Seth Chitwood Papers, 1798-1846 (C0259)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Legal papers pertaining to acquisition of land; death of his father, Richard Chitwood; and grant from U.S. government. Wills of Richard and Seth Chitwood. Papers dealing with disposal of property of Richard and Seth Chitwood to settle their estate.
Choate Family Papers, 1837-1860 (SP0040)
.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Choate Family Papers consist of correspondence between John K. Choate and his siblings, Aaron, Tom, and Elisabeth.
Christ Church Cathedral Photographs, 1845-1980 (P0840)
19 photographs
Portraits of Christ Church Cathedral clergy
Robert P. Christeson Collection, 1841-1995 (C3971)
36.0 cubic feet (887 folders), 1387 audio discs, 135 audio tapes, 152 audio cassettes, 112 wire recordings, 3 film reels
The Christeson Collection contains sheet music, song books, and other publications related to square dancing and folk dances, publications on the history of violins and fiddles, catalogs of instruments and musical recordings, correspondence, photographs and family papers, fiddle organization newsletters, fiddle contest flyers and folk festival information, and the working papers of volumes I and II of The Old-Time Fiddler's Repertory. In addition, this collection contains Christeson's original wire recordings, audio tapes, and audio discs of fiddle tunes, jam sessions, fiddle contests, and other folk genres.
Christian Church (Fulton, Mo.) Records, 1848-1888 (C0585)
1 roll of microfilm
Membership, minutes of business meetings, minutes of Board of Officers' meetings, financial records, pledges, and assessments.
Christian College (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1836-1986 (C0038)
30 cubic feet (1,392 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm, 1 card file, 51 lantern slides, 11 audio cassettes
The records of the first women’s college chartered in Missouri, and one of the first chartered west of the Mississippi River, consists of correspondence, catalogs, yearbooks, photographs, and financial records.
Church of Christ at Friendship (Boone County, Mo.) Record Book, 1837-1855 (C2372)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of membership of church located northwest of Brown's Station in Boone County, MO.
City Hotel (Boonville, Mo.) Registers, 1843-1844, 1851-1852 (C1052)
0.2 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Hotel registers listing names of guests, their residence, destination and remarks about those registering.
Civil War in Missouri Scrapbook, 1823-1868 (C1379)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Collection of newspaper clippings on Missouri, 1823-1868, from New York and Boston newspapers, primarily the NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. Most of the items pertain to the Civil War in Missouri, 1861-1862, and include maps and diagrams of the war in the west.
Clark County, Missouri, Papers, 1842-1846 (C3543)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The Clark County papers contain a record of names of voters and votes cast for all candidates in the August 1842 primary election in Clark County; and a muster order to the 75th Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 14th Division of Clark County Militia, May 8, 1846.
N.H. Clark Letters, 1848 (C2709)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To John D. McKown, St. Louis, MO, from Vera Cruz, Mexico. Clark marched with General Scott during the Mexican War; he describes the assault on Vera Cruz.
Clarkson Family Papers, 1810-1870 (C1705)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)
This collection contains Clarkson family correspondence primarily between Colonel Charles S. Clarkson, his wife, Charlotte, and their children, originating from Ohio, Kentucky, St. Louis, and other locations, concerning family news and business matters. Correspondence from friends and extended family members is also included.
Clay County, Missouri, "Registry of Free Negroes", 1836-1856 (C1079)
0.03 cubic feet (1 volume)
List of free people of color who lived in Clay County, Missouri, during the period 8 February 1836 to 7 January 1856.
Clay County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1830-1980 (P1112)
An artificial collection of photographs of Clay County, Missouri, including photographs of the James Farm, Excelsior Springs, Liberty, Watkins Mill, and other settlements and features in the county.
Henry Clay Campaign Badge, 1844 (C1668)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Badge worn at Young Men's Whig Convention, Rocheport, MO, June 3, 1844, calls Clay "The Nation's Choice." Clay was unsuccessful Whig presidential candidate in 1844.
Henry Clay Campaign Ribbon, 1844 (C0668)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
"Henry Clay, the Peoples' Choice. Missouri State Convention, St. Louis, June 3, 1844."
Daniel B. Cleghorn Family Papers, 1848-1892 (C0252)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Diary kept by Cleghorn, 1863, on prospecting trip from McGregor, IA, to Black Hills of Dakota Territory; accounts in back. Letters, accounts, receipts, mining claims. Correspondence concerning "Cleghorn Springs," Rapid City, Dakota Territory.
