Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now Records, 1972-1980 (S0040)
1 cubic foot, 52 folders
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform NOW (ACORN) contains bylaws, correspondence, newsletters, issue statements, and press releases relating to the group's mission to fight for social and economic justice for low and moderate-income families in Missouri.
Association of Family Women Collection, 1975-1980 (S0102)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The Association of Family Women Collection contains newsletters, a brochure, a flyer, and a newspaper clipping, pertaining to the group’s mission to address problems faced by wives and mothers in American society.
Association of Fundraising Professionals Records, 1974-2003 (K0451)
5 c.f.
Presidents' files including history and bylaws, topical files, correspondence, and printed materials for the organization and its predecessor, the Greater Kansas City chapter National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE).
Association of St. Louis Area Archivists Records, 1971-2015 (S0849)
3.5 cubic feet
The Association of St. Louis Area Archivists Records contains meeting minutes, bylaws, correspondence, annual reports, financial records, membership surveys, and newsletters relating to the organization's mission to promote cooperation among archival professionals in the bi-state region and disseminate archival best practices through workshops and educational programs. The topics covered in this collection include the organization’s programming, design, and dissemination of membership surveys; hosting archival education workshops; developing new membership packets and brochures; and the Midwest Archives Conference held in St. Louis in 1981.
Astronomical Society of Kansas City Records, 1983-1991 (K0853)
0.1 c.f.
Includes an incomplete set of the newsletter, "Cosmic Messenger" and revised bylaws, membership registration and questionnaire, brochures, an observation calendar, and meeting invitations.
"At The Funeral of an Ozarks Farm Widow" Collection, 2017 (SP0025)
.1 c.f. (1 folder)
The “At the Funeral of an Ozark Farm Widow” Collection consists of a written account of a funeral of an elderly widow in a fictional Ozark town in 1980. The account, written by the widow’s son-in-law, portrays the interactions of the family during and after the funeral and the ensuing fighting that resulted over the widow’s will. The manuscript details actual events, but all names and locations have been changed for the sake of privacy
Athena Club, Charleston, Missouri Records, 1941-1992 (R0666)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
These are the records of the Athena Club, a women's club at Charleston in Mississippi County, Missouri. The records consist of minute books, 1953-1992; and scrapbooks, circa 1941-1985.
James D. Atwater Papers, 1980s-1990s (CA5691)
20 cubic feet
Papers of a journalism educator and dean of the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. Includes correspondence, talks, subject files, teaching materials, papers related to writing projects,and other materials.
Auerbach Family Papers, 1980 (K0888)
0.01 c.f.
The Auerbach family owned the Bell Street Mama's restaurant at 1726 West 39th St. in Kansas City, MO. Includes a Bell Street Mama's menu.
Auroran Club, Phyllis Wheatley Branch, YWCA Scrapbooks, 1958-1981 (S0391)
0.25 cubic feet
The Auroran Club, Phyllis Wheatley Branch, YWCA Scrapbooks collection contains programs, histories, photographs, newspaper clippings, and invitations of the Auroran Club of the Phyllis Wheatley Branch of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Metro St. Louis.
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO) Scrapbooks, 1937-2000 (K0657)
8 c.f.
BBYO is an international, pluralistic Jewish youth group for high school-age teenagers. Scrapbooks contain paperwork, photographs, and memorabilia related to meetings, programs, and conferences.
Frank Olin Babcock Papers, 1916-2003 (K0977)
2 c.f.
Personal papers of former Executive Vice-President of the Associated Plumbing Contractors and Mechanical Contractors of Greater Kansas City. Includes personal papers, photographs and other materials relating to the life, family, and work of Babcock.
Jean Coover Babcock Papers, 1944-1996 (K0740)
5.5 cubic feet
Family, personal, and professional materials of Babcock, a ballerina and dance instructor. Family papers include photographs, printed materials, ephemera, and material regarding her father's his job as a railroad engineer. Personal and professional papers include correspondence; photographs; clippings; programs from dance and theatre performances; material documenting her ballet career in Germany and Canada; and administrative and financial records of her Kansas City dance schools.
Joe Bachant Papers, 1970s-2000s (CA6575)
5.9 cubic feet, 2 audio cassettes, 2 video cassettes, 1 oversize item
The papers of an environmentalist who worked for the Missouri Department of Conservation for much of his career include correspondence, subject files, speeches, photographs, and material concerning the Missouri Stream Team Program. Bachant was involved in preventing the damming of the Meramec River as well as the creation of the Missouri Stream Team Program.
Frank Harold Backstrom Papers, 1923-1984 (K0140)
1 MR
Scrapbook of clippings, campaign literature, and other memorabilia related to Backstrom's career on the Kansas City City Council during the reform movement of the 1930s-1940s.
John Baeke, Sr. Banner Collection, 1982 (K1325)
2 c.f.
