Walter W. Davis Papers, 1948-2007 (K0572)
1 c.f.
Davis was a flight engineer with Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes newsletters, publications, clippings, handbooks, and reports, and employee agreements, an employee grievance pamphlet, a retirement handbook, and a copy of a legal Motion for Intervention filed by Flight Engineers
Davis-Hughes Family Papers, 1842-1963 (C0834)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Papers of two Missouri families represented by William Thompson Davis and his brother-in-law, Joseph Taylor Juan Hughes. Collection consists mainly of Davis' letters, his diploma, and a program from the Davis Institute. Also includes genealogical material.
Sarah Ann Reed Sturgeon DeForest Papers, circa 1920-1950 (R0073)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Sarah Ann Reed Sturgeon DeForest Collection contains photocopies of a scrapbook of genealogical information on residents of Phelps and Texas counties in Missouri collected by DeForest. The scrapbook includes newspaper clippings of obituaries, wedding announcements, and biographical notes from the Rolla and Licking newspapers.
Hugh Gordon Deane Jr. Papers, 1936-1998 (K0617)
3 c.f.
Personal papers of journalist, author, and co-founder of the US-China Peoples Friendship Association. Includes correspondence, research notes, publications, conference transcripts, an FBI file on Indusco, manuscripts (published and unpublished), clippings, and a military map drawn by Zhou Enlai.
Fred Morris Dearing Papers, 1897-1961 (C2926)
22.4 cubic feet (1624 folders, 28 volumes)
Memoirs, editorial notes, news clippings, personal and general correspondence, bills, and receipts, original poetry, essays, short stories, and a collection of annotated books of a career diplomat.
Russell L. Dearmont Papers, 1929-1965 (C2665)
72 cubic feet
Personal, business, and family correspondence of a St. Louis lawyer and Democratic politician who was counsel and later president of the Missouri Pacific Railroad and was active in civic affairs.
Bruce Debo Collection, circa 1930s-1950s (R1011)
(1 folder)
These are photographs of Newburg, Arlington, Hooker, and Waynesville in Phelps and Pulaski Counties in Missouri. Also included are a printed map showing float stations on the Gasconade and Big Piney Rivers, and the business card of Roubidoux Woodworkers of Devils Elbow, Missouri.
Nancy J. DeBoer Photograph Collection, 1888-1982 (P0322)
Commercially produced stereographs, depicting Italy, Canada, Switzerland, 1892 World's Fair, early 20th century US Presidents, military leaders, Scenes from the Life of Christ, New York City, WWI, and the American West.
James P. Dee Papers, 1949-1950 (C0093)
0.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, book reports, reading lists, and University of Missouri M.A. thesis, a rhetorical study of a speech by Nebraska Senator George W. Norris, March 4, 1917, the "armed ship filibuster."
Ailie Cleveland Deem Photographs, 1959-1962 (P0529)
5 photographs
Snapshots of Plattsburg and Lilly area homes, Clinton County.
Harold B. DeGood Scrapbook, 1949-1964 (K0401)
0.1 c.f.
De Goode was one of the engineers who helped build WDAF-TV. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photos on all aspects of the opening and running of the television station in Kansas City, MO.
John T. Delich Collection, 1914-2001 (K0592)
4 c.f.
Architectural drawings, maps, photographs and aerial photos, and job specifications, primarily concerned with the Muehlebach Hotel, the Empire Theater, Gayety Theater, and other buildings in Kansas City, MO area.
Edward Buehler Delk Collection, 1917-1962 (K0243)
1 c.f.
Personal and professional photographs and some personal papers belonging to Delk, a prominent Kansas City architect, and his wife, Jane Willis Delk. They relate to the Delks' travels around the world; with a strong focus on the architecture; and photos of residences and buildings designed by Delk.
Delta Kappa Gamma, Pi Chapter Records, 1946-2012 (S0765)
7 cubic feet
The collection includes meeting minutes, financial reports, membership reports, photographs, and yearbooks pertaining to the Phi and Zelta chapters of Delta Kappa Gamma, a professional honorary society of women educators dedicated to promoting women in education.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Delta State, Beta Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1930s-2010s (CA6458)
1.3 cubic feet
Records of an honor society for women educators include membership materials, newsletters, yearbooks, a history of the chapter, and miscellaneous material.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, State of Missouri Records, 1938-2024 (CA5157)
13.2 cubic feet, 4 video cassettes, 2 computer discs, 1 DVD
The records of an honorary organization for women teachers include histories, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws, state convention programs and materials, yearbooks, newsletters, membership materials, chapter materials, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International-Chi Chapter of Delta State Records, 1955-1996 (K0692)
2 c.f.
Women educators founded the society to recognize the sustained, successful experience of women educators. Includes minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, directories, newsletters, clippings, conference programs, attendance rolls, and international directories.
Delta Kappa Gamma-Missouri Alpha Chapter Records, 1938-1989 (K0930)
2 c.f.
Organizational records of the Chapter, a professional honorary Society of women educators, including meeting minutes, yearbooks, publications and historical background of the Society. Also scrapbooks of clippings, programs, and ephemera, and some correspondence, minutes, and reports.
