Saline County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1879-1937 (P1137)
An artificial collection of photographs of Saline County, Missouri.
Philander Salisbury Papers, 1843-1880 (S0527)
0 .1 cubic foot, 8 folders
This collection consists of correspondence between St. Louisan Philander Salisbury, a captain in the Mexican-American War, and his wife Mary, describing preparations for the invasion of Mexico, as well as letters between Ralph and Sephronia Coatsworth from 1855 to 1868.
Salt Springs Presbyterian Church Records, 1869-1911 (C1367)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
Minutes of session meetings and registers of elders, deacons, communicants, baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
Frances Asbury Sampson Collection, 1796-1958 (C3813)
12.9 cubic feet (455 folders)
Collection compiled by Francis Asbury Sampson. Includes Democratic and Republican party campaign literature for national and Missouri elections, 1838-1958; speeches and pamphlets concerning national and state political issues; materials concerning the history of Boone, Schuyler, Pettis and Ste. Genevieve counties and Sedalia; papers of Garland C. Broadhead and William Switzler; and speeches, notes, bibliographies and personal papers of F.A. Sampson.
John K. Samuel Collection, 1839-1981 (K0081)
0.3 c.f. (12 folders)
Photocopied scrapbooks of photographs, newspaper clippings, reminiscences and some copies of original material related to the history of Barry, Clay County, Missouri, the Chevis-Samuel Tavern, and Missouri Town-1855. Also material related to the Chevis and Samuel families of Barry, Missouri.
Sappington and Breathitt Family Scrapbooks, 1830s-1970s (CA6742)
2 oversize volumes, 1 folder
The collection contains two scrapbooks and a manuscript on the Hall and related families. The first scrapbook contains material on the family of Dr. John Sappington and his wife, Jane Breathitt Sappington. The second scrapbook contains materials on the Breathitt and allied families. The material was compiled by C. Lester Hall, Jr.
Sappington Family Papers, 1819-1895 (C0159)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of Dr. John Sappington of Arrow Rock, MO, and his family. Business letters about Sappington's pills and book for the treatment of malaria. Letters and papers from family and friends; supplies; notes. Legal case of Coffee & Blacke vs. Sappington & Sons. Miscellaneous personal record and account book.
Sappington Family Papers, 1831-1939 (C2889)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers contain documents pertaining to Dr. John Sappington and his family. These papers deal with the financial accounts of Dr. Sappington, financial business for W.B. Sappington, and a variety of receipts and business papers. Another portion of this collection contains correspondence and essays written by W.B. Sappington. There is also a small collection of newspaper clippings.
John Sappington Papers, 1803-1887 (C1027)
1.8 cubic feet (96 folders, 12 volumes)
The papers of John Sappington consist of correspondence and miscellaneous papers, largely concentrating on Sappington’s anti-fever medicine business. The collection also includes correspondence and papers of William B. Sappington, Erasmus D. Sappington, and Claiborne Fox Jackson.
William B. Sappington Papers, 1830-1874 (C1421)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence between members of a Saline County, MO, family, in addition to letters from friends and other relatives. Also included are essays and compositions by Sappington, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous family papers.
Sardis-Bethlehem Baptist Church (Henry County, Mo.) Records, 1839-1919 (C1322)
0.11 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Abstract of principles, articles of faith, rules of decorum, membership materials, financial records, minutes of meetings, reports of building committee, and resolution of respect to Brother M.R. Amick. Sardis and Bethlehem churches merged in 1866.
Saunders Family Papers, 1877-1973 (C4248)
0.1 cubic feet (13 folders), 2 oversize items
The Saunders family papers contains family photographs, correspondence to and from Eva Pearl and Ed Saunders and other documents related to the Saunders and Danner families of Cass County, Missouri.
Scandinavian Association of Greater Kansas City Records, 1879-1999 (K1180)
7 c.f.
Organizational records pertaining to the Swedish in Kansas City. Includes meeting minutes, by-laws, and member rosters. Also programs, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, scrapbooks, and research files for the Association's 50th Anniversary History book.
Charles W. Scarritt Papers, 1870-1937 (K0675)
0.5 c.f.
Scarritt, of the prominent Kansas City Scarritt family, was a Methodist pastor, businessman, realtor, and civic leader. Includes letters written to Charles by members of his family, Mrs. Calvin (Grace) Coolidge, and poet Grace Noll Crowell. Also family photographs and other family memorabilia and papers.
Nathan Scarritt Family Papers, 1839-1962 (K0248)
1 c.f.
Newspaper clippings, articles, announcements, correspondence, and publication relating to the Scarritt and Chick families, two early families in Kansas City. Deeds and leases concerning the property owned by Scarritt and his estate. Also are family histories and a diary and autobiography of Nathan Scarritt, Methodist minister and missionary and early city builder.
