3rd Missouri Volunteer Cavalry Collection, 1861 and 1864 (R1376)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The records contain papers from two members of the 3rd Missouri Volunteer Calvary. The records contain papers related to Francis M. Poore and John Harris. The two individuals are not connected and did not serve at the same time. The records of John Harris include a military court document listing charges and findings against Harris.
Ad Hoc Group Against Crime Records, 1986-2000 (K0856)
6 c.f.
Organizational records of the Ad Hoc Group including minutes, reports, financial records, printed and published materials, clippings, and photographs.
Adult Abuse Remedies Act Records, 1978-1982 (S0359)
0.04 cubic foot, 23 folders
The collection documents the effort by the Legal Services of Eastern Missouri and Adult Abuse Remedies Coalition to promote the passage of the Adult Abuse Remedies Act in Missouri to protect battered women.
George H. Ambrose Papers, 1858-1924 (R0641)
0.25 cubic foot (6 folders)
The George H. Ambrose Papers contain the personal and business papers of George H. Ambrose, a county judge of Lafayette County, Missouri, and president of the Lexington & St. Louis Railroad Company. The collection includes correspondence, legal and business papers, memoranda books, and bank account books.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)-Western Missouri Records, 1960-2008 (K0398)
74 c.f.
Organizational records of the regional chapter including administrative files, case files, and position files.
American Civil Liberties Union Mid-Chapter Records, 1968-1984 (C1735)
0.4 cubic feet
The records of the ACLU, Mid-Missouri Chapter, a civil rights organization, consist of case files, correspondence, and meeting minutes.
Thomas Lilbourne Anderson Papers, 1860-1864 (C0678)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas Lilbourne Anderson, lawyer, politician, and U.S. Congressman who practiced law in St. Charles and Palmyra, Missouri contain an autobiography and three letters written to Anderson in the 1860s, one describing the Battle of Springfield in 1863.
Andrew County Justice of the Peace Docket, State Cases, 1936-1939 (K0176)
1 MR
Nodaway Township Justice of the Peace Criminal Docket includes the name of the defendant, the charge, notes on the facts of the case, and the disposition of the case. Index to the defendant's name.
Andrew County Prosecuting Attorney Case Records, 1942-1945 (K0175)
1 MR
Cases which the Prosecuting Attorney for Andrew County presented for the State of Missouri. Includes the defendant's name, charge and disposition of the case. Index to the defendants name.
Frank Ely Atwood Papers, 1888-1943 (C3131)
21 cubic feet
Correspondence, reports, case records, judicial opinions, speeches, articles, news clippings, pamphlets and books covering Atwood's professional and political careers and his work as an active layman in the Southern Baptist Church.
William E. Baird Record Book, 1857-1872 (C1093)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Baird was assignee of H.G. Brunt, Boonville, MO. Book contains his accounts for May-June 1857, and the Cooper County, MO, grand jury records, March Term 1869-October Term 1872.
George J. Baltzell Papers, 1870-1874 (C0227)
0.07 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 oversize volume)
Legal papers and docket book of justice of the peace of Reddish Township, Lewis County, Missouri. Includes a few marriage records.
Elias Barcroft Papers, 1817-1837 (C2302)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two documents concerning the transfer of land title by Elias Barcroft to Elias Rector for Amos Rawls in the Missouri Territory, 1817. One document has a notation that it was recorded in the Saline County, MO, court, 1837.
John T. Barker Papers, 1912-1958 (C0002)
2 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, 1944-1958, consists primarily of letters of congratulation on speeches and on MISSOURI LAWYER, Barker's autobiography. Reviews of the book. Letters from Harry S. Truman concerning politics. Scrapbooks of clippings about Barker's early career.
Jesse William Barrett Papers, 1905-1953 (C0009)
21.75 cubic feet (1,902 folders), 11 volumes, 2 card files
The papers of a St. Louis lawyer and politician; attorney general of Missouri, 1921-1925; Republican candidate for governor in 1936; commander of the Missouri Department of the American Legion, 1932-1933; and president of the Missouri Bar Association, 1933-1934. The collection includes material about the American Legion, Methodist Episcopal Church, Culver-Stockton College, Barrett’s St. Louis law practice, term as attorney general, Missouri Bar Association, business and family, and Republican Party campaigns and elections.
E. Cave Barrow Collection, 1871-1948 (C2666)
0.2 cubic feet, 8 rolls of microfilm
St. Louis Whiskey Ring. Microfilm of newspapers, O.E. Babcock papers, B.H. Bristow papers, LIFE OF EMORY STORRS (1886), pardon papers. Barton-Turner letters, 1874-1875. Internal Revenue booklets, 1872, 1873, 1948. CENTENNIAL SOUVENIR, ACADEMY OF THE VISITATION, ST. LOUIS, 1933.