Delta Upsilon Photographs, 1950s-1960s (CA6610)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photographs of a fraternity house and its members on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia, including the annual campustown races.
Robert N. Denham Papers, 1919-1954 (C0012)
19 cubic feet (1,753 folders)
The papers include material on Denham’s legal practice in Florida; his work as trial examiner and general counsel for NLRB, including material on Taft-Hartley legislation, speeches, and participation in President’s Conference on Administrative Procedures; and personal papers.
William R. Denslow Photograph Collection, 1898-1966 (P0023)
184 photographs
Photographic prints of events from ca. 1900: University of Missouri Agriculture and Engineering student activities, St. Louis World's Fair including construction of various buildings and people, Macon and Trenton scenes and scenes of Washington, D.C.
Lester B. Dent Collection, 1924-1984 (C3071)
36.2 cubic feet (2156 folders, 234 volumes), 1 16mm film, 1 video cassette; also available on 64 rolls of microfilm
The Lester B. Dent Collection contains the manuscripts, publications, correspondence, personal papers, research notes, scrapbooks, and photographs of a native Missouri fiction writer, explorer, aerial photographer, and dairy farmer. Lester Dent is perhaps best remembered as the principal author of the Doc Savage adventure stories of the 1930s and 1940s.
Lester B. Dent Collection, 1930-1987 (CA5569)
24.05 cubic feet, 4 16 film reels, 2 video cassettes, 7 oversize items
Addition of manuscripts, correspondence, publications, fan mail, photographs, newspaper clippings, published materials relating to the fictional character of Doc Savage, and other materials of a science fiction writer. Also includes over 15,000 jokes collected by Norma Dent and photographs taken for Dent’s aerial photography business, Airviews, c. 1950s.
Desloge Mining Collection, 1840-1956 (R1370)
0.1 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Desloge Mining papers consist of documents pertaining to the Desloge Consolidated Lead Company. The mining operation was located in Desloge, which is in St. Francis County, Missouri. Business documents and letters about the company, a family tree of the wealthy Desloge family, and newspaper clippings about the company are included in the collection.
Devinki Family Papers, 1889-1981 (K0931)
0.3 c.f.
Booklets, court documents, medical files, certificates, postcards, newspapers, a passport, and letters in English, German, Polish, Russian, and German relating to the Devinki family.
Dexter Monday Club Records, 1941-1969 (R0457)
(4 rolls of microfilm)
The Dexter Monday Club Records contain “Press” books of the Dexter Monday Club, a women’s club at Dexter in Stoddard County, Missouri. The volumes include the club’s printed yearbooks, newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous materials regarding the activities of the club.
Bernard F. Dickmann Papers, 1895-1980 (C3403)
2.5 cubic feet (130 folders, 1 oversize volume), 20 rolls of microfilm
Bernard F. Dickmann Photograph Collection, 1918-1967 (S0555)
2.8 cubic feet, 106 folders, 1991 photographs, 1 scrapbook
Bernard F. Dickmann was the mayor of St. Louis (1933-1941). This collection documents Bernard F. Dickmann tenure as mayor of St. Louis from 1933 to 1941. The photographs include images of visiting dignitaries, groundbreaking for St. Louis Landmarks, the Mayor's Christmas party, and conventions held in St. Louis. The collection also contains a scrapbook of the Missouri exhibition at the 1939 Worlds Fair in New York.
Bernard Dickmann Photograph Collection, 1930-1972 (P0188)
Photos of Bernard Dickmann, St. Louis postmaster and mayor. Likely copy prints from one of the other Dickmann collections. Also: Dickmann papers here, Dickmann photographs in St. Louis
Anna Dierssen Papers, 1907-1965 (C3399)
0.12 cubic feet (6 volumes)
Diaries of student days at the University of Missouri, 1907-1908, and as a member of the Wednesday Club, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1911-1918; journal of a trip to a family reunion in West Virginia, 1961; two collections of poetry; and novelette about life in Illinois and Missouri in the 19th century.
Donald A. Dietrich Papers, 1953-2000 (K0933)
7 c.f.
Traffic and transportation studies
Priscilla Dietrich Photograph Collection, 1939-1998 (P0419)
1 folder
Copy photos of Matthias C. Campbell property in Columbia, MO.
Robert L. Dillard Papers, 1849-2016 (SP0072)
1 cubic foot (10 folders, 4 volumes, 30 photographs)
The Robert L. Dillard Papers contain historical records related to the Dillard and Dennis families of Greene and Webster counties in Missouri. The records include marriage and death certificates, land deeds, pension applications, correspondence, and photographs. The collection also contains a manuscript written by Dr. Robert L. Dillard on his family history and genealogy.
Irving Dilliard Papers, 1867-1992 (S0491)
45 cubic feet, 1413 folders, 1 audio tape, 11 photographs
The Irving Dilliard Papers contain correspondence, writings, subject files, and photographs documenting his career as a journalist at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Subjects of interest include civil liberties and the United States Constitution.
