

H. Levi and Company Records, 1890-1924 (K0950)
46 c.f.

The company was a gentlemen's furnishings company in Kansas City, MO. The business records includes correspondence files, customer and manufacturers' orders, credit reports, customer files, some salesmen's files, and several personal files of the company's partners, Hyman Levi, Jacob Friedman and Joseph Minda. Also included are materials concerning the Stum, Roberts, Smith and the Ruby Fern Mining Companies.


H.C. Casselman Investment Company Records, 1910 (R1483)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The H.C. Casselman Investment Company Records consists of a booklet from the H.C. Casselman Investment Company that was based in Kansas City, Missouri. The booklet includes information about the climate, soil, wildlife, and environment in Missouri. It also includes investment properties for sale and includes a road map of the Kansas City area and parts of the northwest corner of Missouri.

Ha Ha Tonka Collection, 1905-1942 (K0310)
0.3 c.f.

The estate was owned by Robert Snyder Sr. located near Camdenton, MO. Photographs of the mansion (interior and exterior) and the surrounding countryside, including the Niangua River, caves, and fish. Also correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, and notes for publishing.


Delbert James Haff Papers, 1880-1920 (K0691)
1 c.f.

Roughly 2500 personal letters collected by my great-grandmother Grace Barse Haff. The bulk of them were written to her by her husband Delbert J. Haff between the 1880s and 1920s, to and from all over the USA and Mexico. Others are addressed to them both from their children, siblings, and in-laws, including George and Rosina Barse, in either Kansas City or


Robert E. Hahn Collection, 1902 (K1154)
0.01 c.f.

Photograph of the Heads of Departments for the Kansas City Metropolitan Street Railway Company.


Rickie Schere Haith Papers, 1940-2008 (K1151)
1 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

Haith has been a member and officer of a number of Jewish women's organizations in Kansas City including Midwest Branch of Women's league for Conservation, Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and Hadassah. Personal papers contain DVDs, photographs, booklets, and scrapbooks for these activities.


Hallmark Cards, Inc., Photographs, no date (P0675)
21 photographs

Photos of Hallmark Cards, Inc. facilities in Kansas City, including the Visitors Center, and businesspersons and Hallmark executives.


James F. Halpin Residence Architectural Record, 1912-1913 (K0999)
0.06 c.f. (1 roll)

 Finding Aid

Architectural drawing of the home at 1226 W. 56th Street, Kansas City, MO.


Natalie K. Hammer and Hanan J. Hammer Papers, 1950-2004 (K1100)
0.05 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Includes Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) materials and a Boy Scout photographs and other local programs.


Christopher Hanch Papers, 1970s-2021 (CA6648)
5.0 cubic feet, 3.69 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The papers of Christopher Hanch an artist and poet from St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri, contain photography, poetry, artwork, memoirs, writings, and miscellaneous material.

David R. Hardy Papers, 1965-1976 (K0319)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Hardy served as chairman of the Mayor's Commission on Civil Disorder, appointed by Mayor Ilus Davis to study the city's disturbances of 1968. includes correspondence, reports, interviews and statements, clippings, and printed and published materials, the final report and recommendations.


Hare and Hare Company Records, 1904-1979 (K0206)
670 c.f.

Records of Kansas City's premiere landscape architecture and city planning firm who did designs throughout the Midwest and southwest. Includes drawings, photographs, correspondence and reports, publications and books, and personal papers.


William Augustus Harnsberger Papers, 1899-1911 (K0541)
0.21 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Letterpress volume of personal and professional correspondence of a prominent attorney in Kansas City, MO.


Harrington, John Lyle (1868-1942), Biographical Material, 1969, 1969 (C2731)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence between Frank M. Cortelyou, Sr., and Edwin Layton, Case Western Reserve University, concerning John Lyle Harrington, a Kansas City civil engineer and member of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation during Hoover's administration.


Harris Family Papers, 1914-1959 (K0300)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, photographs, memorabilia, and other personal materials of the Harris Family which includes printed and published material concerning Lebanese/Syrian-American societies locally and nationally.


Harris Home Association Records, 1921-1930 (K0469)
0.07 c. f.

 Finding Aid

Minutes of the Centennial Association (Missouri State) and minutes and financial ledger of the Harris Home Association in Westport, Kansas City, MO.


Nancy Whitnell Harris Papers, 1925-1988 (K0245)
0.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Newspaper clippings, research notes, and Harris's Master's Thesis, "The Development of Educational and Cultural Center in Kansas City's Brush Creek Valley".


Harry S. Truman National Historic Site Report, no date (K0822)
1 v

Historic Structures Report on the Truman Home in Independence, MO.


Israel Defense Forces Commanders Poster, 1967 (K0883)

 Finding Aid

Poster of The Israel Defense Forces commanders.



Harvey J. Schmelzer/Charles J. Schmelzer II Papers/Schmelzer Realty Co. Records, 1925-1987 (K0622)
39 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Administrative files of the Realty Company and some personal files of Charles J. Schmelzer II. Includes appraisals and property management of specific buildings and general background information on buildings and streetscapes in Kansas City, MO. Some files contain photographs.


