Christian College (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1836-1986 (C0038)
30 cubic feet (1,392 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm, 1 card file, 51 lantern slides, 11 audio cassettes
The records of the first women’s college chartered in Missouri, and one of the first chartered west of the Mississippi River, consists of correspondence, catalogs, yearbooks, photographs, and financial records.
E.A. Christy Letter, 1863 (C1834)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To J.H. Marmon, Liberty, MO, from Platte City, MO, Feb. 24, 1863. Written to her father, the letter discusses the Civil War, particularly jayhawkers and marauding bands. Mentions conscription and health of various family members.
Church of God (Antioch, Mo.) Records, 1869-1908 (C2899)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Membership roll and record of funerals. Also membership roll of the Church of God, at Mt. Nebo, MO.
Civil War Claims, 1865-1874 (C1493)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Civil War Documents, 1861-1865 (C4274)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders)
Photocopies of miscellaneous papers including discharges, enlistments, Confederate bills and notes, stamps, insignia, orders, and mustering out papers of soldiers, including officers, mostly from Missouri.
Civil War Documents, 1862-1904 (C2654)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Letter and pamphlet on Confederate Missouri batteries at the Battle of Vicksburg. Blueprint of the Vicksburg National Military Park; proposed inscriptions for Missouri batteries. Muster rolls, a muster and pay roll, and an order book of Dawson's 3rd Missouri Battery (also called St. Louis Battery and McDonald's Battery), C.S.A., with the army of the West's General and Special Orders.
Civil War Envelopes, c. 1860s (C4316)
0.2 cubic feet (14 folders)
The collection consists of mailing envelopes used during the Civil War which express pro-Union sentiment in the form of artistic caricatures.
Civil War in Missouri Scrapbook, 1823-1868 (C1379)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Collection of newspaper clippings on Missouri, 1823-1868, from New York and Boston newspapers, primarily the NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. Most of the items pertain to the Civil War in Missouri, 1861-1862, and include maps and diagrams of the war in the west.
Civil War Letter, 1862 (C1835)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To his wife from "Thomas," Nov. 14, 1862.
Discusses guerrilla activities, bushwhacking, and the possibility of enlisting in the Missouri Militia, as well as family affairs and future prospects.
Civil War Letter, 1863 (C0464)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To "Charles" in the East from "Kathryn," St. Louis, MO, May 24, 1863. Discussion of St. Louis and the war.
Civil War Letter, 1863 (C0465)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To "Hattie," from Charleston, SC, Sept. 3, 1863.
Written by a Civil War soldier to his wife, the letter mentions lack of anything to do and seeing the MONITOR and IRONSIDE in the bay. Unidentified photo of a soldier.
Civil War Letter, 1862 (C2587)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a personal letter to his wife, written from Campbell Hospital, Washington, D.C., Dec. 31, 1862.
Civil War Letter, 1862 (C0511)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from an unknown soldier to mother and father from Camp Muligan, Lexington, Missouri, Nov. 21, 1862. Tells of scouting trips, daily activities, and the election in Pleasant Hill.
Civil War Letters, 1862 (C2008)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains two letters written to his parents in Wisconsin about skirmishes at Chalk's Bluff, AR, and Kennett and Hornersville, MO, and capture of steamer DANIEL B. MILLER.
Civil War Letters, 1864 (C2457)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Three letters from "Roger" in Washington, D.C. They concern Sherman's march to the sea, G.K. Warren's failure to destroy important railroad connections, and other military news. His information is from southern newspapers and U.S. Grant's telegrams.
Civil War Letters, 1860-1862 (C2236)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Civil War letters by Union and Confederate soldiers, battle report, 1861, and directive, 1860.
Civil War Letters, 1864 (C3196)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two letters to a woman named Caroline, one from Francis M. Froth, the other from George Smith, both writing from Memphis, TN, and telling of army life and their hopes for the future.
Civil War Muster Rolls, 1861-1864 (C1853)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a fragment of muster roll of men from Caldwell County, MO, 1861; a penciled list of names, July 1864, of Caldwell County militia, possibly those pursuing Thraillkill (Confederate) Raiders; and a letter from Bertha Booth explaining the muster rolls.
Civil War Orders, 1861 (C1495)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains orders signed by John Bryner, commander of the 47th Regiment, Illinois Volunteers, and by E.B. Eno, acting provost marshal.
