Manuscripts Index


Kansas City Performing Arts Collection, 1973-2013 (K1436)
0.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Kansas City Performing Arts Collection contains materials related to the Kansas City Ballet, the Lyric Opera of Kansas City, the Missouri Repertory Theatre, the Quality Hill Playhouse, and the State Ballet of Missouri.


"Masonic Lodge History, 1842-1943," Robert R. Wright, no date (C0776)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Remarks on Rocheport, Missouri, and surrounding lodges.


"City of Kansas City" Records, 1947 (K0093)
2 f

 Finding Aid

Press kit distributed prior to the inaugural run of the "City of Kansas City" rail service between Kansas City and St. Louis. It contains facts about the train and its schedule, as well as photographs of the train's interior.


"Down the Mississippi", 1895 (C4478)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Account by P.W. Pogson of a trip down the Mississippi River in a small boat, from Davenport, Iowa, to Cairo, Illinois, in the summer of 1895.

"Free Health Clinic" Nursing Honors Project Records, 1993 (K1248)
0.08 c.f. (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

two videotapes:"Free Health Clinics-Honors Nursing-Dolores Halbin/Caroline Crowle -Sam Rogers- Cabot Clinic"; "Free Health Care Services- Nursing Honors Project Spring 1993"


"John Smith T" Slide Presentation, no date (P0940)
80 slides

Slides and commentary about John Smith T, Missouri pioneer in the lead industry, and Selma Hall, by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Francois Valle Chapter.


"Sand Run Primitive Baptist Church History," Andy J. Brown, 1945-1955 (C1304)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Brief history of Old Sand Run Primitive Baptist Church, founded in 1815 as Upper Cuivre Baptist Church and called Old School Baptist Church at Sand Run after 1849. Located in Lincoln County, Missouri. Includes excerpts from church records and list of members.


"Solution of a Difficult Question" Pamphlet, 1909 (K1396)
0.01 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The "Solution of a Difficult Question" Pamphlet is a collection containing a single item of the same title. The author, Dr. B. Belove, outlines some of the principles of Zionism in the 1909 pamphlet.


140th F Club Records, 1927-1982 (K0119)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection contains meeting minutes, financial records, membership records, annual reunion photographs, and memorabilia related to the activities of the 140th F Club.


1951 Flood Collection, 1951 (K1375)
.02 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The 1951 FLood Collection contains postcards, picture books, and a letter and envelope from the American Red Cross of the Kansas City and Jackson County Chapter.


1951 Flood Photographs, 1951 (K1390)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder, 27 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The 1951 Flood Photographs contains black and white photographs depicting flooding in the Kansas City metropolitan area in 1951.


1970s Counter Culture Newspapers Collection, 1970-1973 (S1136)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains student counter-culture newspapers published in St. Louis during the Vietnam War and the presidency of Richard M. Nixon.


1993 Flood Photographs, 1993 (K1376)
.03 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The 1993 Flood Photographs contain two photographs of the Missouri River during the Great Flood of 1993 taken by Lightfoot Photography of North Kansas City, Missouri.


1993 Missouri and Mississippi Flood Aerial Photographs, 1993 (P0941)
0.4 linear feet

Aerial photos of the 1993 flood of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.

1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection, 1889 (R1381)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The 1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection contains a history of the 25th Reiment Misouri Infantry and Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West and includes unit rosters. This history was edited and compiled by Dr. W.A. Neal, who served as the assistant sugeon in the 1st Missouri Engineers.

36th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron Records, 1974-1993 (K0818)
1.3 c.f.

The Squadron was based at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base in Missouri providing specialized medical attendants and equipment for in-flight care of patients. Includes annual reports and unit histories, photographs, training manuals, and magazines and publications for Air Force personnel.


3rd Missouri Volunteer Cavalry Collection, 1861 and 1864 (R1376)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The records contain papers from two members of the 3rd Missouri Volunteer Calvary. The records contain papers related to Francis M. Poore and John Harris. The two individuals are not connected and did not serve at the same time. The records of John Harris include a military court document listing charges and findings against Harris.


49/63 Neighborhood Coalition Records, 1971-2001 (K0061)
20 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organization records of a neighborhood association in midtown Kansas City, MO.


1886 Kansas City Tornado Photograph Collection, 1886 (P1044)

Six cabinet cards depicting the aftermath of a tornado in Kansas City, May 10, 1886.



