St. Louis LGBT History Project Collection, 1966-2015 (S1038)
17 cubic feet
The St. Louis LGBT History Project Collection consists of LGBT publications and three-dimensional objects (including t-shirts) collected by the Project. Founded by Steven Brawley in 2007, the St. Louis LGBT History Project is dedicated to preserving the history of the LGBT community in St. Louis, Missouri.
St. Louis Little Symphony Concert Association Records, 1905-1978 (S0923)
3 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks related to the organization's mission to provide outdoor concerts for music lovers.
St. Louis Local History Collection, 1963-1980 (S0076)
2 cubic feet
The St. Louis Local History Collection is an artificial collection comprised of various small donations documenting the history of St. Louis City, neighborhoods, and historic structures. The collection includes reports, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and unpublished manuscripts regarding Pruitt-Igoe, Mill Creek Valley, Laclede's Landing, and the Ville.
St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection, 1853-2023 (S0580)
16 cubic feet
The St. Louis Media History Foundation Collection consists of local St. Louis publications and original artwork, chronicling the history of print, television, radio, advertising, and public relations in the St. Louis Region. Materials of interest include issues of the St. Louis Outlaw, a radical newspaper published in the 1970s.
St. Louis Metropolitan League of Women Voters Records, 1936-2006 (S0234)
39 cubic feet
The records of the St. Louis Metropolitan League of Women Voters contains correspondence, financial records, reports, publications, and newspaper clippings chronicling the organization's mission to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government.
St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Records, 1810-1993 (S0415)
15 cubic feet, 474 folders, 98 photographs
The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society records contain abstracts of medical journals written by St. Louis doctors, newspaper clippings, reports, and photographs regarding medicine and medical practice in Missouri.
St. Louis Metropolitan Reference Collection, 1957-1984 (S0526)
1.0 cubic foot, 44 folders
The St. Louis Metropolitan Reference Collection is an artificial collection containing newsletters, reports, brochures, and maps regarding St. Louis City and County government agencies and organizations.
St. Louis Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Records, 1939-1977 (S0057)
1 roll microfilm
The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, treasurer’s reports, and newspaper clippings documenting the establishment and growth of the St. Louis Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.
St. Louis Municipalities Collection, 1930-1976 (S0074)
10 cubic feet
The St. Louis Municipalities Collection is an artificial collection containing multiple small publications documenting the history of St. Louis County's municipalities. The collection contains publications, histories, and reports.
St. Louis National Stockyards Company Records, 1877-1979 (S0139)
0.15 cubic feet, 5 folders
The records of the St. Louis National Stockyards Company contain Annual reports, stockholders meetings, histories, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a rates investigation cases of one of the major stockyards in the nation.
St. Louis Naturalists Club Records, 1896-1990 (S0539)
4 cubic feet, 244 folders, 278 photographs, 7 reels microfilm
The St. Louis Naturalists Club originated in 1898 when several friends met to discuss topics related to natural science. The club was limited to twelve members and met on the last Saturday of every month at the home of one of its members. The host was responsible for a presentation related to the natural sciences for the edification of their fellow members. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and a scrapbook.
St. Louis Peace Information Center Records, 1963-1976 (S0136)
3.2 cubic feet, 173 folders
The records of the St. Louis Peace Information Center contain correspondence, meeting minutes, and peace literature written and published by St. Louis and national peace groups, pertaining to the Center’s mission to facilitate communication and cooperation among St. Louis-area anti-war groups, as well as to inform the public about peace, activism, conscription, and the Vietnam War. The Center also provided draft counseling to conscientious objectors opposed to the war in Vietnam. Subjects of interest include anti-Vietnam protests in the St. Louis area, war tax resistance, and laws and regulations regarding draft counseling. The bulk of the materials date from the Center’s founding in 1967 to its closing in 1974.
