Irma Lou Hirsch Papers, 1967-1975 (K0729)
4 c.f.
Hirsch was Assistant Director, Missouri Regional Medical Program, Kansas City Area Planning Office. Includes studies, surveys, various training programs, curriculum samples, committee reports, and articles that reflect the education and career mobility opportunities for students and professionals engaged in the allied health professions.
Historic Kansas City Foundation Records, 1974-1995 (K0207)
65 c.f.
Operational records and programming and research materials for a historic preservation agency in Kansas City, MO.
C. W. Hoffman Papers, 1887-1896 (K0122)
0.20 c.f. (6 folders)
The collection consists of six volumes written and illustrated by C.W. Hoffman. The volumes present Hoffman's interpretation of the origins of man and the earth, along with his views of evolution, religion, and ethics.
John L. Holland Papers, 1920s-2000s (C4426)
4.0 cubic feet (84 folders, 2 oversize items, 2 volumes, 19 audio cassettes, 2 audio tapes, 6 video cassettes
The professional and personal papers of vocational psychologist John L. Holland, who pioneered an influential theory of personality types and work environments and developed the Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI) and the Self-Directed Search (SDS).
Institute for Community Studies, Inc. Records, 1950-1971 (K0507)
23 c.f.
Reports and studies researched and collected by the Institute, a Kansas City research "think tank" focused on social welfare and education issues. Also correspondence, research data, and other administrative files.
Jewish Community Archives of Greater Kansas City Records, 2004-2006 (K1275)
4 c.f.
Organizational records for the Jewish historical society. Includes meeting minutes, correspondence, promotional materials, and materials relating to exhibits.
Jewish Women International "Dolls for Democracy" Collection, 1951-1995 (K0745)
6 c.f.
Handmade dolls and organizational files for the Heart of America Chapter 527 of B'Nai B'rith Women's ""Dolls for Democracy"" program.
Eva Johnston Papers, 1893, 1923-1926 (C0656)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Eva Johnston contain a graduation speech and program; dedication speech by Louise Nardin at presentation of Johnson's portrait to the University; and two copybooks containing a translation of Euripides' Medea.
Kansas City Archaeological Society Papers, 1962-1988 (K0834)
0.3 c.f.
Organizational records including minutes, membership files, reports, correspondence and other documents related to activities of the chapter.
Kansas City Museum Collection, 1906-1954 (K0336)
0.13 c. f.
History and description of the Kansas City Museum, including printed material, photographs, clippings and personal reminiscences.
Kansas City Scrapbook, 1908-1996 (K1033)
0.20 c.f. (3 folders)
Newspaper and magazine clippings relating to the history of Kansas City.
Kansas City Study of Adult Life Records, 1952-1963 (K0519)
58 c.f.
Interviews, surveys and research notes pertaining to a series of studies carried out by the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago. Included are case files, organizational files, reports, blank forms and study samples.
Harold F. Kaufman Papers, c. 1925-1983 (C3986)
175 cubic feet
The Harold F. Kaufman Papers consist of correspondence, projects and studies, course materials, and manuscript of a professor of sociology at Mississippi State University.
KC150 Sesquicentennial Committee Records, 1996-2001 (K0390)
25 c.f.
Administrative files of the KC150 Committee to plan events for Kansas City's sesquicentennial celebration. Includes correspondence, chronological files, financial and legal materials, various databases, marketing and public relations, special events planning, committee minutes, sponsor files, videotapes, printed and published materials, and photographs.
Kinloch History Committee Records, 1916-1983 (S0151)
0.25 cubic feet, 15 folders
The Kinloch History Committee Records collection documents the effort by the Kinloch History Committee to research the social, political, and economic history of Kinloch, Missouri, before the bulldozing of Kinloch neighborhoods due to the expansion of Lambert Airport in the 1980s. The committee created the manuscript Kinloch: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow to publish the committee's research findings.
Carla Levine Klausner Papers, 1974-1980 (K0667)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
This collection includes newspaper clippings and pamphlets concerning activities and accomplishments of Dr. Klausner, professor of History at University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Arnold J. Lien Papers, 1908-1963 (C3464)
0.6 cubic feet (31 folders)
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1896-1998 (C3974)
27.0 cubic feet, 69 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes, 3 video cassettes, 40 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Linguistic Society of America, an organization dedicated to research and publication in the scientific analysis of language, include committee minutes, correspondence of officers and administrators, publications, grant applications, correspondence with affiliated organizations, and planning documents on Linguistic Institutes and annual meetings.
