Vendla Johnson Frampton Collection, 1919-1988 (K0286)
0.2 c.f.
Transcript of an oral history interview in which Mrs. Frampton describes many details of her life, including: Kansas City's "Swede Hill" community; family background and relationships; local Lutheran church history; and holiday food and traditions. Also a Westport High School Memory Book, 1919.
William A. E. French Papers, 1877-1967 (R0175)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The William Aden Elmer French Papers contain the microfilmed copies of the papers of an author and newspaper publisher at Eminence in Shannon County, Missouri. Included are hunting and fishing diaries, journals, teaching notebooks, lists of published works, short stories, and family correspondence.
"Frank James and the Battle of Centralia," Joe and Dodie Maurer, 1966 (C3102)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains an account of the Battle of Centralia, 1862, with reminiscences of Edgar B. Rodemyer, then editor of the CENTRALIA FIRESIDE GUARD and of Frank James thirty years after the incident.
Fraternity Newsletters, 1961 (C0963)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Six fraternity newsletters issued by University of Missouri chapters of FarmHouse, Kappa Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Acacia.
Douglas R. Frazee Photographs, 1880-1985 (P0072)
0.25 linear feet
Photographs of the Missouri River and life on the towboat Brownville, 1963-1985 by Frazee, an engineer on the vessel. Photos of Marshall, MO, 1948-1950, and Marthasville, MO, area in the early 1900s. Aerial photographs of Saline County, Marshall, Brookfield, and Pettis County, 1946-1949. Aerial photographs of farms and buildings along Highways 20, 24, 41 in Saline and Lafayette Counties, ca. 1947. Also include a variety of images of Missouri scenes and Missourians.
Fred Wolferman, Inc. Records, 1897-1972 (K0205)
1.5 c.f.
Through innovative marketing, Wolferman's enjoyed a prestigious position in Kansas City gourmet food circles. Photographs, menus, news clips, an accounting ledger, scrapbooks and phonograph records, and advertisements and sample correspondence for the operation of grocery stores and restaurants in Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
Freedom Baptist Church, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1844-1962 (R0418)
6 volumes microfilmed
These are record books of the Freedom Baptist Church near Versailles in Morgan County,
Missouri. The records include the articles of faith, rules of decorum, membership records, and minutes
of church business meetings, August 1844 --January 1962, and the secretary's record book of the
Baptist Young People's Union, 1929-1932.
R.W. Freeman Papers, 1960-1961 (C3784)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of R.W. Freeman contain a letter to Freeman from Lafayette Moore of the Pershing Park Association in Laclede, Missouri, and a proposed budget for the Carroll County, Missouri, Baptist Association.
Freemasons, Neosho Lodge No. 247 Records, 1964 (R1141)
(1 folder)
This is a small booklet containing the bylaws of Neosho Lodge No. 247, A.F. & a. M., at Neosho in Newton County, Missouri. The bylaws were printed as revised January 1, 1964.
Freemasons, Star of the West Lodge No. 133 Ironton, Missouri Records, 1849-1962 (R0446)
34 folders, 13 volumes MICROFILMED
These are records of the Masonic Lodge at Ironton in Iron County, Missouri. The records include
minute books, membership records, personnel files, and miscellaneous lodge papers,
1849-1962. The collection also includes the record books of the Iron Mountain Lodge, 1864-1894,
which consolidated with the Star of the West Lodge in 1894.
Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records, 1850-1974 (S0037)
1.2 cubic foot, 33 folders, 4 microfilm rolls
The Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records contain correspondence, ledgers, protocol books, and articles of association about the founding and operation of this German fraternal association.
Max Freidberg Papers, 1911-1973 (K1073)
0.12 c.f.
World War I documents, photographs, diary and military tags of Freidberg, a United States Army soldier, born in Russia. Also Naturalization papers of Freidberg's father, Benno Freidberg.
