Sweeney Automobile School Collection, 1917-1918 (K1412)
0.21 c.f.
This collection contains materials that belonged to Claude James (C.J.) Allen from his time attending the Sweeney Automobile School in Kansas City, Missouri, dated between 1917 and 1918.
Swindle College School, Benton County, Missouri Records, 1926 (R0876)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet for Swindle College School near Corsicana in Barry County, Missouri. It was presented by teacher, Agnes Hazel, to her pupils at the close of school on March 19, 1926.
Talking Tapes/Textbooks on Tape, 1947-1995 (S0997)
4 cubic feet
The Talk Tapes/Textbooks on Tapes Records contain photographs, compact discs, and scrapbooks pertaining to the organization's mission to provide books to individuals with learning disabilities and visual impairments.
Taney County, Missouri, Treasurer Ledgers, 1888-1907 (SP0106)
1.5 cubic feet (4 volumes)
The Taney County, Missouri, Treasurer Ledgers consist of four ledgers documenting county revenue funds and tax levies from 1888 to 1907. The ledgers also include Taney County resident names, property location and assessments, and funds paid.
Tayloe Family Papers, 1879-1942 (C2510)
4.0 cubic feet
The papers of the Tayloe Family contain personal letters and business papers of the John R. Tayloe family of Bem and Owensville, MO. The collection includes correspondence to John R. Tayloe, his sons John L. and William L. Tayloe, and his wife Lizzie Miller Tayloe from relatives and friends concerning family affairs, farming, and teaching. Some business papers are also included.
Thomas Taylor Papers, 1847 (C1905)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Agreement for operation of school in Greenville Township, Wayne County, MO, in 1847. Also a copy of school regulations.
Teachers Club Benefit Association Records, 1916-1997 (K1214)
0.2 c.f.
The Association provided assistance to members who, "through sickness or other physical disability, are prevented from active discharge of school duty." Includes articles of incorporation, charter, and bylaws; Last Will and Testament of May Picken, a benefactor of the Association; audits and other financial records; and correspondence.
The High School News Newsletters, 1898 (S0562)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains two issues of a newsletter published monthly by the St. Louis High School Literary Societies of St. Louis High School. Included in the newsletters are photographic images of the graduating class of June 1898.
Katherine E. Thomas Scrapbook, 1913-1916 (C4492)
0.36 cubic feet (1 volumes, 1 oversize item)
Photographs, diploma and scrapbook compiled while a student at Howard-Payne College in Fayette, Missouri. Most materials concern classmates and student activities.
Rosemary Hyde Thomas Papers, 1982-1996 (S0998)
6 cubic feet
The Rosemary Hyde Thomas Papers contain photographs, oral histories, and research papers pertaining to the Landmarks Program, which encouraged middle and high school students to explore historical themes in their community neighborhoods. Materials of interest include oral history interviews students conducted with former Pullman Porters, Webster Groves, and the flood of 1993.
William Lyman Thomas Papers, 1867-1906 (S0304)
3 cubic feet, 276 photographs, 2 scrapbooks
The William Lyman Thomas Papers document Thomas's career in St. Louis as a publisher, author, and member of the Missouri Press Association, as well as the life of his family in Maplewood, Missouri. The collection contains correspondence, documents, ribbons, and the original photographs used in the publication of Thomas’ book, The History of St. Louis County, Missouri (1911).
Helen Seibert Thomes Dance School Records, no date (K0960)
0.01 c.f.
Includes choreography of dances used by Thomes in her dance school
Thompson Grove School Newton County, Missouri Collection, 1913 (R1065)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet for Thompson Grove School southeast of Seneca in Newton County, Missouri. It was presented by teacher Rosa Kellhofer to her pupils at the close of the school year in 1913.
James Irving Threatt Papers, 1971-1999 (K0732)
41 c.f.
Personal files kept by Threatt concerning his many activities and interests while in public office. Topics include housing, city development, revitalization of the urban core, education, minority businesses and historical agencies. Contains correspondence, reports, photographs, clippings, books and magazines. Also his wife, Doris Elizabeth Threatt (1932-2000), professional and community activities.
Hester I. Thurston Papers, 1955-1989 (K1250)
2 c.f.
Subject files concerning seminars and workshops that Thurston, Director of Continuing Nursing Education at the University of Kansas Medical Center, either attended or taught. Includes correspondence, course outlines, lectures, and other supplemental educational materials. Also correspondence concerning nursing school accreditation committees.
