Frederick Marion Wanger Family Papers, 1890-1956 (K0588)
1 c.f.
Personal papers of Wanger, a Police Judge in St. Joseph, MO including photographs, letters, and family other documents.
Frederick Marion Wanger World War One Collection, 1917-1970 (K0587)
1 c.f.
Personal papers of Wanger of St. Joseph, MO who served as Company Clerk of Company "A", 356th Infantry Regiment, 89th Division in World War I. Includes letters, photographs, a manuscript and printed history of Company "A, artifacts and other documents relation to Company "A", its service in the War and after, its reunions, and the American Legion.
War Time Recipes, 1917 (SP0034)
.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The War Time Recipes Cookbook collection consists of a cookbook, featuring meals that conserve wheat, meat, sugar, and fats because of World War I rationing. The cookbook also features a display of advertisements for local companies and public service announcements made by the United States Government.
Warren County (Mo.) Schuetzen Company No. 1 Records, 1893-1950 (C3647)
1 roll of microfilm (5 volumes)
Minutes, treasurer's reports and account books of a German social club established in Warren County in 1856. Books contain membership lists and records of the Schuetzenfest sponsored annually since the club was founded.
George H. Warren Letter, [1919] (C2789)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To J.C. Bay, Chicago, IL, from Minneapolis, MN. Letter announcing dispatch of complimentary copy of "The Pioneer Woodsman as He is Related to Lumbering in the Northwest," by George H. Warren.
James Warren Papers, 1917-1933 (C4407)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
Correspondence, genealogy, and family photographs of a World War I veteran. Correspondence reflects upon James Warren's experiences as a soldier during World War I, written to various family members, including his sister Ella Proctor. Family photographs are mostly of unknown family members.
Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce Photograph Collection, 1914-1951 (P0720)
4 photographs
Photos of Central Missouri State University and Lake Cena, Pertle Springs Park.
Jacob Warshaw Papers, 1910-1944 (C0036)
12 cubic feet (769 folders, 12 volumes)
Correspondence and papers of the Chairman of the Department of Spanish at the University of Missouri from 1926 to 1944. Copies of articles written by Warshaw for scholarly publications, extensive notes on Spanish and Latin American literature and life. Letters are about departmental matters, personal affairs, and Spanish scholarship.
Washington Savings and Loan Association (Washington, Mo.) Records, 1871-1925 (C3663)
0.45 cubic feet (1 folder, 3 oversize volumes)
Records of a German savings and loan association in Washington, Missouri, organized in 1871 and rechartered twice before it received a permanent charter and took its present name in 1908. Includes charter, bylaws, minutes of board meetings, and lists of stockholders. Minutes were kept in German until September 4, 1918.
Washington Zinc and Lead Company Collection, 1918 (R0050)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Washington Zinc and Lead Company Collection contains a prospectus of the Washington County, Missouri based firm.
Wesley Bates Wasson Ledgers, 1888-1915 (SP0104)
2 cubic feet (4 volumes)
The Wesley Bates Wasson Ledgers consist of four volumes that belonged to Dr. Wesley “W. B.” Bates Wasson of southwest Missouri. The ledgers contain his patient’s accounts, including names, dates, locations, services provided, and corresponding fees. The counties represented are Barry, Christian, Greene, Lawrence, and Stone.
“The Watch on the Rhine by Moonlight”, 1919 (C3310)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
Waters Family Papers, 1860s-2021 (CA6619)
0.1 cubic feet
Photographs, correspondence, and genealogical material concerning the Joseph C. Waters family of Boone County, Missouri.
Waters Family Photograph Collection, 1900-1919 (P0164)
0.42 linear feet
Original photographs of musician John William "Blind" Boone; approx. 121 reproductions of photos of prominent citizens from Columbia and Boone County; reproductions of Waters family photos.
Marie Oliver Watkins Papers, 1822-1962 (C2689)
2.8 cubic feet
Genealogical research in preparation for the book TEARIN' THROUGH THE WILDERNESS, MISSOURI PIONEER EPISODES, 1822-1885 by Marie Oliver Watkins and Helen Hamacher Watkins, a genealogy of the descendants of Charles Allen Watkins and Henrietta Rives of Ray County, MO.
Ralph K. Watkins Papers, 1866-1970 (C4551)
1.4 cubic feet (31 folders)
Papers of a University of Missouri education professor including teaching resources, educational publications, information on professional activities and presentations, and family genealogy research material.
Watson-Westlake Family Papers, 1813-1949 (C0186)
0.7 cubic feet
Correspondence, receipts, legal documents, and miscellaneous items of the Watson family of Boone County. Memoir by Thomas W. Westlake of his Civil War and post-Civil War experiences.
Watts Family Papers, 1870s-1979 (CA6121)
2 cubic feet, 5 oversize items
The papers of a family from Putnam County, Missouri, include an autograph book; travel scrapbooks and family photograph albums compiled by Bertha and Christine Watts; diaries composed by the Rev. Samuel S. McWilliams; and poetry and writings.
