Delbert James Haff Papers, 1880-1920 (K0691)
1 c.f.
Roughly 2500 personal letters collected by my great-grandmother Grace Barse Haff. The bulk of them were written to her by her husband Delbert J. Haff between the 1880s and 1920s, to and from all over the USA and Mexico. Others are addressed to them both from their children, siblings, and in-laws, including George and Rosina Barse, in either Kansas City or
Hagerman-Hayden Papers, 1852-1893 (C0110)
0.6 cubic feet
Letters and papers of an Alexandria, MO, lawyer; a Keokuk, IA, student at Academy of Visitation, St. Louis, MO; and a music student in Oberlin, OH.
Mary L. Hahn Photograph Collection, 1890, 1970 (P0443)
2 photographs
Copy photos of the Bollinger County Courthouse in Marble Hill, 1890 and 1970.
Sallie Hailey Papers, 1860-1989 (C4358)
1.8 cubic feet (36 folders), 17 oversize items
Photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, publications, and political convention material of the former director of the Department of Business and Administration for the State of Missouri and Democratic National Committeewoman of Missouri.
John R. Hall Collection, 1834-1966 (C1420)
0.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, pamphlets, photographs, newspapers, and other material relating to the history of Marshall and Saline County, MO. The collection is composed of items that Hall, an employee of the Marshall DAILY DEMOCRAT NEWS, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Wilfred Hallenbeck Photograph Collection, 1870-1961 (S0653)
0.25 cubic foot, 8 folders, 364 photographs
The collection contains images of the Hallenbeck family, Lambert Field, Camp Irondale Boy Scout Reservation, and St. Louis landmarks.
Emanuel Carl Haller Papers, 1881-1943 (C3250)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Letters, documents, and photos concerning church matters and the funeral of Emanuel Haller. Most of the letters are in German.
Hamilton, Missouri Photograph Collection, c. 1880s-1920s (C3789)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The collection contains single, family, and group portraits from the late 1800s and early 1900s taken primarily by photographers in Hamilton, Missouri.
Mrs. Henry W. Hamilton Collection, 1838-1924 (C1840)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Checks, deeds, promissory notes, and invoices, primarily of residents of Lafayette County, MO. Lafayette County election returns, 1844 and 1860.
Hannibal Ferry Company Papers, 1858-1902 (C0576)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Bills of sale, deeds, and reports concerning the company; ferry operator's license; and minute book containing records of the directors' and stockholders' meetings.
Hannibal Presbytery Synod of Missouri Records, 1833-1954 (C1362)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of the Hannibal Presbytery, formed in 1923 from the presbyteries of Salt River, McGee, and Kirksville. Pages 1-239 contain the records of the Salt River Presbytery; pages 240-460, of the Hannibal Presbytery.
Hannibal Savings Bank Records, 1869-1890 (C1243)
0.16 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Volume 1: Articles of association and minutes, 1869-1890; "Life of Constantine," part 2, by John L. Robards. Volume 2: Account book of Hannibal Savings Bank, 1872-1878; "Life of Constantine," part 1, by John L. Robards, secretary of the bank.
Glen O. Hardeman Collection, 1777-1922 (C3655)
3.6 cubic feet (98 folders)
The papers of the Hardeman family, who moved to Howard County, Missouri, from Tennessee, developing Fruitage Farm and a botanical showplace called Hardeman’s Garden on the Missouri River include correspondence, financial records, and scrapbooks. The correspondence includes letters from Henry Clay and Thomas Hart Benton.
Charles Henry Hardin Papers, 1842-1892 (C0111)
0.1 cubic feet (10 folders)
Hardin was a lawyer, governor of Missouri, 1874-1876, and founder of Hardin College in Mexico, Missouri. Collection includes correspondence with wife and friends, essays, speeches, unofficial reports, law notebook, legal cases in Boone, Callaway, Macon, and Randolph Counties, and diary of Mary Hardin, 1854-1856 and 1859.
Harding And Cogswell Limestone Company Drawings, 1896-1995 (S1117)
3 cubic feet
This collection contains drawings of St. Louis area buildings from 1986 to 1995
Isaac Hardister Surety Bond, 1896 (C1912)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
$500 surety bond of Isaac Hardister, street commissioner of Huntsville, MO.