Tiff School, Washington County, Missouri Collection, 1910 (R1106)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet for the 1909-1910 school year at Tiff School in Union township in Washington County, Missouri. E.P. Randall was the teacher and Burwell Fox was the county superintendent. Also included are the names of the pupils and the members of the local school board.
Fannie Marie Tolson Papers, 1890s-2005 (C1704)
2.3 cubic feet (63 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 1 DVD
Fannie Marie Tolson was the first African-American educator to teach in the desegregated schools of Fayette, Missouri. Her papers include family correspondence and photographs, memorabilia from Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, teaching aids, documents concerning St. Paul's Methodist Church in Fayette, and recordings of two interviews conducted with Tolson.
Marvin E. Tong Collection, 1878-1947 (C0177)
0.9 cubic feet
Bar dockets of Ozark County circuit court; case briefs before courts of appeals in Missouri; minutes of meetings of Missionary Baptists; case briefs before U.S. and Missouri Supreme Courts; pamphlets of Civil War recollections; and memorial addresses on life of Champ Clark.
Trammel School, Stoddard County, Missouri Collection, 1916 (R0918)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet presented by the teacher, Lewis M. Layer, to the pupils of Trammel School at La Valle in Stoddard County, Missouri, at the close of the 1915-1916 school year.
Paul Travers Collection, 1926-1957 (S1101)
0.8 cubic foot, 12 folders
The Paul Travers Collection contains scholarly articles written by John Dewey, as well as ephemera from the St. Louis Browns.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
"A Tribute to Anna Lee Kidwell", 1963 (C3517)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Written by the Morgan County superintendent of schools upon the retirement of Anna Lee Kidwell, who taught school for 52 years in Morgan County, Missouri.
Edyth Zelda Weitzman Trillin Papers, 1921-1924 (K1210)
2 f
Edyth and husband Abe Trillin owned Trillin's Restaurant. Includes Kansas City's Central High School graduation "Memory Book" containing announcements, invitations, autographs and writings by fellow students and teachers. Also photographs of the Old Age Home Celebration (1963).
Jeanie Troy Photographs, 1997 (P0441)
3 photographs
Photos of bas reliefs on the Will Mayfield College Arts & Sciences building.
E.W. Tucker Papers, 1920-1980 (C4000)
1.2 cubic feet (65 folders)
The papers of Colonel Eugene W. Tucker, staff member and later executive officer of Kemper Military School, include lecture material, articles, speeches, correspondence, school catalogs, financial reports, and miscellaneous items.
Pearl Tucker Diploma, 1887 (C3368)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a diploma from Hardin College, Mexico, Missouri.
J.E. Tuthill Letter, 1901 (C2068)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To R.H. Jesse, Columbia, MO, from Salina, KS, Aug. 26, 1901.
Inquiring about facilities at Missouri University library for study in medieval and modern history about the demand for teachers. Letter referred to Isidor Loeb.
Lyle Welles Underhill Architectural Records, 1909-1939 (K0136)
3.12 c.f.
Architectural drawings, specifications, contracts, photographs, correspondence, and related memorabilia of Underhill, a woman architect in Kansas City, MO who specialized in school buildings in Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri. However, other types of buildings are also included.
Union Independent Academy Records, 1856-1859 (R0127)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Union Independent Academy Records contains a microfilm copy of meeting minutes of the directors, a list of stockholders, and the constitution of the Union Independent Academy at Laketon (now Lake Spring) in Dent County, Missouri.
University Medical College of Kansas City Records, 1892-1937 (K0185)
0.12 c.f.
The University Medical College of Kansas City Records contain directories, annual announcements, attendance records, programs, publications, and photographs, from 1892 to 1937.
University of Missouri Reports to U.S. Bureau of Education, 1892-1900 (C3329)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
These records include three types of reports: 1) reports listing expenditures, number of faculty and students, value of property/equipment, and library holdings; 2) scholastic reports giving breakdown of students into various fields, kinds of degrees offered, and University’s income; and 3) supplementary statistical reports. Reports for University and School of Mines.
University of Missouri School of Journalism Scrapbook, circa 1909-1913 (P0162)
725 photographs
The Journalism school scrapbooks (circa 1909-1913) contain images believed to have been taken by one of the student photographers for the University yearbook, the Savitar. In addition to showing everyday academic and student life, photos depict a tour of the state prison in Jefferson City, athletic events, fraternity hazing, the Farmers' Fair, St. Patrick's Day events and homecoming parades. Other areas covered include Christian College and Stephens College, including images of students at Lake Okoboji, Iowa.
