"A Check List of Missouri Baptist Imprints, 1817-1850," Dayton W. Canaday, 1817-1850 (C2178)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History of Missouri Baptist and early newspapers. Short biographies of Joseph Charless, Joshua Norvell, Duff Green, and Nathaniel Patten, Jr. Bibliography of Missouri Baptist imprints.
Jon Charles Acker Collection, 1846, 1860s-1930s (C4540)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 16 oversize items)
The collection contains certificates documenting Missouri baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, along with autograph albums. The materials were collected by Jon Charles Acker, an author and historian, for research purposes. Some of the items are in German.
Robert E. Acock Papers, 1838-1866 (C4101)
0.1 cubic feet
The papers of Robert E. Acock contain correspondence, a Polk County plat, and legal papers pertaining to the Acock and Robinson families of Polk County, Missouri.
Adamson Family Papers, 1848-1942 (C4238)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders)
The papers of the Adamson family contain Edmund James Adamson's business correspondence and records, including taxes, deeds, promissory notes, and receipts, family correspondence, and some family genealogy. The Adamson family lived in Dade and Lawrence Counties.
Agricultural Articles, 1823-1911 (C0799)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The collection contains articles from The Country Gentleman, 1856-1911; The Cultivator, 1838-1864; American Farmer, 1823-1832; Southern Cultivator, 1851; The Cultivator and Country Gentleman, 1866; The Journal of Agriculture, 1870. The articles deal with agriculture and the advantages of the country, primarily in Missouri.
James R. Alderman Papers, 1838-1876 (C3153)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Miscellaneous documents and notes, largely concerning real estate transactions, licensing of lawyers and preachers, indentures, government appointments, and elections, and railroad charters. Arranged chronologically.
Alfred Fenton and Brother Records, 1849-1884 (K0062)
10 v (MR)
Day books and ledgers of the mercantile business of in Rushville, Buchanan County, Missouri, with information on the hemp industry, including data on volume and prices.
Arthur Allee Collection, 1808-1992 (C4642)
1.0 cubic feet (31 folders)
Genealogical research charts, correspondence, notes, and other research materials concerning the Allee/Alley family.
Allison-Ingram Family Papers, 1840-1873 (C3593)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of the Allison-Ingram family contain letters relating family news and telling about life in Montana, and a power of attorney (in Spanish and translation) to Thomas Allison from Owen Ruble.
Clarence W. and Idress Head Alvord Collection, 1759-1962 (C0970)
21.2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, writings, and collected materials of Alvord, professor of history at the universities of Illinois and Minnesota; and his wife, writer and former curator of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis. The collection includes territorial documents and Ste. Genevieve records; LIBERTY TRIBUNE papers; Missouri state and county records; and Civil War and military papers.
American Iron Mountain Company Records, 1849-1855 (R0003)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The American Iron Mountain Company Records contain the shipping records for the American Iron Mountain Company located in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Included are accounts of pig iron received from Iron Mountain and shipments to buyers, and a tally book of ore delivered to the company over the plank road.
William James Anderson, Jr. Westport Scrapbook, 1820-1960 (K0396)
0.1 c.f.
Newspapers clippings and notes pertaining to the history of the town of Westport, MO, now part of Kansas City.
William James Anderson, Jr. Papers, 1840-1965 (K0058)
10 c.f.
Diaries, letters, business ledgers and records, manuscripts, photographs, and other materials created and collected by Anderson and his family which relate to the history of the Kansas City metropolitan area. Anderson was a local historian and descendant of Thomas Johnson and John Wornall
John Appleby Letter, 1848 (C0498)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Typescript copy of a letter to his parents, Berlin, Tennessee, from Dade County, Missouri, January 2, 1848. The letter describes local prices of land, enslaved persons, stock, and grain; national and local politics. Sketch of Appleby by his great-nephew, A.B. Appleby.
Lisbon Applegate Collection, 1819-1903 (C0996)
2 cubic feet, 18 volumes
Correspondence and business papers of Lisbon and Lewis M. Applegate of Keytesville, MO. Letters from George W. Applegate in California, 1848-1873, describing prospects for ranching, gold mining, and wine-making ventures; politics; and impact of Civil War and abolitionists. Civil War in Missouri; politics in Missouri and Chariton County; economic conditions and opportunities in Chariton County.
Archives Societaire, 1832-1882 (C0233)
2 rolls of microfilm
Selected letters from the Archives Societaire, housed at the Archives Nationales, Paris, France. The Archives Societaire are the records of the followers of Charles Fourier. Included is correspondence of Victor Considerant, founder of the Fourierist colony at Reunion, TX, and Albert Brisbane, Fourierism's foremost advocate in the United States.
