Stanley Goodman Papers, 1931-1992 (S0179)
41 cubic feet, 540 folders, 138 photographs
The Stanley Goodman papers document his life as a business, civic, and cultural leader in St. Louis, including his time as CEO of the May Department Stores Company (1969-1976); Consul to France (1971); president, St. Louis Symphony Society (1964-1970); member of Civic Progress, the City Plan Commission and Downtown St. Louis Inc. Included in this collection are Goodman’s speeches, and drafts of his book, How to Manage a Turnaround.
James W. Goodrich Collection, 1770s-2001 (CA6053)
8 cubic feet, 8 rolls of microfilm
Papers and miscellaneous research material collected by the Director of the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes correspondence; photographs, slides and negatives; newspaper clippings; issues of the Missouri Conservationist and Waterfowl magazines; research notes, and photocopies; Revolutionary War Orderly Book of Tertius Taylor, volumes 1 and 2 [bound and foldered]; and history and genealogy of Charles H. Taylor family [Goodrich maternal ancestry].
William Hammock Goodson, Jr. Family Film Collection, 1947-1980 (K1290)
7 c.f.
Family home movies and documentaries
Gloria C. Gordon Papers, 1950-2010 (S0298)
1.25 cubic foot
The Gloria C. Gordan Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, pamphlets, academic essays, and a dissertation documenting Gordon’s involvement with the Older Women’s League, Brit Tzadek v’Shalom, and the STL Village. Gordan’s activism spans several decades from her involvement in the Committee for Environmental Information’s Baby Tooth Survey to promoting peace during the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
Gordon-Cox Family Papers, 1784-1980 (K0156)
0.07 c.f.
Genealogical research, correspondence, and copies of the documents to prove the lineage, anecdotes and reminiscences about family members in the form of short stories, and clippings; death, birth, and marriage certificates; and photographs relating to family history in Clay County, MO.
Dorothy Gottlieb Papers, 1938-1986 (K1338)
.08 c.f.
photograph, materials relating to Gottlieb's involvement with Hadassah, Beth Shalom, clippings, awards
Philip Gottschalk Collection, 1863-1991 (C4247)
1.25 cubic feet (31 folders)
The Philip Gottschalk Collection contains research materials for his publication In Deadly Earnest and multiple versions of the original manuscript.
Sam Gould Collection, 1936-1995 (K1176)
0.02 c.f.
Research material relating to Congregation Tifereth Sforad and its successor, Kehilath Israel synagogue and publications on the history of the KI synagogue.
Grace Hill Settlement House Records, 1906-1989 (S0554)
19 cubic feet, 766 folders, 306 photographs, 59 microfilm rolls
This collection provides an overall view of the history and operations of Grace Hill Settlement House, which was formed in St. Louis in 1939. The mission of Grace Hill Settlement House is to provide opportunities for individuals, families, and communities to be stronger, healthier, and more self-reliant. The collection includes histories, meeting minutes, annual reports, and correspondence.
Grace Methodist Church, Springfield, Missouri Centennial Collection, 1964 (R0851)
(1 folder)
These items are associated with the centennial observance of Grace Methodist Church at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, in May 1964. Included are a centennial story booklet, a congregational newsletter, and a church bulletin for the centennial service.
Hugo Graf Papers, 1924-1994 (S0776)
58 cubic feet, 158 folders, 29 photographs
This collection contains correspondence, reports, drawings, and photographs from architect Hugo K. Graf and the architectural firm “Kramer and Harms.” The photographs are primarily of completed businesses and residences, while the drawings depict conceptual images of buildings, residences, and one drawing of a streamlined automobile from Lawncraft Incorporated. Also included in this collection are plans, specifications, and photographs of restorations of historic buildings in Missouri, including but not limited to Arrow Rock Tavern and the Governor Fletcher House restoration.
Hugh Gene Graff Papers, 1939-2007 (K0969)
4 c.f.
Graff was general manager of flying for Trans World Airlines (TWA) in Kansas City. Includes pilot training manuals, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, aeronautical maps, and ephemera.
Thomas D. Graham Speech, 1965 (C2231)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Remarks of the Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives at the opening session of the 73rd General Assembly, Jefferson City, January 6, 1965.
Grand Temple Pythian Sisters of the Grand Jurisdiction of Missouri Records, 1900s-1960s (CA2579)
10.4 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes
Ledgers, minutes, membership lists, and roll of officers of a secret sisterhood consisting primarily of wives, mothers, daughters, and widows of Knights of Pythias. Records are from defunct Missouri Temples.
Grandview Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1869-2005 (C3049)
1.16 cubic feet (3 folders, 6 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)
Record books containing monthly reports of the church business meetings, 1869-1994, and church histories, 1994-2005. This country church faithfully recorded its religious activities, pastors, financial transactions, membership, mission contributions, and social gatherings.
Graniteview Missionary Baptist Church, Roselle, Missouri Records, 1948-1967 (R0745)
(2 folders)
These are photocopies of records of Graniteview Missionary Baptist Church at Roselle in Madison County, Missouri. Included are the church record book, containing a register of members and minutes of church meetings, 1948-1967 and "Uniform Association Letters" sent annually to the Franklin Baptist Association, 1956-1966.