Cleveland-Gillaspy Papers, 1849-1939 (C0105)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)
Correspondence, legal papers, tax receipts, photographs, and miscellany of James C. Gillaspy and James Longstreet Cleveland of Boone County, MO. Includes minute book and constitution of Providence Speas (Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Social) Club, Providence, MO, an organization active during the 1930s.
Cochran-Jeffress Family Papers, 1831-1994 (C4669)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Family genealogy of the Cochran-Jeffress family of Cooper County, Missouri. Included are pages from the Jeffress family Bible and Cochran family photographs, circa 19th century.
Ethlyn Cockrell Collection, 1846-1859 (C0254)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
This collection contains a letter from Alfred L. Rockhold to his brother Thomas, telling of a journey from Kentucky, staking claims for homesteads, and putting in crops; 300-400 Mormons in north Missouri on their way to California and Missourians’ feelings toward them; and food prices. The collection also includes a land grant issued in 1859 to War of 1812 veteran Francis Williamson for military services.
Coffin-Weld Company Papers, 1843-1850 (C1005)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Business correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Coffin and Weld, merchants in Boston, Massachusetts. Most letters are from the Franklin and Perry mercantile firm in St. Louis.
Cold Water Baptist Church (St. Louis County, Mo.) Record Book, 1809-1871 (C1296)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of the Cold Water Baptist Church, 1809-1819; Baptist Church of Christ Friends to Humanity, 1834-1838; and Salem Baptist Church, 1841-1871; all on Cold Water in St. Louis County, MO.
Edward Coles Papers, 1818-1866 (C0258)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Deeds and will pertaining to a tract of land in Pike and Lincoln Counties, MO.
Collett Family Papers, 1833-1964 (C2949)
0.22 cubic feet (11 folders)
Genealogical material about the Collett family of Adair County, MO. Tax receipts, miscellaneous pamphlets and newspaper clippings, poetry and essays.
Charles Collins Papers, 1836-1954 (C3209)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Miscellaneous letters and clippings regarding the Royall, Switzler, Price, and Henderson families; article about John Price by Eva Grant Maloney; typescript copies of "A Trip to the South," and "My Second Tour in the South," by William F. Switzler in 1836; Mary Jane Royall Switzler's album of memories filled with prose and poetry.
Lewis Collins Letter, 1846 (C1989)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter requesting Collins to provide him with a description of Bacon College and an article on the Christian Church and its ministers, for use in writing a history of Kentucky.
Colman-Hayter Family Papers, 1839-1900 (C0084)
0.2 cubic feet
Correspondence and miscellaneous material of a northwest Missouri family. Includes letters from family members while in the Mexican War, in Oregon, traveling down the Mississippi River, and serving in the Confederate Army.
Columbia Female Academy (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1841-1853 (C0572)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Includes an address delivered March 28, 1841, by the Rev. J.L. Yantis, at the examination of the pupils of Columbia Female Academy, and an 1853 catalogue.
Columbia Lyceum Petition, 1847 (C1505)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Petition requesting use of the Boone County Courtroom as a meeting place for the Columbia Lyceum.
William R. Combs Papers, 1846-1868 (C3942)
0.2 cubic feet
The papers of Combs, a Baptist preacher in Kentucky in the mid-nineteenth century, consist of a journal describing his preaching and pastoral obligations, which was also used for financial transactions, recipes and cures. The papers also include sermon texts, essays, and legal papers.
Concord Presbyterian Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Records, 1833-1935 (C1349)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Session minutes; history of the church, whose name was changed from Seven Mile Church in 1840; ministers, elders, and deacons; membership lists; and record of infant baptisms.
Conley-Miller Family Papers, 1792-1977, 1983 (C3693)
5.4 cubic feet (324 folders, 6 oversize volumes)
Correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, account books, ledgers, financial and personal records, genealogical materials, photographs, and miscellaneous material of the Conley and Miller family of Boone County, Missouri.
John Connelly Papers, 1810-1888 (C0257)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
Patent issued under act of Congress providing relief for losses in the New Madrid earthquake; certificates of title and transfer of land originally belonging to Wilson Cummings; oath of allegiance, 1865; report of losses to a raiding band; tax receipts.
Thomas W. Conyers Papers, 1817-1903 (C0755)
0.2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Papers of a Monroe County, MO, landowner, merchant, soldier, and politician. Included are diaries, an account book, genealogical materials on the Conyers family, and miscellany regarding the daily activities of the Conyers family and their slaves. Particular emphasis is given to everyday farming operations and accounts.