The collection consists of two (2) canvas banners, screen printed, approximately 3' x 5', dating from circa 1982. The banners were purchased from the J.C. Nichols Company by John Baeke, Sr., president of the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club. The club hosted regular Heart of America mini-meets, one of which was held on the Country Club Plaza by the Swanson's department store, circa 1982.
Howard F. Baer Papers, 1960-1998 (S0038)
5 cubic feet
The Howard F. Baer Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting his activities as a St. Louis Zoological Sub District Commission member from 1979 to 1984 and his time as a Trustee of the Missouri Botanical Garden from 1937 to 1985. Also included in the collection is Baer's autobiography, "An Ordinary Man."
Elizabeth Bailey Photograph Collection, 1987, no date (P0379)
1 folder
Postcard of Missouri United Methodist Church (Columbia), photographs of Mary K. Dains retirement reception (8-8-1991), Ronald Reagan visit to Columbia (1987), and the Missouri State Archives (1991).
Ray Baird Papers, 1897-1985 (C0749)
0.6 cubic feet
Papers of a Missouri professional youth work director, 1925-1956; businessman, 1956-1974; and amateur band leader, 1974-1982. Includes personal papers, genealogical materials on the Baird family, diaries, correspondence, poetry, award presentations, photographs, and newspaper clippings.
Martha Baker Papers, 1890-2014 (S0308)
0.5 cubic foot
The Martha Baker Papers is a genealogical collection containing correspondence, photographs, family trees, family histories, and a marriage certificate pertaining to the Baker, Owens, Smelser, Dieffenbach, Eoff, and Grinstead families.
Suzan Houston Baker Papers, 1965-2000 (K0576)
0.75 c.f.
Papers of former Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Hostess, line and new hire instructor. Includes instructional materials, manuals, brochures, and flight information.
Clara Baldwin Papers, 1947-1993 (C3953)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Clara Baldwin, a trade reporter and published author of poetry and children’s books, consist of personal correspondence, biographical materials, published trade journal articles and poetry, and photographs.
Balk Family Papers, 1923-2017 (S0633)
1 cubic foot
The Balk Family Papers contain architectural plans, design notes, correspondence, and certificates pertaining to Kenneth and Harriett Balk of St. Louis and St. Charles, Missouri. Materials of interest include architectural plans created by Kenneth Balk for the Balk family home at 135 Mystic Meadows Lane, a mid-century modern home in Creve Coeur, Missouri.
Karen J. Ball Papers, 1980s-2020s (CA6706)
1.4 cubic feet
The papers of Karen J. Ball contain newspaper and magazine articles written by and about the donor. Also included are photographs, press badges, correspondence, and miscellaneous professional materials.
John E. Ballard Papers, 1965-2005 (CA6135)
31 cubic feet, 7 videocassettes
A local government specialist for 21 years for the University of Missouri Extension, Ballard earned a Master's degree in Community Development from the University of Missouri. Papers include personal research, records from his private consulting business, political newsletters, and other miscellaneous files.
Balot and Agron Family Papers, 1937-1993 (K0889)
0.01 c.f.
Reunion booklet, the Agron-Eisberg Chronicle, containing family tree, photographs and family history.
Betsy Balsley Collection, 1865-2009 (SP0062)
6 cubic feet (51 folders)
The Betsy Balsley Collection contains the personal and professional papers of Joplin, Missouri, native and Los Angeles Times Food Editor, Betsy Barr Balsley. The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, and various publications such as magazines and cookbooks.
Baltzell-Chambers Family Papers, 1857-1981 (C3995)
0.4 cubic feet (23 folders)
Papers relating to the Baltzell-Chambers family of Deer Ridge, Missouri. The papers consist of correspondence, photographs, a scrapbook, and a genealogy, as well as graduation memorabilia, land deeds, and military discharge papers from the Civil War.
Jacqui Banaszynski Papers, 1974-2000 (CA6200)
5 cubic feet
Papers of a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and journalism educator who worked for several Midwest and Pacific Northwest newspapers. Includes articles, research materials, interview notes, correspondence, and datebooks.
Bangert Family Papers, 1923-1994 (SP0008)
.5 cubic feet (40 folders, 620 photographs)
The Bangert Family Papers chronicle two generations of the Bangert Family. They consist mostly of the personal papers of Nell Mabrey Bangert and the genealogy and family photographs of her husband’s family. Also included is material chronicling her teaching career, including photographs of her students, which have been organized by year.
Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1946-2003 (K0656)
17 c.f.
Organizational records of the Auxiliary including annual reports, bylaws, board minutes, financial records, medical reports, surveys, newspaper clippings, commemorative booklets, newsletters, flyers, event programs, brochures, photographs, slides, photo albums, calendars, and VHS tapes.
Walter L. Bargen Papers, 1963-2012 (C4727)
7 cubic feet (194 folders), 2 oversize items
Manuscripts, publications, and subject files of Walter L. Bargen, an author and the first Poet Laureate of Missouri (2008-2010).