Grant School PTA (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1944-1973 (C3451)
1.4 cubic feet (27 folders, 15 volumes)
Bayard M. Grant Collection, 1915-2005 (K0892)
14.25 c.f.
Collection consists of various business documents that Grant used as a commercial real estate agent. These include correspondence, lease agreements, legal documents, appraisals, and pamphlets. Also included in the collection are the documents from the many local and national organizations in which Grant was active. Of particular interest are the papers for Kansas City Jazz Inc., which Grant was president for several years, and the pamphlets and correspondence for Future Farmers of America (FFA).
David M. Grant Papers, 1917-1986 (S0552)
0.8 cubic feet, 18 folders, 7 photographs
The David M. Grant Papers document David M. Grant's career in St. Louis as a civil rights activist and lawyer. Beginning in 1931, Grant organized protests and demonstrations against racial discrimination. He was also active in the local Democratic Party, Labor unions, and a founder of St. Louis’ March on Washington Movement chapter. Grant also served on the U.S. Presidential Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. The papers include speeches, correspondence, photographs, political fliers, and newspaper clippings.
Gravel Ridge Baptist Church, Charleston, Missouri Records, 1925-1990 (R0609)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Gravel Ridge Baptist Church, Charleston, Missouri Records contain microfilm copies of six volumes that include financial records, business meetings minutes, and membership information from 1925 to 1990.
Oliver Rudolph Grawe Papers, 1930-1962 (C3578)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Miscellaneous papers of a professor and author of University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla. Included are manuscripts about minerals and ores of Missouri, and a copy of Noel Hubbard's history of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and duplication of engineering education in Missouri in 1938.
Great Western Stage Equipment Company Records, 1925-1976 (K0717)
114 c.f.
The Company was one of the leading designers and suppliers for theatrical stages and auditoriums in the Midwest. Includes job files containing work orders, design plans, invoices, correspondence, and occasionally fabric samples. Also some catalogs, financial records, photographs, and drawings.
Greater Kansas City Art Association Records, 1956-2006 (K0947)
7 c.f.
Organizational records and scrapbooks from the Greater Kansas City Art Association. Includes officers files, correspondence, minutes, financial records, membership files, newsletters, photographs and audio and video tapes.
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Minutes, 1856-1991 (K0274)
4 c.f.
Minutes of the Chamber's Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Included in most of the volumes prior to 1968, are also minutes of the various standing and ad hoc committees of the organization. Most of the volumes are indexed.
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Records, 1856-1990 (K0527)
23 c.f.
Organization records of the Commerce including general files of clippings, brochures, and correspondence; photographs; and slides, motion picture film, videotape, and audiotape.
Greater Kansas City Chapter of Hadassah Records, 1916-2010 (K0593)
25 c.f.
Organizational records of a Jewish women's organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the United States and Israel.
Greater Kansas City Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Records, 1935-1997 (K0948)
1 c.f.
Organizational records of the Chapter, whose purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character. Includes meeting minutes, directories, printed and published material, and event planning files.
Greater Kansas City Section, National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) Records, 1893-2004 (K0145)
30 c.f.
Organizational records of the Greater Kansas City Section, including administrative, financial, membership, committee, publications, and public relations files.
Greater Kansas City, Missouri, Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO Records, 1946-1970 (C2514)
1.2 cubic feet
The papers of the Greater Kansas City Central Labor Council of the AFL-CIO contain the minutes of the Central Labor Council, miscellaneous copies of letters, resolutions, and notices.
Greater Rolla-St. James Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1884-1996 (P1123)
An artificial collection of photographs of the greater Rolla-St. James region in Missouri, including Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Maries, and Pulaski counties.
Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Report, 1963 (S0071)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Report is a planning survey of cultural activities and needs in Greater St. Louis, produced by Booz, Allen & Hamilton for the Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Committee of Civic Progress, Inc.
Greater St. Louis Committee for Freedom of Residence Records, 1962-1978 (S0509)
21 cubic feet, 1 photograph
The Freedom of Residence, Greater St. Louis Committee Records chronicle the committee's activities in integrating housing in the metropolitan St. Louis area. The collection contains flyers, correspondence, grant proposals, pamphlets, case files, advertising material, research material, radio spots, photographs, information on Congressmen, mailing lists, educational brochures, and housing lists.
Greater St. Louis Federal Business Association Records , 1927-1981 (S0695)
5 cubic feet, 188 folders, 68 photographs
The Greater St. Louis Federal Business Association was founded in 1927. Its purpose was to coordinate efforts by various Federal agencies to exchange ideas about the efficiency of routine work methods, to loan equipment, and to share surplus furniture. The records include correspondence, membership lists, minutes, newspaper clippings, annual reports, and photographs.
Green Oak Farms Collection, 1961 (R1208)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet for a registered Angus cattle sale at Green Oak Farms near Maples in Texas County, Missouri, on October 7, 1961. Fifty-three cattle, plus five 'calves at foot' were to be sold by proprietor E. E. Martin and guest consigner, Paul Woods.
