

Joseph H. "Jack" Wally, Jr. Collection, 1933-2005 (K0329)
30 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Wally was a professional photographer with the Kansas City Journal, a businessman, and an inventor. Photographs of famous local and national individuals. Places and events. Motion picture film of family activities and Wally's interests in trains and aviation. Also materials relating to his interests and the production and promotion of his businesses and inventions.


Martin Walsh Papers, 1904-2005 (S0834)
0.8 cubic foot, 25 folders

 Finding Aid

The Walsh Papers Collection consists of brochures, books, photographs, booklets, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets, relating to the history of St. Louis, earthquakes, and the space program.


Waters Family Papers, 1860s-2021 (CA6619)
0.1 cubic feet

Photographs, correspondence, and genealogical material concerning the Joseph C. Waters family of Boone County, Missouri.


Weathers Family Papers, 1920s-2000s (CA6216)
32 cubic feet, 3 audio tapes

 Finding Aid

Addition of family papers, primarily from Gene Weathers of Fayette, Missouri. Includes correspondence and teaching materials for the blind.


Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City Records, 1954-2009 (KA2441)
4 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Weavers Guild of Greater Kansas City Records contains historical records pertaining to the establishment and operation of the organization.


Webster Groves High School Memorabilia Collection, 1960-2015 (S1203)
0.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of Webster High School yearbooks, newspaper clippings, obituaries, and a photograph.



Ernest C. Weltmer Collection, 1899-2005 (C4044)
3.50 cubic feet (91 folders, 5 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a suggestive therapy practitioner from Nevada (Mo.), including correspondence, photographs, courses, and other writings. Also contains works by his father, Sidney A. Weltmer, and publications of the Weltmer Institute of Suggestive Therapeutics.


Merle McDougald "Doug" Werner Interview, 2000 (C3034)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 4 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The collection contains audio cassettes and a transcript of an interview with a war correspondent and foreign service officer who was one of twenty journalists to land at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944.

Roger W. Wescott Papers, 1930s-2000 (CA5894)
13 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

Papers of a linguist and anthropologist include publications and unpublished writing, correspondence, research material, and miscellaneous personal and professional papers.

Wesley House Association Records, 1929-2002 (S0675)
2 cubic feet, 52 folders, 399 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Wesley House Association was founded in 1903 by a lay group affiliated with the Methodist Church. Its purpose is to provide social services for the 21st Ward in St. Louis City. Included in the collection are bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, budgets, , newsletters, and photographs.


Wessel/Donnan Papers, 1956-2005 (S0787)
2 cubic feet, 30 folders, 72 photographs

 Finding Aid

This collection primarily consists of business ledgers, financial statements, and photographs relating to Wessel Stables while under the management of Dwight and Gloria Donnan. This collection also contains artifacts of the Donnans' participation with the Mariner Gam, a civic club affiliated with the United Church of Christ of Lockwood in Webster Groves, MO. The club was similar to the Girl Scouts but offered only water-based sporting activities. The couple was involved with Mariner Gam for approximately 20 years, ending in the mid-1980s.

West County Democrats Records, 2001-2017 (S1218)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the West County Democrats contain agendas, board and general meeting minutes, bylaws, correspondence, directories, and reports collected and maintained by previous co-chairs of the organization. Former Senator Harriet Woods and Jo Ann Fox Hughes were among the founding members of the West County Democrats and held the club’s first meetings in the summer of 2001. Since its founding, the West County Democrats have grown to a membership of nearly 170 individuals, who continue to meet monthly and invite guest speakers to lecture on a variety of political issues affecting Missouri and the United States.  


Western Auto Supply Company Collection, 1911-2004 (KA2582)
6.75 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Western Auto Supply Company Collection contains catalogs, circulars, newsletters, and other miscellaneous materials related to the company dated between 1911 and 2004.


Western Auto Supply Company Records, 1920-2000 (K1233)
38 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Historical records of the national retail store headquartered in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographs, catalogs, publications, scrapbooks of advertising, artifacts, correspondence and working files on Western Auto stores.


Western Chapter Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) Auxiliary, 1957-2009 (K0580)
4 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of a professional engineering auxiliary. Includes by-laws, annual reports, president's papers and reports, officer's reports, financial reports, rosters, publicity and photographs.


Western Historical Manuscript Collection Records, 1943-2010 (CA6463)
17.7 cubic feet, 2 audio tapes, 4 computer discs, 4.37 GB of digital files, 4 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include correspondence, reports, event files, space planning materials, photographs, materials on the National Women and Media Collection, and miscellaneous administrative material.

Western Historical Manuscript Collection, St. Louis, Vertical File Collection, 1834-2012 (S0694)
4.25 cubic feet, 265 folders

 Finding Aid

The Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis’s vertical file was begun in 1968 as part of WHMC’s collecting mission under the direction of Irene Cortinovis and Ina Watson. The collection chronicles numerous St. Louis-related topics, including African Americans, Anheuser-Busch, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the Shaw neighborhood.