Francis M. Barnes III Papers, 1940s, 1970s-1990s (CA5837)
7 cubic feet, 1 volume
Papers of a Missouri state representative and attorney include subject files, legislative files, historical research material, newspaper clippings, photographs, campaign material, and memorabilia, and other miscellaneous personal items.
Mary Jane Barnett Papers, 1913-1997 (CG0004)
1.6 cubic feet
The collection contains correspondence, photographs, diaries, scrapbooks, business-related trade journals, a Narcotic Register, and miscellaneous papers for Mary Jane "Miss Jane" Barnett and her life and business partner, Elaine "Tommie" Davis.
Barnitz Family Photograph Collection, circa 1910-1980s (R1296)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 43 photographs)
This collection consists of twenty-three black and white and twenty color photographs that were loaned for scanning. The photographs include agricultural activities and rural farm life from the early 1910s to 1980s in Phelps and Dent Counties. The photographs include subjects such as cattle and hog raising, baling hay, showing livestock and the Lake Spring Homemaker's Club in 1953.
Barry County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1914-1982 (P0672)
Photographs of Barry County, Missouri, focused on historic structures, historic markers, and schools.
George Randolph Barse, Jr. Papers, 1980 (K0419)
0.07 cubic feet (1 folder)
The George Randolph Barse, Jr. Papers were written in 1889 to 1891 by George Randolph Barse, Jr. to his family who resided in Kansas City, Missouri. This photocopy collection also includes drawings, photos, and a summarized listing of the letters.
Barstow School Records, 1892-1989 (K0277)
29 c.f.
Barstow is a private preschool through twelfth grade school in Kansas City, MO. Included are yearbooks, material on events, activities, and students; financial and business records such as ledgers, enrollment counts, and fundraising efforts; photographs; meeting minutes; and scrapbooks. The scrapbooks may include correspondence; school newspapers; printed and published material such as programs and invitations; photographs; and clippings.
Barth's Clothing Store, Columbia, Photographs, 1910-1980 (P0431)
10 photographs
Photographs of Barth's Clothing Store, Columbia, MO, beginning in 1910.
Tad Bartimus Papers, 1942-2020 (CA5738)
17.1 cubic feet, 123 audio cassettes, 16 video cassettes, 73 computer discs, 31 CDs, 10 DVDs, 473.05 GB of digital files, 26 oversize items
Articles, photographs, correspondence, and other writings of AP reporter Tad Bartimus. Also includes some personal material.
Daniel Brook Bartlett Papers, 1981-2000 (K0414)
23 c.f.
Professional files of Bartlett, Chief Judge of the United States Western District of Missouri. Includes trial, sentencing, and hearing notes; speeches; calendars; and records of pro se prisoner correspondence.
Barton-Para Family Papers, 1955-2006 (CA6659)
4.2 cubic feet
Scrapbooks and photograph albums compiled by Ruth Barton, Cathy Barton, and Dave Para. Cathy Barton and Dave Para of Columbia and Boonville, Missouri, were folk musicians who founded the Big Muddy Folk Festival in 1991.
Bass-Hickman Family Collection, 1825-2021 (CA6618)
0.9 cubic feet, 2 computer discs, 4 oversize items
Photographs, clippings, correspondence, land grants, and genealogical material of the Bass, Hickman, and related families of Boone County, Missouri.
Bates County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1914-1981 (P0037)
10 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of Bates County, primarily focusing on the Butler area (5 photos), but also including Rockville (1 photo).
J. Christian Bay Papers, 1815-1989 (CA6710)
1.0 cubic foot, 1 oversize volume
The papers of Jens Christian Bay include certificates, photographs, correspondence, publications and writings, lectures, and miscellaneous personal and biographical material. Also included is a scrapbook celebrating the 80th birthday of Bay, which includes celebratory letters.
Nanette Baz-Dresh Manuscript, 1982 (S0024)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains one manuscript titled “Shakesperean Plays in St. Louis in the Nineteenth Century”. Nanette Baz-Dresch wrote the manuscript for a class at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Bear Facts Photographs, 1984-1987 (P0759)
Photographs of Missouri National Guard people and activities from ca. 1975 to 1990, published in Bear Facts.
Maurine Beasley Papers, 1917-2020 (CA6002)
26 cubic feet, 57 audio cassettes, 10 video cassettes, 5 DVDs, 8 computer disks, 4.14 GB of digital files, 4 oversize items
The papers of a journalism professor specializing in journalism education and women journalists include book manuscripts and research material; materials on the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; writings on journalism education and media gender bias; and miscellaneous professional material.
Beatty Family Papers, 1930s-1997 (CA6634)
1.0 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes, 1 oversize item
The papers of the Beatty family of Franklin County and St. Louis, Missouri, include scrapbooks, photograph albums, diplomas, diaries, and miscellaneous material.
Beauvais Manor Records, 1834-1999 (S0611)
11 cubic feet, 184 folders, 298 photographs