Daniel Brook Bartlett Papers, 1981-2000 (K0414)
23 c.f.
Professional files of Bartlett, Chief Judge of the United States Western District of Missouri. Includes trial, sentencing, and hearing notes; speeches; calendars; and records of pro se prisoner correspondence.
Barton County Work Farm Ledger, 1899-1903 (K0361)
.04 c. f.
Kept by Hutchens of Lamar, Missouri, a farmer, dry goods store owner, and manager of the Barton County Farm, the ledger includes record of sales; expenses, income from produce; and lists of inmates working at the Farm.
Beck-Cole-Mason Letters, 1854-1877 (C0215)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from Joseph M. Beck, Chester C. Cole, and Charles Mason, all of whom were Chief Justices of the Iowa Supreme Court.
William Henry Becker Papers, 1936-1990 (CA5654)
33.2 cubic feet, 7 oversize items
Papers of a lawyer, judge, and political advisor. Includes personal and professional files: correspondence, case files, photographs, financial records, writings, and miscellaneous.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
Arthur A. Benson II Papers, 1975-1986 (K0250)
593 c.f.
Legal records, documents and working papers related to the plaintive's case in the Kansas City Desegregation case, Chinyere Jenkins v. Kansas City Missouri School District.
Thomas Hart Benton Papers, 1850-1852 (C1466)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain Benton's certified statements in the slander suit against him by James H. Birch, in the Clay County Circuit Court, Liberty, Missouri.
Thomas Hart Benton Papers, 1804-1811 (C1458)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of letter to Jno. and N.P. Hardeman, Franklin, TN, requesting the Hardemans, merchants, to send him specific books, personal items and, periodically, a statement of his account. Benton's memorandum book of Tennessee legal cases, 1810-1811.
Roy W. Bergmann Papers, 1932-1996 (S0696)
12 cubic feet, 759 folders, 45 photographs, 4 audiotapes
The Roy W. Bergmann Papers include Bergmann's writings, correspondence, newspaper clippings, law cases, audiotapes, and photographs chronicling Roy Bergmann's career as a lawyer from 1932-1996. Also documented is Bergmann’s involvement in various organizations such as the Rotary Club of Clayton, the Discussion Club and Public Question Club, and Candlelighters of Normandy.
Abner Blize Papers, 1830 (R0579)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Abner Blize Papers consist of an agreement between Abner Blize and Nathaniel Bacon of St. Louis County, Missouri, regarding the control of the bondage of Charles, an enslaved person in the estate of John Bacon.
Susan Block Papers, 1970-2005 (S0853)
17 cubic feet
The papers of Susan Block contain correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, and legal materials chronicling Block's career as a St. Louis County Circuit Judge and advocacy for children.
James E. Boggs Justice of the Peace Record Book, 1900-1902 (C3859)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
A record book concerning crimes and misdemeanors in Boone County, Missouri, from 1900-1902.
Lilburn W. Boggs Letter, 1837 (C1465)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter to [William Learned Marcy], from Lilburn Boggs, City of Jefferson, Missouri, April 18, 1837. Governor Boggs of Missouri notified Governor Marcy that Henry W. Bamman, charged with forgery in New York, was committed to the Cole County jail and was available for immediate extradition.
Boone County, Missouri, Bond, 1842 (C1474)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bond for two dollars to Peter Howe, signed by M.R. Arnold, president, and W. Woodson, clerk, June 22, 1842.
Boone County, Missouri, Public Notice, 1822 (C2077)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a notice of application to County Court for Richard Gentry or Thomas Duley to be appointed justice of the peace for Columbia township, Boone County.
Daniel Boone Appeal Bond, 1789 (C1830)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a photostat of an appeal bond in the case of Hugh McClintick vs. Daniel Boone and William Hall for trespassing, August 10, 1789. The original is in Huntington Library, Pasedena, CA.
Daniel Boone Papers, 1784-1787 (C2204)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Court order by Daniel Boone requiring Robert Mosby to pay James Meriwether for court attendance and traveling expenses in the case of Robert Mosby vs. Thomas Johnson and Henry Garrett, April 1787. Account receipt to Elizabeth Ash from Squire Boone, May 8, 1784. Includes positive and negative photostats.
Boonville, Missouri, Mayor's Court Records, 1840-1848 (C2980)
1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Boonville Mayor's Court contain civil cases tried before the mayor and brought to court by the city or the council. Cases involve assault and battery, disturbing the peace, slaughter house operations, market practices, food quality, street improvements, slave offenses, and general safety. The record shows the defendant, the charge, case disposition, sentence, and court costs.
