Adah Binford Kinkhorst Photograph Collection, 1950-1958 (P0490)
11 photographs
Photos of Chariton County sites.
Kinloch History Committee Records, 1916-1983 (S0151)
0.25 cubic feet, 15 folders
The Kinloch History Committee Records collection documents the effort by the Kinloch History Committee to research the social, political, and economic history of Kinloch, Missouri, before the bulldozing of Kinloch neighborhoods due to the expansion of Lambert Airport in the 1980s. The committee created the manuscript Kinloch: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow to publish the committee's research findings.
Kinloch Missouri Photograph Collection, 1900-1990 (S0638)
0.25 cubic foot, 4 folders, 155 photographs
The Kinloch Missouri Photograph Collection contains 155 photographs that document the history of Kinloch Park’s African-American community from the 1890s-1940s, and the all-Black City of Kinloch from its incorporation in 1948 to the 1980s. These photographs include students in school settings, housing, politicians, educators, churches, and historical buildings.
Charles R. Kinslow Papers, 1957-2002 (K0586)
12 c.f.
Kinslow was technical expert in aircraft systems and procedures, and former Flight Instructor for Trans World Airlines and Federal Express. Includes flight and maintenance training materials, transparencies, wiring diagrams; also collected materials concerning Braniff, and Air Canada.
Kirby-Ridgway-Lightholder Family Papers, 1845-1996, 2003 (C4404)
2.4 cubic feet (48 folders, 1 volume, 5 artifacts), 14 oversize items
Correspondence, photographs, wills, military records, leases, contracts, and miscellaneous material of the Kirby, Ridgway, Lightholder, and related families. The papers document the lives of a Quaker family from Shelltown, New Jersey, and the life of Col. Ellwood Kirby, who moved westward to Missouri.
Kay Kirkman and Roger Stinnett Photograph Collection, 1838-1984 (P0178)
0.75 linear feet
283 photographs collected by Kay Kirkman in preparation for Joplin: A Pictorial History by Kay Kirkman and Roger Stinnett (1981).
Kivett and Myers Architectural Records, 1945-1984 (K0289)
12 c.f.
Records and drawings by the premier Kansas City architectural firm of Kivett and Myers. Newspaper clippings, printed materials and photographs generated for promotional and informational purposes. Also clippings, articles, and personal correspondence about Clarence Kivett, his wife Margaret, and their activities in Kansas City's professional, civic, and Jewish communities.
Carol Kleiman Papers, 1954-2015 (CA5733)
68 cubic feet, 10 oversize volumes, 36 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 1 video cassette, 1 film, 8 oversize items, 1 jpg
Papers of associate business editor and columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Contains columns and articles concerning employment and women in the workforce. Also includes other writings such as books, short stories, and poetry, and materials from speeches, and radio and television appearances.
Karl Hickman Klein Collection, 1901-1990 (K0048)
1 c.f.
The collection contains copies of Letters, news clippings and other items relating to the life and death of noted artist and caricaturist Ralph Barton, Karl Klein's uncle.
Howard E. Klinefelter Papers, 1924-1966 (C3858)
1.0 cubic foot (46 folders)
Papers of Howard E. Klinefelter, editor of The Missouri Farmer, the magazine of the Missouri Farmers Association (MFA). The papers consist of correspondence and miscellaneous material such as newspaper clippings, photographs, and publications.
Louis O. Kloeckner Papers, 1864-1965 (C1797)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photographs and awards regarding Kloeckner's career as a pharmacist. Also Civil War military service and pension records of his father, who had the same name. Part of the German Heritage Archives.
Eugene and Earline Knackstedt Papers, 1880-1980 (S0255)
6 cubic feet
The Eugene and Earline Knackstedt Papers contains correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, 16 mm films, and Kodachrome slides relating to the operation of Shaw Camera Shop, owned by Eugene and Earline Knackstedt from the early 1960s until 1985. The materials document the construction of the Arch and the St. Louis Science Center, as well as photographic work Earline Knackstedt performed for the, The United States Army, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Falstaff Brewing Corporation. The materials in this collection date from the 1880s to the 1980s.
Knell Family Photographs, 1884-1967 (P0708)
42 photographs
Copy photos of and relating to the Knell family and Knell Mortuary in Carthage, MO.
Knights of Columbus, Rolla Council 2627 Collection, 1936-2000 (R1119)
(4 folders)
These are newsletters, printed materials, and miscellaneous papers of the Knights of Columbus council at Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri.
Gilbert Knipmeyer Papers, 1861-1968 (C4196)
3 cubic feet (196 folders)
The papers of a former State Archivist for the Secretary of State in Jefferson City, Missouri, and amateur Civil War historian. The papers contain correspondence, research material, newspaper clippings and some photographs. The majority of the collection consists of Civil War research material.
Andrew Christy Knox Papers, 1900-1951 (K0510)
1 c.f.
Diaries, notebooks, some correspondence, and financial records of Knox, a physician in Kansas City, MO.
