Robert W. Tonn Photograph Collection, 1940s (C4665)
0.2 cubic foot (3 folders, 59 photographs, 171 negatives)
Photographs, negatives, and contact sheets of University of Missouri students, events, and campus scenes, 1940s.
"A Tour with Alladin's Lamp," Clair V. Mann, 1944 (C1159)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
A history of the Meramec Iron Works, St. James, MO.
J.W. Towl Papers, 1917-1944 (R0475)
5 folders
This collection includes correspondence and business records of J. W. Towl, a businessman at
Potosi in Washington County, Missouri. Included are letters and shipping receipts regarding the
barite industry, mineral lands, and the Southeast Missouri Lead Company, 1918-1939, an inventory
of goods at the Towl store in Potosi, 1928, and receipts for subscriptions to the Missouri War Chest,
Inc., 1944.
Joanna Benecke Townsend Family Papers, 1846-2002 (K1222)
9 c.f.
Includes correspondence and postcards, financial records, newspaper clippings, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) materials, home movies, and Townsend genealogical notes/individual profiles. Also Townsend's personal diaries kept in the later years of her life.
E.B. Trail Collection, 1858-1965 (C2071)
4.2 cubic feet (279 folders, 62 volumes)
Correspondence, bills of lading, notes, photographs, clippings, periodicals, scrapbooks, account books, freight books, cabin registers, and portage books of E.B. Trail, collector of the history and memorabilia of steamboating on the Missouri River and its tributaries.
E.B. Trail Photograph Collection, 1845-1963 (P0021)
1.1 cubic feet (513 photographs)
Dr. E. B. Trail, St. Louis was a collector of steamboat images and articles, which he kept in scrapbooks. Includes images of steamboats, rivers, and other boating-related scenes.
Donald H. Tranin Papers, 1930-2007 (K0694)
7 c.f.
Personal papers of Donald Tranin, his father Earl Tranin (1896-1979), and the Paper Supply Company of Kansas City, MO. Included are political activities, investments in businesses and real estate, and civic activities.
Dante O. Tranquille Photographs, 1949 (P0148)
104 photographs
This collection consists of 104 images taken by Dante O. Tranquille, a photojournalist who worked at the Utica [New York] Observer-Dispatch in the mid-twentieth century. He visited Missouri in May 1949, likely to attend the Missouri Photo Workshop, and photographed areas in St. Louis, McBaine, and Columbia.
Trans World Airlines (TWA) Records, 1929-2002 (K0453)
280 c.f.
Records and publications of the Airline including information about flight incidents, personnel, and aircraft.
Frank E. Trask Architectural Records, 1907-1959 (K0711)
11 c.f.
Architectural drawings, photographs, and other documents related to Trask's work as an architect in Kansas City, MO.
Paul Travers Collection, 1926-1957 (S1101)
0.8 cubic foot, 12 folders
The Paul Travers Collection contains scholarly articles written by John Dewey, as well as ephemera from the St. Louis Browns.
Charles Trefts Papers, 1903-1963 (C3465)
0.2 cubic feet, 4 audio cassettes
Business correspondence, financial papers, photographic salon stickers, prizes, and other items of St. Louis professional photographer Charles Trefts, organizer of the Advertising Slide Company. His photographic collection was presented to the State Historical Society in 1964.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
George Wesley Trefts Papers, 1936-1962 (C1422)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Papers of a photographer and member of he United States 79th Fighter Group stationed in northern Africa and Italy during World War II. Includes correspondence, clippings, and photographs.
William Maclaren Trenholme Letters, 1931-1963 (C3357)
1.25 cubic feet (98 folders)
The collection contains personal letters written by Trenholme to his mother, Louise Trenholme Stephens. Trenholme was a naval officer and later a nuclear physicist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There are also letters from Trenholme’s wife, mother-in-law, and other relatives.
Tri-State Mining Superfund Site, 1945-2018 (SP0019)
1 c.f.
The Tri-State Mining Superfund Site records contain the research of Shanen Givone into the environmental impact of nuclear contamination and mining in the Joplin area and into Kansas.
Tri-State Rebekah Association Records, 1911-1941 (R0574)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are the record books of the Tri-State Rebekah Association. The Association, founded in 1904, was composed of lodges of the Daughters of Rebekah in southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma, and southwestern Missouri. The records include printed programs and minutes of the annual sessions of the Association.
Trimble Family Papers, 1876-1948 (C4269)
0.25 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers of the Trimble family contain clippings related to the Trimble and Duncan families, correspondence between the families, and the diary from 1876 to 1879 of Susan Duncan, the mother of Martha Duncan who married into the Trimble family.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Records, 1946-1972 (R0529)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Trinity Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Records are the constitution and bylaws from 1946 and an illustrated roster of the members of Trinity Lutheran Church dated 1972 at Cole Camp in Benton County, Missouri.
