New Directions for News Records, 1970s-2000s (CA5556)
303.2 cubic feet, 38 oversize items (includes approx. 1,710 video cassettes, 725 audio cassettes, 840 computer disks, and 25 audio tapes)
Records of a project of the MU School of Journalism include project and research files; workshop and conference materials; correspondence; surveys; recordings of interviews; promotional materials; and miscellaneous material.
Newburg High School Collection, 1921-1939 (R0629)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Newburg High School Collection contains a photograph of the Newburg High School girls’ basketball team from 1921, a program for a theatrical performance at the Lyric Theatre from 1930, and commencement programs from 1935 and 1939.
Newburg, Missouri School Photograph Collection, 1928-1937 (R0998)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 5 photographs)
These are five black and white photographs of grade and high school classes at Newburg in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are views of the 1st grade (1928), 2nd grade (1929) 3rd grade (1930), 8th grade (1935) and High school (1937) classes. Students and teachers are identified on the backs of the photographs.
Nine Network of Public Media Records, 1952-2015 (S0043)
42 cubic feet, 3396 photographs
The Nine Network of Public Media records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, photographs, newsletters, and newspaper clippings regarding the organization's mission to provide community-supported educational television to the St. Louis area.
Normal Chapel, Cape Girardeau, Missouri Collection, 1896 (R0882)
(1 folder)
This is a program for the W. B. Wilson Medal Essay contest held at Normal Chapel in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on June 8, 1896. The subject of the contest was "The Poetry of Edgar Allen Poe."
Normandy School District Collection, 1960-1961, 1994-2019 (S0326)
0.5 cubic foot
The collection contains issues of the Alumni Courier, a Normandy High School Alumni Association publication. The newspaper features stories about Normandy area businesses, neighborhoods, schools, and Normandy High School alumni profiles.
Normandy School District-UMSL Founding Collection, 1957-1968 (S0533)
2 cubic feet, 177 folders, 96 photographs
This collection documents the founding of the University of Missouri-Saint Louis in Normandy. The materials include correspondence, committee reports, committee resolutions, meeting minutes, surveys and reports, press releases, newspaper clippings, publications, yearbooks, scrapbooks, and photographs related to UMSL (est.1963) and its predecessor, the Normandy Residence Center (est. 1960).
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Missouri School Reports, 1892-1962 (C3388)
35.1 cubic feet (1481 folders, 38 volumes)
North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Papers, 1932-1965 (C2891)
4 cubic feet
The papers of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools contain material and correspondence pertaining to the accreditation of colleges and secondary schools in Missouri and associated states, educational standards, new programs in education, and various educational problems throughout the region.
Northeast High School Photographs, 1939-1959 (K1380)
.4 c.f.
The Northeast High School Photographs contains four portraits and two composite photographs depicting school administrators and athletic teams at Northeast High School in Kansas City, Missouri.
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Photographs, 1890-1986 (P0844)
8 photographs
Photos of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College and related people and personnel
Kay Norton and Marian Peterson Papers, 1984-1995 (K0382)
2 c.f.
Norton and Peterson were professors in the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Includes newspaper clippings, reports, scripts, correspondence and other miscellaneous items relating to research project, particularly African American musicians and related programs
A.N. Odell Account Books, 1876-1880 (C2567)
0.2 cubic feet
The collection contains account books of the Reverend A.N. Odell, financial agent for Marionville Collegiate Institute, Marionville, MO.
Jettie Ferguson Ohler, Pleasant Valley School Collection, no date (R0751)
(1 folder)
These are photocopies of a history of Pleasant Valley School in Marion Township, Jasper County, Missouri. Jettie Ohler was a teacher at the school, and long time secretary of the Pleasant Valley Homecoming Organization. Her notes on that organization, 1930-1957, are included.
"Old Palmer College," Homer Pyle, 1968 (C2589)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a paper that was originally read before the Gentry County Historical Society, Stanberry, MO, April 1968.
Charles and Marian O'Fallon Oldham Papers, 1913-2004 (S1112)
2 cubic feet, 38 folders, 179 photographs, 10 oversize items, 2 cassette tapes
This collection contains correspondence, photographs, court transcripts, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the lives of Civil Rights activists Charles and Marian Oldham. Charles Oldham was instrumental in organizing picket lines and demonstrations that helped open college admission for African Americans at Washington University in St. Louis in 1948. The Oldhams were also active members of the St. Louis chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and participated in the Jefferson Bank protests in 1963. Other subjects of interest include Marian O’Fallon Oldham’s tenure as a member of the University of Missouri’s Board of Curators and Charles Oldham’s time as the National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. The materials in this collection date from 1913 to 2004.
John W. Oliver Papers, 1936-1990 (K0751)
25 c.f.
Speeches, writings, correspondence, photographs, and personal files of Oliver, Senior U.S. District Judge of Western Missouri. Also personal papers of his wife, Gertrude Field Oliver (1916- ).
Philip G. Olson Papers, 1919-2006 (K1126)
10 c.f.