2nd Illinois Artillery Regiment, Battery F Records, 1865 (R0293)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The 2nd Illinois Artillery Regiment, Battery F Records contains a photocopy of the final muster roll and service history of the Battery F, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery. The battery was organized in Cape Girardeau, Scott, and Stoddard counties in Missouri.

4-H Clubs of Missouri Collection, 1925-1952 (C4613)
0.05 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains printed material, award winning ribbons for Buchanan County 4-H, Missouri State Fair, and University of Missouri Junior Farmer’s Day. Also included are 4-H buttons.

"A Check List of Missouri Baptist Imprints, 1817-1850," Dayton W. Canaday, 1817-1850 (C2178)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

History of Missouri Baptist and early newspapers. Short biographies of Joseph Charless, Joshua Norvell, Duff Green, and Nathaniel Patten, Jr. Bibliography of Missouri Baptist imprints.

A. Buford and Son Records, 1908-1909 (R1038)
1 roll (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

This is a daybook from the mercantile operation of A. Buford & Son at Ellington in Reynolds County, Missouri. Entries begin on April 20, 1908 and continue through January 29, 1909. The entries show purchases of groceries, hardware, and sundries, and payments on account.


A. Buford and Son Records, 1906-1928 (R0688)
(11 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

These are day books of the mercantile operation A. Buford & Son at Ellington, Reynolds County, Missouri. The firm dealt in groceries, hardware, furniture, shoes, clothing, and sundries. Many payments on account were made in kind.


A.B. Chance Manufacturing Company Photographs, 1941-1959 (P0121)
11 photographs

11 b/w photos of the A.B. Chance Manufacturing Company in Centralia, MO. Photos depict aerial and ground views of the factory's exterior, interior views of factory workers, an aerial view of the gardens, and a bust of H.A. Houston.


A.B. Hirsch Drug Store (Boonville, Mo.) Records, 1904-1963 (C4032)
3.4 cubic feet (63 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a sampling of prescription records from the A.B. Hirsch Drug Store, Boonville, Missouri. Also included are papers pertaining to Vico Salve, which was developed and sold by Hirsch.


A.E. Jones and Company (Green City, Mo.) Records, 1895-1903 (C0346)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Daybooks and ledger for a lumber and building supply business. The accounts show the sale of lumber, windows, shingles, line, hair, cement, plaster, paint, and numerous other items. Quantities purchased, prices, amount and type of payment, and disbursements are shown. Disbursements also indicate freight charges and employees' salaries.


A.M.E. Church (Paris, Mo.) Record Books, 1880-1933 (C4722)
0. 2 cubic foot (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Quarterly conference minutes and financial records of the A.M.E. church.


Clayton Abbott Collection, circa 1958-1976 (R0581)
0.3 cubic foot (20 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Clayton Abbott Collection contains research materials on Cedar County, Missouri, compiled by local Stockton historian and author Clayton Abbott. The material includes newspaper clippings, transcripts of letters and documents, and drafts of Abbott’s writings.


Samuel Abend Papers, 1954 (K1177)
0.01 c.f.

Abend was founder and owner of the Exhibitors Film Delivery Service in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographic of an award sponsored by the Motion Picture Association of Greater Kansas City which details Abend's life story.


Elaine Aber Papers, 1964-1984 (C4119)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The papers of Elaine Aber contain documents relating to the Equal Rights Amendment and the women's equality movement.

Abortion Class Collection, 1965-1993 (S1069)
1.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Abortion Class Records contain oral history tapes, newspaper clippings, flyers, pamphlets, handouts, and books on abortion in the state of Missouri, collected by a University of Missouri, St. Louis class on reproductive rights and abortion.


Abortion Rights Alliance Records, 1973-1984 (S0112)
0.01 cubic foot, 2 folders

 Finding Aid

This collection contains pro-choice and anti-abortion groups’ pamphlets, and flyers, correspondence from NARAL, memos, newspaper clippings, press releases, and the Abortion Rights Alliance newsletter, Reproductive Freedom Letter.


Ludwig Abt Collection, 1905-1978 (C4465)
37.0 cubic feet (161 folders, 10 architectural boxes, 1 oversize folder)

 Finding Aid

Architectural drawings, blue prints, sketches, project files, and related material of Moberly, Missouri, architect Ludwig Abt related firms Abt & Cleavinger and J. Kay Cleavinger & Associates. Includes plans for schools, post offices, and other public buildings, churches, businesses, and residences in mid-Missouri counties.


