Riverside Inn Records, circa 1910 (R0870)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a brochure for the Riverside Inn on the Elk River near Elk Springs in McDonald County, Missouri. It includes four photographs of the resort and descriptive text.
Riverside School, Butler County, Missouri, 1910 (R1239)
(1 folder)
This is a souvenir of the Winter Term, 1910, for the Riverside School in Butler County, Missouri. Farrar Foster was the teacher and J.D. Mercer, R.P. Neel, and W. A. Cravens were directors of the local school district.
Cornelius Roach Speeches, 1915-1930 (C0157)
0.3 cubic feet
Contains the speeches of Cornelius Roach, secretary of the state of Missouri, 1909-1916, and editor of the JASPER COUNTY DEMOCRAT.
James A. Roark Papers, 1896-1936 (C2645)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters and papers concerning Roark's employment on the Missouri, Gasconade, and Osage Rivers, 1896-1917; federal employees. Two river guide booklets; Missouri rivers, 1901, Ohio River, n.d. Broadside on the State Democratic Convention, St. Louis, 1940. Two David Lawrence clippings on federal wage controls, 1942.
John Lewis RoBards Papers, 1832-1922 (C3609)
0.2 cubic feet (15 folders)
Papers and genealogy of a prominent lawyer, writer and orator of Hannibal, Missouri. Includes incomplete journal of overland trip to California in 1849.
Annie Louise Roberts Papers, 1910s (CA5976)
3 folders
Court documents, insurance papers, abstracts, and financial papers of the St. Joseph, Missouri resident, dating to the 1910s.
C.C. Roberts Railroad Collection, 1866-1922 (C4212)
1.5 cubic feet (65 folders)
Stock transfers; receipts; meeting minutes; vouchers; invoices; certificates; business proposals; court cases; agreements; construction specifications; articles of incorporation; accounts; reports; and balance sheets, etc. of numerous railroad companies. Also includes material from the Missouri and Arkansas Lumber and Mining Company and a builder/general contractor.
Ollie and Edna Roberts Postcard Collection, 1909-1970 (CA6747)
0.2 cubic feet
Postcards of buildings, structures, parks and scenery around Missouri. The postcards were collected by Ollie and Edna Roberts.
William George Roberts Papers, 1908-1962 (R1386)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders, 23 photographs)
The William George Roberts Papers contain early correspondence between Sarah, Carrol, Emma, and Andrew Roberts. The collection also includes correspondence and papers involving William G. Roberts during his service in World War II. Also included are photographs from his military service and personal papers involving William G. Roberts' life before and after the war.
George A.S. Robertson Papers, 1918-1987 (C4312)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of a former World War I fighter pilot and later Deputy Superintendent of Insurance contain biographical and genealogical data on George A.S. Robertson and the Robertson and related family.
Orral Messmore Robidoux Diary, 1918 (C2626)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History of the Robidoux and Messmore families, childhood memories of farm life in nineteenth-century Middle West, and comments on contemporary Kansas City.
Paul McDonald Robinett Scrapbooks, 1897-1974 (C3620)
0.8 cubic feet (60 folders)
Correspondence, clippings, writings, speeches and notes pertaining to Brigadier General Robinett of Mountain Grove, Missouri, who, with his brother Frank, compiled material on his army career.
Fred Robins Photograph Collection, 1884-1951 (P0725)
32 photographs
Photos of Wellington and Lexington, MO, ca. 1920s-1930s, and the Ozark County Times printing office. Photographs of Turners Mill and Dawt Mill. Portraits of people from Lexington.
Robinson Family Papers/Kansas City Social Register Records, 1880-1998 (K0774)
19 c.f.
Papers of a prominent Kansas City family, and publishers of the Social Register. Includes correspondence, genealogical files, reference notecard index, biographical data, printed and published material, clippings, and photographs.
Richard D. Robinson Collection, 1830s-2000s (CA5805)
14.2 cubic feet
Materials of a professor in the College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia, whose primary research areas were the history of literacy, teacher education, and reading theory. Includes historical school primers, professional correspondence, publications, and miscellaneous papers.
Rocheport Roller Mills (Rocheport, Mo.) Records, 1882-1937 (C0344)
10 rolls of microfilm
Records of the grain mill established in 1875, originally called Monitor Mills. It produced Tuberose and Snowflake flour, as well as meal, ship stuff, and bran.
Rocheport, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1890-1962 (P0089)
83 photographs
An artifical collection of photographs, including many copy photos, of Rocheport, MO.
Rock Hill Historic Preservation Commission Records , 1893-2004 (S0639)
2.5 cubic feet
The Rock Hill Historic Preservation Commission Records contain ledgers, meeting minutes, photographs, development reports, and correspondence collected by the Commission documenting the history of the Rock Hill Men's Improvement Association, the Rock Hill Presbyterian Church, city government, and the preservation of Fairfax house.
