G.L. Carpenter Postcard, 1890 (C1963)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Eugean Yourley, Dexter, MO, from Hickman, KY, Nov. 25, 1890.
Announces reward for arrest and detention of John Smedley and R.C. Smith.
Charles L. Carr Papers, 1915-1951 (K0909)
2 c.f.
Carr was an attorney in Kansas City, MO and the General Solicitor for the Kansas City Public Service Company. Includes the personal and professional papers of Carr: correspondence, printed materials from various organizations, files related to the streetcar company and the Missouri State Supreme Court..
Isaac Carter Bill of Court Costs, 1860-1861 (C1485)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection consists of an itemized bill of court costs in the case of STATE OF MISSOURI vs. ISAAC CARTER for grand larceny.
Silas Chambers Land Survey, 1796 (C2432)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a land survey indicating the boundaries of Chambers' 62 1/2 acre plot in Kennedys Creek, Bourbon County, KY.
Chariton Township, Howard County, Missouri, Civil and Criminal Docket, 1906-1916 (C0267)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of court proceedings as kept by John H. Scott, justice of the peace of Chariton Township.
Theodore F. Childs Letter, 1872 (C2039)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter announcing the opening of a law office. A business card is enclosed.
Christopher Jackson Clark Papers, 1941-2014 (K0555)
11 cubic feet (333 folders, 1 CD, 1 DVD, 142 photographs, 67 slides, 17 items)
The Christopher Jackson Clark Papers consist of correspondence, training and operation materials, publications, photographs, and artifacts pertaining to his career with Trans World Airlines, his contribution redefining retirement within the organization, and his involvement with Save-A-Connie.
Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression Records, 1999-2024 (S0699)
9.25 cubic feet
The Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) contains correspondence, flyers, reports, press releases, legal materials, and legislation documenting CAPCR's mission to prevent police crimes and abuse and the Prison Industrial Complex.
F.M. Cockrell Papers, 1889 (R1367)
(1 folder)
The F.M. Cockrell Papers contain a photocopy and typescript of a letter sent by Francis Marion Cockrell to N.B. Allen in 1889. The letter discusses a claim for reimbursement for property taken by the Union Army during the Civil War.
Barton P. Cohen Estate Papers, no date (K1306)
0.01 c.f.
legal case
Lewis Collins Claim, 1821 (C2078)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a statement of amount due Collins for hauling water from Columbia to Smithton for the Boone County Court.
Cooper County, Missouri, Circuit Court Docket, 1819-1834 (C1084)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Court docket includes a roll of attorneys and dates admitted.
Cooper County, Missouri, Circuit Court Records, 1876-1884 (C1564)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Indictments and endorsements against Frank and Jesse James, Charles Pitts, and Cole and Robert Younger for robbery and obstructing the railroad, Cooper County Circuit Court, November term, 1876. Warrants for Frank James' arrest, April 2, 1884. Petition for writ of habeas corpus and bonds, April 28, 1884.
W. Robert Cope Papers, 1965-1968 (CG0018)
1.75 cubic feet
The papers of W. Robert Cope contain notes, outlines and final examinations produced as a student at the University of Missouri School of Law from 1965 to 1968.
Cote Sans Dessein Township (Callaway County, Mo.) Justice of the Peace Docket Book, 1816-1827 (C0966)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of court proceedings, marriages, and stray livestock. Cases concern settlement of debts, loan repayments, estates, land ownership, and assault and battery. Volume was begun by William H. Dunnica, the first justice of the peace (1821-1823), as a mercantile accounts record.
Corydon F. Craig Papers, 1904 (C3101)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Corydon F. Craig contain copies of an affidavit and newspaper clipping regarding the 44 calibre pistol used to kill Jesse James.
Curtis C. Crawford Papers, 1964-1985 (S0484)
0.25 cubic feet, 7 folders, 11 photographs
The Curtis C. Crawford Papers document his political career as the Assistant Circuit Attorney in St. Louis, 1956-1964; director of Legal Aid Society, 1966 to 1967; regional director of the U.S. Small Business Administration in 1970; chairman of the National Appeals Board and the U.S. Parole Board, 1970-1977. Crawford also ran for the U.S. House of Representatives and mayor of St. Louis. The collection contains campaign literature, correspondence, and photographs.
"Crime and Punishment: The Kansas City Municipal Workhouse", 1999 (CA5836)
1 video cassette
A 1999 program produced by a Kansas City television station.
Conrad and Elizabeth Crowley Deed of Trust, 1853 (C1984)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
For sale of land in Buchanan County, MO, to John and Thomas Curd.
Crusade Against Crime Records, 1972-1979 (S0869)
9 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, press releases, grant applications, newspaper clippings, and publications of a women's volunteer support group for law enforcement agencies.
James Franklin Davidson Papers, 1868-1917 (C0089)
0.4 cubic feet
Diaries, newspaper clippings, and papers of a lawyer and farmer of Chicago and Hannibal, MO. Papers concern court cases, politics, recreation, opera, the theater, and actors. Includes records of farming and animal breeding in Missouri and North Dakota.