Leigh and Mary Jane Trowbridge Photograph Collection, 1930-1945 (P0502)
9 photographs
Photos of Round Table Club, Columbia. Also, WWII photos from Leigh Trowbridge's book Operation Leap Frog.
Belle Alexander Troxell Collection, 1857-1951 (C3460)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
Programs, clippings, photographs, postcards, and miscellaneous items, collected by a Columbia, Missouri, resident and member of several women's organizations.
"Troy Presbyterian Church," Andy J. Brown, 1946 (C1345)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Brief history of the Troy Church and how it was organized, including list of original members.
Cyrus R. Truitt Scrapbooks, 1893-1963 (C1432)
0.6 cubic feet (6 volumes)
Scrapbooks of photographs of Novinger and Adair County, Missouri, 1893-1963, with explanations and captions by Truitt. Pictorial history of coal mining in western Adair County. Truitt titled the scrapbooks “Mostly Ghosts.”
Harry S. Truman Photograph Collection, 1941-1957 (P0189)
7 b/w photos (some with negatives) of bust views for Harry S. Truman, U.S. Senator from Missouri and, in 1952, U.S. President, from 1941 (2), 1952 (3), and 1957 (2). Photos from 1952 contain a written message to the SHS from and signature of Mr. Truman.
Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis Records, 1911-1960 (S0293)
10 cubic feet
This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, and reports documenting the Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis's mission to prevent, relieve, and control the spread of tuberculosis in the St. Louis area.
E.W. Tucker Papers, 1920-1980 (C4000)
1.2 cubic feet (65 folders)
The papers of Colonel Eugene W. Tucker, staff member and later executive officer of Kemper Military School, include lecture material, articles, speeches, correspondence, school catalogs, financial reports, and miscellaneous items.
Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1939-2024 (CA6694)
0.6 cubic feet, 7 oversize volumes
Addition of organizational records and scrapbooks. The organizational records include meeting minutes, certificates, proclamations, photographs, yearbooks, and a photo album. The scrapbooks include articles; programs; certificates; newspaper articles concerning speakers and programs at club meetings; and articles dealing with projects sponsored by the club.
Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1921-1977 (C2162)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of The Tuesday Club of Columbia, Missouri, contain newspaper articles, minute books, reports and scrapbooks of a women's social club founded in 1899. The records detail the history of the club, including meetings, activities, membership, finances, and projects sponsored.
Frank Tull Collection, 1901-1960 (C3212)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Miscellaneous bills, receipts, articles, and genealogical notes regarding the Tull and Neidermeyer families of Boone County, MO.
Maude Turnbow Collection, 1852-1965 (C2924)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters, written in 1853, concerning the McHargue family in Missouri and Oregon. Newspaper clippings, genealogy, and random notes of Madam Dorian.
Turner Society Pamphlets, 1912-1945 (C0676)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Pamphlets and publications of St. Louis area Turner groups. Also a history of the American Turnerbund, 1924; an annual report of the national executive committee of American Turners, 1941; and copies of TURNER TOPICS, publication of American Turners.
Claude Turner Papers, 1942-1944 (SP0027)
.25 cubic feet (5 folders, 6 photographs)
The Claude Turner papers consist of letters written by Claude Turner to his family in Webb City during World War II. Claude served on the USS Spence.
Sarah Lucille Turner Portraits, 1923-1944 (P0974)
2 photographs
Photos of Sarah Lucille Turner, one of the first two women elected to the Missouri Legislature
Turner-Yates Family Papers, 1912-2010 (CA6486)
2 cubic feet
The papers of the Turner, Yates, and related families of Macon and Randolph Counties, Missouri, include genealogical research, photographs, publications, and miscellaneous material.
Tuttle Family Collection, 1906-1973, 2019-2020 (CA6576)
1.7 cubic feet, 4.2 MB of digital files
The collection contains material concerning a prominent farming family in Cooper County, Missouri. Includes World War II correspondence of Joseph Tuttle; correspondence concerning the family’s ham business; farm ledgers of Morton Tuttle; a timeline and history of Woodland Farms compiled by William Ellis Tuttle Jr.; and miscellaneous material.
TWA Active Retired Pilots Association (TARPA) Records, 1932-2007 (K0563)
8 c.f.
Publications and records related to retired pilots of Trans World Airlines. Includes labor agreements, photographs of pilots, and seniority list.
Twin Lakes Duck Hunting Camp (Chariton County, Mo.) Records, 1945-1989 (C3968)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 2 rolls of microfilm
Hunting logs, photographs, and related materials of a private hunting camp in north central Missouri.
