National Cosmetology Association of Missouri Records, 1944-1990s (C4180)
1.85 cubic feet (17 folders, 4 oversize volumes), 1 oversize item
National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section Records, 1895-1984 (S0443)
84 cubic feet, 7 audio tapes, 45 volumes, 195 folders, 513 photographs
The National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section promotes unity among Jewish women through education and community service. The organization pioneered work with the milk program in public schools (1917-1933), and the Golden Age Senior Citizens' clubs in 1945. The collection includes reports, minutes, financial statements, scrapbooks, photographs, slideshow, newsletters, and tapes.
National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs Records, 1950-2014 (CA6684)
1.4 cubic feet
The collection contains the records of the National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs. The organization was created to promote active citizenship involvement and education through local Republican clubs across the United States. The records include correspondence, minutes, political education materials, and miscellaneous material related to the organization.
National Federation of Press Women Records, 1945-2017 (CA6205)
6.4 cubic feet, 9 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 3 rolls of microfilm, 2 video cassettes, 4 DVDs
Addition of publications, conference materials, meeting minutes, membership rosters, and other records of an organization founded in 1937 that promotes the professional development of journalists.
National Federation of Press Women Records, 1910-2020 (C3973)
5.0 cubic feet, 16 audio cassettes, 3 rolls of microfilm, 537 MB of digital files
Records of an organization consisting of affiliated state professional associations of press women, which promotes the professional development of journalists. Includes correspondence of officers, annual convention materials, histories of the organization and its members, publications, and affiliate information.
National League of American Pen Women, Kansas City-Westport Branch Records, 1931-2011 (K0437)
6 c.f.
Scrapbooks, minutes, secretary's book, president's records, achievement reports, miscellaneous yearbooks, histories, and organizational newsletters.
National Panel of American Women Records, 1957-1986 (K0619)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of the national office of the Panel of American Women, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes correspondence, financial and legal records, newsletters and printed material, minutes, and scrapbooks.
National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records, 1954-2020 (S0291)
8 cubic feet, 229 folders, 1731 photographs, 5 scrapbooks, 16 compact discs, 1 video cassette
The National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, photographs, and scrapbooks regarding the organization’s mission to encourage and assist young artists in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area by bestowing scholarships and awards, and holding annual competitions in drama, literature, music, art and dance.
National Society of the Colonial Dames in the State of Missouri, Columbia Committee Record Book, 1928-1976 (C4713)
0.2 cubic foot (1 folder)
Secretary's minute book of committee meetings.
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Missouri Papers, 1968-1986 (C3584)
0.3 cubic foot (15 folders), 2 oversized volumes
The papers of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Missouri contain a working copy of Early Portraits in Missouri, Painted Before 1860, which provides a detailed description of portraits existing in Missouri, arranged alphabetically by location of the work. There is an index by artist, but none by portrait subject. The manuscript includes many works by George Caleb Bingham. There are two scrapbooks that contain documents from the group’s meetings.
National Women and Media Collection, 1965-2009 (C3025)
1.75 cubic feet (38 folders), 23 audio cassettes, 16 video cassettes, 531 MB of digital files
The National Women and Media Collection (NWMC) contains speeches, newspaper columns, advertising campaigns, articles, interviews, and audiovisual material from women in the media as well as media organizations.
Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City Records, 1931-2011 (K0279)
34 c.f.
Organizational records of a historical society for Kansas City area history. Includes minutes and Secretaries' files; President's files; Treasurers' files; membership records; Curators' files of correspondence with researchers; general correspondence; historical information; and other materials related to the operation of the organization.
Native Sons of Kansas City Collection, 1790-1990 (K0465)
30 c.f.
Manuscripts, documents, photographs, books, maps, and oversize materials relating to the history of the Kansas City area collected by the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City.
Native Sons of Kansas City Photograph Collection, 1824-1960 (K0528)
4 c.f.
An artificial collection of photographs from various sources collected by the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City.
Native Sons of Kansas City Scrapbooks, 1820-1960 (K0395)
14 c.f.
Scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photographs, manuscript materials, publications, and research notes of a variety of Kansas City area events and topics, such a early settlers and civic leaders, built environment, art and culture, education, government, and commercial activities.
Naturalization Council Metropolitan Area Kansas City Collection, 1938-1986 (K0832)
8 c.f.
The organizational records of the Council includes monthly reports, statements, minutes, educational materials, correspondence, awards, office files, scrapbooks, and photographs related to its activities to assist immigrants to the city.
Robert F. Neathery Collection, 1903-2001 (R1112)
2 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are papers of Robert F. Neathery, a developer and operator of radio stations and cable television systems at West Plains in Howell County, Missouri. They consist of personal, family, and business papers, drafts and other papers concering Neathery's memoir, 'West Plains As I Knew It', and miscellaneous topical files.
Clyde B. Neibarger Papers, 1920-1963 (K0681)
4 c.f.