James Arrot Letter, 1840 (C2614)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter to a colleague describing St. Louis.
Arrow Rock, Missouri, Town Records, 1840-1887 (C1091)
0.2 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Includes proceedings of the Board of Trustees, 1840-1875, poll records, accounts, assessment of real estate, and expenditures.
Arrow Rock, Missouri, Town Records, 1827-1887 (C2659)
3 volumes
Records of town meetings, ordinances, financial transactions, and elections.
Arthur and Bull Family Papers, 1842-1996 (SP0061)
0.75 cubic foot (22 folders, 1 volume, 224 postcards, 17 photographs)
The Arthur and Bull Family Papers consist of the correspondence and business papers of John Arthur, the World War I correspondence of Harrison Bull, the World War II correspondence of his son Joseph Bull, the postcard collection of Belva “Bess” Lee Estes, and the music lesson ledgers of Elizabeth Hodges Bull.
David Rice Atchison Papers, 1837-1953 (C0071)
0.4 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm
Correspondence and diaries of U.S. Senator David Rice Atchison. Correspondents include A.E. Hannegan, C.F. Jackson, James H. Birch, Jefferson Davis, Stephen W. Kearney, and J.W. Denver. Politics, including the slavery issue and Thomas Hart Benton; personal and family correspondence. Diaries concerning weather and farming are on microfilm.
Athenaean Literary Society Records, 1842-1925 (C0447)
1 cubic foot, 3 volumes
Minutes and records of the organization, constitutions, membership lists, censors' reports, a history, and scrapbook.
Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Telegraph Company Stock Certificate, 1848 (C3191)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a document certifying that Arthur Wolcott holds one $50 share in the telegraph company.
James D. Attebery Collection, 1844-1966 (C2398)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
St. Clair County, MO, papers relating to the Civil War Citizens Guards Company; Cole family, particularly Abraham Cole; warranty deed, homestead certificates, title bonds, land certificates and other papers involving land transactions. Also included are minute books of literary and social clubs, 1911-1914.
Audibert Family Papers, 1816-1932 (R0473)
(3 folders)
This collection contains papers of the Audibert and Tickell families of New Madrid, Missouri. Included are miscellaneous papers, 1816-1932, the store ledger of Aime Audibert, 1850-1860, and shipping receipts of M. J. Tickell and Son, 1872-1880.
Aull Family Business Papers, 1841-1843 (C0592)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
List of merchandise bought from James Aull by Woodson Manion, 1837-1842. Article of agreement on the sale of land signed by Robert Aull, Samuel Owens, I.S. Allen, Wm. H. Russell, S.W. Waddell, and Alexander M. Ramsey. I.O.U. blanks. A deed of Robert Aull, 1841.
Aull Family Business Records, 1830-1862 (C3038)
26 volumes; also available on 6 rolls of microfilm
Business record books of James and Robert Aull, early businessmen of Lexington, MO.
Aull Family Business Records, 1839-1869 (C3039)
3 rolls of microfilm
The collection contains record books of Robert Aull and John Aull, two early businessmen of Lexington, MO. Records of Robert Aull's store in Lexington, 1839-1840; his personal finances and banking operations, 1842-1858. Books from John Aull's general store in Lexington, 1854-1869.
James Aull Daybook, 1841-1842 (C3043)
1 volume; also available on 1 roll of microfilm
Entries on merchandise received and sold in James Aull's store in Lexington, MO. Related collections include 592; 3001; 3038; and 3039.
James Austin Letter, 1846 (C0910)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To his brother from Mexico, Oct. 23, 1846. Concerning the trip to Mexico and conditions there during the Mexican War.
R.A. Austin Papers, 1846-1897 (C2118)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain a typed autobiography of the Reverend R.A. Austin, a Missouri Methodist minister and circuit rider and covers the Austin family's migration from Kentucky to Missouri, education, conversion, Civil War, Native Americans, trip west from Chillicothe, Missouri, to Montana, activities of Montana circuit ministers. Transcripts of seven letters from Austin to his wife, 1859-1866.
William W. Austin Letter, 1844 (C0495)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Description of Missouri River flood at Carrollton.
Bacon & Hyde Company Price List, 1845 (C0221)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Price list of a St. Louis firm selling drugs, paints, dyestuffs, surgical instruments, glassware, spices, and paper.
James Ballard Papers, 1842 (R0672)
(1 folder)
This is a letter from James Ballard near Mine La Motte in Madison County or St. Francois County, Misouri. The letter concerns acquisition of apple, pear, and plum trees, and other business matters. The recipient of Ballard's letter, John Randol, Jr., was probably in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.
