Kansas City Chapter, Missouri Society-Sons of the Revolution, 1776 Records, 1896-2006 (K1264)
12 c.f.
Organizational records of the chapter including membership applications, scrapbooks, correspondence, minutes, photographs, and publications.
Kansas City College of Veterinary Medicine Records, 1905 (K1029)
0.25 c.f.
Includes diplomas and class composite photographs.
Kansas City Convention Hall Records, 1899-1936 (K0269)
7.63 c.f.
Minutes from the Directors, Executives, Stockholders, Trustees. Also financial reports that include stocks, ledgers, subscriptions, cash records, and journals; event records; correspondence, and other organizational materials; scrapbooks of media coverage of the history and activities of Convention Hall, and many of Kansas City's civic events; and a large number of photos. Includes files of the General Relief Committee.
Kansas City Municipal Court Dockets, 1902-1915 (K0370)
0.2 c.f.
Volume 31 (1902) and Volume 73, with an index (1914-1915). Gives the name of the accused, charge, and disposition of the case.
Kansas City Museum Collection, 1906-1954 (K0336)
0.13 c. f.
History and description of the Kansas City Museum, including printed material, photographs, clippings and personal reminiscences.
Kansas City Musical Club Records, 1899-2011 (K0276)
12 c.f.
Minutes, correspondence, financial records, reports, yearbooks, bulletins, and newsletters. Scrapbooks include the Junior Department, publicity, and yearly activities and events, and many photographs. The Club provides performance opportunities for musicians and scholarship assistance and financial aid to large musical organizations
Kansas City Scrapbook, 1908-1996 (K1033)
0.20 c.f. (3 folders)
Newspaper and magazine clippings relating to the history of Kansas City.
Kansas City Southern Railway Company Collection, 1894-1968 (R1314)
1.5 cubic foot (13 folders, 322 photographs)
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company Collection contains materials related to the careers of father and son, Frank M. Switzer and George M. Switzer who combined worked for the line for over 80 years. The collection includes photographs, promotional material, travel passes, timetables, company publications, equipment diagrams, and advertisements.
Kansas City Southern Railway Company Records, 1899-1900 (CA5004)
1 volume
Minute book of the company, 1899-1900. Includes incorporation papers.
Kansas City Star Collection, 1868-1954 (P0116)
A limited collection of images sourced from the photographic collections of the Kansas City Star newspaper.
Kansas City Structural Steel Company Records, 1909-1980 (K0770)
0.5 c.f.
Bound annual reports of the Company. Also the book, "The First 60 Years: The American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. 1921-1980" by Leslie H Gillette.
Kansas City Ten-Year Plan Records, 1870-1938 (K0272)
2 c.f.
Records relating to the depression era bond issue that resulted in the construction of a number of civic buildings and community improvement projects in Kansas City MO. Includes research, drafts, and photographs for the book, Where the Rocky Bluffs Meet: The Story of the Kansas City Ten-Year Plan.
Kansas City Turner Society (Socialer Turnverein) Records, 1867-1988 (K0771)
11 c.f.
Organizational records of the primary German social club in Kansas City. Includes minute books, ledgers, correspondence, photographs, and membership records, and national and local printed material and publications, programs, and songbooks Also records of the Turner Development Company and the administration of Turner Park.
Kansas City University Extension Center Records, 1905-1930 (K1035)
0.2 c.f.
The Extension Center was an adult education program sponsoring national speakers on contemporary political and social issues. Includes the financial secretary's reports and programs.
"Kansas City's Memorable Dates and Events, 1803-1920," George Fuller Green, 1803-1920 (C2905)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Brief descriptions of significant dates in the history of Kansas City, 1803-1920.
Kansas City, Clinton, and Springfield Railway Company Records, 1892-1918 (R0091)
(1 roll of microfilm)
Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Memphis Railroad Company Records, 1906-1908 (R1425)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The collection contains one ledger of receipts and expenses for the Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Memphis Railroad Company for the period 1906-1908.
Kansas City, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1871-1985 (P1116)
An artificial collection of photographs of Kansas City, Missouri.
Kansas City Photographs, circa 1902 (P1047)
35 photographs
Thirty-five photographs of Kansas City, ca. 1902. Includes images of streets and exterior views of businesses, parks, clubs, and residences.
Kansas Town Company Records, 1839-1957 (K0352)
0.27 c.f.
