Jonathan Fairbanks Papers, 1850-1929 (R0075)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Johnathan Fairbanks Papers contain a microfilm copy of correspondence and notebooks of Johnathan Fairbanks an educator and businessman who came to Springfield, Missouri in 1866. The correspondence consists primarily of letters received from friends and family in Massachusetts and Ohio. The notebooks generally concern personal business and financial matters.
Falor, Crabb, and McGennis Family Papers, 1850-1985 (K0707)
11 c.f.
Business records relating to the operation of the families' farms in Hopedale, IL; Sprague, MO; and Rich Hill, MO. Includes financial records for goods and services purchased; account books; commissions on livestock and crops; other legal documents; and business correspondence on a variety of subjects. Also personal correspondence, chiefly the Crabb family, and diaries kept by Mary Ann McGennis.
Faris Family Books, 1850-1925 (C1102)
0.4 cubic feet (7 volumes)
Personal account books kept by James Madison Faris (1823-1904) and James William Faris (1852-1928), of Carrollton, MO; also records of marriages, births, and deaths and muster rolls of Captain D. Hoover's company of Carroll County Provisional Militia, 1864-1865.
Farkas Family Collection, 1875-1921 (S0743)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains five items donated by the Farkas Family, in particular, Charlotte Farkas. The collection contains three volumes of The Beacon, a publication of Grover Cleveland High School in St. Louis, MO. In addition, the collection also contains a ledger and a copy of the Report of the Commissioners of Forest Park, 1875.
Leland J. Farley Papers, 1859-1936 (R0014)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Leland J. Farley Collection contains a land grant deed for land in Texas County, Missouri, Texas County maps, and documents describing the Intercounty Electric Cooperative.
Farmers Bank (Mt. Vernon, Mo.) Papers, 1844-1931 (C0044)
5 cubic feet (280 folders, 19 volumes), 28 oversize volumes
Records of a bank organized in 1890 and liquidated in 1930. Also records of local businesses and schools.
Farmington, Missouri Records, 1856-1929 (R0331)
(3 microfilm rolls)
The Farmington, Missouri Records contain microfilm copies of municipal records of Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri. Included are the charters of the city, ordinances, the records of the boards of aldermen and trustees, oaths of office, re-cords of bonds and commissions, tax assessments, and a partial census of the city.
Fayette Bank (Fayette, Mo.) Minute Book, 1870-1938 (C0276)
1 roll of microfilm
Minutes of meetings of board of directors of the Fayette Bank which was called the Payne and Williams Bank prior to 1907. Some items such as financial statements, reports of bank examiners, and newspaper notices of board meetings have been tipped into the volume.
Jerome Fedeli Papers, 1875-1902 (K0742)
1 c.f.
Sketches, pen and ink, most colored, of designs for murals and interior decorations by Fedeli, noted artist. Also photographs of Fedeli's work or copies of artwork used for study; various news articles about him; diplomas, certificates, his marriage record, business cards, and a list of correspondence made when Fedeli was the Italian Consul in Kansas City; and the sash and belt from his Consul uniform.
John Feldmann Account Book, 1863-1871 (C0268)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Accounts of a physician of Hermann, MO, partly in German. Lists medical services such as extractions, lancing of abscesses, vaccinations, etc. Bills were paid in such commodities as cigars, wine, sugar and potatoes.
Ferry License Form, c. 1870s (C3370)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Joseph Ficklin Papers, 1851-1908 (C0100)
0.4 cubic feet (19 folders, 1 volume)
Correspondence pertaining to mathematical science, publication of mathematical books, astronomy, and personal affairs. Also an algebra copybook.
Roswell Martin Field Photograph Collection, 1870, 1912 (P0986)
5 photographs
Images of and relating to Roswell Martin Field, taken from "Roswell Field, Poems & Biographica: His Personal Collections"
William Hill Field V Photograph Collection, 1878, 1981, no date (P0911)
4 photographs
Images of William Hill Field I and William Hill Field IV
Ellie Fike Diaries, 1879-1892 (C2216)
0.26 cubic feet (3 volumes, 3 folders)
Diaries written by Miss Fike while a student at the State Normal School at Warrensburg, MO, and during her post-graduate life at home and at work.
Henry C. Fike Diaries, 1851-1919 (C2215)
2.42 cubic feet (18 folders and 43 volumes)
Diaries written by Fike while a student in McKendree College, IL; while a soldier in the Civil War; and about his migration to and life in Warrensburg, MO, and his work in Kansas City, MO, and various cities in the West.