Civil War Passes, 1862-1863 (C2807)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Five railroad passes and one hospital pass.
Civil War Relief Meeting Notice, 1864 (C2804)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Broadside announcing mass meetings in Kirksville, county seat of Adair County, to provide widows, orphans and families of active soldiers with necessities for winter.
Civil War Scrapbook, 1850-1865 (C0923)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The scrapbook contains clippings from unidentified newspapers of the Civil War period largely concerning the Buchanan-Fillmore election, slavery, states’ rights, speeches, and other issues of the time.
Fayette Clapp Diary, 1862-1863 (C2430)
0.17 cubic feet (8 folders)
Diary consists of "letters" written to Clapp's wife during service in the Mississippi Fleet of the Union. As a surgeon, Clapp participated in Grant's campaign to take Vicksburg, the Yazoo Pass Expedition, and the Battle of Grand Gulf. Provides glimpses of shipboard life, comparisons of army and navy, observations on slavery, and familial concerns.
Champ and Bennett Champ Clark Papers, 1853-1873 (C0666)
25 cubic feet (1442 folders, 25 volumes, 4 oversize volumes)
Political and personal papers of a Democratic U.S. congressman from Missouri, 1893-1895, and 1897-1921, and his son, a Democratic U.S. senator from Missouri, 1933-1945. Also includes materials of other family members. Collection contains correspondence, financial and legal documents, journals, photographs, speeches and writings, and clippings and scrapbooks.
Charles W. Clark Papers, 1854-1911 (C0083)
0.6 cubic feet
Letters of a Vermont Congregational minister to his wife, nee Harriet Lucretia Calton, describing several churches he served. Letters to him from his brother Edward P., who served in the Civil War and later was a traveling book salesman working out of St. Louis. Diaries and death records of the minister.
J.J. Clark Letter, 1864 (C2196)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a love letter to M.L. Riddle, Feb. 22, 1864.
Mary Jane Vaughn Clark Letter, 1862 (C2365)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A letter from Clark of Unionville, MO, to her sister-in-law Mary Clark Joiner, Clifford, IN, describing Clark's husband's suicide after he was wounded at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing.
Clarkson Family Papers, 1810-1870 (C1705)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders)
This collection contains Clarkson family correspondence primarily between Colonel Charles S. Clarkson, his wife, Charlotte, and their children, originating from Ohio, Kentucky, St. Louis, and other locations, concerning family news and business matters. Correspondence from friends and extended family members is also included.
Clay County Savings Association (Liberty, Mo.) Robbery Description, 1866 (C0693)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Description of robbery, supposedly committed by Jesse James, February 13, 1866, including amounts stolen.
Clay County, Missouri History Papers, 1850-1896 (K0445)
0.18 c.f.
Letters and oaths relating to disenfranchisement under the "Drake Constitution"; autobiographical statements on early Clay County settlers; miscellaneous items including obituaries, sale and other announcements, and letters to the editor. Presumably all of these holograph documents were in some form published in the Liberty Tribune.
Clay County, Missouri, Assessor's Notice, 1868 (C2836)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notice by C.J.J. Leopold, assessor, of the locations designated by the county court for filing lists of taxable property and census information.
Clay County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1830-1980 (P1112)
An artificial collection of photographs of Clay County, Missouri, including photographs of the James Farm, Excelsior Springs, Liberty, Watkins Mill, and other settlements and features in the county.
Clay Seminary (Liberty, Mo.) Papers, 1855-1864 (C0599)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain materials of a young ladies' school, including, fifth annual catalogue, 1860; commencement exercises, 1861-1864; exhibitions of Eunomian Literary Society, 1860-1864; and advertising circulars.
Green Clay Journal, 1861-1862 (C0955)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Green Clay, a member of the U.S. foreign service, served as secretary of legations in St. Petersburg and later in London. His journal primarily contains description of various places in Russia and England. Clay also refers to "Lincoln's fratricidal war" and gives a lengthy description of Czar Alexander II.
Clay-Garibaldi Letters, 1866-1867 (C2418)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
Correspondence of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Green Clay, secretary of the American legation in Florence, Italy, concerning Garibaldi's claim to protection as an American citizen following his arrest by the Italian government, his escape from Caprera, and Clay's report on a visit with him after his defeat at Mantena.
