondence, printed materials from various organizations, files related to the streetcar company and the Missouri State Supreme Court..
Edna Carroll Papers, 1932-1969 (S0807)
0.25 cubic foot, 5 folders
The Edna Carroll papers include schoolwork and news clippings from her time at Webster College in the 1930s. Also included in the collection are issues of Transit News, a newspaper she worked for in the 1940s.
Lewis Henry Carstarphen Papers, 1686-1971 (C3613)
2.6 cubic feet (228 folders)
Genealogical data on Glascock, Tutt, Watson, Woodson, Carstarphen and collateral families compiled by Carstarphen with his aunt, Emily Marion Watson, collaborating on the Watson, Woodson, and Tutt families.
Cecil C. Carstenson and Blanche Williams Carstenson Papers, 1943-2001 (K0669)
5 c.f.
Cecil was talented wood sculptor, while his wife Blanche was best known for her textile artworks. Included are photographs and slides of both Cecil and Blanche's artwork. Also letters to various people, mostly family while Cecil was serving during World War II and scrapbooks covering most of their adult lives.
Carter County Fishing and Shooting Club Registers, 1888-1945 (C1067)
0.28 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Registers and membership lists. Vol. 1, 1888-1927. Vol. 2, 1927-1945.
Carter County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1902-2001 (P1105)
An artificial collection of photographs of Carter County, Missouri.
Carter Family Collection, 1870-1981 (SP0094)
1.5 cubic feet (19 folders, 483 photographs)
The Carter Family Collection contains compiled family histories and photographs of the Carter family of Newton County, Missouri. Related family histories include the Munsey and Weems families of Greene County, Tennessee.
Carter-McDade Family Papers, 1847-1993 (C4701)
1.0 cubic feet (31 folders), 6 oversize items
Family papers and genealogical materials created by Marguerite Carter McDade. The materials cover the Campbell, Carter, Fletcher, Hall, McDade, and Whittlesey families of Sedalia, Missouri, and various parts of Texas and Connecticut.
Carthage Fair and Horse Show Collection, 1948 (R1087)
(1 folder)
This collection contains photocopies of a premium list and program of events for the third annual Carthage Fair and Horse Show, held at Carthage in Jasper County, Missouri, on September 23-25, 1948. James M. Miller served as manager of the event.
Carthage High School Collection, 1944 (R1244)
(1 folder)
This is a program for "Oh Doctor," an operetta by Estelle M. and Palmer J. Clark, presented by the musical organizations of Carthage High School at Carthage in Jasper County, Missouri, on March 30-31, 1944. The director was Frances Ragsdale and the accompanist was Ruth Hibbs.
Roy L. Carver Papers, 1920-1984 (C3849)
0.8 cubic feet (53 folders)
Papers of Roy Lee Carver of Columbia, Missouri, director of the Missouri Division of Veterans’ Affairs, 1953-1973; and active member of the American Legion for 39 years. The papers consist of correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, speeches, reports, programs, and miscellaneous material relating to his activities on behalf of veterans and veterans’ organizations.
Theodore Spencer Case Papers, 1880-1940 (K0295)
0.57 c.f.
A handwritten manuscript of an early reminiscence of Kansas City. Scrapbook by Case, a doctor/lawyer, local historian, civic leader, that contains travel photographs, and family material, diplomas and certificates awarded to Case and his son, Ermine C. Case.
Casey Family Papers, (CG0073)
2.0 c.f.
The Casey Family Papers contain professional military records, personal records, and correspondences between various members of the Casey family.
Cass County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1865-1976 (P1107)
An artificial collection of photographs of Cass County, Missouri.
Terence W. Cassidy Collection, 1879-1991 (K0302)
95 c.f.
Collected materials of Cassidy, librarian and historian, concerning the history of street railway systems, interurbans, and buses in the Midwest, particularly the Kansas City area. Includes Cassidy's personal and research files: printed materials, publications, articles, and photographs. Also administrative records of the Kansas City Street Railway Company, the Kansas City Public Service Company, and the Kansas City Area Transit Authority.