Daviess County, Missouri, Circuit Court Records, 1839 (C1603)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Court records, April Term, 1839. Affidavits and indictments concerning Mormon difficulties. Joseph Smith, Jr., Lyman Wright, Moses Daily, Joseph Younger, Terry Durpee, Ephraim Oivens, John Lemon, James Whitaker, Alonson Brown, James Bingham, Amos Tubbs, Absolem Dutchfield, William Aldridge, George Smith, and Cabel Baldwin.
Ilus Winfield Davis Papers, 1925-1995 (K0375)
200 c.f.
Mayoral, personal, and professional papers documenting Davis' political, legal, and civic contributions. Davis is considered the most important Kansas City, MO mayor of the 20th century.
Charles Devens Letter, 1877 (C0552)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To John Bruce, Montgomery, Alabama, from Washington, D.C., April 30, 1877. Inquiry concerning charges made by John H. Purness against U.S. Commissioner Isaac Heyman and others.
Melvin C. DeWitt Papers, 1966-2009 (R1418)
0.5 cubic foot (18 folders, 15 photographs)
The Melvin C. DeWitt Papers contain the personal military papers and photographs of Melvin C. DeWitt who served in the United States Army from 1966 until his retirement in 1986. Also include are DeWitt's papers related to his employment with the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Robert T. Donnelly Papers, 1924-1999 (C4246)
2.0 cubic feet (41 folders), 2 oversize items
Adrienne Drell Papers, c. 1930-2006 (C4084)
10.6 cubic feet (269 folders), 1 audio cassette, 1 video cassette
The papers of Adrienne Drell contain articles, drafts, subject files, correspondence, and miscellaneous professional and personal papers of a journalist who worked for the Waukegan News-Sun and the Chicago Sun-Times, largely covering court cases. Included in the papers is material relating to cases she covered, including the Rev. L.R. Davis, Operation Greylord, and Baby Richard.
Thomas F. Eagleton Papers, 1944-2006 (C0674)
263.5 c.f. (8726 folders), 1 volume, 10 card file boxes, 9 film reels, 10 video tapes, 25 video cassettes, 125 audio cassettes, 96 audio tapes, 620 rolls of microfilm, 34 oversize items
Papers of circuit attorney for the City of St. Louis, 1956-1960; attorney general of Missouri, 1960-1964; lieutenant governor of Missouri, 1964-1968; and U.S. senator from Missouri, 1969-1986. Includes correspondence, photographs, speeches and press releases, audiovisual materials, microfilm and newspaper clippings. Also includes information from Eagleton's post-senate career.
Execution Invitation, 1936 (C0984)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Invitation to attend the execution of George McKeever at the county jail in Fulton, MO. Mourning envelope addressed to Miss Annabel Brooks, New Bloomfield, MO.
FBI Bulletin Collection, 1942-1970 (S0808)
0.25 cubic foot
The first five folders of this collection consist of memorandum sent from FBI Headquarters in Washington and other FBI offices in 1942 and 1943. Topics range from personnel matters to national security matters, to protocols for enforcing laws and ways to file paperwork. Some memos cover several subjects. The sixth folder is a list of FBI files related to civil rights, peace, and leftist groups from the Vietnam War era in St. Louis.
James A. Finch Jr. Papers, 1951-1980 (C0769)
4.4 cubic feet
Papers of assisting attorney general of Missouri; acting prosecuting attorney of Cape Girardeau County; member and president of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri, 1951-1965; and judge, 1965-1978, and chief justice, 1971-1973, of the Missouri Supreme Court. Includes correspondence from Finch's term on Board of Curators and speeches at judicial conferences and other functions.
Joe Ford Letter, 1891 (C0991)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter giving custody of his son, Will Ford, to Mrs. Will Cunningham and Miss Scebie.
Robert C. Fulkerson Record Book, 1837-1859 (C3804)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record book of a Montgomery County, Missouri, shopkeeper and justice of the peace. Contains sales records (1837-1838) of the Loutre Lick Store, Loutre Lick, Missouri, and justice of the peace dockets (1843-1859) for Danville Township, Montgomery County, Missouri. A donor-compiled index is included.
John Bailey Gage Papers, 1943-1964 (K0254)
0.60 c.f.
Correspondence of Gage, a prominent attorney and mayor of Kansas City, MO, relating to the Midwest Research Institution (MRI) and other organizations and issues in which he was involved. Many letters have attachments, most of which are the agendas and the minutes of the meetings of the MRI's Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, income and expenses, and a variety of reports. Also awards and certificates received by Gage.
Daniel Gentry Deposition, c. 1903 (C0663)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Group depositions on behalf of the plaintiff, Gentry, in a legal case involving floods on the Grand River. Ira B. Hyde was attorney for the plaintiff. The defendant was the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, represented by Orton & Orton.