Hardy Family Papers, 1849-1987 (S0380)
0.8 cubic feet, 164 photographs
The Hardy Family Papers contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and research papers of the Hardy family, who founded a salt packing and distribution business in St. Louis in 1914. The collection primarily chronicles the life of Jane Tillman Hardy, Thomas Walter Hardy Jr., and the family’s involvement with Hardy Salt.
Andrew Jackson Harlan Scrapbook, 1857-1906 (C4100)
0.35 cubic feet (1 oversize volume)
Dorothy Cochran Harlan Photograph Collection, 1898-1902 (P0138)
28 photographs
28 b/w photos of Missouri Training School for Boys in Boonville, Cooper Co., ca. 1900. Exterior and interior views of various buildings on campus, baseball team, school room, brick yard, dormitories, laundry and bath house, and bakery.
Moses Harman Papers, 1858-1984 (C3802)
0.1 cubic feet (13 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Papers of Moses Harman, founder and publisher of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, later the American Journal of Eugenics. He was a proponent of women’s rights and the eugenics movement during the late 1800s and early 1900s. The papers include typescript copies of speech and articles by Harman, a photograph, articles about Harman, and issues of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer, 1896-1907.
Harmony Church (Warren County, Mo.) Records, 1843-1919 (C3072)
1 roll of microfilm
The collection contains a record book of a German Lutheran Evangelical Church established in 1842. The collection includes transcriptions from other records, 1843-1881; and original records, 1881-1919, including birth, christening, confirmation, marriage, and death records.
William Augustus Harnsberger Papers, 1899-1911 (K0541)
0.21 c.f.
Letterpress volume of personal and professional correspondence of a prominent attorney in Kansas City, MO.
Harrington Family Scrapbook, 1897-1907 (C4331)
1 oversize volume
Harris Family Photographs, c. 1880s-1960s (C2415)
1.0 cubic foot (60 folders)
Photographs of family, friends, employers, church, and schools collected by Julia Warren Harris. Two folders contain postcards, a few letters, and announcements. The collection is a vivid portrait of black family and social life in Boone County, MO.
Harris-Petrie Family Papers, 1890s-1910s (CA6521)
1 cubic foot
The papers of the Harris and Petrie families of Fayette, Missouri, largely contain photographs, along with a scrapbook and miscellaneous papers. The majority of the photographs date from the 1890s-1910s.
Jack S. Harrison Papers, 1874-1943 (C0048)
6 cubic feet (311 folders)
Papers of an Equine Research Specialist on the staff of the Missouri State Museum and former horse breeder. The papers consist of research materials gathered for a history of Missouri livestock, the bulk of which concern horses. A small quantity of personal papers is included.
Thomas Harrison Papers, 1860-1894 (C0329)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
General account and stud book, 1860-1873; stud book, 1876-1894; weight certificate, 1889; check, 1890; and three miscellaneous items.
Harshbarger Family Papers, 1800s-2010s (CA6178)
104.8 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes, 16 audio cassettes, 8 CDs
Correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, diaries, U.S. Naval records, farm records, real estate records, clippings, songbooks, sheet music, and audio recordings of a Boone County, Missouri, family. Includes genealogical materials on the Aydelotte, McVicker, Mossholder, and Tourtillott families.
E.H. Hart Papers, 1880-1907 (C0937)
2 volumes
The papers contain records of fruit shipped from Federal Point, Florida, between 1880 and 1896. Also a mailing list dated 1907.
Alexis F. Hartmann Jr. Papers, 1884-2008 (S0341)
1.6 cubic feet
The Alexis F. Hartmann Papers contain correspondence, photographs, maps, and yearbooks documenting Hartmann's personal and professional life, including his career as a pediatrician at St. Louis Children's Hospital and a professor of pediatrics at Washington University.
Hashbarger, Ruth, (1917-2004), Papers, 1852-1988, 1852-1988 (C2968)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of Ruth Hashbarger contain family documents and books from the Goebel, Roesche, and Haeberle families, all of whom immigrated to the United States from Germany. Ruth Hashbarger was a descendent of these families.
Henry C. and Henry J. Haskell Papers, 1883-1979 (K0096)
1.25 c.f.
Hazard Dressing Mill Collection, 1896 (R0028)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Hazard Dressing Mill Collection contains a photocopy of a typescript that describes the mill and milling process for lead ores at Mine La Motte.
Rowland Hazard Papers, 1898 (R0141)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Rowland Hazard Papers contain a photocopy of a pamphlet, “Service in Remembrance of Rowland Hazard.” The pamphlet contains the text of memorial addresses for Rowland Hazard, a financier and industrialist from South Kingston, Rhode Island, who owned the Mine La Motte mining tract in Madison County, Missouri from 1870 to 1897.