Western Historical Manuscript Collection-St. Louis Records, 1968-2011 (S1230)
6.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the Western Historical Manuscript Collection (WHMC)-St. Louis contains administrative correspondence, meeting minutes, and monthly and annual reports pertaining to the founding and operation of the office. Subjects of interest include the controversy between the State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSMO) and the University of Missouri–Saint Louis (UMSL) regarding WHMC-St. Louis’s desire to remain independent from WHMC, the creation of UMSL’s University Archives, and the development of WHMC-St. Louis’s oral history program. The materials in this collection date from 1967 to 2011.


Westport Chapter-Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Records, 1960-2000 (K1234)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Chapter including minutes, regents' books, reports, yearbooks, bylaws and scrapbooks.


Westport Citizens Action Coalition Records, 1983-2002 (K1058)
3 c.f.

Organizational records of the Coalition of Westport areas neighborhood groups: Coleman Highlands, Roanoke, and Valentine. Includes minutes, studies, legal documents pertaining to activities, zoning, and political candidates.


Westport Historical Society Records, 1950-2004 (K1235)
7 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Society including minutes, photographs, event records, audio, video and cassette tapes, and maps.


Debra Weyermann Papers, 1970s-2012 (CA6399)
5.0 cubic feet, 20 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

The papers of a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and investigative reporter who worked for the Arizona Daily Star, Denver Post, and Santa Barbara News-Press. The papers include research for Weyermann's books The Gang They Couldn't Catch and Answer Them Nothing, as well as news articles, interviews on audiocassettes, and miscellaneous professional material.

Charles Bertan Wheeler Jr. Missouri Senatorial Papers, 2002-2004 (K0449)
4 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, newspapers and magazines articles, meeting appointments, and various research materials on topics relating to legislation before the Missouri Senate.


Mae Wheeler Papers, 1975-2004 (S1013)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Mae Wheeler Papers contains autograph and address books, contracts, newspaper clippings, flyers, and correspondence relating to Wheeler's career as a Jazz singer. Also included in the collection are photographs of Wheeler's performances. 


Ann Peppard White Papers, 1870-2009 (K0652)
10 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers and writings of White, one-time columnist for the Kansas City Star, and her daughter Kate who did interviews with her mother and edited the stories. Included is correspondence, postcards, scrapbooks, publications, newsletters, books, photographs, oral history transcriptions, and audiocassettes.


Shirley Copaken White Papers, 1937-2007 (K1187)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

White is very active in cultural, philanthropic, and social organizations, including those of Beth Shalom Synagogue and Hadassah. Includes publications; White and Copaken family photographs and printed materials; Beth Shalom Synagogue and Hadassah materials; Paseo High School reunions; the grand opening of the Lewis and Shirley White Theatre at the Jewish Community Campus; Jewish Community Foundation programs; and newspaper and magazine clippings about Sandi White, Rita Blitt, the AT&T Building, and miscellaneous other subjects.


James R. Whitley Papers, 1940s-2010s (CA6255)
8.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a wildlife scientist whose studies focused on water quality in Missouri. Whitley worked for the Missouri Department of Conservation in the water quality branch of the fisheries research section and published many articles, most notably, "Water Plants for Missouri Ponds."

Donald R. Whitman Collection, 1874-2008 (SP0079)
2.5 cubic feet (42 folders, 50 photographs, 4 VHS tapes, 5 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The Donald R. Whitman Collection contains the personal papers of Donald Ray Whitman, including correspondence, genealogical records, and photographs. The collection also documents Whitman’s service in the United States Air Force and his work in the Marshall Islands during Operation Ivy in 1952, as well as his career with the National Weather Service in Kansas City, Missouri.

Whizzo, Ol' Gus and Me Collection, 1940-2003 (K1236)
2 c.f.

Notes, video interviews, and video/film transfers used in the production of a Public Television documentary about Kansas City children's TV programing in the 1940s-1980s.


Lewis Wickens Collection, 1940s-2000s (CA5371)
20 cubic feet, 17 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

Published works, videocassettes, and personal papers primarily relating to World War II fliers and prisoners of war.


Mildred Durr Wilcox Papers, 1859-2010 (CA6640)
1.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of Mildred Durr Wilcox include correspondence, photographs, business records, family papers, genealogy, legal documents, deeds, and miscellaneous material.


Robert S. Wiley Collection, 1869-1994 (R0521)
8.5 cubic feet (177 folders, 639 photographs, 25 slides, 2 audio discs, 13 oversize folders)

 Finding Aid

The Robert S. Wiley Collection consists of legal documents, publications, promotional material, and ephemera related to Missouri, specifically Stone County, and to travel, tourism and recreation in the White River region of Missouri and Arkansas. The collection also contains material largely focused on Missouri State Representative Dewey Short and the Republican Party.

Rodger A. Wilkin Architectural Records, 1950-2007 (K1159)
12 c.f.

Architectural drawings for building, primarily suburban residences in the Kansas City area, designed by Wilkin.


