Margaret Nelson Stephens Papers, 1823-1927 (C0311)
1.05 cubic feet (22 folders)
The diaries of Margaret Nelson Stephens, the wife of Missouri Governor Lon V. Stephens, 1897-1901, document her daily life from 1875 to 1927. Genealogy notes describe Margaret's ancestry and other documents cover a wide range of topics pertaining to relatives through her sister Nadine's marriage to Charles E. Leonard. Most deal with Charles E. Leonard himself, and his brothers Leverett and Abiel. Two Missouri Militia muster rolls, 1862-1863, and a bill of sale for slaves, 1849, are most notable.
Ruth Stephens Collection, 1824-1979 (C4128)
1.4 cubic feet
The Ruth D. Stephens Collection contains genealogical information on the Douglass, Stephens, Griffin, Shannon, Ellis, Parks, and Miller families. The collection consists of letters, business papers, family trees, photographs, diaries, and extensive notes on the families.
Thomas White Stephens Diaries, 1861-1913 (C2282)
0.3 cubic feet
Eight diaries and various diary pages of a corporal in Company K, Indiana Infantry, 20th Regiment. The last Diary contains entries about life in Topeka, KS, 1912-1913. Bound copy of diary edited by the Wilsons in WHMC reference library.
See also collection 169, James C. Stephens Papers, 1863-1875.
Wilma Bruce Stephens Collection, 1843-1999 (C4685)
2.4 cubic feet (66 foldes) 19 oversize items,1 oversize volume
Contains genealogical materials pertaining to the lineage of Wilma Bruce Stephens. Most of the materials are focused on the Fletcher/Sappington/Marmaduke families of Saline County, Missouri, and include photographs, correspondence, financial documents, land deeds, certificates & stocks, wedding and funeral books, and family diaries.
Malvina Stephenson Papers, 1863-1996 (C4038)
8.75 cubic feet (278 folders), 1 audio disc, 2 video cassettes
The papers of Malvina Stephenson contain the professional papers of a journalist who spent most of her career covering politics in Washington, D.C. The collection includes story and subject files, scrapbooks of articles and columns, research for a biography on Senator Robert S. Kerr, scripts for radio news reports, and other personal and professional material.
Sterett Family Photographs, 1865-1893 (P0984)
Photos of Sterett family of Nevada, MO
Smith A. Sterett Papers, 1861-1899 (C2074)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Smith A. Sterett contain letters from business associates, friends, and family; business papers; Sterett's Confederate Army discharge; and an elementary spelling book. Sterett was a Montana Territory prospector, Helena, MT, merchant, and Nevada, MO, hardware merchant.
James A. Stevens Papers, 1878-1884 (R0192)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The James A. Stevens Papers contain photocopies of a journal of a missionary for the American Sunday School Union in southeast Missouri. Stevens promoted and organized Sunday school classes in Butler, Madison, St. Francois, and Wayne counties from a base in Fredericktown.
Walter Barlow Stevens Papers, 1866-1933 (C3548)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
The papers of Walter Barlow Stevens contain letters to Stevens, author of Missouri histories, from contemporaries in the newspaper profession; from Floyd Shoemaker, secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri; and from relatives and friends.
Walter Barlow Stevens Scrapbooks, 1870-1937 (C1424)
8.0 cubic feet (61 volumes), 18 oversize volumes
Crotia Stevenson and Alvin Haggard Papers, 1837-1899 (C3523)
0.5 cubic feet (31 folders)
Correspondence, souvenir programs, student publications and business receipts of Crotia Stevenson and her cousin Alvin Haggard, both of Boone County, Missouri, and their relatives in Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee. A few letters describe conditions at home and on battlefields during the Civil War.
Stever Family Papers, 1848-1888 (C4300)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders)
Faye L. Stewart Photograph Collection, 1840-1920 (P0298)
1 folder
Images depicting Chillicothe, MO in the 19th century. Photographs of Missouri State Guard veterans from Chillicothe, including men who served under General Sterling Price.
Penny Stewart Photograph Collection, 1870-1969 (P0096)
25 photographs
25 b/w photos of Missourians dating between 1869 and 1915; of particular note is the Bopp family and a photo depicting men's fashion ca. 1870.
Townsend and Sarah Carter Stewart Family Papers, 1836-1875 (C3930)
0.2 cubic feet
Papers of the Stewart family consist of a small group of genealogical documents prepared by twentieth century family members, and a larger, incomplete body of correspondence of family members, family friends, and a small number of businessmen.
William Stiffler Letter, 1877 (C3590)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a love letter to ‘Miss Lou” from Clarks Fork, Missouri, August 27, [18]77.