St. Louis Publications Collection, 1887-2005 (S0764)
4 cubic feet, 56 folders
This collection contains various St. Louis publications, including but not limited to store advertisements, civic organization newsletters, religious publications, women's magazines, and African-American organizations. Topics of interest include trolleys, St. Louis histories, and local businesses and government.
St. Louis Regional Chamber Records, 1912-2004 (S0162)
46 cubic feet, 2088 photographs, 174 video tapes, 7 cassette tapes
The St. Louis Regional Chamber records contain materials from its six-predecessor organizations, the City Plan Commission, the Metropolitan Plan Association, the St. Louis Research Council, the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, the Regional Industrial Development Corporation (RIDC), and the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA). The records include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, and videotapes, documenting the St. Louis Regional Chamber and its predecessor’s mission to promote regional cooperation and planning for the development of the area’s resources. Materials of interest include RCGA and RIDC’s reports and studies, which provided economic and sociological analyses, as well as statistical data, of urban problems in transportation, public works, labor, the environment, capital investment, manufacturing, industrial education, and employment. The materials in this collection are incomplete, as they do not contain the records of the City Plan Commission before 1912.
St. Louis Regional Fellowship of Reconciliation Records, 1941-1967 (S0082)
22 folders, 0.6 cubic foot
The St. Louis Regional Fellowship of Reconciliation Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, and reports documenting the chapter's commitment to the philosophy and programming of religious pacifism. Topics of interest include conscientious objectors during World War II and the Korean War, the relocation of Japanese citizens, and nuclear weapons disarmament.
St. Louis Rotary Club Newsletters, 1949-1961 (S0616)
0.1 cubic foot, 1 folder
St. Louis Square Dancing Collection, 1949-2019 (S0450)
10.5 cubic feet
This collection consists of bylaws, correspondence, flyers, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks, documenting the Swinging Singles, Singles and Doubles, and St. Louis Metro Square and Round Dance Association's efforts to promote and teach square dancing in the St. Louis Metropolitan area.
St. Louis Strike of 1877 Manuscript, 1877-2000 (S0320)
0.01 cubic foot
An Unpublished manuscript on the response of the Working Men's Party, St. Louis chapter, to the 1877 national railroad strike. Also included in this collection is an article by David Roediger entitled, "Not Only the Ruling Class to Overcome, But Also the So-Called Mob: Class, Skill and Community in the St. Louis General Strike of 1877," published in the Journal of Social History, Vol. 19, No. 2. Winter 1985.
St. Louis Tip Toppers Inc. Records, 1943-2012 (S0268)
10 cubic feet
The records of the St. Louis Tip Toppers Inc. contain bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, booklets, correspondence, and scrapbooks pertaining to the club’s mission to provide friendship and fellowship for tall people through social activities and charitable causes. Materials of note include the club’s monthly in-house newsletter, Tips on Toppers, which contain the club’s meeting minutes, essays recounting the clubs planned social activities, event listings, and tips on clothing stores catering to tall people. Also included in the records are the club’s scrapbooks, which document the member’s charitable endeavors and social events, including their sponsorship of the 1986 Tall Clubs International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-1974 (C3661)
16.4 cubic feet (925 folders), 40 oversize volumes
The records consist of minutes, financial records, correspondence, and printed material of the union. The records also include The Typographical Journal and The Bulletin of the International Typographical Union and material from the St. Louis Allied Printing Trades Council.
St. Louis Typographical Union No. 8 Records, 1856-2008 (CA5275)
5.4 cubic feet, 5 card files
Addition of union publications, meeting minutes, and membership records.
St. Louis Vertical File, 1859-2011 (S0814)
0.4 cubic feet
The St. Louis Vertical File Collection is an artificial collection consisting of newspaper clippings, personal papers, oral histories, genealogy records, magazines, and other published material regarding St. Louis-area topics, including Forest Park, Dredd Scott, Gaslight Square, Delmo Housing Corporation, and architecture.