Margaret Wolf Freivogel Papers, 1950s-2020s (CA6701)
2.0 cubic feet (5 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette, 3 compact disks, 4 computer disks, 1 flash drive), 2.33 MB of digital files
The papers of Margaret Wolf Freivogel, a reporter and editor, include correspondence, memos, press releases, material from her time spent with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and material relating to the founding of the St. Louis Beacon. Also included are miscellaneous interviews and photographs.
Bernard Jacob Fremerman Family Papers, 1947-2004 (K0663)
0.1 c.f.
Newspaper clippings concerning members of the Fremerman family who were actively involved in business, music, and sports.
Shela S. Fretwell Genealogical Collection, 1824-2020 (CA5886)
4.3 cubic feet, 1 card file, 1 CD, 2 computer discs, 2 oversize items, 1.03 MB of digital files
Correspondence, photographs, and other genealogical research material related to the Fretwell family of Lewis County, Missouri.
Florence Freyermuth Collection, 1939-1975 (S0885)
20 cubic feet
This collection contains a 16mm film and slides of world travels of Florence Freyermuth, a friend of Marlin Perkins and family.
Friedens United Church of Christ (Warrenton, Mo.) Record Books, 1868-1967 (C3631)
1 roll of microfilm (3 volumes)
Record books of the Friedens Evangelical Church, Warrenton, Missouri, and the Bethany Evangelical Church, Pendleton, Missouri. The two merged to become the Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Church, later renamed the Friedens United Church of Christ. The Friedens Church was organized in 1877, but the record book has entries dating from 1868. The earliest record in the Bethany book is for 1910.
Howard W. Friedmann Family Papers, 1923-2007 (K1263)
4.5 c.f.
The papers include correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, yearbooks,
memorabilia, and other materials collected by Friedmann and his family covering the
period 1923-2007.
Friends of Arrow Rock Collection, 1826-1969 (C3087)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders), 1 oversize volume, 3 oversize items
Correspondence of John Sappington with Hogan & Wright, collection agents, 1842-1844; correspondence of Claiborne F. Jackson, 1855-1861; correspondence and miscellaneous items concerning the placement of Highway 40 and Santa Fe Trail markers; Martha Woods Diary, 1854-1860; Hugh Stephens scrapbook, n.d.; Independent Order of Odd Fellow certificates, meeting minutes, financial records, and correspondence, 1849-1969.
Friends of Rocheport, Missouri Records, 1967-1992 (CA3053)
6.8 cubic feet
Records of a civic organization consisting of meeting minutes, treasurer's reports, financial records, correspondence, and materials on events and projects sponsored by the group.
Friendship Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1837-1974 (C4236)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders)
The records of the Friendship Christian Church in Boone County consist of ledgers documenting membership, Sunday school attendance, and land deeds associated with the church. (See also C2372, Church of Christ at Friendship membership record)
Jane Froman Papers, 1891-1980 (C3695)
8.5 cubic feet (343 folders), 2 rolls of microfilm, 14 audio cassettes, 453 audio discs, 13 audio tapes, 4 films, 1 video cassette, 1 DVD, 25.6 GB of digital files
The papers of a singer and radio, theater, and movie star contain correspondence, financial records, musical arrangements, photographs, audio and film recordings, and scrapbooks. The papers include material on radio, movie musicals, the USO, theater and club appearances, television, and popular music of the 1930s through the 1950s. Also includes some papers of her mother, Anna Barcafer Froman Hetzler (1873-1962).
Jane Froman Collection, 1930s-2010 (CA5677)
0.2 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes, 27 audio discs, 1 audio tape, 8 CDs, 12 DVDs, 1 film, 3 video cassettes
Addition of correspondence, sheet music, audio and video recordings, and miscellaneous material pertaining to Jane Froman.
Jane Froman Papers, 1953-1968 (CA5133)
0.4 cubic feet
Addition of personal and professional papers of Jane Froman, including photographs, correspondence, and personal papers of Rowland H. Smith.
Frontier Iron Illustrations Collection, 1964 (R1421)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The collection includes the illustrations, maps and photographs which appeared in the book Frontier Iron written by James D. Norris and published in 1964.
