William Devol Dobkins Photograph Collection, circa 1879-1968, bulk 1892-1920 (R1279)
0.5 cubic foot (6 folders, 92 photographs)
The William Devol Dobkins Photograph Collection contains ninety-two photographs, consisting primarily of contact prints from the original glass-plate negatives. Of these, at least eighty are attributed to William “Will” Devol Dobkins. The majority of these images were shot between 1892 and 1920. They show outdoor views of life in and around Crawford County, Missouri.
Dodge-Melick Family Papers, 1838-1922 (C0096)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
Papers of Leonard Dodge of Bates County, Missouri, primarily pertaining to land. Copies of his will. Also papers of Wesley Melick of Horton, Missouri, a son-in-law of Dodge who was an army surgeon during the Civil War.
Doermann-Niebruegge Family Papers, 1865-2002 (C4368)
1.9 cubic feet (60 folders)
Papers of a German American family from Bay, Missouri, largely consist of material concerning the Henry and Elise Neibruegge Doermann and Fred Doermann families and include photographs, correspondence, financial papers, military papers, and miscellaneous material. Related and other families represented include Poetting and Mayhew.
Hans E. Doerner Books, 1904-1910 (C0890)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Record of marriages solemnized by H.E. Doerner, justice of the peace, at Steele, Pemiscot County, Missouri, 1904-1910, and The Revised Ordinances of the Town of Steele, 1905. H.E. Doerner was chairman of the board of trustees at that time. Included are newspaper articles about Doerner.
Paul Newton Doll Photograph Collection, 1880-1936 (P0456)
4 photographs
Copy photos of the James F. Colby Co. and the North Missouri Fair, both in Hamilton, MO. Additional photo of Mystical Seven, University of Missouri, 1936
Frank B. Dolsen Scrapbook, 1905-1919 (K0146)
1 MR
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings and enclosed items relating to real estate and construction activities in Kansas City, MO: articles are from local Kansas City report real estate news, proposed building and residential projects, and completed construction.
Domestic Science Club, Lebanon, Missouri Records, 1908-1943 (R0297)
1 folder
These are pamphlet yearbooks of a women's club in Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri, organized
in 1898 as the Home Economics Club. The yearbooks include the constitution and by-laws,
rosters of officers and members, and committee assignments.
Doniphan-Moss Family Papers, 1818-1920 (C4655)
0.1 cubic foot (4 folders), 7 oversize items
Correspondence and land records concerning a family largely from the St. Joseph and Clay County, Missouri, areas. Includes land deeds, miscellaneous papers, and letters between members of the Doniphan, Moss, and Thornton families.
Geoffrey Wade Donnan Papers, 1854-2015 (S1222)
16 Cubic Feet, 472.9 GB
The papers of Geoffrey Wade Donnan contain correspondence, family histories, photographs, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings relating to Geoffrey Wade Donnan’s research on the Donnan, Wessel, Schaefer, and Coe families. Throughout his research, Donnan collected and maintained his relative’s papers, including his parent’s, Dwight and Gloria Donnan, correspondence, which constitutes the bulk of the collection. Materials of interest include Dwight’s letters to Gloria during World War II, in which he served as a staff sergeant in the 255th Infantry Regiment, 63rd Infantry Division. Dwight recounts to Gloria crossing the Rhine River into Germany, as well as encountering German prisoners of war. The collection also contains a digital component, approximately 473 gigabytes of digitized family photographs, census records, and death certificates. Included in the digital materials are oral history interviews Geoffrey Donnan conducted with Dwight Donnan on the history of the Donnan family. The materials in this collection date from 1854 to 2015.
Forrest C. Donnell Collection, 1900-1951 (CA6597)
0.3 cubic feet, 9 oversize items
The collection contains personal material of a Missouri governor and U.S. senator, including family letters, certificates, diplomas, photographs, invitations, programs, a political cartoon, miscellaneous ephemera, and a photo album.
Dorsey-Fuqua Family Collection, 1851-1939 (C3830)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders, 1 oversize volume)
The Dorsey-Fuqua Family Collection consists of correspondence and legal papers concerning Jerre S. Dorsey during the Civil War. Also includes memorabilia of Columbia, Missouri; the University of Missouri; a souvenir of Mark Twain’s 70th birthday at Delmonico’s in 1905; and an illustrated atlas of Boone County, Missouri, from 1876, with handwritten notations.