Augustus and Samuel R. Filley Papers, 1817-1879 (C3468)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Land sale indentures, correspondence, and unsigned Civil War forms.
John P. Finkel Papers, 1876-1882 (R0093)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The John P. Finkel Papers contains a photocopying of the diary of J.P. Finkel a farmer in Fairfield County, Ohio. Diary topics include agriculture, animal husbandry, family affairs, and rural life.
First Baptist Church (Chariton, Mo.) Records, 1820-1925 (CA6708)
0.35 cubic feet
The records of the First Baptist Church, Glasgow, Missouri, contain meeting minutes, 1820-1925. Also included are five notebooks containing handwritten transcriptions.
First Baptist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1823-2019 (CA6553)
1.68 GB of digital files
Records of the First Baptist Church of Columbia, Missouri, include annual reports, brief sketches of members, scans of minute books and other church documents, transcriptions, and miscellaneous material.
First Baptist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1823-1972 (C3617)
3 rolls of microfilm
Minutes and chronological register.
First Baptist Church (Versailles, Mo.) Minutes, 1868-1896 (C3008)
1 roll of microfilm
Minutes of the First Baptist Church of Versailles, MO.
First Christian Church Photographs, 1875-1960 (P0851)
Photos of and relating to First Christian Church
First Christian Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1824-1997 (C3991)
16.75 cubic feet (1009 folders), 18 audio cassettes
The church records include minutes of administrative boards and committees, ministers' and administrators' papers, papers of the Christian Student Congregation, publications, the Bear Creek Church record book, the record book of the Construction Committee, and papers of several affiliated clubs and committees. Documents especially cover the period from the 1920s to 1964. In addition, this collection contains drafts and notes by Mary K. Dains for her history of the First Christian Church published in 1996. Her research includes interview recordings with church members.
First Christian Church (Moberly, Mo.) Records, 1869-1903 (C1087)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Record book contains information related to early church history and membership, including names of members and dates for marriages and deaths. Other entries include an extensive list of those who became members after S.M. Martin's 1890 revival meeting and the church's position in an adultery case. Church minutes for 1879 to 1903.
First Congregational Church of Cameron, Missouri, Records, 1879-1922 (K0407)
0.2 c.f.
Meeting minutes, membership records (including marriages and deaths), lists of trustees, and resignation letters of pastors.
First Congregational Church (California, Mo.) Record Book, 1867-1883 (C2484)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains minutes of the sabbath meetings of the church from May 11, 1867, to June 4, 1883, when the congregation disbanded to unite with the Presbyterian Church.
First Presbyterian Church of Rolla Records, 1864-1997 (R0668)
(4 rolls of microfilm)
These are records of the First Presbyterian Church at Rolla, Missouri. Included are minutes of meetings of the church Session, membership and marriage records, minutes of meetings of Board of Deacons and the Board of Trustees, and church bulletins.
First Presbyterian Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1828-1926, 1964-1965 (C2308)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders), 6 oversize volumes
The records contain record books of minutes of session, 1828-1926, which document church members, communicants, church officers, ministers, baptism, marriage, and death records. The records also include documents taken from 1893 church cornerstone, Tenth and Broadway, Columbia, Missouri, and reports of the Church Cornerstone Committee, 1964-1965.
First Presbyterian Church, Ironton, Missouri Records, 1856-1986 (R0295)
38 volumes microfilmed
These are records of the Presbyterian Church at Ironton in Iron County, Missouri, which was
organized as part of the Potosi Presbytery in 1855. The records include minutes of meetings of the
church Session, the Board of Trustees, and the congregation, registers of membership, and records of
the women's auxiliary societies.
First Presbyterian Church (Laclede, Mo.) Records, 1866-1888 (C1350)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)
Organization of the church and minutes of sessions.
First Presbyterian Church (Laclede, Mo.) Records, 1866-1911 (C1351)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain church organization, covenant, beliefs and statistics on membership.
Fish Family Photograph Album, 1852-1898 (S0631)
0.3 cubic foot
The Fish Family Photograph Album contains photographs from the Fish family. The album was gifted to Hazel Fish Cunningham from her father Albert Goodrich Fish in 1898.
William P. Fitzgerald Papers, 1843-1894 (C1919)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Papers pertaining to Franklin County land. Land grant to Thomas Maupin; warranty deed and quit claim deed between the heirs of Washington Fitzgerald and William P. Fitzgerald.