Lewis C. Green Papers, 1955-2003 (S0893)
92 cubic feet
The papers of Lewis C. Green contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, depositions, and related legal materials pertaining to Green’s career as an environmental litigator. Working in conjunction with the Coalition for the Environment and the Sierra Club, Green was instrumental in preventing flood plain development in Missouri and ensuring that the Environmental Protection Agency enforced clean air standards. Green was active in the environmental movement from the 1960s until he died in 2003.
Lorenzo Thomas "Tommy" Greene Family Papers, 1930-2024 (CA5520)
4.9 cubic feet, 1 audio tape, 5 DVDs, 20 video cassettes, 90 audio cassettes
The family papers of a musician and music teacher.
Green-Bond Family Papers, 1902-1993 (C4566)
2.0 cubic feet (45 folders, 34 oversize items)
The papers of two related Mexico (Mo.) families, including travel journals, genealogical information, photographs, and the papers surrounding the construction of the A. P. and Josephine Green estate in Audrain County.
Greene County Abstracts of Title, 1846-1976 (SP0045)
.1 c.f.
The Greene County Abstracts of Title collection contains abstracts of properties located in Greene County. It includes the abstract for property owned by Springfield, Missouri, attorney Henry C. Young, the abstract of a home located at 2400 S. McCann in Springfield, and a home located in the Rosewood sub division in Springfield.
Greene County Democratic Central Committee, Jackson Day Banquet Collection, 1958-1969 (R0696)
(1 folder)
These are programs for the 35th, 37th, and 46th annual Jackson Day Banquets, held in 1958, 1960, and 1969 at the Shrine Mosque in Springfield, Missouri. The sponsors were the Greene County Democratic Central Committee, the Roosevelt Women's Democratic Club, and the Young Democratic Club of Greene County.
Lorenzo and Thomasina Talley Greene Papers, 1910s-2003 (C4712)
15.5 cubic feet (408 folders), 2 audio cassettes, 1 DVD, 6 video tapes, 1 oversize volume, 18 oversize items
Research files, personal papers, and family materials of a professional historian who taught at Lincoln University from 1933-1972. Includes materials of his wife, Thomasina Talley Greene, a concert pianist and music teacher, 1942-2003.
Lena G. Greenlaw Papers, 1950-1977 (C3600)
0.8 cubic feet (56 folders)
Papers of a journalism librarian at the University of Missouri-Columbia and active worker in the peace movement. Magazines, tracts, and financial and activity records of world, national, and local organizations are included.
Frank E. Greenlee Photographs, 1962, no date (P0487)
4 photographs
Photos of Clark County: Benning house, St. Francisville Baptist Church, Sickles Tavern, Maxwell house.
Nelle Claycomb Greenwaide Papers, 1877-1988 (K1104)
0.3 c.f.
Family photographs, baby book, school/sorority composites, passports, a framed letter and embroidery, an autograph book, and several photograph albums belonging to Greenwaide.
Greenwood Cemetery Records, 1904-2004 (S0577)
2 cubic feet, 62 folders, 503 photographs, 1 microfilm roll, 3 audio cassettes, 8 videotapes, and 1 DVD
This collection contains record books of an African-American cemetery in St. Louis. Included in the collection are legal exhibits and maps, as well as student papers and photographs documenting efforts to preserve the cemetery.
Jerry D. Greer Papers, 1956-2007 (CA5608)
136 cubic feet
The personal and professional papers of a U.S. Forest Ranger who worked at the Payette National Forest in Idaho contain correspondence, leadership and training materials, meeting and event files, and other records. Includes papers while a student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, family papers, and materials regarding Bedford, Indiana.
Paul Greer Papers, 1900-1977 (S0169)
0.05 cubic feet, 31 folders, 5 photographs, 2 scrapbooks
The Paul Greer Papers contain the work of a newspaper editor, and liberal social activist, Paul Greer. Topics include senior citizens, integration, housing, agricultural conditions, and conservation and includes correspondence; subject files; Greer's writing, including drafts of his two books, articles and book reviews; articles about Greer; and photographs and memorabilia.
Harlan Cecil Gregory Papers, 1900-2023 (R1530)
0.2 cubic foot (4 folders, 158 photographs, 2 negatives)
The Harlan Cecil Gregory Papers contain photographs and genealogical histories of the Gregory and Skyles family who settled in Howell and Texas Counties in Missouri.
Ralph Gregory Photographs, 1956-1961 (P0604)
0.125 linear feet
Photos of Franklin and Warren counties, ca. 1959, especially historic homes and churches. Photographs of the Hearst family. Postcards of Mark Twain Shrine
Robert Griesedieck Papers, 1964-1975 (S0894)
4 cubic feet
The papers of Robert Griesedieck contain meeting minutes, reports, rosters, and newspaper clippings chronicling his involvement in St. Louis organizations, including the St. Louis Ambassadors, The Missississippi River Tricentennial Committee, and the Bicentennial celebration in St. Louis.