St. Louis Vietnam Committee, American Friends Service Committee Records, 1966-1971 (S0164)
0.2 cubic foot, 7 folders
The American Friends Service Committee was a Society of Friends (Quaker) peace organization. In 1966, the St. Louis chapter set up a local project, the St. Louis Vietnam Committee, to oppose the Vietnam War, especially through public education with guest speakers, political ads, films, and seminars. The collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, anti-war literature, and information about public speakers.
St. Louis, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1817-1971 (P1151)
An artificial collection of photographs depicting the city of St. Louis.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection, 1852, 1916-1984 (R1506)
18 cubic feet (14 folders, 81 volumes, 33 oversize volumes)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection contains records of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company “Frisco.” These records include AFE completion reports, ICC valuations, equipment registers and inventories, and materials on corporate history.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection, 1920-1980 (R1491)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders, 1 photograph)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection contains a sales kit, business records, and photographs for the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" Railway Company. The collection includes train and freight schedules, specifications for rail cars and lines, promotional materials, maps, sales manuals, and images of railcars and stations.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Map Collection, 1917-1962 (R1486)
1 cubic foot (3 folders, 5 maps)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Maps contain six maps featuring St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company land, railroad lines, stations, and buildings, located in Fort Leonard Wood, Lebanon, Newburg, and Rolla, Missouri.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)
These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records, 1930-1977 (SP0057)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records contain Seniority Rosters and Employee Line-Ups from 1930 to 1977. The records include the names and seniority rank of the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" railroad employees throughout Missouri, as well as Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Dedication Album, 1962 (S0031)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder, 200 pages
This collection contains a dedication album of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in St. Louis, Missouri, titled Partners in Progress. St. Nicholas created the album in 1962 to celebrate the addition of a community center to the church. The album documents the history of St. Nicholas's Greek Orthodox Church and the Greeks in St. Louis from 1870-1962.
St. Paul United Church of Christ (Hermann, Mo.) Records, 1844-1998 (C3969)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of a protestant church in a German community in Gasconade County, MO. The collection also includes records of the neighboring St. James Evangelical and Bethel Evangelical churches.
St. Paul's and St. Matthew's Parish History, 1960 (C3170)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a supplement to "St. Paul's and St. Matthew's," a history of the parish. Supplement covers period 1959-1960.
Frances Hurd Stadler Papers, 1917-2000 (S0329)
0.01 cubic foot
The papers contain a 15-page typescript titled That Was No Picnic, by Frances Hurd Stadler, recounting her experiences as a stenographer for Bechtel-Price-Callahan’s Canol Project, a $100,000,000 United States Department of War construction project to build an oil pipeline from Norman Wells, Canada, to Whitehorse, Alaska. Also included are photocopied newspaper articles and magazines about Bechtel and the Canol Project.
Ida K. Staggers Papers, 1936-1972 (K0501)
0.3 c.f.
Photographs, scrapbook and other memorabilia related to Staggers' 35-year career with Trans World Airlines (TWA) as an Air Hostess.
Reba Staggs Papers, 1938-1990 (C3970)
1.0 cubic foot (75 folders)
Papers of Reba Staggs, a graduate of Drury College and the University of Missouri and Director of the Department of Home Economics of the National Live Stock and Meat Board in Chicago, Illinois. The papers consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous materials.
Thomas Stanford and Rene Rozenbilt Goldman Papers, 1900-2010 (K1143)
.04 c.f.
Personal and family papers including certificates, letters, telegrams, and photographs for the Davis (Davidovich), Gitterman, Karash, Kopitnik, Levy, Rozenblit, and Spindler families.
Anton J. Stankowski Papers, 1890-1977 (C4552)
0.4 cubic feet (14 folders, 1 oversize item)
The papers contain notes and clippings kept by Stankowski regarding University of Missouri football and intramural sports, as well as correspondence and other materials concerning the 1966 reunion of the 1916 University of Missouri football team.