U. S. Soil Conservation Service Collection, 1933-1978 (C4513)
1.7 cubic feet (38 folders, 1 volume, 8 oversize items)
Newspaper clippings, project reports, reference materials, and photographs from the Missouri arm of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.
U.S. Army, 3196th Signal Service Company Roster, 1945 (C3682)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
"A History of the 3196th Signal Service Company," including roster of name, address, nickname, and date for each member. The group served in Italy during World War II.
U.S. Army, Air Force College Training Program, University of Missouri Papers, 1943-1944 (C0058)
1.1 cubic feet (105 folders)
Course schedules, outlines, flight and class roles, grades, and instructions for teachers concerning policies of Air Corps and teaching methods. Tests for History and Americanism. Correspondence of Rogers Whitmore and Thomas A. Brady.
U.S. Army, Specialized Training Program, Foreign Area and Language Study, University of Missouri Papers, 1943-1944 (C0057)
2.25 cubic feet (167 folders)
Correspondence, army directives, student records, and other material pertaining to the program and staff of the ASTP Unit at the University of Missouri. Also includes material concerning a study of ASTPs made by Thomas A. Brady for the Rockefeller Foundation.
U.S. Military Government, Detachment B-5 Diary, 1944-1945 (C0445)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Diary kept by a Military Government Detachment unit sent to Okinawa. All activities are recorded en route to Okinawa, and duties of the organization are described in detail. Also a short history of Okinawa and descriptions of the cultural exhibit, historic spots, and burial customs.
U.S. National Youth Administration in Missouri History, 1943 (C1280)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Prepared by the War Manpower Commission of the National Youth Administration, Kansas City, MO. History of the National Youth Administration in Missouri from 1935 to 1943.
U.S. Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services (Kansas City, Mo.) Reports, 1941-1945 (C0917)
0.3 cubic feet (16 folders)
Mimeographed reports prepared in cooperation with other agencies on various areas in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas. Reports include descriptions of communities including population, facilities, and services available.
U.S. Post Office Department Letters, 1941-1942 (C0906)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To E.L. Pigg, Jefferson City, Missouri, from Washington, D.C., concerning early mail routes between Richmond and Liberty, Missouri. Includes a list of postmasters at Richmond, 1822-1935, and at Liberty, 1822-1934.
U.S. Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey of Missouri, 1935-1942 (C3551)
302 cubic feet (24,282 folders); also available on 817 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, records, and working files. Originally designed to survey and inventory all county government records, the survey finally included inventories of church records, manuscript collections, vital statistics, American imprints, and federal archives. Incorporates records of the Federal Writers Project for Missouri.
Frank J. Uhlenbrock Collection, 1941-1945 (P0834)
0.4 linear feet
A collection of World War II photographs, most from the Official War Pictures Co, collected by Uhlenbrock, a Marine (March 1943-April 1945, South and Central Pacific). Additionally, color, fold-out postcard depicting Springfield, MO (1938).
Uljee Family Papers, 1884-2007 (S0350)
6 cubic feet, 1322 photographs, 21 audio tapes, 43, audio disks, 44 audio cassettes, 1 object
The collection contains correspondence, diaries, photographs, musical programs, military papers, vital records, and school papers chronicling the lives of Albert Martin Uljee I, Eleanor Gorges, Albert M. Uljee II, and Eileen Rue who lived in St. Louis. Materials of interest include correspondence to and from Albert M. Uljee II discussing his World War II experience, and materials documenting the musical career of Eleanor Gorges, who performed as a concert pianist under the pseudonym Olga Boris.
N. Robert Underhill Papers, 1943-1945, 2017 (C4470)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders), 16.1 MB of digital files (1 docx, 5 jpgs)
The collection contains love letters written during World War II from N. Robert “Bob” Underhill to Merrilee Ann Meier of St. Louis during their courtship and shortly after their marriage while Bob was serving in the U.S. Navy in Panama and along the northeastern seaboard of the United States. The collection also includes some family correspondence; a memoir based on the love letters by Bob and Merrilee’s daughter, Catherine Underhill Fitzpatrick; transcripts of the letters; and digital photographs.
Arthur Unger Papers, 1943-2004 (C4027)
10.8 cubic feet (756 folders), 58 audio cassettes, 2 audio tapes, 4 audio discs, 5 CDs, 1 video cassette
Arthur Unger was an entertainment journalist who reviewed movies and television shows for the Christian Science Monitor and Ingenue. He edited several magazines as wide-ranging as Mechanix Illustrated and Datebook and toured with the Beatles. The collection includes recordings, transcripts, and notes from his interviews with celebrities, his writings, Beatles publications, and personal materials.