Douglass Family Collection, 1838-1990 (C3978)
1.4 cubic feet (39 folders), 13 audio cassettes
The Douglass Family Collection consists of land deeds, personal and business correspondence, oral history transcripts, photographs, volumes, and other miscellaneous items dealing with farm life and agriculture in McBaine, Missouri. There are also records dealing with a flourmill belonging to Northcutt & Brothers in Mexico, Missouri, and an account book for the Oakdale Graveyard in Shelby County, Missouri.
Joseph L. Douglass Studio Photographs, 1885-1911 (P0434)
0.3 linear feet
Photographs taken by Joseph L. Douglass, a commercial photographer in Columbia Missouri ca. 1890s-early 1900s. Includes images of the ruins of Academic Hall, the University of Missouri campus, and portraits of students and Columbia residents.
Maxine Rorabaugh Downey Photograph Collection, 1894-1967 (P0045)
3 photographs
Black and white snapshot of students outside of Prairie View School #27; all students and teacher from 1912-1913 school year listed. Snapshot of exterior front Prairie View School #27. Photograph of Friendship School near Memphis, MO, 1894.
Downing and Whinrey Families Papers, 1837-1929 (R0049)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders)
The Downing and Whinrey Families Papers contain photocopies of receipts and correspondence of the Downing and Whinrey families of southwestern Missouri. Both families had members who went to California to mine gold in the 1850s, some of whom remained to settle in the West. Most of the collection consists of letters written to relatives in Missouri.
Maurine Downing Postcard Collection, 1917 (P0237)
0.3 linear feet
56 postcards pertaining to western and southwestern Missouri, specifically the Joplin and Kansas City areas and a few postcards of Southwest City.
Thomas Jefferson Downing Papers, 1918-1925 (C0662)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two medical papers written by a doctor from New London, MO: One, "A Possible Factor of Degeneracy," was published in the NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL, July 20, 1918; the other, "A Pope as Physician," was printed in the MEDICAL JOURNAL AND RECORD, December 16, 1925.
Downtown (Kansas City, Missouri) Kiwanis Club Records, 1918-2002 (K0364)
12 c.f.
Organizational records of the Club including minutes, correspondence, publications, financial records, programs, scrapbooks, and photographs. The mission of Kiwanis is to serve the children of the world. Our members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged and care for the sick.
Dr. Brown's Ladies Band and Orchestra Collection, 1894, 1913 (K1094)
0.03 c.f. (3 folders)
Photographs, posters, and a program for Dr. Brown's Ladies Band and Orchestra in Macon, MO.
Drake and McGraw Families Papers, 1829-1918 (R1371)
0.25 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Drake and McGraw Familes Papers document the personal and professional lives of several members of Drake and McGraw families. The McGraw family lived in Greene County, Missouri, and the Drake family lived in Benton County, Missouri. The collection consists of professional documents, correspondence, and a journal collected from multiple members of these families.
Arthur Clinton Draper Collection, 1899-1944 (R0112)
0.5 cubic foot (1 volume, 5 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
The Arthur Clinton Draper Papers contain scrapbooks, correspondence, advertising material, scripts, and memorabilia of Arthur Clinton Draper of Lebanon, Missouri. Draper produced minstrel shows in the central and western states for over thirty years. He specialized in benefit performances at Elks lodges.
Arthur Clinton Draper Photograph Collection, circa 1890-1935 (R0847)
0.5 cubic foot (9 folders, 118 photographs)
These are the photographs of Arthur Clinton Draper, a producer of minstrel shows. Draper produced minstrel shows in the central and western states for over thirty years, specializing in benefit performaces at Elks lodges.
Draper-McClurg Family Papers, 1838-2009 (C3069)
5.2 cubic feet (199 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm, 24.6 MB of digital files
The Draper-McClurg family papers are comprised of correspondence, photographs, Civil War diaries and records, and other personal papers of the families of Philander Draper and Joseph W. McClurg. The papers document the families' involvement in politics, farming and orchards, lead mining and smelting, the Civil War, and frontier life in Missouri, the Dakota Territory, and several western states.
