Carpenter Family Papers, 1830-1962 (C3489)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)
The papers contain notes, correspondence and genealogical records compiled by Lucy Grant Carpenter Bly while tracing all branches of her family. Most of the early letters are to the Carpenter family of Boone County from relatives in Virginia.
Carpenter's District Council of Greater St. Louis Records, 1834-2003 (S1091)
100 cubic feet
The records of the Carpenter's District Council of Greater St. Louis contains dues, membership, and meeting minute ledgers, documenting the union's efforts to unionize carpenters in the St. Louis area.
John C. Carpenter Letters, 1868-1870 (C0236)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Written from Lone Side, VA, concerning conditions in the south.
Carrollton Academy (Carrollton, Mo.) Records, 1854-1869 (C0598)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain photostatic copies of minutes of trustees’ and stockholders’ meetings and business records of the academy.
Carrollton, Missouri, Minute Book, 1860-1861 (C1065)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Minutes of meetings of the mayor and board of councilmen of Carrollton, Carroll County, MO, 9 May 1860-11 May 1861.
E.A. Carson Marriage Records, 1837-1882 (C3095)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Records of marriages solemnized by the Rev. Mr. Carson, copied from original record in Savannah, MO. Includes names of bride and groom, date and location of wedding, payment received, and personal remarks.
William Carson Papers, 1815-1863, 1907 (C0238)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Personal papers of a pioneer farmer and Santa Fe trader of Howard County, Missouri. Material on early medicine. Letters, accounts, receipts, three pictures of Kit Carson's home in Colorado, and miscellaneous papers.
Lewis Henry Carstarphen Papers, 1686-1971 (C3613)
2.6 cubic feet (228 folders)
Genealogical data on Glascock, Tutt, Watson, Woodson, Carstarphen and collateral families compiled by Carstarphen with his aunt, Emily Marion Watson, collaborating on the Watson, Woodson, and Tutt families.
Don C. Carter Papers, 1862-1902 (C3284)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Don C. Carter contain a summary of the Sturgeon, Missouri, court of common pleas; a docket, Boone County circuit court, February term, 1893; an engineer’s story of the Civil War; and a newspaper clipping concerning the Centralia Massacre.
Isaac Carter Bill of Court Costs, 1860-1861 (C1485)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection consists of an itemized bill of court costs in the case of STATE OF MISSOURI vs. ISAAC CARTER for grand larceny.
Thomas J. Carter Loyalty Oath, 1862 (C3781)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a photocopy of an oath of loyalty to the United States sworn by Carter, a resident of Glasgow in Howard County, Missouri.
William R. Carter Papers, 1867-1917 (C2605)
0.3 cubic feet
Material compiled by W.R. Carter about the University of Missouri and the College of Normal Instruction, now the College of Education. Includes typescript excerpts from the Appendix to the House and Senate Journal of the 24th General Assembly of Missouri, 1868; Board of Curators annual report, 1867; William F. Switzler's HISTORY OF BOONE COUNTY, MO, 1882; and University catalogues, 1867-1917.
Carter-McDade Family Papers, 1847-1993 (C4701)
1.0 cubic feet (31 folders), 6 oversize items
Family papers and genealogical materials created by Marguerite Carter McDade. The materials cover the Campbell, Carter, Fletcher, Hall, McDade, and Whittlesey families of Sedalia, Missouri, and various parts of Texas and Connecticut.
George W. Carvill Letters, 1834-1868 (C2697)
0.17 cubic feet (8 folders)
Sixty-four letters written by Carvill, his wife and daughter to relatives in London from various places in the South, describing family and economic matters, Mexican War, Civil War, Oregon and Maine boundary disputes, and slavery.
Cass County, Missouri, Documents, 1836-1884 (C0936)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Bills of sale for property, cattle and enslaved people, tax receipts, court proceedings, bonds, and court testimony.
Cass County, Missouri, Enrollment Notice, 1866 (C2876)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notice of enrollment by Rush G. Leaming, lieutenant and enrolling officer of Cass County, Missouri, of all able-bodied male inhabitants between the ages of 18 and 45. OVERSIZE.
Cass County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1865-1976 (P1107)
An artificial collection of photographs of Cass County, Missouri.