Charles Gibson Scrapbooks, 1852-1897 (C4282)
2 oversize volumes
The papers of Charles Gibson contain two scrapbooks that cover the travels and career of St. Louis attorney, Charles Gibson. Both volumes chronicle Gibson's legal career in the late 1800s and his European travels, specifically dealing with his interactions with imperial families of Germany and Austria-Hungary. The scrapbooks include correspondence between Gibson and German nobles, documents from the German imperial family, an appointment from Abraham Lincoln, photographs of his home and of his travels abroad, and newspaper clippings from the 1890s.
William Gillis and Mary Ann Gillis Troost Estate Records, 1869-1907 (K1238)
0.25 c.f.
Gillis, an Indian trader, was one of fourteen investors who platted the original Town of Kansas. Mary, his niece married to Dr. Benoist Troost, had an estate used to support the Gillis Home for Orphans. Includes tax bills, receipts, and legal documents used in the settlement of the estates.
Spencer H. Givens Collection, 1816-1911 (C0106)
0.2 cubic feet
This collection consists of documents collected by Spencer H. Givens: the Levin Cropper Papers and historical documents. The Cropper papers contain business and personal correspondence with his brother in New York, his children in Illinois, and other family members in Louisiana and Mississippi. The historical documents include miscellaneous land grants and indentures, estate documents, business correspondence, naturalization and emigration documents, handbills, newspapers and advertisements.
James B. Goff Letter, 1878 (C2029)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Mrs. Austin A. King, from St. Louis, June 10, 1878.
Letter enclosing Austin A. King's license to practice law in Tennessee.
James Edward Goodrich Papers, 1904-1950 (K0383)
5 c.f.
Goodrich was an attorney, Jackson County Circuit Judge, Curator of the University of Missouri, and general counsel for the Commerce Trust Company. Includes business records and correspondence, along with personal receipts and correspondence to and from Goodrich. Some deal with the bankruptcy of businesses in Kansas City and annual reports, notices publications related to Commerce Trust Company and other local and national corporations.
Joseph H. Grady Papers, 1853-1902 (C2950)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Accounts, tax receipts, minutes, and reports of cases heard in Macon County, MO, by a justice of the peace in Jackson Township.
Grand Jury Proceedings, Wright County, Missouri, Circuit Court, 1954 (SP0077)
.2 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Grand Jury Proceedings, Wright County, Missouri, Circuit Court collection contains two bound transcripts of a grand jury trial held in Hartville, Missouri, in 1954. The trial was a result of alleged illegal conduct by four Wright County residents during a 1952 Republican primary county election.
David M. Grant Papers, 1917-1986 (S0552)
0.8 cubic feet, 18 folders, 7 photographs
The David M. Grant Papers document David M. Grant's career in St. Louis as a civil rights activist and lawyer. Beginning in 1931, Grant organized protests and demonstrations against racial discrimination. He was also active in the local Democratic Party, Labor unions, and a founder of St. Louis’ March on Washington Movement chapter. Grant also served on the U.S. Presidential Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. The papers include speeches, correspondence, photographs, political fliers, and newspaper clippings.
Lewis C. Green Papers, 1955-2003 (S0893)
92 cubic feet
The papers of Lewis C. Green contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, depositions, and related legal materials pertaining to Green’s career as an environmental litigator. Working in conjunction with the Coalition for the Environment and the Sierra Club, Green was instrumental in preventing flood plain development in Missouri and ensuring that the Environmental Protection Agency enforced clean air standards. Green was active in the environmental movement from the 1960s until he died in 2003.
Joseph Guinotte Papers, 1836-1849 (K0477)
0.01 c.f.
Property deeds connected to the Chouteau and later the Guinotte families, as well as other early settlers in Kansas City, MO.
Francis Arthur Guy Papers, 1938-1955 (K0184)
0.4 c.f.
Legal correspondence, client files, and personal files of Guy, an attorney and officer of the J.C. Nichols Company. In addition to legal work for the Company but also carried on his private practice from his office, as well as served on a number boards, and as a councilman for Westwood Hills, KS.
Hagerman-Hayden Papers, 1852-1893 (C0110)
0.6 cubic feet
Letters and papers of an Alexandria, MO, lawyer; a Keokuk, IA, student at Academy of Visitation, St. Louis, MO; and a music student in Oberlin, OH.
Charles Henry Hardin Papers, 1842-1892 (C0111)
0.1 cubic feet (10 folders)
Hardin was a lawyer, governor of Missouri, 1874-1876, and founder of Hardin College in Mexico, Missouri. Collection includes correspondence with wife and friends, essays, speeches, unofficial reports, law notebook, legal cases in Boone, Callaway, Macon, and Randolph Counties, and diary of Mary Hardin, 1854-1856 and 1859.
Dorothy Cochran Harlan Photograph Collection, 1898-1902 (P0138)
28 photographs
28 b/w photos of Missouri Training School for Boys in Boonville, Cooper Co., ca. 1900. Exterior and interior views of various buildings on campus, baseball team, school room, brick yard, dormitories, laundry and bath house, and bakery.
William Augustus Harnsberger Papers, 1899-1911 (K0541)
0.21 c.f.
Letterpress volume of personal and professional correspondence of a prominent attorney in Kansas City, MO.