Joyce I. Koch and Harold B. Koch Papers, 1934-2006 (K0757)
5 f; 2 v
Scrapbooks for the years Koch was president of Heart of America B'nai B'rith Women (now Jewish Women International), songbooks, miscellaneous papers and photographs of Penn Valley Community College Social Sciences Department, Harold Koch Ph.D., chair.
Koehler and Jorn Families Papers, 1886-1980 (R0230)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Koehler and Jorn Families Papers contain a microfilm copy of the correspondence, biographical materials, and personal papers of Emma Koehler and Charles G. Jorn of Naylor, Ripley County, Missouri. The correspondence, mostly in German, was received from relatives and friends in southern Illinois coal mining towns and from relatives in Bad Tennstedt, Germany.
Sol Koenigsberg Papers, 1954-2011 (K1197)
0.5 c.f.
This collection contains papers related to the Jewish Federation and Council of Greater Kansas City, including the organization's history and newspaper clippings. In addition, there are personal papers related to Sol Koenigsberg, who was Executive Director of the Jewish Federation and Council, including a memoir and personal photographs.
Gerald and Annora Koetting Papers, 1950-1994 (S0912)
4 cubic feet
The Gerald and Annora Koetting Papers contain correspondence, conference materials, photographs, surveys, and newsletters pertaining to Gerald and Annora Koetting's involvement with the St. Louis chapter of the American Marketing Association.
Leslie Konnyu Papers, 1945-1991 (CA5235)
16.7 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 3 video cassettes
The papers of a Hungarian-American author, scholar, and leader from St. Louis include correspondence, manuscripts, collected materials, articles, publications, scrapbooks, photographs and miscellaneous material.
Leslie Konnyu Papers, 1935-1981 (S0475)
1 cubic foot, 31 folders
The Leslie Konnyu Papers contain correspondence, clippings, programs, and articles documenting his life and work as a Hungarian-American author, editor of the American Hungarian Review, and director of the St. Louis T.S. Eliot Society.
April and Michael Koonse Photograph Collection, 1948-1950 (P0883)
16 photographs
Photos of Bill See and Battery B, 128th Field Artillery Battalion, Missouri National Guard, at Fort Leonard Wood and Columbia, MO, 1948-1950.
Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Papers, 1950s-2023 (CA6637)
4.3 cubic feet, 1 video cassette, 20.26 GB of digital files
The papers of a journalism and communications educator at Florida International University in Miami, and executive director of the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, contain speeches, teaching materials, publications, survey material, materials documenting her involvement in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and the Society of Professional Journalists, and miscellaneous professional material.
KOPN Radio Records, 1951-2006 (CA5984)
157.4 cubic feet (includes 2,651 audio tapes, 523 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 32 computer disk, 3 DAT tapes), 8 video cassettes, 3 oversize items, 353 GB of digital files
Records of the organization include audio tapes from the locally produced Children’s Radio Theater, poetry readings, live performances, and assorted miscellaneous recordings; correspondence; newspaper clippings; newsletters; grant materials; staff meeting minutes; brochures; digital audio files; and miscellaneous material. Also includes records of the Midwest Radio Theatre Workshop, including administrative files, grant applications, photographs, scripts, and audio cassettes from the project.
Korean War Veterans Association Records, 1953-2012 (R1498)
1.25 cubic feet (19 folders, 1 VHS, 1 VHS-C)
The Korean War Veterans Association Collection consists of scrapbook pages, photographs, audio-visual, and institutional records from the Korean War Veterans Association in Rolla, Missouri.
Thomas Korn Photograph Collection, 1933-1976 (SP0099)
0.5 cubic foot (13 folders, 129 photographs, 434 negatives)
The Thomas Korn Photograph Collection contains photographs and negatives taken by Joplin, Missouri, photographer Thomas Korn.
Joan Louis Kort Papers, 1958-1998 (K1280)
1 c.f.
Kort was International President of B'nai B'rith Women (Jewish Women International). Includes speeches, correspondence, news articles, publications, and photographs.
Kountz Family Papers, 1862-2003 (S1180)
3 cubic feet
The Kountz Family Papers contains photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks, certificates, and 8mm home movies documenting the lives of the Kountz family.
Jacob P. Kraft Family Papers, 1950-2010 (K1040)
0.25 c.f.
Family papers of former Film Projection/Engineer for KCTV. Includes family history and genealogy of the Kravchenko/Kraft family, Jewish publications, cook book, and Yarmulkes.
Kenneth Krakauer Papers, 1890-2000 (K0777)
9 c.f.
Research and writing relating to the history of golf in Kansas City by civic leader Krakauer, the author of the book, "When Golf Came to Kansas City."
Kramer and Harms Architecture Firm Records, 1949-1980 (S0781)
24 cubic feet
Gerhardt Kramer and Joe G. Harms formed the Kramer and Harms Architecture firm in St. Louis in 1956. The firm worked on restoring several historic buildings in the St. Loui area, including the Eugene Field House and the Chatillon-DeMenil House. They also worked on the historic village at Faust Park, the Thomas Sappington House, and the Palm House in Tower Grove Park. The collection consists of architectural plans for properties the company worked on throughout its existence.