Scarritt-Royster-Swinney Family Papers, 1818-1989 (K0632)
71 c.f.
Family papers of three prominent families of Kansas City and Glasgow, MO. Includes a wide variety of materials including letters, postcards, speeches, newspaper articles, poetry, photographs, family items, business and personal papers, tributes to various individuals and historical papers and recollections.
Peter Voorhees Schenck Papers, 1859-1964 (C2214)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders)
Biographical sketches of Schenck and John S. McCune. Letter to Anna McCune proposing marriage. Schenck's resignation as superintendent of the Female Hospital, St. Louis. Scrapbook of McCune-Schenck clippings and family photographs.
John Freeman Schermerhorn Papers, 1809-1909 (C0160)
0.4 cubic feet
Letters and papers of Schermerhorn and his heirs, located in New York (1809-1840), Indiana (1840-1858), and Missouri (1858-1909). Schermerhorn was a frontier preacher, peacemaker with the Indians, and landowner.
John Henry Schiermeier Record Books, 1878-1922 (C3839)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 5 rolls of microfilm
The Schiermeier Record Books consist of letter books, a ledger, and stock inventories of stores owned by John Henry Schiermeier in the New Melle, Missouri, area.
Schlief-Boudreau Family Photograph Collection, 1869-1916 (P0866)
47 photographs (3 folders)
Photographs taken in Osage County, Missouri, in Koeltztown, Westphalia, and the Taos area, including group photos of bands, a picnic, choirs, and Corpus Christy Day. Also includes snapshots of landscapes and the Osage River, bridges, and Hubers Ferry.
Schofield Family Photographs, 1864-1931 (P0855)
0.18 linear feet
Photographs of members of the Schofield family of Lewiston and Newark, MO.
John A. Scholten Photographs, 1860-1870 (P0869)
4 photographs
Portraits taken by John A. Scholten of St. Louis
Schopp Family Collection, 1864-1957 (S1217)
0.01 cubic foot
The Schopp Family Collection contains photographs, probate records, pension and marriage certificates, as well as Musicians’ Club and Musicians’ Mutual Benefit Association membership cards of Valentine and Victor Schopp.
Schrader-Holtschneider Family Papers, 1868-1959 (C3773)
0.8 cubic feet (38 folders)
The collection contains papers of the Schrader and Holtschneider families of Rich Fountain, Osage County, Missouri. They were farmers, merchants, postmasters, and county judges. Papers include correspondence, business and legal papers, post office records, and school district records.
Schubert Family Papers, 1834-1996 (C3005)
0.6 cubic feet
The Schubert Family Papers contain diaries, drawings, prints, and account books related to the immigration and livelihood of family members. There are also genealogical notebooks for families of Atchison County, MO, and documents dealing with the Sociality.
Schuyler County, Missouri, Court Order, 1870 (C3545)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a court order. Schuyler County Court, after a petition by inhabitants of Queen City, ordered the incorporation of the town and a police established. Includes names of petitioners, trustees, and clerk of the county court.
Ellen Jane Schwartz Papers, 1860-1992 (S0984)
1 cubic foot
The Ellen Schwartz Papers contain photographs, a diary, and VHS and cassette tapes of oral histories pertaining to her research on the Freund family.
Franz Schwarzer Papers, 1840-1951 (C3484)
0.8 cubic feet (14 folders, 5 volumes)
Correspondence of the Schwarzer family; factory records, catalogs, and photographs of zithers and other stringed instruments manufactured at the zither factory in Washington, Missouri, founded by Schwarzer in 1869.
Art A. Schweighauser Collection, 1713-1945 (C3762)
0.35 cubic feet (9 folders, 1 volume)
The collection contains items from the Bezold family of Montgomery and Gasconade Counties in Missouri. There are many school-related items from 1879-1917. Also included are sermons in German by Reverend Niedhammer and a family history of John Jacob Meunzenmayer, who lived in Franklin County.
Paul Schweitzer United States Citizenship Certificate, 1872 (C4298)
1 oversize item
Certificate of United States citizenship for a University of Missouri chemistry professor.
Science and Religion, 1878 (C2468)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Lecture written at Cameron, MO, February 11-13, 1878, and delivered at Delta, OH, October 29, 1878, before the Teachers' Institute.
Scotford Stereographs, 1878-1881 (P0671)
6 photographs
Stereographs of Kansas City, MO, ca. 1878-1881.
Scotland County Genealogical Society Collection, 1841-2021 (CA6609)
2.2 cubic feet, 4 card files
The collection contains material collected by the Scotland County Genealogical Society including photographs, funeral programs, county history, court records, tax records, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous documents.