William L. Catherwood Papers, 1859-1873 (C3799)
0.2 cubic feet (14 folders)
Papers pertaining to the 8th Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia, which Catherwood commanded during the Civil War. Incorporation papers, deeds, and correspondence of the Lander Hill Tunnel and Silver Mining Company of New York and Nevada. Detailed report and drawing for a New York City rapid transit system, 1873.
Catholic Churches (Ralls and Monroe Counties, Mo.) Records, 1833-1954 (C2973)
5 rolls of microfilm
Baptismal, confirmation, burial, and marriage records from St. Peter's, St. Joseph's, St. Paul's, and Immaculate Conception Catholic Churches in Ralls County and St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Monroe County. Records are incomplete.
Cayce Family Papers, 1827-1914 (R1319)
0.5 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Cayce Family Papers contain correspondence to and from members of the Cayce family of St. Francois County, Missouri. Most of the items are addressed to or written by Ellis P. Cayce. The papers contain information on family members, family businesses, and Ellis’s courtship of Emma Dupuy.
Milton Pleasant Cayce Papers, 1849-1883 (R0498)
4 folders
These are personal and business papers of Milton P. Cayce and family of Farmington, St.
Francois County, Missouri. Included are bills of lading for goods shipped through Ste. Genevieve
(1849), family correspondence and business papers (1833-1926), and papers and correspondence
with Firmin A. Rozier regarding the St. Francois and Iron Mountain Road Company (1877-1883).
Cedar County, Missouri, Assessment Lists, 1861-1864 (C1070)
0.15 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Lists consist of property, enslaved people, cash, and notes held by those assessed.
Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1930 (C1307)
0.2 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Contains deed to lot, memberships, beliefs, rules of decorum, constitution and minutes of church business meetings. Also included are xerox copies of indentures, surveys and other documents pertaining to early transactions between the church and individuals in the area.
Central College for Women (Lexington, Mo.) Records, 1852-1932 (C4387)
1.0 cubic foot (33 folders), 5 oversize items
Central Missouri Association of United Baptists Records, 1859-1996 (R0599)
1 roll (40 volumes)
These are minutes of the annual meetings of the Central Missouri Association of United Baptists, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1859. The Association consists of churches in southeastern Missouri, primarily in the counties of Dent, Iron, Reynolds, and Washington.
Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company Account, 1861 (C2002)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account with D.A. Constable for purchase of merchandise.
Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company Contract, 1860 (C1869)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Contract between the company and the citizens of St. Joseph, MO, by which the citizens of St. Joseph provide offices and lands to the express company as part of the agreement for mail services.
"A Century of Freemasonry at Osceola, Missouri, 1841-1941," A. Loyd Collins, no date (C2187)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Historical sketch of Masonic organizations in Osceola.
Chadwell and Leavenworth Families Papers, 1837-1944 (R0883)
(5 folders)
These are photocopies of the correspondence and business papers of the Chadwell and Leavenworth families of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The papers concern family news and business matters, and include the Civil War letters of Alexander H. Chadwell, a Confederate soldier, and Joseph H. Leavenworth and N. H. Leavenworth regarding the lumber business in Mississippi in the 1870s and 1880s.
J. D. Champlin Papers, 1867 (R0952)
(1 folder)
This is a letter dated September 15, 1867 from J. D. Champlin of Champlin, Balch and Company, railroad contractors, in St. Louis, Missouri, to his son, John. The letter concerns construction of the Iowa Central Railroad and some family matters.
Sarah Ann Chandler Papers, 1832-1938 (C0840)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain a copy of a diary of family’s trip from Louisa County, Virginia, to Cooper County, Missouri. Account of a similar trip in 1938 by Charles Quarles Chandler, II. Ralph Dickinson’s comments on the 1836 diary. Photographs and miscellany.
Octave Chanute Papers, 1860-1890 (K0292)
0.2 c.f.
Selected microfilm of the Papers of Octave Chanute from the Library of Congress covering the periods when Chanute, renowned engineer and bridge builder, was active in Kansas City. Correspondence, family papers, articles, patents, photographs, sketches, kite diagrams, plans for Chanute's railroad bridge across the Missouri River (Kansas City Bridge), and clippings.
John A.J. Chapman Records, 1845-1863 (C2987)
1 roll of microfilm
Account book and ledger for mining and smelting operations at Rose Camp and for mercantile operations at Independence, Wayne City, and St. Joseph, MO. Memoranda of personal accounts, medical remedies and farming; surveys; plats; and maps. Notes about the Civil War and jayhawking on the Missouri-Kansas border.