Warren Cook Collection, 1782-1978 (R0043)
0.25 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Warren Cook Collection contains photocopies of papers of the Smith, Havins, Roseberry, and Cook families of southwestern Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. The collection includes correspondence, estate papers, and genealogical records. Also included are two farm diaries from 1875-1876.
Cooper County, Missouri, Papers, 1837-1983 (C3051)
2 rolls of microfilm
History of Cooper County, its churches and cemeteries, schools, domestic architecture, miscellaneous buildings, and architectural structures; material on Cooper County and Howard County individuals and families; maps; clippings; and photographs.
Cooper County, Missouri, Papers, 1819-1905 (C1034)
1.25 cubic feet
The papers contain oaths of loyalty, 1862-1866, and miscellaneous papers, 1819-1905.
Copher and Stidham Family Papers, 1784-1974 (C4290)
0.2 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records of the Copher and Stidham families contain dates of births, deaths, and marriages, wills, and military records. The volume contains both original records and transcriptions created by J.H. Stidham.
Ovid H. Corbin Papers, 1848-1863 (K0129)
0.12 c.f. (4 folders)
Account book of the wagon maker and wheelwright business, Stone and Umbarger, and its descendant companies which operated in Liberty, Missouri. Also included are personal financial records of Ovid H. Corbin, one of the owners of the company.
Corby Family Papers, 1804-1905 (C0086)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of a pioneer St. Joseph, MO, family: deeds, bills of sale for slaves, tax receipts, legal papers, stock certificates, Pony Express bills; and material on early St. Louis area. Record book of the Mercantile Company, 1856; bank book, 1861-1869; volume of clippings concerning St. Joseph, 1881-1903.
Cornett Family Papers, 1847-1981 (C3808)
5.1 cubic feet (210 folders), 3 oversize volumes
The papers of the Cornett family of rural Linn County, Missouri, including William and Martha; their children, Bracy, Winifred, Jo Lee, and Carl; and Martha’s family, the Moores and Roots. Letters, household and farm records, photographs, and other family papers, along with the early records of the Moore School near Linneus, document the social, cultural, and agricultural life of a northern Missouri family and the teaching careers of two of their daughters.
Cortelyou Family Papers, 1826-1964 (C2463)
1 cubic foot (40 folders)
Real estate leases, New Jersey, 1826-1846, and records of estates administered by James and Peter Cortelyou, New Jersey, 1842-1882. Personal correspondence received by Kansas banker Luther M. Cortelyou, Jr., 1895-1964; his high school papers and memorabilia; and diaries kept by him and his father, 1869-1900.
Counts Family Papers, 1797-1926, 1954 (CG0002)
0.2 cubic feet
The Counts Family Papers contain Bible records, tintypes, correspondence, and a family history book of the family that lived in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri.
James S. Cowan Letter, 1847 (C0496)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To John W. Ellis, Salisbury, Rowan County, Virginia, from St. Louis, Missouri, July 25, 1847. Description of St. Louis in 1847, advice, and an invitation for Ellis to come west.
Tolliver Craig Papers, 1821-1850, 1986 (C4394)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
Notebook and autobiography of Tolliver Craig; Shopping lists; Letter from Tolliver Craig to his son, Larkin Craig; Booklet: A History of The Craig Reunion, by Mary Louise Fricke.
Crede Family Papers, 1818-1939 (C3065)
1.6 cubic feet (93 folders, 8 volumes), 2 oversize volumes; also available on 4 rolls of microfilm
Personal correspondence, genealogical records, and business records of a German-American family living in Osage County, MO. The bulk of the collection concerns Hermann Crede; other papers pertain to his brothers, Wilhelm and Carl; all three immigrated in the 1850s. Much of the correspondence is in German; the business records are in English.
Cresswell Family Papers, 1823-1979 (R0007)
1.25 cubic foot (51 folders, 2 oversize volumes)
The Cresswell Family Papers contain the personal, legal, and business papers of the Cresswell family of Washington County, Missouri. The papers include correspondence, land documents, legal papers, slave documents, tax receipts, account books from the furnace and store owned by the family, miscellaneous business papers, local school records, and personal papers.
George Cresswell Letters, 1823-1860 (C3269)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of letters from England to George Cresswell of Pennsylvania and Washington County, Missouri, regarding economic conditions in England and slavery.
John Jordon Crittenden Letters, 1820-1860 (C0973)
1 roll of microfilm
Letters pertaining to the Whig Party, particularly in Missouri. Originals in the Library of Congress.