John J. Watts Papers, 1874-1912 (R0038)
2 cubic feet (38 volumes, 6 rolls of microfilm)
The John J. Watts Papers are notebooks of genealogical records kept by a circuit-riding Baptist minister in the northern Ozarks. The records cover Phelps, Pulaski, Texas, and parts of Maries, and Dent counties in south-central Missouri.
Weathers Family Papers, 1868-1991 (C4014)
3.0 cubic feet (71 folders), 1 audio cassette
The papers document the lives of Virginia “Kate” and Benton H. Weathers of Howard County, Missouri, and the lives of their children and grandchildren. In addition to genealogical materials on the Weathers, Duncan, and Grigsby families, the collection includes some materials on the Weathers Lumber and Hardware Store in Fayette, Missouri, and the Missouri Polled Hereford Association Records.
Webb Funeral Homes Records, 1913-1978 (K1355)
1.17 c.f.
The records contain biographical information about decedents and document funerals arranged by Webb Funeral Homes of Blues Springs and Oak Grove, Missouri.
Webber Family Papers, 1870-1976 (R1502)
0.25 cubic foot (6 folders, 22 photographs, 9 tintypes, 5 cabinet cards, 1 cartes-de-viste)
The Webber Family Papers contains a family genealogy documents, photographs, and newspaper clippings for the Webber family of Phelps County.
Joseph Webber Photograph Collection, 1898-1916 (P0235)
2 folders
13 photos taken of images of Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis. 32 postcards of various subjects: public buildings, street scenes and scenery in Columbia, Missouri, St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Washington, Tucson, Panama, Ontario and New Hampshire.
Weber Family Papers, 1899-1966 (C3113)
0.5 cubic feet
Miscellaneous papers of the Weber family of Farmington, MO, including copy book of Frank S. Weber, obituary of Kossuth W. Weber, and correspondence and newspaper clippings of Nan Gardiner Weber. Genealogy and family photographs.
Wednesday Study Club (Columbia, Mo.) Minutes, 1908-1935 (C0992)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Minutes of a women's organization.
Raymond L. Weeks Papers, 1873-1954 (C1045)
5.4 cubic feet, 10 a.d.
Papers of Raymond L. Weeks containing primarily correspondence regarding his academic career in Romance languages, philology, and phonetics at the universities of Michigan, Missouri, and Illinois; and Columba University in New York City. Royalty statements, postcards, poetry, photographs, newspaper clippings, and articles and scholarly writings concerning languages make up the rest of the collection.
Weiss Family Papers, 1906-1919 (CG0048)
0.02 c.f.
The Weiss Family Papers contains ten postcards of the 1906 Cape Girardeau, Missouri, centennial and fourteen postcards of correspondence between Clara Weiss Masters and Wilson Masters from 1909 to 1919.
Austin H. Welch Papers, 1908-1927 (R0824)
(1 folder)
These are business papers of Austin H. Welch of St. Louis, Missouri, regarding investments in Missouri and Arkansas lands through the Dorsey Corporation of Moline, Illinois. Among the papers are reports on a coal property near Bourbon in Crawford County, Missouri, and agricultural land near Texarkana in Miller County, Arkansas.
Warren D. Welliver Collection, 1900-1975 (P0069)
2 folders
Postcards of Barton County towns, especially Lamar, Rich Hill, Adrain. Additional postcards of Foster and Amoret. Photographs of the Nelson family of Hannibal, MO, and Richard Brownlee.
F.F. Welsh Daybooks, 1897-1954 (C4235)
0.5 cubic feet (11 folders)
The collection consists of the daily journals and business ledgers of Frank Welsh, a farmer in Linn County, Missouri. Welsh describes his daily farm activities, the weather and expenses.
Edward Leo Welter Papers, 1918-1919 (R0312)
(1 folder)
This is a diary of overseas service by a native of Kelso, Scott County, Missouri, and an enlisted
member of Co. F, 110th Engineers, 35th Division, U.S. Army. E. L. Welter served in France along
the Somme River and in the Vosges Mountains, was part of the reserve during the St. Mihiel
offensive, and came under fire during the Meuse-Argonne offensive.
Ernest C. Weltmer Collection, 1899-2005 (C4044)
3.50 cubic feet (91 folders, 5 oversize items)
The papers of a suggestive therapy practitioner from Nevada (Mo.), including correspondence, photographs, courses, and other writings. Also contains works by his father, Sidney A. Weltmer, and publications of the Weltmer Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics.
Roy Wenzlick Papers, 1882-1981 (S0574)
23 cubic feet, 28 films, 13 audio tapes, 299 microfilm rolls, 66 books
Roy Wenzlick was a prominent real estate analyst, appraiser, author, and publisher. His 1936 book, "The Coming Boom in Real Estate," appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. The collection includes correspondence, research files, photographs, and a complete run Wenzlick's newsletter, "The Real Estate Analyst."