Original records of the Town Company which was the origin of Kansas City, MO. Includes minutes and financial accounts of the corporation: lists of lots sold, notes receivable, distribution of proceeds, holdings, and minutes of the proprietors' meetings. Also research on the town site, the Town Company, its Founders, and the Town of Kansas from its origin until 1850.
Joseph Van Clief Karnes Papers, 1868-1937 (K0287)
0.2 c.f.
Autobiography of Karnes, an attorney prominent and influential member in the civic and legal community of Kansas City, MO. contains information on his family history and education, people he knew, the Kansas City public school and library system, and city charter reform. Also a small scrapbook comprised of clippings and writings.
Katy C. Mining Company (Joplin, Mo.) Books, 1900-1906 (C0650)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
V. 1 Accounts with Miners Bank, payrolls, and miscellaneous accounts, 1900-1903.
V. 2 Articles of association, by-laws and minutes of meetings of directors, 1900-1906.
William H. Kavanaugh Papers, 1861-1939 (C4251)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
Ara Kaye Postcard Collection, 1896-1943 (P0395)
3 postcards
Postcards of Union Station, St. Louis, and Santa Fe Depot, Marceline, MO
Wesley Kaylor Papers, 1857-1963 (C0349)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters of a Union soldier in Missouri to his family in Newark, MO. Also letter telling of his death in Ironton, MO, of improper vaccination.
Kearney Family Papers, 1890-1969, bulk 1918 (C4605)
0.4 cubic feet (9 folders)
Material from a Holt County (Mo.) family, including letters from Harold Leslie Kearney who served in France during WWI.
Clarence Keathley Photograph Collection, 1905-1976 (P0177)
0.125 linear feet
Photos of mining from Ken magazine (1939), the Berryman CCC Camp No. 3733, agriculture, the Palmer Project, and the University of Missouri (ca. 1932-1934).
Mary Paxton Keeley Papers, 1830-1986 (C0848)
13.8 cubic feet (622 folders), 1 audio tape, 4 audio cassettes, 2 oversize items
Papers of the first woman graduate of the University of Missouri, School of Journalism, in 1910. She was active as a journalist, teacher, playwright, poet, fiction writer, and photographer. Material includes correspondence; diaries; manuscripts for Keeley’s articles, fiction, and poetry; clippings; audio cassettes; and photographs.
Keifner Lumber Company Records, 1908-1973 (R1198)
27 cubic feet (66 Volumes, 7 folders)
These are records of the Kiefner Lumber Company and a predecessor firm, the J. Tlapek Lumber Company, at Perryville in Perry county, Missouri. Included are journals, daybooks, cash books, and miscellaneous papers.
Carol Dobkins Keith Papers, 1859-1936 (C4122)
0.5 cubic feet
The papers of Carol Dobkins Keith contain a variety of photographs, correspondences, legal papers, and souvenirs. The majority of the collection consists of photographs depicting several colleges, schools, churches, and religious leaders in Missouri. The correspondences and legal papers date from 1863 to 1876 and primarily discuss the requests of soldiers serving in the military. There is an assortment of souvenir items, particularly from Fulton, Missouri, and Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado in the early 1900s.
Kelley Family Collection, 1815-1996, bulk 1946-1996 (R1348)
2.25 cubic feet (70 folders)
The Kelley Family Collection contains photocopied personal papers of Isaac E. Kelley and James L. Kelley. The collection also includes the genealogical research collection of Patricia Lou Kelley. The research includes information on the Kelley family, but also the connected Barr, Randel, Dyer, Whitson, Bettis, Chilton, Criswell, Huddleston, Payne, Graves, Daniel, and Turley families.
Edward Kemble Photograph Collection, 1904 (P0019)
13 photographs
Photos of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Frances Cook Kemendo Photograph Collection, 1890-1930 (P0104)
0.42 linear feet
3 mounted photos related to St. Theresa's Church of the Little Flower, Kansas City; 88 b/w photos of people and places in and around Adair, Lewis and Knox counties, ca. 1900
Edward J. Kemper Collection, 1877-1920 (C4388)
0.9 cubic feet (9 folders, 4 oversize items, 207 glass plate negatives)
This collection documents the activities of Edward J. Kemper, particularly Hermann Grape Nurseries and his other business ventures, and his local German-American community in Hermann, Missouri and surrounding Gasconade County in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
W.H. Kennan Papers, 1901-1907 (C0350)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter, speech, and journal of a Mexico, MO, lawyer who was the son-in-law of Charles H. Hardin.