Dry Fork Church of Primitive Baptists (Lake Spring, Mo.) Records, 1898-1966 (C3053)
1 roll of microfilm
Membership records and minutes of a Regular Primitive Baptist church founded in August 1898 and dissolved in February 1966. Included are the Articles of Faith and the Rules of Decorum. Membership information relates date and means of entry into the church and birth and death dates. The minutes record business matters, sermon topics, songs, attendance, and officers.
Duello Family Farm Ledger, 1909-1949 (S1204)
1 ledger
The Duello Family farm ledger was the property of Thedore William Duello, who owned farmland west of Duello Raod near the intersection of Duello and Orf Roads, in St. Charles County, Missouri. The ledger is a financial record of the various agricultural activities conducted on the farm from 1909 through 1949.
Peggy Duffield Photograph Collection, 1910 (P1020)
Photograph of University of Missouri columns
George W. Dulany Jr. Papers, 1900-1949 (C0310)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copies of family biographies and letters concerning history of the Dulany family and lumber industry in Hannibal, Missouri, and the Middle West.
Duncan and Lambeth Families Genealogical Collection, 1880s, 1918-2019 (R1494)
4.5 cubic feet (72 folders, 330 photographs)
The Duncan and Lambeth Families Genealogical Collection contains the genealogical research for the Duncan and Lambeth families of central Missouri. Dr. Betty Jo White and Carolyn Lou Ranft compiled the collection with many contributions from Sharon Kay Beckham, Norma Jean Endersby, Carman Sue Grimes, Robert C. Haefner, Ellen Denise Karr Seevers, Cordell Henry Webb, Dorothy Ann Williams, and Shirley Ann Wyatt, descendants of the Lambeth and Duncan families. Included in the collection are vital records, photographs, correspondence, family lineages, contextual research, family stories, and articles on local history topics.
Duncan Chapel (Shelby County, Mo.) Record Books, 1882-1936 (C2485)
0.2 cubic feet
The collection contains records of Duncan Chapel, a Methodist Episcopal chapel in Shelby County, Missouri.
Harold Duncan Photograph Collection, 1890-1940 (P1074)
Photograph of the Joel Haden home near Columbia, Missouri, ca. 1890, with members of the Bright family posed outside. Photograph of the Boone County Trust Company, ca. 1927, with employees and customers in the interior.
Duncan-Lowman Family Papers, 1847-1952 (C0487)
0.4 cubic feet (15 folders)
Papers of Levin O. Duncan, blacksmith and farmer, and William O. Lowman, tanner and farmer, of Shelby County, MO, and families; correspondence from family and friends in Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Nebraska, and Illinois; ledgers; miscellaneous business receipts; and scrapbook of Shelby County happenings, 1902-1952. Kept by Ida Lowman.
Lindley Dunham Photograph Collection, 1915 (P0746)
4 photographs
Photos of Callao, MO, in Macon County.
Dunklin Democrat Photograph Collection, 1888-1914 (P0826)
Six copy photos of Dunklin County, ca. 1888-1914.
Dunlap Family Papers, 1897-1965 (C4329)
0.8 cubic feet (20 folders)
The papers of the Dunlap family contain farm documentation, estate settlements, letters, greeting cards and other materials gathered between the members of the Dunlap family from Breckenridge, and Jefferson City, Missouri.
Dunlap Family Papers, 1780-2002 (C4004)
1.9 cubic feet (91 folders)
The papers of the Dunlap family include genealogical records, a Civil War journal, photographs, maps and land surveys, and other research materials compiled to produce histories of the Dunlap and Kofahl families of Licking, Missouri.
Chuck and Dianne Dunlap Postcard Collection, 1908-1941 (P0028)
13 postcards
Postcards of Missouri cities, including Kansas City parks, streets, and buildings; Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City, bird's-eye view of Sedalia, Cortez Motor Court in Springfield, and St. Louis: Ead's Bridge, Shaw's Garden, and Smith Bros. Cottage and Hotel.
Clarke Dunlap Photograph Collection, 1884-1975 (P0273)
12 b/w MARKERS, Old Elm Tree Cemetery, 1975. b/w (negative & slide) of Reed's MILL, Beulah, 1900. MO Civil War MAPS: 2 diagrams of Fort Wyman; 1864 MO-AR border. Postcard of Licking, 1910. 8 b/w photos of Civil War era busts. Sketch of "Uncle Phil" from Pioneers of the Ozarks (1944).