University of Missouri, Co-Operative Extension Service Records, 1920-1963 (C2512)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Cooperative Extension Service contain materials relating to the activities of the Co-Operative Extension Service, including the training and supervision of county extension workers, services performed, planning and management of extension program, and conferences on extension work. Materials include newsletters, circulars, bulletins, reports, studies, correspondence, and a history of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri, College of Arts and Science Records, 1908-1965 (C3406)
67.8 cubic feet (5331 folders, 4 volumes)
The records of the College of Arts and Science contain correspondence, reports and forms from the dean’s office discussing faculty, administration, policies, courses, committees, conferences and specific problems, in addition to correspondence and reports pertaining to Missouri Bible College, Missouri College Union, and junior college accreditation.
University of Missouri, College of Education Centennial Papers, 1893-1959 (C2601)
0.3 cubic feet
Papers collected by the College of Education for its centennial celebration. Papers of C.A. Phillips and L.M. Defoe, and material on the experiments, studies, and programs of the laboratory school.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools & Colleges, Non-Public Secondary Annual Reports, 1953-1961 (C3392)
6.2 cubic feet (266 folders)
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1904-1967 (CA3913)
10.4 cubic feet
Addition to records largely consists of material on the accreditation of schools and colleges in Missouri.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1926-1949 (C2225)
0.6 cubic feet
Correspondence and official reports relating to the standards and accreditation of Missouri schools and junior colleges. Relate to entrance requirements, curriculum, and faculty standards. Claude A. Phillips, chairman.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1937-1967 (C2890)
1.6 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges contain correspondence and annual reports pertaining to the accreditation of non-public secondary schools in Missouri.
University of Missouri, Cooperative Extension Service Records, 1946-1970 (CA5880)
4 cubic feet
Addition to the records of the University of Missouri’s Cooperative Extension Service include minutes, data on personnel and students involved in the programs, newsletters, and studies and research on extension services.
University of Missouri, G.I. City Town Meeting Minutes, 1946-1952 (C0632)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Minutes kept by the citizens of G.I. City, University of Missouri emergency housing trailer court, of their meetings to discuss problems of washing machine rental and purchase, playgrounds for children, health and sanitation, elections, parties, garbage disposal, sewing machines, repairs, house care, prowlers, and hospitalization of dependents of University students.
University of Missouri, Graduate School Records, 1911-1967 (C3354)
31.5 cubic feet (2165 folders)
The records of the University of Missouri Graduate School contain minutes of graduate committees, 1911-1967, and correspondence of the dean of the Graduate School with administrators, graduate faculty, graduate students, government officials, foundation officers, and alumni, 1930-1967.
University of Missouri, Graduate School Records, 1926-1966 (C2532)
3.1 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Graduate School contain correspondence with other universities on various aspects of administration, teaching, degree programs, financial aid, and accrediting procedures; interdepartmental correspondence; and information relating specifically to cooperative intercollegiate activities, such as MASUA (Mid-America State University Association), Title IV Program, and Commission on Higher Education.
University of Missouri Lantern Slide Collection, no date (C3776)
3.5 cubic feet (1 folder, 209 lantern slides)
This collection of late nineteenth century and early twentieth century glass lantern slides depicts buildings, people, and street scenes in China and Palestine; the culture and manufacture of silk in Japan and the U.S. by the Corticelli Silk Mills in Massachusetts; and the history of education and elementary schools.
University of Missouri, Max Meyer Incident Papers, 1929-1930 (C0636)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Professor Meyer was dismissed from the University shortly after the dismissal of Professor De Graff because of a sex questionnaire.
University of Missouri, School of Business and Public Administration Records, 1907-1952 (C3482)
20.2 cubic feet (1844 folders)
University of Missouri, Williams S. Woods Prize Essays, 1901-1909 (C0916)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Essays submitted for the William S. Woods Prize at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri-Columbia, National Education Association Papers, 1970s (CA3987)
0.6 cubic feet
Correspondence, news clippings, printed material, faculty meeting papers, and miscellaneous material concerning the organization.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Women's History Papers, 1971-1979 (C4548)
0.6 cubic feet (7 folders)
Research papers for women’s history courses taught by John E. Lankford at the University of Missouri.
Vandivort Family Papers, 1910, 1939-1948, 1963-1965 (CG0025)
0.6 c. f.
This collection contains correspondence from Arthur Clayton Vandivort from 1941-1945. Work related correspondence and membership cards for Leon Vandivort from 1910 and 1943-1944. Also includes genealogical information, graduation announcements, and high school basketball tournament brackets for members of the Vandivort family.