Chariton County Exchange Bank Papers, 1819-1922 (C0067)
1.5 cubic feet
Bank accounts; documents; pamphlets; letters and bills having to do with the tobacco industry in Chariton and Carroll Counties and Chariton County Wool Growers Association; miscellaneous clippings. Account book of bank includes bills and receipts from various business concerns.
Chariton County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1866 (P1108)
An artificial collection of photographs of Chariton County, Missouri.
Charles Golterman and Sons Mill and Machinery Company Records, 1866-1928 (C3491)
0.4 cubic feet (17 folders)
The records contain ledgers, daybooks, and papers pertaining to operation of a farm, grist and sawmill and steam threshing and agricultural implement business by Golterman and his nine sons in St. Charles County, Missouri.
Charles Monroe Chase Papers, 1861 (C2371)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Letters, Civil War diary, and musical composition book of a band director from DeKalb County, IL. Chase enlisted in the 13th Illinois Regiment in July 1861 and was sent to Camp Rolla in Phelps County, MO. The diary describes camp life, the routine and practice that the band followed, military engagements, and Chase's opinions on the war. The letters to him were written by friends from Sycamore, IL.
George M. Chase Papers, 1862-1940 (K0536)
0.01 c.f.
Letter and document ["passport"] identifying Chase, a Kansas City merchant from Maine, interstate travel Maine to Kansas City during the Civil War.
Joseph Chew Orders, 1863 (C1490)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Orders, September 1863, forbidding Dr. Chew of Kansas City, MO, to reside in Platte, Clay, or Carroll Counties during the Civil War. Orders, October 1863, partially revoking September orders.
Theodore F. Childs Papers, 1866-1872 (C2001)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters and receipts pertaining to claim of Blair, Curd & Company against the government.
Chiles/Huston/Kearny Family Papers, 1850-1992 (K0677)
4 c.f.
Newspaper clippings, U.S. maps, magazines, books, and event programs, correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, cards, notebooks and diaries pertaining to the families in Kentucky, New England, and Jackson County, MO.
Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company Papers, 1868-1903 (C2564)
0.16 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 volume)
The papers of the Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company contain miscellaneous records, including stock certificates and transfers.
Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company Stock Certificates, 1868-1880 (C2121)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificates for three $50 shares issued to George W. Moberly, and transfer of one share to James Burrows.
Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune Photographs, 1843-1937 (P0084)
0.75 linear feet
Photographs of Chillicothe, MO, and Livingston County, including area businesses, farming activity, schools, clubs, homes, and churches.
Eugene Chinn Account Book, 1845-1882 (C0862)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Scattered personal accounts, 1845-1847 and 1878-1882, probably kept by a Howard County, Missouri, farmer.
Choate Family Papers, 1837-1860 (SP0040)
.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Choate Family Papers consist of correspondence between John K. Choate and his siblings, Aaron, Tom, and Elisabeth.
Henri Chomeau Papers, 1869-1956 (C2252)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Copies of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellany concerning Chomeau, Roswell M. Field and Eugene Field, activities at the University of Missouri, and social gossip.
Christ Church Cathedral Photographs, 1845-1980 (P0840)
19 photographs
Portraits of Christ Church Cathedral clergy
Robert P. Christeson Collection, 1841-1995 (C3971)
36.0 cubic feet (887 folders), 1387 audio discs, 135 audio tapes, 152 audio cassettes, 112 wire recordings, 3 film reels
The Christeson Collection contains sheet music, song books, and other publications related to square dancing and folk dances, publications on the history of violins and fiddles, catalogs of instruments and musical recordings, correspondence, photographs and family papers, fiddle organization newsletters, fiddle contest flyers and folk festival information, and the working papers of volumes I and II of The Old-Time Fiddler's Repertory. In addition, this collection contains Christeson's original wire recordings, audio tapes, and audio discs of fiddle tunes, jam sessions, fiddle contests, and other folk genres.
Christian Church (Fulton, Mo.) Records, 1848-1888 (C0585)
1 roll of microfilm
Membership, minutes of business meetings, minutes of Board of Officers' meetings, financial records, pledges, and assessments.