Daniel B. Cleghorn Family Papers, 1848-1892 (C0252)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Diary kept by Cleghorn, 1863, on prospecting trip from McGregor, IA, to Black Hills of Dakota Territory; accounts in back. Letters, accounts, receipts, mining claims. Correspondence concerning "Cleghorn Springs," Rapid City, Dakota Territory.
Cleveland-Gillaspy Papers, 1849-1939 (C0105)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)
Correspondence, legal papers, tax receipts, photographs, and miscellany of James C. Gillaspy and James Longstreet Cleveland of Boone County, MO. Includes minute book and constitution of Providence Speas (Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Social) Club, Providence, MO, an organization active during the 1930s.
Stephen D. Coale Letters, 1864-1865 (C2712)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from a confederate soldier concerning the war, Johnson's Island, and conditions of prisoner exchange and release.
Cochran-Jeffress Family Papers, 1831-1994 (C4669)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Family genealogy of the Cochran-Jeffress family of Cooper County, Missouri. Included are pages from the Jeffress family Bible and Cochran family photographs, circa 19th century.
Monroe F. Cockrell Collection, 1864-1907 (P0297)
3 photographs
b/w drawing of New Palace Hotel, Fulton, MO, 1907. b/w photo of Cockrell Family, 1890. b/w photo with negatives of General Cockrell, Confederate Army, Civil War.
James L. Coghill Letters, 1861-1862 (C0245)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Written to his wife Molley in Virginia by a Confederate soldier stationed in Tennessee and Kentucky with Floyd's Brigade, 50th Regiment, Company F. Describe camp life, army movements, officers, and health.
Cold Water Baptist Church (St. Louis County, Mo.) Record Book, 1809-1871 (C1296)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of the Cold Water Baptist Church, 1809-1819; Baptist Church of Christ Friends to Humanity, 1834-1838; and Salem Baptist Church, 1841-1871; all on Cold Water in St. Louis County, MO.
Cole County Historical Society Photograph Collection, 1850-1954 (P0537)
10 photographs
Photos of Jefferson City and Arrow Rock Tavern.
Abraham Cole Muster Roll and Report, 1864 (C2136)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Muster role of Captain Cole's vigilante company that patrolled Hickory and St. Clair Counties during the Civil War. The company was composed of St. Clair County citizens.
Report by Cole to the commander at Warrensburg about the Citizen Guards and their efforts to combat bushwhackers.
Coleman Family Papers, 1862-1865 (R0619)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Coleman Family Papers contain original and photocopies of letters written to Elizabeth C. Coleman and her parents during the Civil War, by relatives and friends in the 6th Missouri Infantry. Included are letters from Otterville and Rolla, Missouri, and Vicksburg, Mississippi, one from Washington, D.C., in 1865, and two from Pilot Knob, Missouri. The letters contain camp news and information on mutual friends. The letters from Pilot Knob concern postwar employment.
Edward Coles Papers, 1818-1866 (C0258)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Deeds and will pertaining to a tract of land in Pike and Lincoln Counties, MO.
Collapse of the Women's Prison at 15th and Grand Collection, 1863-1956 (K0349)
0.12 c.f.
Research correspondence and typed transcripts of historical documents, and Photostats of original documents from the National Archives concerning the event in Kansas City, MO on August 13, 1863.
Collett Family Papers, 1833-1964 (C2949)
0.22 cubic feet (11 folders)
Genealogical material about the Collett family of Adair County, MO. Tax receipts, miscellaneous pamphlets and newspaper clippings, poetry and essays.
Charles Collins Papers, 1836-1954 (C3209)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Miscellaneous letters and clippings regarding the Royall, Switzler, Price, and Henderson families; article about John Price by Eva Grant Maloney; typescript copies of "A Trip to the South," and "My Second Tour in the South," by William F. Switzler in 1836; Mary Jane Royall Switzler's album of memories filled with prose and poetry.
Elise Guignon Collins Collection, 1861-1986 (K0704)
0.25 cf
Clippings, correspondence, photographs, and papers concerning the history of Kansas City, the area around Visitation Church at 52nd and Main, researched by Collins; and pamphlets, newspaper clippings, regarding the Guignon and Boussier families.