James Sherman Botsford Memorial Booklet, 1915 (K1001)
0.02 c.f. (1 folder)
Memorial booklet for Botsford, prominent lawyer and civic leader, and former district attorney for Western Missouri.
William Coleman Branton Papers, 1943-1985 (K0828)
10 c.f.
Personal papers of Branton, prominent attorney and civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Includes Photographs, correspondence, records and other papers relating to Branton's military duty, legal practice, banking career, civic activities, and personal life
B. Gratz Brown Letter, 1850 (C2202)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To [Orlando Brown], from St. Louis, MO, Mar. 10, 1850. Brown informs his uncle of the death of Weissinger and discusses his own success in the law profession, his personal goals, and friends. Also typed copy.
Jacob Brown Papers, 1961-2002 (K0998)
0.12 c.f. (6 folders)
Brown was a prominent attorney and civil leader in Kansas City Jewish community. Includes material related to the sale of property by Congregation Beth Shalom to Kroh Brothers Development Company & Allen & Company, Inc. Also biographical material on Brown.
Philip Shelley Brown Papers, 1903-1905 (K0130)
0.16 c.f. (1 folder)
This collection consists of a correspondence book containing letterpress copies of correspondence written by Philip Shelley Brown from 1903 to 1905. Most of the letters concern his Kansas City, Missouri, law practice.
Bryant Building Collection, 1917-1966 (K0903)
1 c.f.
Business records including leases, insurance policies, and various contracts related to the building in downtown Kansas City, MO. Also documents concerning the last will and testament of Harriet M. Bryant (1849-1920), owner of the Harriet M. Bryant Realty and Improvement Company.
Bureau For Men Records, 1920-1981 (S0176)
12.5 cubic feet, 328 folders, 43 photographs, 3 volumes
This collection contains the records of the St. Louis Bureau for Men, the first agency in the United States to provide social services to transient and homeless men. The collection is a combination of the Bureau's administrative files and the professional files of two of its four directors, Isaac Gurman and Charles Mann. The records document the founding of the Bureau until its demise in 1982 and the change of its focus from beggars, transients, and homeless men in the 1930s to ex-convicts in the 1950s-1980s.
W.H. Burnham Class Notes, 1861 (C0641)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Notes of lectures on anatomy and physiology by Professor Norwood and on international and constitutional law, taken at the University of Missouri by W.H. Burnham of Clarksville, Pike County, MO.
"Bushwhacking Days in Hickory County," Opal S. Butts, 1968 (C2590)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
An account of the murder of the Reverend Thomas Glanville in 1883.
Benjamin Benson Cahoon Papers, 1842-1889 (C0081)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers and correspondence of a Fredericktown, MO, lawyer dealing primarily with his business as a land agent. He paid taxes, made collections, sold land and furnished abstracts of title. Also a few cases involving collection of debts for merchants.
Benjamin Benson Cahoon Papers, 1868-1923 (R0142)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders, 1 photograph)
The Benjamin Benson Cahoon Papers contain photocopies of Benjamin B. Cahoon, an attorney and land agent in Fredericktown, Madison County, Missouri. The papers concern the land business, litigation in progress, and state politics. There are several letters from Missouri governors and officials, and Cahoon’s biographical sketch of Judge William Carter. There is also an original photograph of Cahoon from 1878.
DeVerne Calloway Papers, 1929-1986 (S0012)
18.2 cubic feet, 430 folders, 604 photographs, 5 volumes, 4 items
The DeVerne Calloway Papers contain correspondence, meeting meetings, newspaper clippings, photographs, posters, and scrapbooks chronicling her personal life and career as the first African American woman elected to the Missouri legislature. As the Missouri State Representative from the 70th District (1962-1981), Calloway focused on assisting welfare recipients and prisoners, which is reflected in her correspondence.
Harry J. Cantwell Collection, 1898-1900 (R0677)
2 cubic feet (40 folders)
These are papers of an attorney and developer of mineral properties in southeastern Missouri and Oklahoma. Most of the collection concerns title work and exploration of tracts near Irondale and Palmer in Washington County, Missouri.
Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, Oaths of Loyalty, 1865-1866 (C1062)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)
Abstract of oaths filed in conformity with requirements of 7th section of 2nd article of the new constitution.
Scott Carey Papers, 1917-1961 (C2336)
0.38 cubic feet (18 folders)
The papers of Scott Carey contain correspondence, reports of arrests, affidavits, and photographs pertinent to Carey's work as a private detective and Frisco Lines agent in Scott and Pemiscot Counties. A private detective for more than fifty years, Carey was also a special officer for the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad in the Missouri Bootheel region.
Carlinville, Illinois Papers, 1884-1894 (C0661)
0.04 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 volume)
Miscellaneous legal documents, papers, and clippings.