Leonard Matthews Werner Papers, 1917-1981 (S0206)
0.04 cubic feet, 7 folders, 45 photographs, 1 microfilm roll
The Leonard Matthews Werner Papers contain correspondence, newsletters, manuals, and newspaper clippings documenting his work establishing the Sebago Club, Camp Ironwood in Maine, and the Sebago School for Disturbed Children.
Wessel and Schaefer Family Papers, 1907-1974 (S0522)
2.5 cubic feet, 48 folders, 43 photographs
The Wessel and Schaefer Family Papers contain correspondence, diaries, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting the lives of Lillian Schaefer and Emil Wessel. The collection contains material both prior to and during their marriage, including family correspondence from 1954. The complete date range of the collection is 1907 to 1975, with bulk dates from 1917 to 1923.
West Freedom Telephone Company (Concordia, Mo.) Records, 1904-c. 1960 (CA5324)
0.4 cubic feet
Constitution, by-laws, minutes, financial records, incorporation papers, and stock certificates of the company.
West Plains High School Collection, 1911 (R1019)
(1 folder)
This single-sheet, four-panel pamphlet is the course of study and rules governing course for West Plains High School in Howell County, Missouri. Although undate, a footnote includes the years 1911 to 1913. William Melcher served as superintendent of the school.
Emma West Collection, 1880-1950 (P0062)
0.16 linear feet
Copy photos and postcards of Missouri, the bulk of which focus on New Cambria, Macon County.
Western Auto Supply Company Collection, 1911-2004 (KA2582)
6.75 c.f.
The Western Auto Supply Company Collection contains catalogs, circulars, newsletters, and other miscellaneous materials related to the company dated between 1911 and 2004.
Western Historical Manuscript Collection, St. Louis, Vertical File Collection, 1834-2012 (S0694)
4.25 cubic feet, 265 folders
The Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis’s vertical file was begun in 1968 as part of WHMC’s collecting mission under the direction of Irene Cortinovis and Ina Watson. The collection chronicles numerous St. Louis-related topics, including African Americans, Anheuser-Busch, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the Shaw neighborhood.
Western Missouri Good Roads Association (Joplin, Mo.) Minute Book, 1912-1915 (C0648)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bylaws, financial statement, and minutes of meeting of the association, which was organized in July 1912.
Ruth Rollins Westfall Photograph Collection, 1838-1937 (P0020)
0.5 cubic feet
Exhaustive photographic genealogy of the Rollins Family dating back to the 1860s; most photographs with accompanying names and dates.
Westmount Civic Improvement Association (Columbia, Mo.) Record Book, 1905-1945 (C1289)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Constitution, minutes, committee reports and financial records of a group organized to buy lots and make and maintain improvements in the Westmount Addition of Columbia.
John G. Westover Collection, 1910-1946 (C3733)
1.1 cubic feet (56 folders)
Correspondence between members of a Missouri family, including three sons in the service, during World War II. The letters deal largely with family matters, but also include descriptions of military bases, a soldier's daily routine and training, and people, cities, and countries in Africa and Europe. Also included are letters from an uncle who was in the service during World War I and in the 1920s.
Westover-Whelen Family Papers, 1854-1914 (C3414)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of the Westover-Whelen family contain photocopies of court records concerning the Westover and Whelen family estates in St. Francois County, Missouri.
Westport Scrapbook, 1907-1961 (K0244)
0.06 c.f.
Photocopied scrapbook of newspaper clippings, booklets, research papers and other items compiled by Adrian Christopher, a local historian, concerning the history of Westport, MO.
Westport Tomorrow Records, 1907-1989 (K0831)
39 c.f.
Organizational records of a business and neighborhood association coalition in Kansas City, MO. includes correspondence, business and financial papers and newsletters. also newspaper and historical articles concerning the Westport area as well as newsletters, correspondence and articles relating to other neighborhood associations.
Walter William Wharton Papers, c. 1912-1995 (C3772)
2.5 cubic feet (114 folders)
Papers of a Missouri poet and writer, trade magazine editor, book reviewer, and lecturer. Includes correspondence, books, newspaper clippings, poetry, sketches, and plays.
James H. Wheeler Diaries, 1874-1886, 1916 (C3861)
0.3 cubic feet (1 folder, 14 volumes)
The diaries of James H. Wheeler contain his writings on social, business, and church events in Hannibal and Kansas City, Missouri. There is one folder containing miscellaneous letters, programs, receipts, and newspaper clippings.
Lula Wheeler Scrapbook, 1918 (C3865)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)
A scrapbook given to Lula Wheeler by her friend Lucy to commemorate her four years at Sweet Springs High School, Saline County, Missouri, 1914-1918. The scrapbook includes pictures, newspaper clippings, autographs, and lists of classmates.