Frederick Dunlap Papers, 1891-1937 (C2602)
8.0 cubic feet
Papers of a Missouri state forester and professor of forestry at the Universities of Wisconsin and Missouri, who served with the U.S. Forest Service as an industrial examiner in forest products during World War I. Includes his pamphlet library on forest preservation.
Dunn Family Papers, circa 1870s-1930s (R0865)
(6 folders)
These are photographs of the Erwin Dunn family of Winona in Shannon County, Missouri, and the diplomas, photographs, and class newspapers of his daughter, Mildred L. Dunn. There are also items on the history of Winona.
Dunnegan Family Papers, 1852-1997 (SP0046)
0.4 cubic foot (22 folders, 50 photographs)
The Dunnegan Family Papers consist of photographs, military papers from the Civil War and World War I, souvenirs and ephemera from Civil War reunions, legal and official documents, maps, local history publications and a notebook featuring the notes about a Middle School student’s favorite 1940s college sports teams. The papers were collected by members of the Dunnegan family from Bolivar, Missouri, but information about the Stalling family is also included.
Durand-Thomure Family Papers, 1792-1938 (R1527)
0.5 cubic foot (12 folders, 2 photographs)
The Durand-Thomure Family Papers contain correspondence, financial records, property deeds, and legal documents related to the Durand and Thomure families of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The collection also includes similar documents concerning the LaRose family, as well as Ste. Genevieve land records and French songs.
Duval Family Photographs, 1858-1942 (SP0012)
.5 cubic foot (19 folders, 266 photographs
The Duval Family Photographs depict the lives of families from McDonald County, Missouri. The collection contains many photographs featuring Claib E. Duval, his family members, and other families who lived in the area. The collection also includes numerous documents relating to people and businesses from the county.
Russell Vincent Dye Family Papers, 1850-1980 (K0225)
2 c.f.
Correspondence, photographs, business records and other material of the Dye family of Liberty, MO including Alexander V. Dye, U.S. diplomat in Europe and Mexico during and following World War I; his wife Ida Miller; daughter, Margaret Louise (Luisita); but mostly son Russell, a would-be inventor, entrepreneur.
Daniel Burns Dyer Papers, 1866-1941 (K0168)
0.75 c.f.
Civil War veteran, Indian Agent, first mayor of Guthrie, OK, real estate investor, owner/president of the Augusta, GA Street Railway Company, publisher, Dyer was a nationally known collection of Native-American artifacts. Included are newspaper clippings, pamphlets, some correspondence and memorabilia, and three scrapbooks of similar materials dealing primarily with Dyer's life and interest in primitive cultures.
Walter W. Dyer Papers, 1918 (R0041)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Walter W. Dyer Papers contains photocopies of fourteen letters written by Walter W. Dyer during his military service in World War I. Dyer was an Army teamster at Camp McArthur and Waco, Texas.
James William Earp Papers, 1910-1957 (K0087)
10 c.f.
The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks, military mementos, articles, short stories, plays, poetry, and other material by Earp. A number of his short stories, in published form, are included in the collection..
East Prairie Farm Club, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1916-1923 (R0426)
1 folder
This is a record book of a farm club which met at East Prairie School in eastern Morgan
County, Missouri. An affiliate of the Missouri Farmers' Association, the club provided educational
and social programs for the area's residents. It met in conjunction with the East Prairie Literary
Society, 1921-1923. The records include the constitution and bylaws, minutes of meetings, and
membership lists.
Eastern Missouri Collection, 1858-2009 (S1135)
3.5 cubic feet, 1 reel of 16mm film, 1 reel of microfilm, 40 oversize items
The Eastern Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The Eastern Missouri Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection. Researchers should browse the index and container lists to locate pertinent material.
Thomas Jefferson Eaton Papers, 1870-1947 (K0033)
0.20 c.f. (4 folders)
A bound formulary used by Dr. Eaton, a doctor/pharmacist in Kansas City, for reference in preparing various drugs, potions, and remedies. Also included is information on the Eaton, Chambliss, Brodie, and Fowler families.
Edmond Jacques Eckel Papers, 1860-1952 (K0258)
0.79 c.f.
Personal and professional paper, particularly relating to Eckel's architectural training at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts (most in French), of a prominent St. Joseph, MO architect. Includes Sketches, photos, notes and other materials and also a few drawings of residences in St. Joseph.