Cora N. Barns Scrapbooks, 1820-1939 (C3559)
0.2 cubic feet (2 oversize volumes)
The collection contains newspaper feature stories and photographs about important events and persons in Missouri history up to 1939. Each scrapbook is indexed.
Robert Bartlett Financial Records, 1846-1850 (S1138)
0.02 cubic foot
The collection contains one ledger reflecting Bartlett's financial activities in 1846 and served as exhibit A in a court case held in St. Louis, Missouri.
Bass-Hickman Family Collection, 1825-2021 (CA6618)
0.9 cubic feet, 2 computer discs, 4 oversize items
Photographs, clippings, correspondence, land grants, and genealogical material of the Bass, Hickman, and related families of Boone County, Missouri.
Basye Family Papers, 1812-1960 (C2505)
3.9 cubic feet
Correspondence, legal documents, clippings, account books, scrapbooks, photographs, Bible records, and papers collected to establish the Basye family genealogy. Included are Bowling Green Methodist Episcopal Church and Cumberland Presbyterian Church registers, and early letters describing activities and family life in Missouri and other states, notably California and Wisconsin. Mining, the California gold rush, and the Civil War are also described. Numerous correspondents are women.
Bates Family Papers, 1827-1928 (S0797)
0.25 cubic foot, 87 photographs
The Bates Family Papers is comprised of correspondence, wedding announcements, newspaper clippings, books, and photographs relating to the Bates and Keith families. Materials of interest include the wedding book of Henry Clay and Ruby Bixler and "The Language of Flowers," a book of poetry that belonged to Mary Bates. Also included in the collection are photographs of family members and friends in the form of prints, tintypes, and ambrotypes.
Battles of Mexico, 1847 (C0784)
0.02 cubic feet (1 oversize item)
Survey of the line of operations of the U.S. Army, under command of Major General Winfield Scott, on the 19th & 20th August & on the 8th, 12th & 13th September 1847. Made by Maj. Turnbull, Capt. McClellan & Lieut. Hardcastle. Engravings drawn by Capt. McClellan.
Royal D.M. Bauer Family Papers, 1840-1943 (C2263)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers of the Royal D.M. Bauer family contain miscellaneous legal and personal papers relating to the Royal D.M. Bauer, Edward Clark Bauer, and S. John Anderson families.
Bealmear Family Papers, 1844-1896 (C4493)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
Correspondence between various members of the Bealmear family and one leather notebook with farming account information.
Beauchamp Family Letters, 1832-1894 (C3128)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Letters received by the John A. Beauchamp family of Liberty, MO, from relatives in Tennessee, Louisiana, and southeastern Texas discussing family news, prices, business prospects and post-Civil War conditions.
Beauvais Manor Records, 1834-1999 (S0611)
11 cubic feet, 184 folders, 298 photographs
Thomas Beazly Receipt, 1840 (C1656)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Receipt of $25, one half his pledge to the University of Missouri.
George C. Beckwith Letter, 1843 (C1453)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Beckwith, corresponding secretary of American Peace Society, sent Governor Reynolds a form letter about an 1842 London Peace Convention urging the abolishment of war and encouraging the principle of arbitration. Letter was sent to all state governors.
William Bedell Day Book, 1834-1844 (C1454)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bedell was a Clark County, MO, farmer. Day book contains diary notes, articles of agreement, court summons, and farm and household accounts paid and received.
Bedford Family Papers, 1849-1870 (C2610)
0.2 cubic feet
Letters of an Andrew County family, Southern sympathizers during the Civil War. Early letters from Thomas Bedford describe the gold rush, travel, and life in California, abolitionist agitation and prejudice against the North. Letters from A.M. Bedford, Johnson's Island, describes life as a prisoner of war. Later letters describe Reconstruction life. 141 letters.
John W. Bell Record Book, 1820-1870 (C0232)
1 roll of microfilm
List of books, including prayer book, Bible, theological works, grammars, foreign language dictionaries, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, the classics, and poetry; prices of books, clothing, and goods in the 1820s; tuition payments; allowances to children for furniture and sundries; and cash, 1832-1847.
Ovid H. Bell Collection, 1824-1950 (C3805)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of and materials collected by a Fulton, Missouri, resident relating to the history and residents of Callaway County. The collection is comprised of correspondence, copies of speeches and lectures given by Bell on historical topics, and documents including a typescript 1849 diary of James Tate, tax rolls for Callaway County, Callaway County Agricultural and Mechanical Society membership lists, and a regimental history and troop roster of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.