Olson is a retired University of Missouri-Kansas City professor in Sociology whose research focused on urban neighborhoods. Includes research materials, gathered by Olson, about neighborhoods in Kansas City, MO.
One-room Schoolhouse Oral History Project Records, 2008-2021 (C4051)
0.9 cubic feet (8 folders), 59 CDs
The collection consists of interviews with people who attended or taught at one-room schoolhouses. Includes digitally recorded interviews and transcripts of the interviews, photographs, textbooks, as well as some biographical information on the interviewees.
Oto Public School, Stone County, Missouri Collection, 1905-1906 (R1229)
(1 folder)
This is a small souvenir booklet for the 1905-1906 school year at Oto Public School in northern Stone County, Missouri. Blanche O. Pritchard was the teacher and H. B. Cox was president of the local school board.
Otterville College (Otterville, Mo.) Records, 1885-1908, 1967 (C3066)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
The records of Otterville College contain a minute book, catalogs, receipts, and miscellaneous material.
Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers, 1889-1967 (R0173)
0.75 cubic foot (42 folders)
The Mayme Hanrahan Ousley Papers consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a civic leader and mayor of St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. She was the first woman to be elected to the mayoralty of a city in Missouri. The papers include material regarding city business, her position on the board of Missouri State Training Schools, and her activities with the Rebekah Lodge (I.O.O.F.).
Mickey Owen Baseball School Collection, circa 1975 (R0771)
(1 folder)
This is a promotional booklet for the Mickey Owen Baseball School, an instructional facility located near Miller in Lawrence County, Missouri.
Walter E. Owens Student Notebooks, 1878-1881 (C2240)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Four notebooks compiled while a candidate for a B.S. degree at the University of Missouri. Lectures by David R. McAnally, English history; Joseph G. Norwood, physics; Samuel S. Laws, metaphysics; and George C. Swallow, zoology.
Ozark Public School Collection, 1909-1913 (R0791)
(1 folder)
The two publications in this collection describe the course of study for the Ozark Public School at Ozark in Christian County, Missouri, for the years 1900-1910 and 1913-1914. William H. Lynch was principal in 1909 and Felix J. Appleby was superintendent in 1913.
Ozark Reorganized School Collection, 1955 (R1127)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a bulletin of information for patrons, students, and faculty for the Ozark Reorganized School at Ozark in Christian County, Missouri, for the school year 1955-1956. Clyde W. McConnell was superintendent of the school district.
P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records, 1916-1995 (K0604)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.
Judith Katz Parelman Papers, 1920-2007 (K0759)
1 c.f.
Parelman was an educator, youth director, and administrator. Includes event programs, newspaper clippings, photographs, and resumes often pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Parents As Teachers Records, 1973-2022 (S1125)
44 cubic feet
The Parents as Teachers Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, evaluation reports, facilitator guides, training manuals, DVDs and CDs, pertaining to early childhood education. Established by early childcare educators in 1981, Parents as Teachers mission is to promote early childhood development by assisting parents and caregivers with providing educational opportunities for pre-K-12 children.
Parks Air College Collection, 1932 (R1412)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Parks Air College Collection contains an admission packet for Parks Air College sent to Harold S. Macreading II, in 1932. The packet includes a brief history of the school, description of school facilities, detailed flight course descriptions, and information on the ground, executive, and mechanics' schools.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1972-1977 (C3642)
1.6 cubic feet (107 folders)
Papers from the chairman of the Missouri American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Included are correspondence, business papers, programs, and miscellaneous items.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1940-2016 (CA6500)
9.4 cubic feet, 4 oversize items
The papers of an historian specializing in Missouri history who attended the University of Missouri contain correspondence, scrapbooks, speeches, postcards, and miscellaneous material. Parrish taught at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, before becoming a professor at Mississippi State University.
Mary Banks Parry Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0515)
12 photographs
Photos of Columbia, 1870s-1913, including an early image of Stephens College, 1913 photos of Sigma Chi fraternity, and images of the Parry family.
Joye Patterson Papers, 1967-1988 (C4448)
1.6 cubic feet (39 folders), 2 audio cassettes
The correspondence and professional papers of a journalism professor, including material on women’s studies and women in media, the status of women, and the “Q-Conference.”
John F. Patton Collection, 1847-1937 (C4176)
0.8 cubic feet (15 folders)
Account books of Dr. William S. Campbell of Albany, Missouri; medical student's notebook, University of Louisville, 1855-1856; two volumes of Physician's Record of Prescriptions, concerning prescribing intoxicating liquors, 1924-1925; Physician's Daily Visiting List and Record, 1927; Jenkins P. Robertson's personal account book, 1847; D.A.R. correspondence, diplomas, and miscellany, 1930-1932.
Thomas D. Pawley III Papers, 1930s-2010s (CA5546)
35 cubic feet
Papers of a professor of speech and theater at Lincoln University, poet, and playwright; member of Missouri Arts Council, Missouri Humanities Council, Mid-America Arts Alliance, and other organizations. Includes manuscripts, correspondence, organizational records, teaching materials, and miscellaneous.