Elizabeth Kennedy Photograph Collection, 1901-1940 (P0325)
13 photographs
Six photographs of Joe Tapley of Bowling Green and groups he was involved with at the University of Missouri, including Zeta Chi fraternity, Mechanical Engineering, and ROTC.
Thomas Henry Kenny Papers, 1816-1997 (C4131)
5 cubic feet
The papers of a real estate broker, author, artist, treasure hunter, researcher, entrepreneur, and overall Renaissance man include correspondence, legal papers, contracts, publications, photographs, postcards, newspaper articles, and artistic material.
Kensinger Family Papers, 1856-1920 (C3712)
0.2 cubic feet (6 folders)
The papers largely contain correspondence between members of an Ohio family that began settling in western Missouri in the early 1850s. The collection also includes property tax receipts and miscellaneous family papers.
Keith Kerby Photograph Collection, 1870-1976 (P0229)
0.42 linear feet
Various images of Glenwood and Lancaster, Missouri including street scenes, churches, schools, train wrecks, and gatherings.
Susan Kerckhoff Papers, 1900-2014 (S0290)
4.15 cubic feet
The collection primarily consists of Susan Kerckhoff and her mother, Ruth Kerckhoff's diaries. Ruth Kerckhoff's diaries recounted Susan Kerckhoff's marriage to John Mulligan on June 27, 1959; the death of her husband, Otto Alexander Kerchkhoff, whose family founded Pevely Farms, on April 21, 1966; and social outings, including her service as a matron at Veiled Prophet Ball in 1959. Other items of interest include a scrapbook documenting Susan Kerckhoff's experiences as a maid of honor for the Veiled Prophet Ball in 1956.
Kerl Family Photographs, 1899-1929 (P0686)
Photographs of the Kerl family of Osage County, MO.
Lalla R. Kern Diary, 1904 (S0149)
0.01 cubic foot
Photocopies of a diary of Lalla R. Kern documenting her eight visits to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in May and June of 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri. Kern provides descriptions of exhibits, buildings, show, and grounds.
John Kiefner Collection, 1819-1912 (C0352)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The collection contains photostats of a miscellany of Perry County documents; legal papers concerning real estate; training and apprehension of enslaved persons, taxes, Civil War, loyalty of public officials; politics, 1850, 1896-1912; Missouri military orders during the Civil War.
Deanna Killeen Photograph Collection, 1900 (P0239)
2 folders
Three unidentified photos, possibly Greene County area. Winter scenes, picnic, church group and buildings.
Joseph C. and Charles A. Killian Papers, 1821-1935 (C0124)
0.4 cubic feet (28 folders)
Legal papers and letters of J.C. Killian and his son, Perry County, MO, lawyers. Diary of J.C. Killian describes people of Perryville. Also material on early German immigration.
King's Daughters. Kate Thompson Circle (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1894-2006 (C4699)
1.7 cubic feet (40 folders)
Minutes of meetings, 1912-1914, 1922-1923; program, 1919; constitution and by-laws, and miscellaneous pamphlets.
George King Papers, 1778-1924 (C0125)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of a family from Boone and Callaway Counties, Missouri, contain genealogy, correspondence, legal papers, and a newspaper, The Connecticut Courant, from 1778.
Roy T. King Photograph Collection, 1885-1957 (P0099)
0.5 linear feet
Photographs of Columbia, primarily 1927-1941 and including the University of Missouri, fraternity and sorority houses, Broadway and downtown, Stephens College, homes, and aerial views. Additional images of Boone County, Rocheport, the Ozarks, and Cooper, Iron and Jackson County buildings, people and miscellaneous places. Many of the photographs in this collection are by Leon Waughtel.
Kingsbury Family Papers, 1903-1983 (C4346)
3.0 cubic feet (78 folders, 2 volumes)
Lilburn A. Kingsbury Collection, 1816-1983 (C3724)
9.2 cubic feet (528 folders), 16 oversize volumes, 6 card files, 4 rolls of microfilm
The personal papers and collected materials of Lilburn A. Kingsbury of Howard County, Missouri. Kingsbury was an insurance agent, farmer, orchardist, bank clerk, local historian, writer, genealogist, musician, and antique collector.