B.M. Stigall Photograph Collection, 1867-1890 (P1178)
Photographs of Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO, ca. 1887-1890
Stillwell Family Papers, 1732-1976 (C4204)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
The papers contain typescripts of genealogical material including wills, census reports, marriage records, maps and correspondence pertaining to the Stillwell, Scott, Rosebrough, McCord and related families from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. The material was compiled by Norman Bolin of Evansville, Indiana.
Stock Certificates Collection, 1800s-1900s (C4154)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Assorted 19th and 20th century stock certificates, which include railroad companies, city loans, bridge, mining and construction companies.
T.F. Stone Papers, 1821-1876 (C0708)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Marriages and birth records from the family Bible and an invitation to the 25th commencement of the College of Christian Brothers, 1876.
William Joel Stone Papers, 1859-1935 (C0930)
1.6 cubic feet (114 folders), 1 oversize volume
Papers of a Missouri congressman (1885-1891), governor (1893-1897), and U.S. senator (1903-1918). Includes information on Stone's early career in Nevada, MO; the 1908 senatorial election; his senatorial career; and his death.
Pauline H. Stratton Papers, 1841-1870 (C0842)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
The papers contain a typescript of a diary of Pauline Stratton’s life in Virginia and Missouri. She writes of spinning, weaving, soap making, rearing her children, enslaved people, the Civil War, and business difficulties after her husband’s death. Also included is a photostat letter written by her to her husband in 1841 before their marriage.
Strauss Studio Photographs, 1869-1937 (P0879)
0.13 linear feet
Studio portraits of General Assembly members, politicians, and doctors.
Maria A. Strickland Papers, 1864-1926 (C3099)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Maria A. Strickland contain letters, programs, and pension papers of Maria A. Strickland; a copy of a Civil War song; and a photo of Clara Bannon's school at Marshfield, MO.
Strother Colbert and Company Broadside, 1871 (C0811)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Announcement of a complete abstract office for Saline County, Missouri, urging landowners to protect themselves with a perfect abstract of title to their property.
Stubbs Photograph Album, 1864-1910 (P0699)
38 photographs
Cartes de visite and tintypes of Howard County families. Surnames: Crews, Maupin, Bishop, Boggs, Broadus, Cornealison, Forbes, Harris, Land, Moore, Strode, and Wilcoxin. Removed from 19th century photo album. Addition photos of Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver (of Pilot Grove)
Sullivan County, Missouri Papers, 1844-1943 (C0171)
0.2 cubic feet
Miscellaneous papers from Sullivan County: deeds, mortgages, titles, court judgments, and a will. Includes copy of an account of the robbery and murder in 1864 of an African American, Nels Dels.
Amos H. Sullivan Papers, 1850-1939 (C0273)
0.35 cubic feet (3 folders, 4 volumes, 1 oversize volume)
Papers of a Miami, MO, doctor containing clippings about weather, an eclipse, comet in 1910; Miami history and personalities, patients' case histories and accounts; diary about his family, and complete weather register with maximum and minimum temperature recordings.
Amos H. Sullivan Record Books, 1878-1947 (C2145)
4 volumes
Weather records, personal diaries, accounts, and medical hints of a Miami, Missouri, physician.
Sutherland Family Letters, 1858-1879 (C2685)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters to Samuel H. Sutherland, a Missouri University student, from his parents, reporting local news in St. Clair County. A letter from Samuel from Shreveport, LA, in 1865, tells his post-Civil War plans.
John Jacob Sutter Collection, 1865-1871 (R0624)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The John Jacob Sutter Papers contains photocopies of a notebook and travel journal by John J. Sutter, a native of Germany and resident of Saint Louis, Missouri. The memoranda book covers Sutter’s service as inspector of artillery in the Department of the Missouri in 1865, and inspections at Cape Girardeau, Macon, Rolla, and Springfield, Missouri; and Fort Leavenworth, Fort Scott, and Paola, Kansas. The travel journal documents a trip from Saint Louis to Germany and return in 1871. The travel journal is in German.
Rosa Schaefer Sutter Diaries, 1875-1920 (C0843)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
The collection contains a series of diaries written by a housewife near Billings, Missouri, about home activities and family affairs; notes kept on correspondence from 1885 to 1920; and recipe book giving recipes for cakes and pies, and remedies for illnesses and rheumatism.
Swallow Fossil Catalogues, 1877 (C0658)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Catalogues of fossils in the cabinet of M.A. Swallow, January 6, 1877. Vol. 1 Specimens 1-2784 and minerals presented by Professor Cleveland in 1848. Vol. 2 Specimens 1401-2655 and 3000-3427.
George Clinton Swallow Papers, 1839-1909 (C0408)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Letters to Mr. And Mrs. Swallow on their 50th wedding anniversary. Clippings. Diary, 1839-1899, recording positions offered and held, move to Columbia, and association with University and Geological Survey of Missouri.
Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers, 1862-1872 (R0190)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers contain a bound typescript of four journals kept by Benjamin Sweet. They describe his experiences in the 74th Illinois Infantry during the Civil War, removal to Jasper County, Missouri, in 1867, and operation of a newsstand and bookstore in Carthage in 1872. The typescript includes a subject-name index to the journals.
Switzler Family Photographs, 1863-1942 (P0858)
0.45 linear feet
Photos of members of the Switzler family, focused on William F. Switzler and his relatives.
Lewis M. Switzler Papers, 1834-1936 (C3420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 1 roll of microfilm
The papers of Lewis M. Switzler contain news clippings, photographs, and correspondence on the Civil War, Boone County, Missouri, history, and national events; poetry; anecdotes; and family announcements.
William Franklin Switzler Papers, 1836-1905 (C0461)
1 cubic foot
Memoirs, a circular, and a typescript history of the University of Missouri. The history of the university is also available on microfilm.
Symington Family Papers, 1775-2010 (S1211)
0.2 cubic foot
The Symington Family Papers contain genealogical research on the Johnston, Boggs, and Symington families 1775 to 2010, as well as correspondence to members of the Johnston and Symington families between 1817 to 1883.
F.M. Symmes Sermons, 1857-1888 (C0407)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Series of sermons begun in 1857, with revisions, dates, and occasions of use.
John Cleves Symmes Papers, 1819-1887 (C3200)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Typewritten manuscript by Edward E. Wall about John Cleves Symmes; positive photostatic copy of "Supplement to the Western Spy," 6 November 1819; and three issues of THE SOUTHERN BIVOUAC, February-April, 1887, containing articles on Symmes.
James Synnamon Papers, 1865-1902 (R0996)
(1 folder)
The James Synnamon Papers contain photocopies and typescript of three letters written by James Synnamon, a resident of Platte County, Missouri, and Captain of Co. G, 6th Missouri Infantry (CS). Two letters, written in 1865, describe Synnamon's wounding at Franklin, Tennessee, and imprisonment at Fort Delaware, Delaware. The last letter, written in 1902, describes a return to Vicksburg to identify unit positions for the battlefield commission's marking program.
T.S. Yates Account Books, 1831-1896 (C0342)
3 oversize volumes
Record of a general merchandise firm in Fulton, Missouri.
Taggart Family Papers, 1825-1913 (C4201)
1 cubic foot (32 folders)
The Taggart Family Papers consists of correspondence between various members of the Taggart family and friends between the years 1825-1913. Henry Taggart lived in Linn County, Missouri.
Charlton H. Tandy Papers, 1868-1967 (S0135)
0.15 cubic foot, 7 folders
The Charlton H. Tandy Papers contain photographs, newspaper clippings, and biographical materials on Charlton H. Tandy, a prominent African-American Civil Rights leader. During his life, Tandy served as a captain in the 13th Regiment of the Missouri State Militia, helped establish Lincoln University, organized the St. Louis Streetcar Boycott of 1870, and assisted southern African-Americans who migrated to St. Louis.
Tate Family Papers, 1786-1871 (C0174)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
Accounts, family letters, and deeds to land of John, James, and Isaac Tate and their families, who lived in Callaway and Ralls Counties, Missouri, and Greensburgh, Kentucky. Diary of a trip to California in 1849. Papers of the Thespian Society of Greensburgh, Kentucky. See also C2720, James A. Tate Diary, 1849.
Taube Family Papers, 1838-1906 (C3022)
1 roll of microfilm
The collection contains papers of a German American family in Westphalia, MO. Written mostly in German, this collection contains traditional New Year's cards and letters from the 1870s, 1880s, and 1900s, from Mathias, Ferdinand, and Heinrich Eichholz and others. A notebook begun in 1838 by Anna Margaretha (Temmen) Eicholz includes school exercises, financial account entries for 1856-1861, and a list of family births from 1852-1897.
Tayloe Family Papers, 1879-1942 (C2510)
4.0 cubic feet
The papers of the Tayloe Family contain personal letters and business papers of the John R. Tayloe family of Bem and Owensville, MO. The collection includes correspondence to John R. Tayloe, his sons John L. and William L. Tayloe, and his wife Lizzie Miller Tayloe from relatives and friends concerning family affairs, farming, and teaching. Some business papers are also included.
John N. Taylor Family Papers, 1860-1988 (C4457)
4.7 cubic feet (62 folders, 17 oversize items)
This collection includes business records from three former mid-Missouri businesses and personal papers and photographs from thirteen members of the Taylor family of Huntsville and Columbia, Missouri. Also included are documents pertaining to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.
Joseph Herbert Tedrow Transportation Collection, 1850-1987 (K0754)
9 c.f.
Collected data on transportation, particularly railroads operating in the Mid-west. Includes photographs, time-tables, notes, and other items.