Frank Paxton, Jr. Papers, 1960-1997 (K0558)
41 c.f.
Personal and business papers of Paxton, former president of Paxton Lumber Company and civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Includes material on the lumber business, and his interest in education and the Guadalupe Center. Also extensive genealogical research on the Paxton family.
Grace Price Paxton Collection, 1846-1964 (C4541)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders, 3 oversize items)
Personal memorabilia of Grace Price Paxton, including programs from Christian College, school certificates, correspondence, diplomas, and legal documents concerning the Price and Holliday families; 1872 land deeds for and in Caldwell County, Missouri, sold by the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad; bill of sale for an enslaved woman, Silvy, and her child; and World War II ration books.
Sharon Pedersen Papers, 1975-2017 (S1157)
31 cubic feet
This collection contains personal papers documenting the education, work, hobbies, and personal life of Sharon Leslie (Smith) Pedersen (1943-2017). Pedersen, a Kirkwood, Missouri resident, and mother of four, worked as a high school English teacher and librarian, public librarian, and Peace Corps educator in China. She earned degrees in English, philosophy, education, history, library science, and creative writing from the University of Missouri and the University of Colorado. Throughout her life she was an avid outdoorsman, master gardener and was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, International Folk Dance Association of St. Louis, Ethical Society of St. Louis, Wild Ones Native Plant Society, and Washington University Woman's Club. Papers include genealogy and family history, photographs, educational and work records, correspondence, journals, and essays.
Larry and Margaret Peeno Papers, 1959-2016 (S0306)
9.5 cubic feet
The Maggie and Larry Peeno Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, curriculum guides, newsletters, reports, surveys, photographs, and VHS tapes documenting the Peeno’s 50+ year career in art education in Missouri and the United States. Items of interest include curricula developed by Maggie Peeno for the University City School District, including the “We Live in University City” booklet.
Raymond Peltzman Collection, 1914-2007 (K1140)
6 c.f.
Personal, academic, and professional records of Raymond Peltzman and his wife, Anna Lottie Berkson, and genealogical information about their extended families. Also family photographs and genealogical information about the Alport, Berkson, Dworsky, and Peltzman families.
PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records, 1948-1999 (K1086)
2 c.f.
The P.E.O. Sisterhood is a philanthropic and educational organization interested in bringing to women increased opportunities for higher education. Includes scrapbooks of photographs of individuals and events, booklets, clippings, and listings of officers.
PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records, 2013-2021 (KA2611)
.12 c.f.
Addition of materials related to the PEO-Missouri Chapter HN Records. The P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) Sisterhood’s mission is focused on helping women advance through education.
John J. Pershing Teacher's Contract, 1881 (C2038)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a contract between Pershing and District No. 1, Township No. 56, Range No. 20, Chariton County, MO, for three months.
Pettis County, Missouri, School Subdistrict No. 4, Township 47, Range No. 23, Record Book, 1870-1873 (C1203)
0.03 cubic feet (1 volume)
Record of expenses incurred by the local directors. Receipts and expenditures.
Doris Ruth Petty Scrapbook, 1919, 2022 (C4533)
0.2 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 volume)
Scrapbook entitled "The Girl Graduate" compiled by Doris Ruth Petty, documenting the Tipton High School class of 1919. Includes photographs, autographs, a history of the class, and diary entries. The collection also includes biographical information on Doris Ruth Petty and a transcription of the scrapbook.
Michael Gene Pfefferkorn Papers, 1976-2001 (S1219)
9.25 cubic feet
The papers of Michael Gene Pfefferkorn contain correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, and speeches concerning the historic preservation of St. Louis landmarks and neighborhoods, including the Major John Stevens Bowen House; the integration of St. Louis City Schools during the 1970s; and the establishment of the American Tax Token Society in 1971. Other topics of interest include the publication of the Missouri Journal of Numismatics, which Pfefferkorn edited from 1976 to 2001. The papers date from 1964 to 1993.
Sandra Jo Pfefferkorn Papers, 1967-1981 (S1220)
0.25 cubic foot
The papers of Sandra Jo Pfefferkorn contain evaluations, reports, and writings concerning Central High School and the development of its curriculum, student writing abilities, and student and faculty morale at Central High School. Other items of interest include a 1967-1968 annual report published by the Missouri Commission on Human Rights. The papers date from 1967 to 1981.
Thilo Pheiffer Book, 1848-1849 (C0609)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Ciphering book containing rules and sample problems illustrating them. Pheiffer lived in Quebec, Canada, and prepared this book there.
Phelps County, Missouri Collection, 1921-2012 (R1303)
1.25 cubic foot (41 folders, 2 oversize, 3 photographs, 130 negatives)
The Phelps County Collection is an ephemeral collection containing materials related to the history of Phelps County. Those materials include information on local businesses, civic and social organizations, schools, churches, historical information on the county and towns, and photographs.