Neibarger was at one time music editor Kansas City Star. Includes correspondence, clippings and typed manuscripts of Neibarger's reviews, and programs
John G. Neihardt Ephemera, 1957-1987 (C1267)
0.3 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette
Correspondence, clippings, and obituaries of poet and educator John G. Neihardt. Additional materials pertaining to the Neihardt Foundation, Black Elk/Neihardt Park, Blair, Nebraska, and a stage performance of Black Elk Speaks. Enid Fink Neihardt childhood memoir and additional clippings about her and Hilda Neihardt's efforts to continue their father's and Black Elk's legacies.
John G. Neihardt Papers, c. 1858-1974 (C3716)
9.4 cubic feet, 41 video cassettes, 52 DVDs, 57 audio cassettes, 3 CDs, 3 audio discs (558 folders also available on 18 rolls of microfilm)
Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, news clippings, audio and video cassettes, and miscellaneous material of poet. Neihardt was most famous for his epic, A CYCLE OF THE WEST, and BLACK ELK SPEAKS. He was poet laureate of Nebraska, literary editor of the ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 1926-1938, and instructor at the University of Missouri, 1949-1965.
John G. Neihardt Papers, 1908-1974 (C3778)
1.4 cubic feet (82 folders)
Correspondence and miscellaneous material of poet John G. Neihardt. Neihardt was most famous for his epic, A Cycle of the West, and Black Elk Speaks. He was poet laureate of Nebraska, literary editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1929-1938, and an instructor at the University of Missouri, 1949-1965.
Adolph Nejdl Photograph Collection, 1940-1960s (C0184)
0.4 cubic feet
Primarily black and white 8x10 promotional photographs of burlesque and exotic dancers.
Nelly Don, Inc. Collection, 1950-1978 (KA2578)
3 c.f.
The Nelly Don, Inc. Collection contains corporate documents related to the company and its subsidiaries, dated between 1950 and 1978.
Nelson Family Papers, 1879-1973 (R0252)
(1 roll of microfilm, 104 negatives)
These are scrapbooks, miscellaneous papers, and photographs of the Nelson family of Lebanon, Laclede County, Missouri. Absolom, Arthur T., and Frank R. Nelson operated a commercial apple orchard and a tavern and motel along Uunited States Highway 66. Arthur T. Nelson served on various Missouri state commissions and boards. The photographs in the collection have been copied on 35mm negatives and slides.
Buck Nelson Collection, 1960 (R0759)
(1 folder)
This booklet was published in 1960 to be sold at subsequent annual spacecraft conventions held on Buck Nelson's ranch in Texas County, Missouri. The conventions were gatherings for flying saucer enthusiasts and persons interested in interplanetary space travel.
Earl F. Nelson Papers, 1904-1967 (C2511)
3.0 cubic feet
The papers of Earl F. Nelson contain personal, political, and business correspondence, insurance data, tax records, ledgers, and journals, including correspondence, reports, and financial statements dealing with work as a member of the board of curators. Also included are papers of Edna Nelson dealing with estate matters.
Oscar David Nelson Papers, 1914-1980 (K0069)
58 c.f.
Personal, including his philanthropic work, his personal investments, travel and general correspondence, and professional papers of former chairman of the board of Butler Manufacturing Company
Mary Carol Neth Papers, 1927-2004 (C4040)
8.0 cubic feet (251 folders), 15 audio cassettes, 4 card files
The professional papers of Mary C. Neth, created during her research of rural women's history of the Midwest and the history of American tap dance consists of research material, essays, newspaper clippings, photographs, conference materials, professional correspondence, and other papers. The collection also includes various documents related to the activities of the Rural Women's Studies Association, of which Neth was a founding member.
Dale A. Neuman Papers, 1960-1964 (K0399)
0.3 c.f.
Political ephemera, both local and national, including campaign material, printed material, and newsletters.
Neurological Hospital Association of Kansas City, Records, 1935-1974 (K0800)
8 c.f.
Organizational records of the neurological hospital, formally known as the Robinson Sanitarium or Clinic. Includes correspondence, minutes, financial records, public relations, the Robinson Memorial Fund, personnel, and legal other records.
Neville, Sharp, and Simon Architectural Records, 1933-2000 (K1105)
111 c.f.
Architectural drawings, job specifications, and photographs of buildings designed by the firm.
New Age Federal Savings and Loan Association Records, 1915-1967 (S0053)
4 cubic feet, 14 ledgers, 3 rolls microfilm
The New Age Federal Savings and Loan Association records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, ledgers, newsletters, and programs documenting the organization's mission to provide African-American St. Louisans with loans to buy homes.
New Democratic Coalition Records, 1968-1977 (S0068)
3 cubic feet, 77 folders, 8 audio cassettes, 4 reel-to-reel audio tapes
The New Democratic Coalition Records contains newsletters, correspondence, bylaws, and press releases regarding the New Democratic Coalition, a Democratic party reform group founded in response to the 1968 Democratic Convention. The objectives of the New Democratic Coalition included reform of campaign spending, tax assessment, and the widening of the delegate selection process.