Wilkins Family Papers, 1931-2006 (S0273)
0.8 cubic foot

The Wilkins Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, meeting minutes, programs, hymnals, and recipe books pertaining to the Wilkins family of Webster Groves. The materials in this collection primarily reflect the lives of Mattie Hunt Wilkins and her descendants. Items of interest include the meeting minutes of Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 4. Mattie Wilkins was the Worthy Matron (WM) of the lodge.


Sidney L. Willens Collection, 1976-2010 (K1190)
0.5 c.f.

Willens was an attorney specializing in civil liberty issues in Kansas City, MO. includes correspondence, news articles, Jackson County Office of Human Relations and Citizen Complaints Reports, and Willins' writings on the value of humor.


William Chrisman High School (Independence, Mo.), Class of 1951 Collection, 1946-2018 (CA6155)
0.7 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Addition of brochures, newspaper clippings, reunion materials, newsletters, yearbooks, and miscellaneous material.


William Chrisman High School (Independence, Mo.), Class of 1951 Collection, 1948-2001 (C3979)
0.6 cubic feet (26 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains material pertaining to the class of 1951 from William Chrisman High School in Independence, Missouri. The bulk of the records come from 1948 to1951 and include such items as yearbooks, photographs, playbills, graduation announcements, and commencement programs.


William Woods University Records, 1880s-2000s (CA6180)
140.85 cubic feet, 26 oversize volumes, 9 oversize items, 1 audio tape

 Finding Aid

Academic and administrative records of school established in 1870 in Camden Point, Missouri, and moved to Fulton, Missouri, in 1890. Includes yearbooks, newspapers, newsletters, catalogs, student scrapbooks and photograph albums, and materials of Olympian Helen Stephens.



Williams Family Papers, circa 1861-2000s (R1308)
(10 folders, 121 photographs)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs, business papers, genealogical materials, and other items from the Williams, Sturgeon, Watson and allied families of Phelps County, Missouri. Included are papers concerning pyrite mining in Phelps County and a rare view of the village of Beulah around 1906.


Robert C. Williams Collection, 1963-2005 (S1055)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Robert C. Williams Collection contains three spiral-bound news clipping scrapbooks on Martin Luther King, the assassination of JFK, and the 2005 resolution of the 1964 murders of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner.

Arthur Eddie Williamson Photograph Collection, 1980-2000 (K0653)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photographs taken by Williamson, a professional photographer in the African-American community of Kansas City.


Jean Gaddy Wilson Papers, 1959-2011 (C3884)
29 cubic feet (733 folders), 288 audio cassettes, 5 video cassettes, 3 audio tapes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Papers of a journalism educator and author, primarily dealing with research on women and minorities in media. Contains her work on, "Taking Stock: Women in the News Media 20 Years Before the 21st Century," including taped interviews and transcripts of media professionals and extensive research data. Also includes correspondence, speeches, publications, teaching and conference materials, and papers pertaining to her early career in journalism, media, and public relations.

Laurel E. Wilson Papers, 1860-2008 (K0594)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research files of Wilson, Professor Emerita and former curator of the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection-University of Missouri-Columbia, concerning the history of the Kansas City Garment Industry.


Suzanne Wilson Papers, 1959-2009 (SP0004)
9 cubic feet (382 folders), 1 oversize

 Finding Aid

The Suzanne Wilson Papers consist of the fiction, nonfiction, and personal correspondence of free-lance writer Suzanne Wilson (1937-   ). The papers cover a variety of topics, but many deal with nature. The bulk of her work was created for Scouting Magazine.    


Yvonne Starks Wilson Papers, 1937-2019 (KA2506)
29 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers related to the life of Yvonne Wilson.


Betty Winfield Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA6743)
0.65 cubic feet, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Addition of multiple publications and manuscripts, research material, photographs, University of Missouri course papers, and research material on the Little Rock Central High School crisis.

Jeffrey Bruce Winkel and Deborah Gale Winkel Papers, 1910-2005 (K1008)
0.25 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

Family papers including bonds, certificates, genealogical charts, and photographs.


Women of Achievement Records, 1955-2023 (S0254)
12 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Women of Achievement is the oldest ongoing program in St. Louis with the sole mission of recognizing the contribution of women to the quality of life in the area. St. Louis Globe-Democrat publisher Richard Amberg created the awards program in 1955 to offer an annual award to ten women who have made a significant difference in the community. The collection includes bylaws, selection committee files, and newspaper clippings.



Women's eNews Records, 2002-2006 (C4590)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder, 11 DVDs, 1 video cassette)

 Finding Aid

Notes from the conception meeting of the Women's eNews Board. Also includes materials pertaining to the 21st Century Annual Gala, which include videos and a booklet.

Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press Collection, 1961-2013 (C4403)
0.8 cubic feet (27 folders)

 Finding Aid

Material created and collected by an education and publishing organization working towards media democracy and media justice for women includes publications, campaign and political buttons, and a dissertation on the institute's founder, Donna Allen.