Mrs. B.K. Flanery Photograph Collection, 1875-1929 (P0457)
27 photographs
Copy photos of Poplar Bluff, Butler County, late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Flanery-Gillum-Lawson Family Papers, 1862-2005 (C4142)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of the Flanery-Gillum-Lawson family include correspondence, family photographs, family documents, and a copy of Paint Lick Reflections, a genealogical publication, Paint Lick, Kentucky, Summer, 2005.
J. B. Fleming Business Records, 1860-1874 (R0482)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The J. B. Fleming Business Records collection is an account ledger of a saloon and general store operated by John B. Fleming at Farmington, Saint Francois County, Missouri.
Alma Olivia Fletcher Papers, 1841-1968 (C3623)
0.2 cubic feet (16 folders)
Papers of the Fletcher family of Arcadia, Missouri. Included are two Civil War muster rolls; Missouri will and land deed; scrapbook of Alma's European tour, 1910; and detailed daily bird watching charts, 1960-1968.
Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Books Collection, 1857-1972 (S0013)
0.3 cubic foot, 9 rolls microfilm (33 volumes)
The Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Book Collection include copies of official correspondence, council rosters, budgets, resolutions, certificates of appointments, and maps, chronicling the city's growth and development from 1857 to 1973.
Rebecca Foard Scrapbook, 1860-1880 (C3376)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, mostly of a philosophical nature, kept by a resident of Kansas City, Missouri.
Ford Family Papers, 1838-2006 (C4007)
1 cubic foot (37 folders)
The papers of the Ford, English, Cunningham, and related families include family correspondence, photographs and postcards, genealogical, school, and miscellaneous material. The correspondence contains references to World War I.
Forest Park Research Files Collection, 1870-1995 (S0884)
18 cubic feet
This collection contains photographs, annual reports, file cards, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the history of Forest Park.
Fort Osage Restoration Records, 1808-1979 (K0155)
.5 c.f. (MR)
Correspondence relating to the reconstruction of Fort Osage by the Jackson County Parks and Recreation Department in consultation with the Native Sons of Greater Kansas City. Also research on the history of the Fort; reconstruction techniques and materials; and authentic artifacts, furniture, costumes, and artillery.
Fox Family Papers, 1870-1950s (CA6548)
2 cubic feet
Papers of a family from Moberly, Missouri, include photographs, scrapbooks, small artifacts, and miscellaneous material. Material largely concerns Lawrence Fox, Joy Eldridge Fox, and Anna Thieman Fox.
Charles B. France Papers, 1856-1890 (C1012)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Correspondence, diaries, and papers of Charles B. France, a St. Joseph, Missouri, banker, and his family. Includes references to the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Gold Rush, and travel to the West and East Coast. Contains letter book of Overland Stage Lines.
Martha M. and Sara M. France Papers, 1878-1905 (C0874)
0.3 cubic feet (14 folders), 1 oversize volume
Diary of Martha M. France, wife of St. Joseph, Missouri, banker, Charles B. France, Jr. Diary, mementos, and photos of her daughter, Sara M. France, a student at Ogontz School near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1889-1892.
William A. E. French Papers, 1877-1967 (R0175)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The William Aden Elmer French Papers contain the microfilmed copies of the papers of an author and newspaper publisher at Eminence in Shannon County, Missouri. Included are hunting and fishing diaries, journals, teaching notebooks, lists of published works, short stories, and family correspondence.
Franklin and Binkley Families Papers, 1868-1955 (R1492)
0.06 cubic foot (6 folders, 27 negatives)
The Franklin and Binkley Families Papers contain photocopies of correspondence, family papers, and photographs. Also included is genealogical information for the Franklin, Binkley, Myers, Herrman, Bray, and other connected families.
Franz-Gundlach Family Papers, 1877-1956 (C4611)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of the Franz-Gundlach family from Lafayette County, Missouri, include correspondence and ephemera gathered during trips to Europe.
Freedom Baptist Church, Morgan County, Missouri Records, 1844-1962 (R0418)
6 volumes microfilmed
These are record books of the Freedom Baptist Church near Versailles in Morgan County,
Missouri. The records include the articles of faith, rules of decorum, membership records, and minutes
of church business meetings, August 1844 --January 1962, and the secretary's record book of the
Baptist Young People's Union, 1929-1932.