Norbert A. Kramer Photograph Collection, 1940-1958 (P1027)
Photographs taken by Brother Norbert A. Kramer, S.M. in and near Hermann, Missouri, includes descriptions of photos and possible dates for photos.
Lilian Kranitz Papers, 1923-1983 (K0238)
1 c.f.
Taped interviews and written transcripts of 13 Holocaust survivors from Lodz, Poland. Also includes notes, reports, and articles on historical background and policies towards Eastern European Jews.
Harry Krantz and Miriam Levitt Krantz Papers, 1949-1968 (K0955)
0.02 c.f.
Krantz was elected to the Prairie Village, KS, city council. Includes newspaper clippings, Prairie Village Democratic Club campaign sheet, and a Talman Grill menu.
Paul Kranzberg Papers, 1899-1994 (S0716)
3 cubic feet, 60 folders, 291 photographs
The Paul Kranzberg Papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, and newspaper clippings pertaining to his career as a St. Louis business owner and advertising executive. Kranzberg was the founder of Padco Advertising Company, co-founder of Affiliated Advertising Agencies International, and worked for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Food Advertising Department during the Great Depression.
Krause, Elbrecht, and Woodrow Family Papers, 1917-2024 (C4623)
0.3 cubic feet (7 folders)
Collection of family materials largely containing letters to Gladys Elbrecht of Streator, Illinois, from H.E. Heineke at West Point during World War I; letters to Charles W. Woodrow of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s; and letters to Alosia Bell of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s. Included is a Krause family photo album, 1967-2024.
Kroeger Family Papers, 1850-1960 (S0482)
0.8 cubic foot, 34 folders, 142 photographs
Dr. Ernest Kroeger (1862-1934) was a composer, educator, and musician who founded and directed Kroeger School of Music and directed musical programs for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The collection contains correspondence, publications, documents, and photographs relating to Dr. Kroeger and his family.
Otto and Joe Kroeger Photograph Collection, 1920-1994 (P0002)
0.2 cubic feet, 455 photographs, 6 audio cassettes
The Kroeger collection is comprised of 455 glass plate negatives, film negatives, and photographs. Photographs were taken by Otto and his son, Joseph Kroeger, both of Jefferson City, Missouri. Also included are six interviews of the Kroeger family on audio cassettes.
Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
11 cubic feet
The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.
John M. Kuhlman Papers, 1953-2011 (C4738)
0.2 cubic foot (7 folders)
The papers of a professor of economics at the University of Missouri from 1961 to 1985 include his memoirs; professional correspondence and letters from students; news articles and editorials; speeches; and miscellaneous documents.
Frederick August Kullman Papers, 1855-1980 (R0120)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Frederick August Kullman Papers contain photocopies of the miscellaneous papers and Civil War diary of Frederick A. Kullman, a resident of Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri, and a soldier in the 13th Missouri Cavalry. His papers include confirmation and emigration certificates from Bavaria, military service records, correspondence, photographs, and genealogical information on the Kullman family. The wartime diary covers service at Rolla and Licking, Missouri in 1865.
Jonathan Kwitny Papers, 1957-1993 (C4081)
17.0 cubic feet (360 folders), 1 audio cassette, 1 video cassette
KWTO Newsletter Collection, 1944-1951 (R0834)
0.25 cubic foot (2 folder)
These are 45 issues of 'the KWTO Dial', a monthly publication of the radio station KWTO at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, from June 1944 to November 1951. Each issue contains a broadcast schedule and news about the station's programs and staff.
Ladies Friday Musical Club Yearbooks and Programs, 1927-1972 (S0128)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains, yearbooks, programs, and a newspaper article collected by and about the Ladies’ Friday Night Musical Club of St. Louis, a Missouri-based social organization for female musicians in St. Louis, Missouri.
Lake Creek School, Benton County, Missouri Records, 1904-1958 (R0268)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Lake Creek School, Benton County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the daily and term attendance records and district clerk records for Lake Creek School, School District No. 1.
Lake Creek United Methodist Church (Pettis County, Mo.) Records, 1844-1976 (C3698)
1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Lake Creek United Methodist Church contain histories, minutes and membership, baptism, marriage, and funeral lists of the Versailles Mission; Florence District; later Lake Creek District; and the Lake Creek Church, Pettis County, of the Methodist Episcopal, later United Methodist, Church, founded in 1843. Volumes 1 and 2 are in German and volume 3 is partially in German.
Lake of the Ozarks Association Collection, 1956, no date (R1086)
(1 folder)
These are a brochure and a booklet published by the Lake of the Ozarks Association, Inc., at Lake Ozark in Miller County, Missouri, to promote tourism and recreation in the Lake of the Ozarks area.
Marilyn Hope Lake Papers, 1955-2016 (CA6627)
12.2 cubic feet
The papers of an author, instructor, and educational association executive include writings, correspondence, greeting cards, journals, and miscellaneous personal and professional material.
Lamar Democrat Photographs, 1870, 1950, no date (P1097)
Twelve photographs of Lamar, MO.