Heaney Desegregation Collection, 1891-2004 (S0899)
9 cubic feet
The Heaney Desegregation Collection contains oral history interviews, newspaper articles, reports, and court files Gerald William Heaney used for his book, "Unending Struggle: The Long Road to an Equal Education in St. Louis."
Jeanette Rothgeb Heaton Collection, 1899-2003 (CA6749)
0.2 c.f.
National Historic Place certificate, New Lebanon histories, photographs, general store ads, and a New Lebanon church Sunday school records ledger book, 1926-1927.
Friedrich Hecker Papers, 1825-1986 (S0451)
4 cubic feet, 81 folders, 7 microfilm rolls
Friedrich Hecker led an unsuccessful revolt for a German republic in 1848; emigrated to America; aided a second Baden revolt in 1849; and settled in St. Clair County, Illinois. Hecker commanded two regiments in the American Civil War and was active in Republican party politics. The papers contain correspondence, certificates, newspaper clippings, and artifacts, primarily on the German revolts, the Civil War, and Republican politics. The collection is in German and English.
William L. Heckman Photograph Collection, 1892-1908 (P0552)
7 photographs
Photos of steamboats from noted river pilot William L. Heckman.
Helm-Davidson Family Papers, 1824-1970 (C3434)
2.5 cubic feet (101 folders, 1 oversize volume)
Henderson-Marr Family Papers, 1898-1992 (C4449)
0.9 cubic feet (22 folders, 1 oversize item)
Writings of Augusta Henderson-Marr with photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other genealogical research concerning the Henderson, Marr, and related families of Callaway County, Missouri.
Henninger Jewelry Store, Columbia, Photographs, 1889-1907 (P0430)
3 photographs
Photographs of Henninger Jewelry Store, Columbia, MO 1899, ca. 1902, ca. 1907
Henry County Historical Society Photograph Collection, 1896-1920 (P0205)
2 photographs
Copy photos of the Henry County Courthouse and a fox hunt in Henry County.
Henry County Veterans' Association Records, 1890 (R0223)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Henry County Veterans’ Association Records contain a photocopy of a printed program from the second annual meeting of the Henry County Veterans’ Association. The meeting took place from September 30 to October 2, 1890.
Henry Tobias Brewers and Maltsters Union #6 Collection, 1873-1990 (S0615)
16.2 cubic feet, 314 folders, 2 records, 1 reel tape, 556 photographs
The Brewers and Maltsters Local #6 is the oldest labor union in continuous operation in the city of St. Louis. This collection documents the changes that the Maltsters Union #6 underwent over the years as well as the everyday details of a labor union. The collection also contains material that Henry Tobias collected on the history of brewing and St. Louis breweries. Included are materials from the Dancing Masters of America and the Dancing Teacher's Association of St. Louis.
Ethelda Henry Genealogical Collection, 1671-1988 (C3881)
34.6 cubic feet (2,364 folders)
Family histories and genealogies of over 400 Boone County and central Missouri families, including the Asbell family. The collection also includes cemetery, census, marriage, school, will, Bible, and church records; clippings, photographs, family and genealogical correspondence, source materials, abstracts, and manuscripts; and miscellaneous.
John E. Henseler Papers, 1820-1910 (S0833)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The John E. Henseler Papers contain photocopies of photographs, military service summaries, and certificates pertaining to Henseler's service in the 35th Missouri Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.
Lafayette Henson Papers, 1876-1938 (C0114)
0.3 cubic feet
Correspondence and other papers of a physician of Galena, MO, who graduated from the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, in 1882. Class notes taken while a student at Missouri Medical College. Account book containing bills for medical attendance.
Administrative files of a major Kansas City real estate firm including leases, studies, sales records, property management records, aerial photographs, maps and drawings.
Roberta Herman Sheet Music Collection, 1890s-1920s (CA6390)
0.2 cubic feet
Collection of sheet music largely from the Tin Pan Alley and early jazz eras. Also includes a few songs published by Missouri publishers and reprints in St. Louis newspapers.
Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary's Court No. 1 Collection, 1891-1903 (S0105)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains a history of the Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary’s Court No. 1, and the meeting minutes of the Official Proceedings of the Grand Court of the Heroines of Jericho for the state of Missouri.