Samuel Rodgers Dillman Papers, 1890-1995 (C0046)
3 cubic feet (262 folders), 2 oversize volumes
Correspondence, bills, receipts, clippings, pamphlets, and church supply catalogues of a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Dillman held pastorates in St. Louis, where he was engaged in settlement house work; Berwyn, Nebraska; and several towns in southwest Missouri. Papers are from the St. Louis and southwest periods of his ministry.
Otto F. Dingeldein Papers, 1944-1990 (C4291)
1.0 cubic foot (19 folders), 8 oversize items
Dismas House Records, 1919-1978 (S0192)
5.2 c.f., 223 folders, 186 photographs, 1 microfilm roll, 10 audio tapes, 1 33RPM record, 2 oversize items
The Dismas House Records contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and annual reports documenting the Dismas House, the nation's first halfway house for ex-convicts.
Ben F. Dixon Papers, 1941-1958 (C3749)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Ben F. Dixon contain press releases detailing the events which led to the Battle of Athens, Missouri, on 5 August 1861; the battle itself; and the aftermath. The papers also include biographical sketches of the leaders of the opposing forces. The articles were written in the 1940s on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the battle.
D. Howard Doane Papers, 1906-1969 (C3121)
4.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, speeches, articles, and photographs pertaining to farm management and rural appraisal.
D. Howard Doane Papers, 1918-1979 (CA4593)
16 cubic feet, 9 oversize volumes, 6 oversize items, 2 audio discs
Addition to papers of a pioneer in farm management includes correspondence, photographs, news clippings, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.
Ella Victoria Dobbs Papers, 1882-1970 (C0095)
1.10 cubic feet (61 folders, 1 oversize item)
The papers of a University of Missouri Professor Emeritus of Applied Arts include correspondence, an unpublished manuscript, speeches and essays, and Pi Lambda Theta materials. Also contains teaching notebooks, scrapbooks, and a copy of her biography.
Doermann-Niebruegge Family Papers, 1865-2002 (C4368)
1.9 cubic feet (60 folders)
Papers of a German American family from Bay, Missouri, largely consist of material concerning the Henry and Elise Neibruegge Doermann and Fred Doermann families and include photographs, correspondence, financial papers, military papers, and miscellaneous material. Related and other families represented include Poetting and Mayhew.
Tatiana Dokoudovska Papers, 1957-1970 (K0255)
0.01 c.f.
"Miss Tania was a noted ballet dancer, teacher, and founder of the Kansas City Ballet. Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, performance programs, posters and photographs relating to the Kansas City Ballet/Kansas City Civic Ballet. Most of the clippings concern performances given by the Company; other ballet-related and publicity articles are also included. There are also photographs of performances.
Dolniuk Family Papers, 1921-1984 (S1144)
0.25 cubic foot, 136 photographs
This collections contains correspondence, post cards, and photographs of the Dolniuk family of St. Louis.
Geoffrey Wade Donnan Papers, 1854-2015 (S1222)
16 Cubic Feet, 472.9 GB
The papers of Geoffrey Wade Donnan contain correspondence, family histories, photographs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings relating to Geoffrey Wade Donnan’s research on the Donnan, Wessel, Schaefer, and Coe families. Throughout his research, Donnan collected and maintained his relative’s papers, including his parent’s, Dwight and Gloria Donnan, correspondence, which constitutes the bulk of the collection. Materials of interest include Dwight’s letters to Gloria during World War II, in which he served as a staff sergeant in the 255th Infantry Regiment, 63rd Infantry Division. Dwight recounts to Gloria crossing the Rhine River into Germany, as well as encountering German prisoners of war. The collection also contains a digital component, approximately 473 gigabytes of digitized family photographs, census records, and death certificates. Included in the digital materials are oral history interviews Geoffrey Donnan conducted with Dwight Donnan on the history of the Donnan family. The materials in this collection date from 1854 to 2015.
Forrest C. Donnell Senatorial Papers, 1945-1950 (C0796)
100 cubic feet
Papers of a Republican senator from Missouri, 79th through 81st Congresses. Contains correspondence and notes about such post-World War II subjects as economic adjustments, displaced persons, labor, civil rights, atomic energy, and the spread of communism.
Forrest C. Donnell Collection, 1900-1951 (CA6597)
0.3 cubic feet, 9 oversize items
The collection contains personal material of a Missouri governor and U.S. senator, including family letters, certificates, diplomas, photographs, invitations, programs, a political cartoon, miscellaneous ephemera, and a photo album.
Paul and Nell Donnelly Papers, 1922-2006 (K1389)
0.06 cubic foot (4 folders, 5 photographs)
The Paul and Nell Donnelly Papers contain biographical information, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to the lives of Paul and Nell Donnelly, founders of the Donnelly Garment Company.
Phil M. Donnelly Inaugural Ceremonies, 1953 (C2386)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a program of inauguration of Governor Phil M. Donnelly, January 12, 1953.
Phil M. Donnelly Papers, 1935-1957 (C2151)
91.6 cubic feet (8235 folders, 24 oversize volumes)
Papers relating to Donnelly's two terms as Democratic governor of Missouri.