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1901-2020 (CA5969)
54.6 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette
Addition of records of an organization dedicated to research and publication in the analysis of language. Includes publications, programs from annual meetings and Linguistic Institutes, publicity clippings, and materials concerning affiliated organizations, various committees, and Ebonics. Also includes correspondence of George M. Bolling and Bernard Bloch, who were both editors of Language and presidents of LSA.
Charles E. Lively Papers, c. 1909-1966 (CA3740)
8.2 cubic feet
Correspondence and publications of a rural sociologist.
James L. Lowe Papers, 1940s-1990s (CA5757)
8 cubic feet, 1 oversize item, 12 computer disks
Personal papers of a Professor of Sociology, Northwest Missouri State University, consisting of correspondence and other materials concerning Democratic politics in Missouri and Arkansas, military papers, the Red Cross and other community service organizations, and Lowe's autobiography.
Earl H. Lubensky Papers, c. 1890s-2000s (CA6241)
50 cubic feet, 1 computer disc, 26 oversize items
Personal and professional papers of a soldier, diplomat, and archaeologist who was a native of Marshall, Missouri. Includes papers of the Biesemeyer family of Osage County, Missouri, and Missouri Archaeological Society materials.
Arthur F. McClure II Papers, 1908-1997 (K0660)
18 c.f.
McClure was a professor of history at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO. Includes research materials reflecting his interest in Missouri and Kansas history: newspaper clippings, magazine articles, books, and pamphlets on famous people who were born in these states; movies made in or about the area; Kansas City area buildings, businesses, and theaters; jazz and big bands. Also movie files of photographs of famous actors and actresses; and photographs from the Farm Security Administration.
Midwest Council for Social Research on Aging Papers, 1961-1996 (K1080)
0.02 c.f.
Catalogs, minutes, directories, and newsletters.
Cydney Millstein Papers, 1990-2022 (K0543)
40 c.f.
Research and business records related to Ms. Millstein's work as an architectural historian. Includes notes, clippings, surveys, maps, architectural drawings, and photographs.
Missouri Alliance for Historic Preservation Records, 1966-1996 (CA5973)
26 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Organizational records documenting efforts to preserve and restore historical buildings and sites throughout Missouri.
Missouri Archaeological Society Records, 1934-1983 (C0780)
10.7 cubic feet (779 folders)
The records of an organization of amateur and professional archaeologists headquartered in Columbia, Missouri. Includes extensive members' correspondence, executive committee correspondence, membership and financial records, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting members' interests and the organization's efforts to preserve Missouri's archaeological resources.
Missouri Archaeological Society Records, no date (CA4759)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Correspondence, minutes, reports and archaeological site surveys of the Big Bend Archaeological Society of Marshall, Missouri. See also C0780.
Missouri Home Economics Association Records, 1933-2020 (CA6615)
2.2 cubic feet
The records of the organization include annual meeting programs, directories, newsletters, and meeting minutes.
Missouri Society for Sociology and Anthropology Papers, 1972-1973 (C3470)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Correspondence, executive committee meeting notes, minutes of annual meeting, copies of constitution, proposed revision, and constitution adopted in 1973.
Missouri Society for Sociology and Anthropology Papers, 1953-1964 (C2269)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers of the Missouri Society for Sociology and Anthropology contain correspondence, newsletters, and programs concerning the formal organization of the Society and its annual meetings.
Missouri Society for Sociology and Anthropology Papers, 1959-1965 (C3093)
0.3 cubic feet
Correspondence, membership data, newsletters, and financial reports, primarily concerning the 1963 and 1964 annual meetings of the Society, with later correspondence and meeting minutes of the Society, 1973-1976.
Missouri White House Conference Committee on Children and Youth Records, 1950-1980s (CA4582)
18 cubic feet
The records of a child and family welfare agency involved with the White House Conferences on Children and Youth include correspondence, task force materials, publications, subject files, reports, public hearing testimony, office files, and miscellaneous material.
Missouri. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Papers, 1967-1977 (C3641)
1.0 cubic foot (80 folders)
Materials from a member of the Missouri Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. Included are correspondence, minutes, National Register nominations, statewide historic preservation plans, publications, and newsletters.
Lynn Morrow Publications Collection, 1976-1978 (CG0051)
0.4 c.f.
The Lynn Morrow Publications Collection includes three cultural resource and soil reference books related to the southeast Missouri region from 1976 to 1978.
