Dunlap Family Papers, 1780-2002 (C4004)
1.9 cubic feet (91 folders)
The papers of the Dunlap family include genealogical records, a Civil War journal, photographs, maps and land surveys, and other research materials compiled to produce histories of the Dunlap and Kofahl families of Licking, Missouri.
Dunlap Family Papers, 1897-1965 (C4329)
0.8 cubic feet (20 folders)
The papers of the Dunlap family contain farm documentation, estate settlements, letters, greeting cards and other materials gathered between the members of the Dunlap family from Breckenridge, and Jefferson City, Missouri.
Chuck and Dianne Dunlap Postcard Collection, 1908-1941 (P0028)
13 postcards
Postcards of Missouri cities, including Kansas City parks, streets, and buildings; Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City, bird's-eye view of Sedalia, Cortez Motor Court in Springfield, and St. Louis: Ead's Bridge, Shaw's Garden, and Smith Bros. Cottage and Hotel.
Clarke Dunlap Photograph Collection, 1884-1975 (P0273)
12 b/w MARKERS, Old Elm Tree Cemetery, 1975. b/w (negative & slide) of Reed's MILL, Beulah, 1900. MO Civil War MAPS: 2 diagrams of Fort Wyman; 1864 MO-AR border. Postcard of Licking, 1910. 8 b/w photos of Civil War era busts. Sketch of "Uncle Phil" from Pioneers of the Ozarks (1944).
Frederick Dunlap Papers, 1891-1937 (C2602)
8.0 cubic feet
Papers of a Missouri state forester and professor of forestry at the Universities of Wisconsin and Missouri, who served with the U.S. Forest Service as an industrial examiner in forest products during World War I. Includes his pamphlet library on forest preservation.
Dunn Family Papers, circa 1870s-1930s (R0865)
(6 folders)
These are photographs of the Erwin Dunn family of Winona in Shannon County, Missouri, and the diplomas, photographs, and class newspapers of his daughter, Mildred L. Dunn. There are also items on the history of Winona.
Bernadine Rose Morast Dunn Scrapbook, 1925-1937 (K0895)
0.16 c.f. (7 folders)
Scrapbook containing clippings and programs from musicals, operas, recitals, and other local performances.
Dunnegan Family Papers, 1852-1997 (SP0046)
0.4 cubic foot (22 folders, 50 photographs)
The Dunnegan Family Papers consist of photographs, military papers from the Civil War and World War I, souvenirs and ephemera from Civil War reunions, legal and official documents, maps, local history publications and a notebook featuring the notes about a Middle School student’s favorite 1940s college sports teams. The papers were collected by members of the Dunnegan family from Bolivar, Missouri, but information about the Stalling family is also included.
Durand-Thomure Family Papers, 1792-1938 (R1527)
0.5 cubic foot (12 folders, 2 photographs)
The Durand-Thomure Family Papers contain correspondence, financial records, property deeds, and legal documents related to the Durand and Thomure families of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The collection also includes similar documents concerning the LaRose family, as well as Ste. Genevieve land records and French songs.
Duval Family Photographs, 1858-1942 (SP0012)
.5 cubic foot (19 folders, 266 photographs
The Duval Family Photographs depict the lives of families from McDonald County, Missouri. The collection contains many photographs featuring Claib E. Duval, his family members, and other families who lived in the area. The collection also includes numerous documents relating to people and businesses from the county.
Russell Vincent Dye Family Papers, 1850-1980 (K0225)
2 c.f.
Correspondence, photographs, business records and other material of the Dye family of Liberty, MO including Alexander V. Dye, U.S. diplomat in Europe and Mexico during and following World War I; his wife Ida Miller; daughter, Margaret Louise (Luisita); but mostly son Russell, a would-be inventor, entrepreneur.
Daniel Burns Dyer Papers, 1866-1941 (K0168)
0.75 c.f.
Civil War veteran, Indian Agent, first mayor of Guthrie, OK, real estate investor, owner/president of the Augusta, GA Street Railway Company, publisher, Dyer was a nationally known collection of Native-American artifacts. Included are newspaper clippings, pamphlets, some correspondence and memorabilia, and three scrapbooks of similar materials dealing primarily with Dyer's life and interest in primitive cultures.
James William Earp Papers, 1910-1957 (K0087)
10 c.f.
The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks, military mementos, articles, short stories, plays, poetry, and other material by Earp. A number of his short stories, in published form, are included in the collection..
East Prairie Farm Club, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1916-1923 (R0426)
1 folder
This is a record book of a farm club which met at East Prairie School in eastern Morgan
County, Missouri. An affiliate of the Missouri Farmers' Association, the club provided educational
and social programs for the area's residents. It met in conjunction with the East Prairie Literary
Society, 1921-1923. The records include the constitution and bylaws, minutes of meetings, and
membership lists.
Eastern Missouri Collection, 1858-2009 (S1135)
3.5 cubic feet, 1 reel of 16mm film, 1 reel of microfilm, 40 oversize items
The Eastern Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The Eastern Missouri Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection. Researchers should browse the index and container lists to locate pertinent material.