Rock Springs School, Washington County, Missouri Records, 1892-1935 (R0228)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Rock Springs School, Washington County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the record books of the district clerk of the Rock Springs school district.
Rockbridge Bank (Rockbridge, Mo.) Records, 1869-1936 (C0063)
6.25 cubic feet, 3 volumes
Bank business papers, legal papers, insurance papers, deposit slips and receipts, and miscellaneous papers. Also includes books of accounts used during the regular course of the business.
Rhoderick R. Rockwood Diary and Record Book, 1864-1914 (C2658)
1 volume
Diary of service with the Missouri Infantry, 18th Regiment (Morgan's Rangers), during the Civil War, 24 August 1864-1 June 1865. Financial records of the United Moderns, 1902-1903. Records of J.E. Rockwood, referee in bankruptcy for the District of Montana, 1907-1914. Farm accounts, 1868, 1870.
Rocky Fork Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1921 (C1319)
0.34 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Articles of faith, rules of decorum, letters of admission and dismission, membership lists, and minutes of church meetings.
Rocky Point Baptist Church, Ripley County, Missouri Records, 1885-1933 (R0569)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Rocky Point Baptist Church, Ripley County, Missouri Records are the record books and miscellaneous papers of Rocky Point Baptist Church in western Ripley County, Missouri.
John Rodelander Papers, 1909-1955 (K1015)
1 c.f.
Rodelander was the head chef at the Hotel Phillips. Includes menus and other printed materials concerning the Hotel Phillips and various Kansas City restaurants.
Charles Roemer Collection, 1905-1919 (P0447)
1 folder
Postcards of Missouri scenes in Audrain and Boone Counties. Photographs of returned WWI Soldiers luncheon, Columbia.
Edward L. Roemer Papers, 1886-1938 (K0698)
2 c.f.
Catalogs and records of Roemer, a fine cabinetmaker in Kansas City, MO. Includes drawings, sketches, and patterns for furniture
Ann Rogers Photograph Collection, 1860-1914 (P0086)
2 folders
Assortment of postcards, snapshots and prints from across Missouri, including Excelsior Springs, the University of Missouri, and Kansas City.
Harry Rogers Photograph Collection, 1887-1921 (P0197)
0.17 linear feet
Copy photos of Chillicothe, ca. 1890-1900. Particular emphasis on the railroad and related structures, and the State Industrial Home for Girls.
Margaret Rogers Diary, 1909-1910 (C3588)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a diary kept by a Denver, Colorado, student of music on a tour of Russia during the winter of 1909-1910. The group was guided by one doctor Babcock and his assistant, Dr. Seal, “of Philadelphia and Leipsig.” Included are casual descriptions of people, churches, museums, social events, a funeral, and a Christmas celebration attended.
Nelson F. Rogers Papers, 1894-1996 (R1318)
1.75 cubic foot (79 folders, 9 volumes, 231 photographs)
The Nelson F. Rogers Papers contain the professional papers of Nelson F. Rogers, a forester with the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Research Center. He conducted research at the Sinkin Experimental Forest and Central States Forest Experiment Station, studying reforestation of strip-mined areas and experiments involving the cultivation of shortleaf pine. The collection also includes personal papers and Rogers family genealogical material.
Noble Harvey Rogers Papers, 1904-1918 (C1954)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Obituary; photograph of Rogers; affidavit from official records compiled by the Soldiers and Sailors Historical and Benevolent Society about Rogers' Civil War service; biographical sketch.
Rogers-Hagar Family Deeds, 1875-1912 (C3256)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains four deeds, all entered in Randolph County, Missouri. Some holders are George Rogers, William Rogers, James T. Halliburton, and George Hagar.
Mary Ann Creason Rohde Photograph Collection, 1900-1990 (P0999)
1 folder
Photographs of the Mohney, Creason, and related families; includes photographs of tombstones of family members at Riffe and South Point cemeteries
Rohlfing Family Postcard Collection, 1890s-1980s (CA6722)
0.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Postcards sent between members of the Rohlfing family from Gasconade County, Missouri. The bulk of the postcards were sent to Christina Rohlfing, Sabina Humburg Rohlfing, and Lydia Rohlfing Hoerstkamp. Also includes one scrapbook with postcards.
Rolla Saturday Club Records, 1904-2014 (R0901)
3 cubic feet (13 volumes, 7 oversize scrapbooks)
These are the records of the Rolla Saturday Club, a women's club organized to promote individual, social, and civic improvement. The records consist of minutes of meetings, financial records, yearbooks, and scrapbooks.
Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1885-1945 (R0205)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders, 46 negative images)
The Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection contains copies of photographs and postcard views of Rolla and Phelps County, Missouri, from the family collection of Margaret Isabelle Rauch. Included are views of businesses, public buildings, and street scenes in Rolla, the Phelps County Fairground, and U.S. Highway 66. The photographs have been copied on 35mm black-and-white-film.
Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1910s (R0663)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 2 photographs)
These are two photographs made at Rolla in Phleps County, Missouri. One view is of the booth of James A. Spilman, a merchant and dealer of Studebaker farm wagons, at the Phelps County Fair in Rolla. The other is a panoramic collage of the Missouri School of Mines at Rolla, taken from the school's water tower.
Curtis Burnam Rollins Papers, 1902-1911 (C3255)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Curtis Burnam Rollins contain two letters concerning Emanuel Lasker's application for appointment as mathematics professor at the University of Missouri, 1902, and a certificate appointing Rollins to the board of curators, University of Missouri, 1911.
James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm
The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.
Harry Von Romer Autobiography, 1970-1980 (S0171)
0.01 cubic feet, 3 folders
The Harry Von Romer Manuscript contains two handwritten chapters by St. Louis laborer and union organizer Harry Von Romer. During the Great Depression, Von Romer worked to organize the auto industry, in particular, the Fisher Body Plant. The chapters describe daily life among the working class in the 1910s and 1920s in St. Louis, working conditions during the Depression, and the organizing efforts, parades, and strikes of local labor unions in St. Louis.
Harry Von Romer Collection, 1880-1981 (S0471)
7 cubic feet, 149 folders, 7 photographs
Harry Von Romer was a laborer, union organizer, and a Central Trade and Labor Union convention delegate. The collection includes labor agreements, correspondence, constitutions and bylaws, as well as union-related buttons and badges Romer collected over his lifetime.
Milton A. Romjue Papers, c. 1890-1963 (C3932)
16.8 cubic feet
Papers of a Democratic, U.S. Representative from the first congressional district of Missouri containing constituent, patronage, political, campaign, legislative, administrative, and personal files that primarily document north central and northeastern sections of that state from 1916 to 1942.
Oren Root Papers, 1858-1930 (C3311)
0.4 cubic feet (11 folders)
Root, an educator, lawyer, and minister, lived in New York before moving to Columbia, Missouri, to become professor of English at the University. During his ten-year residence in Missouri, Root served in several capacities as educator and minister. The papers include sermon sketches, personal writings, speeches, and newspaper clippings.
Rosati, Missouri Collection, 1918-1983 (R0181)
0.04 cubic foot (2 folder, 1 audio cassette)
The Rosati, Missouri Collection contains photocopies of materials pertaining to the history of Rosati (formerly Knobview) in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes the business notebook of Antonio M. Piazza, a tape-recorded interview with Jodie Donati, and a research paper by Francesco Brogi.
Mary Rose Photograph Collection, 1890-1920 (P0287)
10 photographs
Unidentified portraits from the estate of Mary Rose.
Dorothy Shubart Rosenwald Papers, 1913-2001 (K0628)
30 c.f.
Personal papers of civic leader, educator, and an active member of the Jewish Community in Kansas City. Includes correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, information, booklets, papers on organizations with which Rosenwald was involved such as the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), UNESCO, Missouri Association for Social Welfare, and Conference on Families. Rosenwald was prolific traveler and included is material she gathered from across the globe over their many decades.
Russell J. Rosier Papers, 1910-1990 (C4376)
3 cubic feet (104 folders)
Correspondence, photographs, genealogical, and other miscellaneous personal papers , and assorted organizational material of a secretary of the Missouri Farmer's Association (MFA), Columbia, Missouri, and his wife, Bessie Rosier, and related family.
Rothville Bank (Rothville, Mo.) Papers, 1889-1955 (C0069)
3.5 cubic feet, 65 oversize volumes
Journals, ledgers, and papers detailing the daily business of the Rothville Bank.
Round Prairie Baptist Church (Bates County, Mo.) Records, 1866-1937 (C1320)
0.13 cubic feet (1 volume)
Articles of faith, minutes of meetings, membership lists, and financial records of the church, founded in 1866 as the Pleasant Gap Baptist Church. The church moved in 1868, and the name was changed at that time.
The volume is indexed.
Rountree Family Papers, circa 1819-1956 (R0325)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Rountree Family Papers contain photocopies of extracts from the diary of Joseph Rountree, 1819-1831, and the autobiography of William J. Rountree, circa 1910. There are also notes on the Rountree family by Frank Rountree, 1911-1912, Ruth Fowler Sherwood, 1947, and Joseph G. Rountree, 1956, with obituaries and birth-death records of family members.