Frost Family Papers, 1862-1988 (R1404)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Frost Family Papers contain photocopies of compiled correspondence of Luther and Orville Frost from 1862 to 1889. Also include is a brief family history and genealogical information for the Frost family.
Frost Family Photograph Collection, 1930s-1970s (R1294)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 31 photographs)
This collection consists of twenty-nine black and white and two color photographs showing scenes and businesses in Rolla, Missouri from the 1930s into the 1970s.
Anita Frost Papers, 1953-1984 (S0154)
0.01 cubic foot
The papers of Anita Frost contain photographs and military history of the first St. Louis African-American woman in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. She joined the St. Louis Marine Reserves on July 17, 1953, was discharged a year later and re-enlisted into the regular Marine Corps on September 17, 1954. She retired July 31, 1975, as a gunnery sergeant (E-7).
Sallie Hoskins Frost Papers, 1928-1963 (C3612)
0.4 cubic feet (28 folders)
Genealogical papers of Sallie Frost. Families researched include: Birch, Campbell, Carmichael, Cox, Foster, Frost, Galbraith, Hoskins, Howell, Redfearn, and Routh.
Annette Riley Fry Papers, 1882-1983 (C3729)
0.4 cubic feet (24 folders)
The papers primarily contain correspondence between Fry and people, or relatives of people, who came to Missouri from New York on “orphan trains” sponsored by the Children’s Aid Society during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Fry wrote an article on the orphans, which appeared in the December 1974 issue of American Heritage.
Albert Burr Fuller Architectural Records, 1914-1963 (K0029)
25 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, photographs, and other material relating to Fuller's career as an architect in Kansas City, Missouri.
Edward Marshall Fuller Jr. Architectural Records, 1920-1975 (K0697)
160 c.f.
Architectural drawings, renderings, specifications, correspondence, notes and other documents related to Fuller's career as an architect in the Kansas City, area specializing in schools and churches.
Harold Q. Fuller Papers, 1950-1987 (R0611)
0.75 cubic foot (14 folders, 4 photographs)
The Harold Q. Fuller Papers contain the personal papers of a physics professor and community leader in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri. The papers concern Fuller's work with the Rolla School Board, the Phelps County Nutrition Program, the Central Missouri Area Agency on Aging, and the family farm.
Funk-Blue Family Genealogical Collection, 1917-1996 (C4369)
2 cubic feet (176 folders)
Genealogical research relating to the ancestors of John Leon Funk and his wife, Ruth Eleanor Blue, both of Columbia, Missouri and originally from Ohio. Includes genealogical correspondence and notes; family group (pedigree) sheets; biographical records; photographs of grave stones; and original and photocopied primary sources such as death certificates, marriages, obituaries, wills, deeds, and court documents. Also included is research material for a book on the 100th Ohio Infantry Regiment in the Civil War.
Future Farmers of America, West Plains Chapter Records, 1955-1978 (R0658)
(11 folders)
These are scrapbooks of the FFA chapter at West Plains in Howell County, Missouri. The scrapbooks include photographs, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous printed materials on the chapter's activities, 1955-1966. There is also a printed history of the FFA in Missouri, 1928-1978.
John Bailey Gage Papers, 1943-1964 (K0254)
0.60 c.f.
Correspondence of Gage, a prominent attorney and mayor of Kansas City, MO, relating to the Midwest Research Institution (MRI) and other organizations and issues in which he was involved. Many letters have attachments, most of which are the agendas and the minutes of the meetings of the MRI's Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, income and expenses, and a variety of reports. Also awards and certificates received by Gage.
Galena Christian Church (Galena, Mo.) Records, 1887-1964 (C3820)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The records of Galena Christian Church in Stone County, Missouri, consist of membership lists, vital statistics information, and correspondence concerning membership in other churches. The records are incomplete and appear to have been transferred from other record books.