Cassville and Exeter Railway Company Records, 1909-1976 (R0421)
5 folders
These are papers concerning a short-line railroad which connected the towns of Cassville and
Exeter in Barry County, Missouri, begun as the Cassville & Western Railway in 1896 and reorganized
as the C&E in 1919. The collection includes letters, documents, clippings, and photographs
Cassville Garden Club Collection, 1947 (R1040)
(1 folder)
This is an annual program booklet for a woman's garden club at Cassville in Barry County, Missouri. Covering the calendar year 1947, it includes meeting schedules and topics, lists of state and local officers, a roster of members with local telephone numbers, and a list of past presidents.
Catholic Churches (Ralls and Monroe Counties, Mo.) Records, 1833-1954 (C2973)
5 rolls of microfilm
Baptismal, confirmation, burial, and marriage records from St. Peter's, St. Joseph's, St. Paul's, and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Ralls County and St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Monroe County. Records are incomplete.
Florence Catlin Photograph Collection, 1949, 1957 (P0482)
33 photographs
Photos of Air Force Appreciation Night for personnel of Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Memorial Park, Belton, Missouri. August 22, 1957.
Henry S. Caulfield Papers, 1878-1966 (C2409)
2.1 cubic feet
The papers of Henry S. Caulfield contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, reports, speeches, and miscellaneous material. Caulfield was a Republican governor of Missouri (1929-1933) and St. Louis official.
Millie Caulk Papers, 1948-1974 (C0195)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Atherton family genealogical material.
Michael Cave Papers, 1944-1997 (C2157)
7.0 cubic feet (278 folders), 21 audio cassettes, 62 audio tapes, 27 video cassettes, 1 compact disk, 2 audio discs, 8 oversize items
Xenophon Caverno Papers, 1917-1941 (C0059)
1.4 cubic feet
Personal correspondence and information and correspondence about cotton organizations, farm organizations, and transactions concerning his plantation and plantation store. General expenses of the plantation, purchase of cotton seed, and records of accounts.
Tony Cazaux Jr. Photographs, 1945 (P1159)
Photographs by Tony Cazaux of Missouri archaeological sites, natural features, and historic buildings.
Cedar Grove School, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1910-1943 (R0843)
(2 volumes)
These are District Clerk's record books from Cedar Grove School in northern Iron County, Missouri. They include minutes of annual and board meetings, financial date, records of the employment of teachers and custodians, and annual enumerations of school-age children.
Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE) Records, 1880-2009 (K0670)
7 c.f.
Organizational records and other research materials relating to the activities of CAJE and the history of the Jewish Community in Kansas City, particularly in preparation of the book, Mid-America's Promise: A Profile of Kansas City Jewry. (includes oral history cassettes and VHS recordings)
Central Industrial District Records, 1920-2000 (K0671)
17 c.f.
Organizational records of the business association for Kansas City's industrial district in the West Bottoms. Includes minutes, membership information, studies, reports, and research data relating to the District and Kansas City generally. Also included are documents relating to historic preservation.
Central Methodist College Scrapbooks, 1949 (P1037)
Scrapbooks of trips taken to Florida and the Southeast United States, 1948-1949.
Central Missouri Association of Educational Secretaries Records, 1940-1995 (C4622)
0.5 cubic feet (9 folders, 4 oversize volumes)
Records of the Central Missouri Association of Educational Secretaries, an organization created with the intention of promoting and furthering the profession of educational office personnel, contain organizational records, programs, publications, and scrapbooks.
Central Missouri Association of United Baptists Records, 1859-1996 (R0599)
1 roll (40 volumes)
These are minutes of the annual meetings of the Central Missouri Association of United Baptists, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1859. The Association consists of churches in southeastern Missouri, primarily in the counties of Dent, Iron, Reynolds, and Washington.
Central Missouri, Missouri River Valley Region, Photograph Collection, 1880-1961 (P1120)
An artificial collection of photographs of mid-Missouri's Missouri River valley region, including photographs of Cole, Osage, and Moniteau counties.
Central School, District No. 55 (Saline County, Mo.) Records, 1882-1959 (C4474)
0.6 cubic feet (15 folders)
Materials include district record books, teacher and treasurer reports, warrant registers, and poll books from District No. 55 in Saline County, Missouri.
Central Trades and Labor Union of St. Louis Minutes, 1945-1946 (C0919)
1 volume
Printed minutes of bi-monthly meetings.