Scott Family Papers, 1874-1957 (R0453)
(25 folders)
These are photographs and miscellaneous papers of the Scott family of Rolla, Missouri. Included are the personal papers and memorabilia of John W. Scott, a businessman and musician who directed the Rolla town band and other local ensembles, catalogs of the Western Conservatory of Music operated by Ephraim H. Scott at Rolla, Missouri, and Chicago, Illinois, and other materials pertaining to the Dean and Morris families, and the town of Rolla.
Scott Family Papers, 1841-1936 (C3033)
0.3 cubic feet (13 folders)
The Scott Family papers consist of correspondence and miscellaneous documents relating to the Lindsey-Kemp-Reeder family of Ohio and the Scott family of Columbia, Missouri, including the Civil War correspondence of William L. Kemp and the World War I correspondence of future University of Missouri professor D.R. Scott.
Elvira Ascenith Weir Scott Diary, 1860-1887 (C1053)
0.2 cubic feet
Typescript photocopy of diary of a woman from Miami, Missouri, including descriptive observations on the themes of home, family, and religion, as well as the impact of the Civil War on life in her own community and region.
John R. Scott Papers, 1873-1922 (C0162)
0.2 cubic feet
Letters, manuscripts, and miscellaneous papers of a professor of elocution at the University of Missouri, a friend of the actor James E. Murdoch.
Manuscript for "Personal Recollections of Murdoch," and for "Technique of the Speaking Voice."
Scrapbook, 1865-1882 (K0132)
1 MR
Newspaper clippings pertaining primarily to the Civil War and events immediately following, such as the assassination of President Lincoln. Chiefly the New Orleans Daily Picayune and the New Orleans Times, although other papers are included.
Laura Redden Searing Papers, 1846-1963 (C2290)
4.0 cubic feet (142 folders)
The papers of Laura Redden Searing, a poet and author whose works appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines, consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and Searing’s writings. Also included are correspondence, publicity clippings, and photographs of Searing’s daughter, Elsa Searing McGinn.
Second Presbyterian Church (St. Louis, Mo.) Sabbath School Records, 1838-1886 (C1366)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Brief history of the school, list of officers, attendance records of pupils and teachers, conversions, records of events, reports of annual meetings and of superintendents, deaths, election of officers, missionary funds, and table showing condition of school.
Sedalia Library Association Minute Book, 1871-1874 (C1249)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
The records contain minutes, roll of members and subscribers, constitution, and articles of association. Also some Pettis County historical data.
Sedalia, Missouri, Board of Trade Proceedings, 1872-1888 (C1247)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Sedalia, Missouri, Credit Record Book, 1873-1881 (C1248)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
The records contain credit records of individuals and businesses in Sedalia. Includes newspaper clippings of business transactions or any items of information affecting the financial status of the businessmen.
Seidel Family Records, 1865-1928 (CA6678)
21 oversize items
The records of the Seidel family include sacramental documents, school certificates, and a photograph of Co. D., 138th Division, 1919.
Ernestine Ernst Seiter Papers, 1828-1985 (C4351)
1.75 cubic feet (23 folders), 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item
The papers contain a transcription of James and Robert Aull letter books and daybooks from 1828-1851. Also includes an unidentified doctor’s account ledger from Lexington, Missouri, from 1872-1875; scrapbook of Ernestine Ernst Seiter; research on Lexington homes; and miscellaneous material.
Sellmeyer Family Collection, 1839-1990 (C3062)
1 roll of microfilm
Deeds, wills, family trees and photographs of three 19th-century immigrant families who settled in Missouri. The Velten and Ebeling families emigrated from Germany and settled in Warren County, while the Swedish Bentleys came to settle in Howard County. Also includes probate and census records, and a "Velten Family Record" narrative.
Settle Family Papers, 1857-2008 (CG0026)
1.25 c. f.
Correspondence and photographs of the Settle, O'Bannon, and Rhodes families of Wayne County, Missouri and Arkansas. Also includes genealogy records, Bible, and report cards for Virgil E. Settle.
Settoon Family Papers, 1838-1896 (C0980)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Letters to and from the Settoon family of the Louisiana delta country concerning family and financial matters. The documents relate to property matters, including enslaved people.
Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert Papers, 1854-1905 (C2888)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Wilhelm and Augustus Seyffert contain a copy book of poems in German (vol. 1), a history of Missouri State Militia, Company E, 13th Cavalry, and an account book of Augustus Seyffert, 1869-1889 (vol. 2).
John C. Shackelford Family Papers, 1847-1911 (C0404)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Clippings, poems of Civil War and Confederacy, and correspondence. Letter from Warrensburg, August 25, 1861, mentions early Civil War events in Missouri.