Thomas Jefferson Eaton Papers, 1870-1947 (K0033)
0.20 c.f. (4 folders)
A bound formulary used by Dr. Eaton, a doctor/pharmacist in Kansas City, for reference in preparing various drugs, potions, and remedies. Also included is information on the Eaton, Chambliss, Brodie, and Fowler families.
Edmond Jacques Eckel Papers, 1860-1952 (K0258)
0.79 c.f.
Personal and professional paper, particularly relating to Eckel's architectural training at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts (most in French), of a prominent St. Joseph, MO architect. Includes Sketches, photos, notes and other materials and also a few drawings of residences in St. Joseph.
Katherine Guilfoyle Edelman Papers, 1918-1973 (K0281)
8 c.f.
Scrapbooks of newspaper and magazine clippings of poetry and articles written by author and poet Edelman and correspondence with publishers and invitations and programs for various events related to Mrs. Edelman's professional activities. Also manuscripts of writings, samples of published works in magazines, newspapers, journals, greeting cards, and books; personal correspondence, and sounding recordings.
George T. Edson Papers, 1921-1925 (C4545)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders)
Correspondence of the editor of the STEWART CLAN MAGAZINE, with Horace Dickerman and Dr. Francis Edward Stewart of Philadelphia concerning the genealogy of Missouri governor Robert Morris Stewart, 1921-1925. Also, metal printing plates of Robert Morris Stewart and his signature.
Educational Conference Record Book, 1916-1941 (C0855)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Records compiled in 1941 in attempt to document history of a Missouri educational policy group.
Edwards Family Papers, 1849-1967 (C4484)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders, 5 oversize items)
Papers of the Edwards family of Boone County include portraits, a family tree, letters, bills, deeds, licenses, and miscellaneous papers. Much of the material pertains to John M. Edwards.
George Herbert Edwards Scrapbooks, 1916-1925 (K0483)
5 v, 11 f
Scrapbooks kept by Edwards, Mayor of Kansas City, MO. Also correspondence, a wedding announcement for one of his daughters, and a memorial booklet for his mother.
Nancy Ehrlich Collection, 1892-1932 (P0013)
0.63 linear feet
Original photos taken from "Frank James Photo Album", and photos of Marmaduke Military Academy buildings and students.
Martin Eichenlaub Postcard Collection, 1886-1961 (P0009)
0.5 cubic feet (175 folders)
Extensive collection of postcards depicting Missouri scenes, landmarks, and destinations.
William N. Eisendrath Papers, 1929-1976 (S0019)
0.04 cubic foot, 19 folders, 1 volume
The papers contain correspondence between St. Louis area art collector and gallery director William N. Eisendrath Jr. and prominent artists including Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Virginia Peusner, Alexander Archipenko, and Robert Chesley Osborne.
Eisenmayer Family Papers, 1842-1983 (SP0032)
1 cubic foot (28 folders, 12 photographs)
The Eisenmayer Family Papers consist of documents pertaining to the Eisenmayer Family and the Eisenmayer Milling Company in Springfield, Missouri. The collection also includes examples of the flour sacks used by the company, genealogical research, photographs, and materials related to the history of Greene County, Missouri.
Eldad Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Huntsville, Mo.) Records, 1832-1967 (C4647)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
The records of the Eldad Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, Missouri, 1832-1967, include a history of the church and church records.
Raymond S. Elder Collection, 1846-2006 (K1141)
3 c.f.
Elder is historian for the Kansas City Fire Museum. Includes reproductions of maps of the Kansas City area. Also books and articles written by Elder about the Kansas City, MO Fire Department and the history of the 8th Street Tunnel.
Dr. William Elder Photograph Collection, 1909-1958 (P0877)
Portraits of biologists
Vera Haworth Eldridge Collection, 1825-1920 (K0053)
.05 c.f.
Photocopies of materials collected and loaned by local historians Mr. and Mrs. William Eldridge relating to Clay County, Missouri, historical research. Included are documents on Calvin Smith, Dan Carpenter, and Mrs. O.P. Moss, the former Caroline Marjory Thornton. Also "Colored Marriages [Clay County], 1861-1891".
Eugenia Ellinger Papers, 1900s-1976 (C4668)
0.8 cubic foot (12 folders)
The papers of Eugenia “Gene” Octavia Ellinger, one of the first women to work as an advertising copy writer in St. Louis, Missouri. The collection includes correspondence, handmade greeting cards, photographs, publications, clippings, writings, material from Gene’s 80th birthday party, and miscellaneous papers.
Bessie Elliott Letter, 1920 (C1635)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to Margaret Bostian and Mrs. N. Rindskopf, Independence, Missouri, from Kansas City, Missouri, September 13, 1920. The letter includes notification of their election as representatives from Blue Township to the Women’s Division of the Jackson County Republican Committee.