Galilee Association of General Baptists Records, 1913-1980 (R0077)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Galilee Association of General Baptists Records contains a microfilm copy of the proceedings of the annual sessions of the organization of General Baptist congregations in southeastern Missouri. Also included are Old Liberty Association proceedings, Liberty Association proceedings, and a reprinted sermon of Benoni Stinson.
Jo Gallo Papers, 1951-1966 (C4640)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders)
Papers of a homemaker and environmental activist from the St. Louis area include transcripts of her diaries from 1951-1954; a pamphlet she wrote entitled "Granny"; and slides of the Missouri Extension Homemakers Association club in Creve Coeur, 1960s. Gallo's environmental activism is not covered in the papers.
James F. Gamble Papers, 1931-1977 (S0886)
19 cubic feet
The papers of James F. Gamble consists of correspondence, memos, reports, and meeting minutes pertaining to his career as a lawyer, conservationist, and executive director of the Meramec River Basin Association.
William J. Gammon Papers, 1856-1967 (CG0056)
0.5 c.f.
This collection is primarily made up of genealogical papers and cemetery research conducted by Wm. J. Gammon of various families as well as his own. Also included in this collection is transcripts from the operation of the Center Point school in Jackson County, Missouri, personal papers of the Gammon family, and correspondence from different societies and political organizations.
Hugh R. Gardner Papers, 1961-1984 (C4362)
0.8 cubic feet (9 folders)
Diaries kept by Hugh R. Gardner while an employee of the Columbia Sand Company, Rocheport, Missouri. Includes detailed summaries of Gardner's daily employment schedule, miscellaneous receipts, record of barge operations on the Missouri River near Rocheport, weather reports, personal activities, including repairs to Gardner's pick-up truck, and an appointment calendar kept by Mrs. Gardner.
James A. Gardner Papers, 1937-1987 (C3702)
1.4 cubic feet (41 folders)
Papers of a historian including coursework from his time as a student at Washington University in Saint Louis, manuscripts written about Moses Austin, and teaching and administrative materials from the social sciences department at Mineral Area College.
Mary A. Gardner Papers, 1940s-1990s (CA5740)
41 cubic feet, 3 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 2 films, 2 video cassettes
Papers of a professor of journalism and newspaper consultant, consisting of personal and professional correspondence and subject files, research and consulting material, photographs, and family papers.
Viola Gardner Papers, 1953-1982 (K1230)
1 c.f.
Gardner was Poet Laureate of Missouri. Includes her poetry, publications, correspondence, and instruction techniques. Also photocopies of the poetry journal, "Orphic Lute" which she published.
Garfield School (Mexico, Mo.) Records, 1910-1975 (C3925)
4 rolls of microfilm
Student attendance records of a black elementary and high school in Mexico, MO.
Agnes Garino Papers, 1960-2022 (S0500)
2.5 cubic feet
The Agnes Garino Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, and newspaper clippings documenting her involvement with the Kirkwood City Council, the Kirkwood Symphony Orchestra, and the St. Louis Sports Commission, and the U.S.-Olympic Festival.
Ruby Dwight Garrett Papers, c. 1910-1968 (C2558)
1.6 cubic feet, and 1 reel of microfilm
The Dwight Ruby Garrett collection contains papers and photographs of Garrett, a Kansas City, MO, lawyer. Garrett commanded the 117th Field Signal Battalion, 42nd (Rainbow) Division, U.S. Army, American Expeditionary Force. The collection concentrates on his World War I and postwar veterans activities. The clipping scrapbook is on microfilm.
Eileen Garry Papers, 1930-1998 (K0700)
0.1 c.f.
The Garry family was involved in the garment manufacturing industry in Kansas City, MO. includes book on Congregation Beth Torah book Garry co-wrote and a photograph of garment industry manufacturers featuring members of the Garry and Pachter families.
Ruth Wilson Gaskin Papers, 1950-1969 (K1174)
0.02 c.f.
Gaskin (Mrs. Ide) was an African-American housekeeper for several families in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographs of Gaskin's family and friends, correspondence, and newspaper clippings.