New Hope Baptist Church, Peace Valley, Missouri Records, 1886-1990 (R0484)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The New Hope Baptist Church, Peace Valley, Missouri Records contain the records of the New Hope Baptist Church in Peace Valley, Howell County, Missouri. The collection includes minutes of meetings, membership records, treasurer’s reports, and a history of the church to 1985.
New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet
The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019.
New Madrid Civic Club Records, 1950-1966 (R0504)
7 folders
These are minutes of meetings, attendance records, scrapbook, and miscellaneous printed materials
of the New Madrid Civic Club in New Madrid, Missouri. Included with the collection is the
corporate record book of the New Madrid Community Building, Inc., a joint organization of the
Civic Club, the New Madrid Women's Club, and the New Madrid Rotary Club formed in 1959 to
build a community center.
New Madrid Woman's Club Records, 1965-1978 (R0488)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The New Madrid Woman’s Club Records collection contains annual scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and papers compiled by the New Madrid Woman’s Club of New Madrid, Missouri.
New Music Circle Records, 1959-2008 (S0483)
12 cubic feet, 8 photographs, 1 audio tape, 2 cassettes, 1 grooved single
Founded in 1951, the New Music Circle (NMC) provides a forum for area composers and musicians. NMC is interested mainly in contemporary and avant-garde music. These records include correspondence, flyers, programs, meeting minutes, one LP recording, one 45 RPM recording, two cassettes, one reel-to-reel, and photographs of the group's activities and concerts.
New Providence Presbyterian Church (Guthrie, Mo.) Records, 1823-1964 (C4213)
0.4 cubic feet (10 folders)
The records of the New Providence Presbyterian Church contain the church constitution, minutes, records of births, deaths, baptisms, and marriages, as well as Sunday School minutes and a few miscellaneous letters regarding church members.
New Santa Fe Historical Society Records, 1866-2009 (K0551)
15 c.f.
Organizational records and research materials of a historical society in south Kansas City, MO. Also includes information on neighboring regions, and Watts Mill.
Newco Manufacturing Company Collection, 1965, 1968 (K1387)
0.03 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Newco Manufacturing Company Collection contains marketing materials related to the company including product advertisements for hand and bench swaging tools as well as catalogs for wire rope fittings dated 1965 and 1968.
Douglas Ann Johnson Newsom Papers, 1960s-1980s (CA4908)
18 cubic feet
Correspondence, files, papers, and manuscripts of books by a professor of journalism and public relations; correspondence and files of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications.
Freda Bortnick Newton Papers, 1911-2008 (K0805)
0.01 c.f.
Personal papers of Newton, including immigration records, vital records and, discharge papers for husband William Jack Newton, both members of Congregation Beth Shalom.
John T. Nichols Papers, 1862-1865, 1964 (C4392)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
Civil War diary (3 April 1863-10 May 1865) written in poetry form by a Confederate soldier from Boone County who served with Company I, 2nd Volunteers, 6th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. Nichols was assigned to hospital duty in the Meridian, Mississippi, area. Collection also includes a partial transcription of the diary and copies of a photograph of Nichols and his military papers.
Miller Nichols Papers, 1958-1997 (K1081)
39 c.f.
Personal and professional files of Nichols, president of the J.C. Nichols Company and active civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Also some personal correspondence of his wife Jeanette Nichols.
Elbert Louis "Bert" Nickerson Photographs, 1906-1980 (P1040)
Photographs by Elbert Louis Nickerson, better known as "Bert", of Bucklin and Brookfield, MO. Bert worked for the newspaper in Brookfield. This collection also includes his family photographs.
Jorgen Vilhelm Nielsen Papers, 1905-1969 (R0440)
1 folder
This is a journal, 1905-1930, of a native of Denmark and resident of Chicago, Illinois. The entries
include notes of becoming a naturalized citizen and a description of a trip to California. With
the journal are two letters to John Nielsen at Licking, Missouri, from relatives in Denmark, 1969.
The letters and part of the journal are in Danish.
Nigro Corporation Records, 1941-1987 (K0597)
4 c.f.
Business records including architectural drawings, property abstracts, surveys, correspondence, and photographs of properties in the Waldo area of Kansas City,
Dominic M. Nigro Papers, 1953-1982 (K0693)
0.5 c.f.
Nigro was a noted Kansas City physician, businessman, and civic leader. Includes photographs of family, friends and various activities of Nigro, such as founder of the Knute Rockne Clubs of America under whom he played football.
Nine Network of Public Media Records, 1952-2015 (S0043)
42 cubic feet, 3396 photographs
The Nine Network of Public Media records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, photographs, newsletters, and newspaper clippings regarding the organization's mission to provide community-supported educational television to the St. Louis area.