Louise Stanley Biographical Material, 1965 (C2281)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Profile of a nutritionist and home economist who was first chief of the Bureau of Home Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1923-1943. The biographical sketch was contributed by E. Neige Todhunter to the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION. Also announcement of presentation of the Mary Rourke Memorial Award to nutritionist Doris Lauder.
Stark Brothers Nurseries and Orchards Company Records, 1890s-1993 (CA4111)
139.7 cubic feet, 12 oversize volumes, 13 oversize items, 2 16 mm films
Business records of a Louisiana, Missouri, company include correspondence, reports, catalogs, printed materials, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Also included is material pertaining to varieties of fruits and plants developed by Luther Burbank.
Lloyd Crow Stark Papers, 1941-1972 (C0293)
1.9 cubic feet
Personal and business papers of a prominent Louisiana, MO, nurseryman and former Democratic governor of Missouri, 1937-1941. These materials include personal correspondence, nursery and agricultural business papers, family correspondence, and miscellaneous photographs.
Nathan Julius Stark Papers, 1948-1992 (K0459)
7 c.f.
Scrapbooks of correspondence, photographs, and other documents compiled by Stark, an executive with Hallmark Cards and Crown Center Redevelopment Corp., concerning his activities including leader of a civic group that helped Kansas City General Hospital become a nonprofit corporation, a founder of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, and board chairman of Truman Medical Center.
Stark-Logan Family Papers, 1813-2012 (CA6607)
2.2 cubic feet
The papers of a family from Louisiana, Missouri, include clippings, photographs, correspondence, genealogical information, and miscellaneous material, including material on Gov. Lloyd Stark.
Irene Stiefel Starr Papers, 1952-1960 (K0728)
4 c.f.
Programs, clippings, bulletins, letters, awards, report cards, test scores, and individual/composite photographs of activities at Border Star Elementary School, Southwest High School, Temple B'nai Jehudah, and the Missouri Valley Federation of Temple Youth.
Raymond H. Starr Papers, 1900-1966 (K1138)
0.25 c.f.
This collection contains Captain Raymond Starr's correspondences with his wife while he was serving during World War II in the United States Army Air Corps. Also included are a few letters to his children and friends.
State Historical Society of Missouri Art Collection Records, 1824-1988 (P1042)
Photographs of artwork held in the State Historical Society of Missouri's art collection.
State Historical Society of Missouri Photographs, 1896-2010 (P0137)
3.34 linear feet
Photos of the State Historical Society of Missouri, its staff, facilities, and events.
State Historical Society of Missouri Records, 1898-2023 (CA5785)
214.25 cubic feet, 26 oversize volumes, 24 oversize items, 5 audio cassettes, 4 CDs, 7 DVDs, 72.1 GB of digital files
The records of the State Historical Society of Missouri include correspondence; state historical marker files; scrapbooks; records of Executive Directors Richard Brownlee, James Goodrich, and Gary R. Kremer; executive committee and annual meeting materials; financial records; audiovisual recordings; and miscellaneous administrative material.
State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection, 1814-1962 (C0995)
14 rolls of microfilm
The State Historical Society of Missouri Typescript Collection consists of typescripts of articles and manuscripts donated over the years to the Historical Society.
Suzanne Statland Papers, 1950-1978 (K0841)
3 c.f.
Statland was involved in several Kansas City area historical, social and educational groups in Kansas City. Includes organizational files for the UMKC Friends of the Library, Historic Kansas City Foundation, Landmarks Commission, and Future Alternatives. Also research and speeches relating to human resources and relations, as well as various issues, such as parking and the environment.
Ruby Rose Stauber Photographs, 1959-1982 (SP0014)
5 cubic feet (267 folders)
The photographs of Ruby “Rose” Stauber depict life in the Woman’s Army Corps from 1952-1978. Of particular interest are the photographs of women in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and Fort McClellan, Alabama. Rose’s photographs also contain images of female generals at Fort McClellan, such as Mildred Inez Caroon Bailey and Elisabeth Hoisington. The collection also documents the people she encountered in her world travels during her military career.