Acadamie Lafayette Collection, 1990-1999 (K0855)
1 c.f.

Materials documenting the process of creating the French language immersion charter school in Kansas City, MO. Includes information about the school; the charter, board, and financial records; the Kansas City School District; and other research materials.



Academy of Science of St. Louis Records, 1856-1959 (S0001)
4 cubic feet, 61 folders, 3 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The records contain meeting minutes and copies of its journal, "Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis." Established in 1856 by twelve prominent St. Louis residents, the Academy of Science's mission was to promote the advancement of science.


Account Book, 1807-1821 (C0283)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

General merchandise accounts, 1807-1809 (164 pp.); subscribers to CHRISTIAN JOURNAL magazine, 1817-1821 (288 pp.). Probably from New York State.

Account Book, 1813-1814 (C0907)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Unidentified record book listing amounts received from boarders, November 15, 1813-March 9, 1814, St. Louis. Reference to Colonel William H. Ashley.


Account Books, 1857-1883 (C0287)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Accounts of a store, apparently dealing in lumber, grain and general merchandise in or near Caledonia, Missouri, and accounts of a Caledonia mill for sales of bran, wheat and flour.


Jon Charles Acker Collection, 1846, 1860s-1930s (C4540)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 16 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains certificates documenting Missouri baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, along with autograph albums. The materials were collected by Jon Charles Acker, an author and historian, for research purposes. Some of the items are in German.

Frank Ackerman Papers, 1942-1972 (C3443)
14.2 cubic feet (958 folders), 2 audio discs

 Finding Aid

The Frank Ackerman Papers contain extensive documentation of his work on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities in Missouri. This includes his research materials on services offered to people with intellectual disabilities nationwide and his work for various organizations in Missouri. A lesser amount of material covers his farming business in Pike County, Missouri, and the funeral of Viola Ackerman. Materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, printed materials, organizational records, and handwritten notes.




Robert E. Acock Papers, 1838-1866 (C4101)
0.1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of Robert E. Acock contain correspondence, a Polk County plat, and legal papers pertaining to the Acock and Robinson families of Polk County, Missouri.


"Across the Plains in 1844: Reminiscences of Oregon," B.F. Nichols, 1906 (C2794)
1 volume

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Newspaper articles describing trip by wagon train from St. Joseph, MO, to Willamette Valley, OR. Articles from LAIDLAW (Oregon) CHRONICLE, 1906, describe organization of wagon train and experiences on journey. Also photographs of Laidlaw, OR, ca. 1905.

Paul Acsay Papers, 1975-2011 (S0303)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Paul Acsay Papers contain newsletters, program booklets, and flyers pertaining to Acsay's interest in historic preservation, including the redevelopment of the Hyde Park neighborhood. Materials of interest include issues of Landmarks Letter, published by the Landmarks Association of Saint Louis, and meeting minutes of Hyde Park Renovation Effort, Inc. 


Ad Hoc Group Against Crime Records, 1986-2000 (K0856)
6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Ad Hoc Group including minutes, reports, financial records, printed and published materials, clippings, and photographs.


"Adair County's War Record from Pioneer Days to and Including 1942," P.O. Selby, 1943 (C1251)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Compiled by Selby for the MacDougall-Lowe Post No. 20, American Legion, Kirksville, MO.



Adair County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1898-1962 (P0087)
24 photographs

An artificial collection of photographs of Yarrow, Northeast Missouri State University, and Kirksville (Adair County).



Adair County, Missouri, Railroad Bond Election Notice, 1870 (C2877)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Notice of election held March 29, 1870, in Adair County on bond issue to subscribe $100,000 to the capital stock of the Quincy, Missouri, and Pacific Railroad Company. OVERSIZE.


Adair-Swaringen Family Photographs, 1890s-1900s (C4584)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Photographs and cabinet cards of a family from the Kansas City, Missouri, area. Includes a reunion photograph of Co. F, 16th Missouri Infantry CSA, Parson's Brigade.



Adams Township Centennial Photograph Collection, 1889-1942 (P0607)
1 folder

Copy photos of Weatherby and Adams Township, DeKalb County. Images were featured in Adams Township Centennial book by the DeKalb County Historical Society