National Panel of American Women Records, 1957-1986 (K0619)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of the national office of the Panel of American Women, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes correspondence, financial and legal records, newsletters and printed material, minutes, and scrapbooks.
Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City Records, 1931-2011 (K0279)
34 c.f.
Organizational records of a historical society for Kansas City area history. Includes minutes and Secretaries' files; President's files; Treasurers' files; membership records; Curators' files of correspondence with researchers; general correspondence; historical information; and other materials related to the operation of the organization.
Mary Carol Neth Papers, 1927-2004 (C4040)
8.0 cubic feet (251 folders), 15 audio cassettes, 4 card files
The professional papers of Mary C. Neth, created during her research of rural women's history of the Midwest and the history of American tap dance consists of research material, essays, newspaper clippings, photographs, conference materials, professional correspondence, and other papers. The collection also includes various documents related to the activities of the Rural Women's Studies Association, of which Neth was a founding member.
New Santa Fe Historical Society Records, 1866-2009 (K0551)
15 c.f.
Organizational records and research materials of a historical society in south Kansas City, MO. Also includes information on neighboring regions, and Watts Mill.
Philip G. Olson Papers, 1919-2006 (K1126)
10 c.f.
Olson is a retired University of Missouri-Kansas City professor in Sociology whose research focused on urban neighborhoods. Includes research materials, gathered by Olson, about neighborhoods in Kansas City, MO.
Panel of American Women-Kansas City Branch Records, 1963-1991 (K0618)
5.5 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City branch, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes treasurers' files, program Committee information, correspondence, miscellaneous articles, workshop and panel information, cassette tapes, and historical information on the branch establishment.
William E. Parrish Papers, 1972-1977 (C3642)
1.6 cubic feet (107 folders)
Papers from the chairman of the Missouri American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. Included are correspondence, business papers, programs, and miscellaneous items.
C. Terence Pihlblad Papers, 1941-1978 (C3814)
2.0 cubic feet (93 folders)
Papers of a sociology professor at the University of Missouri, 1930-1967. Concerns primarily Pihlblad's research in gerontology. Includes correspondence, papers, and articles by Pihlblad and other sociologists, and material on aging studies conducted in Missouri during the 1960s.
Clyde H. Porter Collection, 1958 (K0526)
0.1 c.f.
Research notes and papers of Porter and his wife Mae Reed Porter, regarding families engaged in the fur trade in the Kansas City area, and the American West. Included are files on the Chouteau Family of Kansas City, the Charbonneau Family, Moses "Black" Harris, and the Thomas Vasquez Family.
Sylvia F. Porter Papers, 1939-1991 (C3977)
16.0 cubic feet (601 folders), 3 video cassettes, 6 audio cassettes
The papers of Sylvia Porter, a personal finance columnist who wrote for the New York Post and New York Daily News, consist of her columns, books, speeches, and other writings. Also included are correspondence and other publicity clippings concerning the Sylvia Porter Organization and her involvement in President Ford's efforts to curb inflation in the 1970s.
Robert L. Ramsay Papers, 1918-1953 (C3230)
2.5 cubic feet
Correspondence, notes, rough drafts, revisions, and proof sheets for place names series with emphasis upon Missouri place names. Newspaper clippings about Ramsay and the place name articles. Small volumes of notes and prints pertaining to his academic classes, and sample student themes and bibliographies.
Richard D. Robinson Collection, 1830s-2000s (CA5805)
14.2 cubic feet
Materials of a professor in the College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, whose primary research areas were the history of literacy, teacher education, and reading theory. Includes historical school primers, professional correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous papers.
Rural Sociological Society of America Records, 1910-1973 (C3305)
9.6 cubic feet (784 folders, 6 volumes, 244 slides), 2 oversize volumes, 2 audio tapes, 27 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Rural Sociological Society of America contain presidential and committee correspondence and include accounts of how some of the first rural sociologists became interested in the profession. Microfilm is available for Rural Sociology, the official quarterly.
Rural Sociological Society of America Records, 1919-2010 (CA5646)
39.75 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 1 audio disc, 2 video cassettes
Addition of research project files; committee files; presidential papers; secretarial papers; annual meeting records; publications; audiovisual material; photographs; program and conference materials; administrative records; and miscellaneous material.
William James Ryan Papers, 1914-1996 (K0457)
10 c.f.
Research material, draft manuscripts, and oral history interviews and transcripts related to Ryan's book and other writings on the history of radio and television broadcasting in the Kansas City region.