"A Century of Freemasonry at Osceola, Missouri, 1841-1941," A. Loyd Collins, no date (C2187)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Historical sketch of Masonic organizations in Osceola.
Mrs. Henry Certain Collection, 1915-1953 (P0526)
1 folder
Postcards of Cooper County schools, including Kemper Military School, and Kansas City. Photographic postcard of Conley & Myers Bank, Columbia. Photo of the Parade of Masons in Carthage.
Chadwell and Leavenworth Families Papers, 1837-1944 (R0883)
(5 folders)
These are photocopies of the correspondence and business papers of the Chadwell and Leavenworth families of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The papers concern family news and business matters, and include the Civil War letters of Alexander H. Chadwell, a Confederate soldier, and Joseph H. Leavenworth and N. H. Leavenworth regarding the lumber business in Mississippi in the 1870s and 1880s.
Chaffee, Missouri, Mail Carriers' Route Directory, 1929-1957 (C3448)
1.0 cubic foot (9 volumes)
The records contain a list of names and street addresses of residents of Chaffee, Missouri, served by the mail carriers of route no. 1 in the town between 1929 and 1957.
Challis-Dysart Family Papers, 1853, 1891-1956 (C4293)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers contain letters, expense entries, photographs, receipts, licenses, and genealogical material related to the Challis, Dysart, Wilcox, and Forbis families of Boone, Cole, and Pettis Counties.
Richard J. Chamier Papers, 1932-1974 (C4379)
1.8 cubic feet (74 folders)
Military, political, and civic career of a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army in World War II, and Missouri State Senator. Includes correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings covering campaigns for State Senator in 1948 and 1952, as well as clippings on speeches, talks, and Legislative Bills, particularly a Bill to update the State of Missouri Criminal Law Codes. Also some civic work with the Moberly School Board involving desegregation and reports of racial bias in the Missouri Commission on Human Rights, of which Chamier was a member.
Carl H. Chapman Papers, 1944-1984 (CA4619)
61.3 cubic feet
Papers of a prominent archaeologist and professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Includes correspondence, research, and teaching materials.
Charless Home Collection, 1931-1973 (S0125)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection primarily consists of annual reports of the trustees of the Charles Home (formerly Home of the Friendless), a long-term care facility for elderly women in St. Louis, established and governed by women.
Harriett F. Charno Papers, 1939-1989 (K1266)
0.25 c.f.
family photos including: Women's Athletic Club at JCC (WAC's), and Busy Bees
Theodore H. "Ted" Charno Papers, 1935-1065 (K1294)
0.02 c.f.
Photographs of Ted Charno, Missouri Valley Welterweight Boxing Champion, 1932, boxing instructor, American Youth club director, includes interior photograph of Charno Book Binding Co. ,
George M. Chase Papers, 1862-1940 (K0536)
0.01 c.f.
Letter and document ["passport"] identifying Chase, a Kansas City merchant from Maine, interstate travel Maine to Kansas City during the Civil War.
Eugene Payne Chatman Records, 1932-1948 (K0318)
0.07 c.f.
Delivery Room Record book of an African-American physician, listing names of patients; the attending nurse; and the date, time, and clinical details about the delivery. All of the patients appear to have been African-American.
Chesmore Seed Company (St. Joseph, Mo.) Records, 1895-1998 (C4045)
2.2 cubic feet (74 folders)
The Chesmore Seed Company was founded in 1878 by Alfred M. Chesmore as a seed, farm implement, wagon, and buggy business in St. Joseph, Missouri. The collection contains historical documents, business papers, company correspondence, seed catalogs, advertisements and price lists, sales receipts, and photographs of the Chesmore Seed Company as well as photographs and personal items of the Chesmore family.
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad (Brookfield, Mo.) Records, 1884-1940 (C4216)
0.4 cubic feet (13 folders)
Records of the freight station in Brookfield, Missouri, including train agents and conductor's records of trains on hand and trains passing through; their contents, destination, etc., 1884, 1885, 1891. Also includes the Veteran's Association Annual Reports of the Burlington Lines for 1938 and 1940.
Child Culture Club Joplin, Missouri Collection, 1938-1954 (R1026)
(1 folder)
These are annual program/membership booklets for the Child Culture Club, a woman's study club at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. Included are lists of members, officers, and schedules of meetings and programs.