Ellis Family Papers, 1787-1948 (R0251)
(10 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
This collection includes correspondence, business records, and legal papers, and genealogical information pertaining to two early families of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. The Ellis family came from Georgia about 1805; the Ranneys from Indiana about 1825. Other names represented in the collection are Beckham, Cobb, Giboney, Ogle, Waters, and Wathen (Warthen-Worthan).
Elmer Ellis Papers, 1928-1941 (C2504)
1.8 cubic feet
Notes and correspondence concerning Henry Moore Teller, U.S. senator from Colorado, compiled by Elmer Ellis in preparation for his book, HENRY MOORE TELLER: DEFENDER OF THE WEST. Also personal papers.
Elmer Ellis Papers, 1830-1995 (C4069)
47.5 cubic feet (1412 folders)
The papers of the fourteenth president of the University of Missouri contain correspondence, reports, research material, speeches, newspaper clippings, publications, teaching materials, awards, degrees, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Mary Margaret Ellis Memoir, 1914-1930 (S0417)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains the memoirs of Mary Margaret Ellis, a second-generation Irish-American. The memoir includes stories of her childhood in the Soulard area of South St. Louis.
Arthur Wayland Ellison Scrapbooks, 1924-1993 (K0271)
1.2 c.f.
Scrapbooks relating to the theater in Kansas City, particularly regarding plays in which Ellison performed as an actor. Index for 11 of the volumes.
William P. Elmer Photograph Collection, 1928 (P0602)
7 photographs
Photographic postcards of Salem, MO (Dent County), ca. 1928
J. Pitts Elmore Photograph Collection, 1890-1976 (P0415)
11 photographs
Photos, bulk ca. 1976, and postcards of Monett, Monark Springs, Seneca Women's Social Club, and Fairview.
Patricia Shively Elmore Papers, 1878-2015 (CG0013)
2.4 c. f.
The Patricia Shively Elmore Papers contain diaries, correspondence, genealogy, scrapbooks, and photographs related to the donor’s family. This collection also contains diplomas, commencement programs, military documents, photographs, souvenir postcards, films, and funeral memorabilia of the donor’s second husband, William “Bill” Elmore.
Elmwood Park Photograph Collection, 1926-1960 (S0584)
0.01 cubic foot
The Elmwood Park photograph collection consists of photographs of an African-American community in St. Louis County, featuring images of dance recitals, school children, and the First Baptist Church of Elmwood Park.
Elsey Carriage Company Photographs, 1908-1983 (SP0049)
0.5 cubic feet (13 folders, 59 photographs)
The Elsey Carriage Company Photographs collection contains images of vehicles built by the company from 1905, when the company opened, to 1927 when the name of the company changed. Missouri and Arkansas businesses commissioned Elsey to build vehicles of various designs that were decorated to their specifications. A 1983 newspaper article gives the history of the company.
Margaret F. Elson Papers, 1897-1920 (C2210)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Pension papers of the widow of Lewis P. Elson, a private in Company I, 49th Missouri Volunteer Infantry.
Politte Elvins Collection, 1908, 1920 (R1179)
(1 folder)
These are small campaign cards for Politte Elvins of Saint Francois County, Missouri, who was a successful candidate for United State Representative in 1908 and an unsuccessful candidate in the Republican primary election for Lieutenant Governor in 1920.
William W. Elwang Papers, 1889-1939 (C1398)
0.25 cubic feet
The Elwang Papers consist of a scrapbook and the papers of a Presbyterian minister who was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Missouri
Ron Elz Papers, 1876-2020 (S1047)
8 cubic feet
The Ron Elz Papers contain essays, speeches, photographs, and reel-to-reel tapes pertaining to his career as a radio station at KSHE 95 and as a disc jockey at radio stations KXOK and KMOX under the moniker Johnny Rabbit. Materials of interest include radio scripts Elz wrote for his KMOX radio show, Route 66; essays he wrote on Gaslight Square; and reel-to-reel tapes featuring advertisements and jingles for local St. Louis businesses.
Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Jackson, Missouri Collection, 1928 (R1275)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir booklet for the dedication service of Emmanuel Evangelical Church's new building on May 20, 1928. The church, founded in May 1867, is located at Jackson in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.
Emmaus Baptist Church, Washington County, Missouri Records, 1861-1989 (R0395)
5 volumes microfilmed
These are records of the Emmaus Baptist Church, a United Baptist congregation near Courtois
in the southwestern corner of Washington County, Missouri. The records include minutes of
meetings, membership records, and miscellaneous church papers.
Ben L. Emmons Photograph Collection, 1869-1939 (P0422)
0.125 linear feet
Photos of St. Charles and St. Charles County, 1890-1916. Photographs of the Emmons family, 1930s.
Engineers Club of St. Louis Records, 1882-2000 (S0621)
89 cubic feet, 209 photographs, 72 glass negatives
The Engineers Club of St. Louis was established in 1868 by a small group of local engineers whose goal was the general advancement of professional knowledge and the interchange of ideas and the formation of a library for reference. The records contain the journals of the club as well as administrative files, photographs, and membership files.