Harvey-Dutton Dry Goods Company Records, 1903-1908 (K0956)
11 c.f.

Business records consists primarily of customer files and receipts.


Agnes Hadley Haskell Daybooks, 1909-1946 (C3467)
3.7 cubic feet (92 folders)

 Finding Aid

The daybooks of Agnes Lee Hadley Haskell, wife of Governor Herbert S. Hadley and later wife of Henry J. Haskell, editor of the Kansas City Star, contain records and diary entries noting her social and club engagements and the activities of her children; and various programs, newspaper clippings, receipts, and correspondence.


Henry C. and Henry J. Haskell Papers, 1883-1979 (K0096)
1.25 c.f.

The papers of Henry C. Haskell, an editorial writer for the Kansas City Star, includes scripts for four of his plays and a collection of his arts essays. His father, Henry J. Haskell (1874-1952), also an editor for the Kansas City Star, writing s include a boyhood family newspaper and reviews of and correspondence relating to two books written and published by Henry J. There is also an autobiography by Henry J.


Katharine Wright Haskell Papers, 1922-1928 (K0263)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence from Katharine Wright, sister of Orville and Wilber Wright, to Henry J. Haskell, editor for the Kansas City Star, her future husband. Also are articles, clippings, and photographs and letters to Haskell from other friends.


James B. Hassett Papers, 1845-1867 (K0647)
0.01 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Hasett was a farmer located in Jackson County, MO and Fulton County, KY. Includes land records for a farm near Sibley, MO and a certificate concerning value of his buildings and contents burned by 4th Missouri State Cavalry during the Civil War. Also Hassett's will filed in Fulton Co., KY.


Heart of America Genealogical Society (HAGS) Records, 1955-2005 (K0720)
19 c.f.

Organizational records including financial and business related materials, newsletters, minutes, membership directories, scrapbook, correspondence, and query files,incorporation and dissolution papers.


Heart of America Jewish Historical Society Records, 1990-2005 (K0958)
0.27 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Includes audio recording of programs at the society's meetings and oral interviews.(see also K0441 Montague)


Heart of America Kennel Club Catalogs, 1950-2016 (K1400)
3.17 cubic feet (52 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Heart of America Kennel Club Catalogs contain dog show catalogs dated between 1950 through 2016.


Heart of America Kennel Club Event Documents, 1954-2016 (K1401)
0.7 cubic foot (15 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Heart of America Kennel Club Event Documents contain premium lists and judging programs related to the Clubs all-breed dog shows, obedience trials, puppy matches, and combined specialty clubs dated from 1954 to 2016.


Heart of America Labor Council Collection, 1921-1967 (K0839)
2 c.f.

Miscellaneous historical files including photographs, badges, minutes, and records of various unions in Kansas City.


Judith D. Hellman Papers, 1950-1991 (K1383)
.15 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Judith D. Hellman Collection contains materials related to Hellman's time as a Jewish representative with the Panel of American Women, Kansas City Chapter.


Henthorn-Reppert-Brown Funeral Home Records, 1918-1979 (K1356)
0.55 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The records provide biographical information about decedents and document funerals arranged by Henthorn-Reppert-Brown Funeral Home in Buckner, Missouri.


Helen Rowe Henze Papers, 1947-1970 (K0837)
0.3 c.f.

Newspaper clippings of reviews and poems and articles written by Henze, a Kansas City poet. Also drafts and corrections of her poetry, manuscript copies of short stories written but not published and biographical material.


Herbert V. Jones and Company/Jones and Company/Whitney E. Kerr and Company Records, 1861-2006 (K0623)
196 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Administrative files of a major Kansas City real estate firm including leases, studies, sales records, property management records, aerial photographs, maps and drawings.


Heritage League of Greater Kansas City, 1980-2011 (K0723)
3 c.f.

Organizational records of a consortium of historical agencies in the greater Kansas City area. Includes incorporation papers, constitution, by-laws, minutes and agendas, correspondence, financial records, membership lists, and files on special events, programs, and workshops initiated by the group.


Heritage Trust Records, 1972-1983 (K0961)
0.15 cubic foot (10 folders, 51 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Heritage Trust Records contain correspondence, administrative files, an inventory, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to architectural ornamentation recovered from demolished building in Kansas City, Missouri.


Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary's Court No. 1 Collection, 1891-1903 (S0105)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder

 Finding Aid

This collection contains a history of the Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary’s Court No. 1, and the meeting minutes of the Official Proceedings of the Grand Court of the Heroines of Jericho for the state of Missouri.

Hewitt Family Papers, no date (K0964)
1 c.f.

Photographs and other items relating to the Hewitt family in Kansas City.


George Edward Hicks Papers, 1983-2003 (K0611)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research and other papers created and collected by Hicks, a local historian. Includes newspaper and magazines articles, correspondence, flyers, a project manual, booklets, photographs, maps, and a grant proposal related to the Pioneer Park Committee of the Westport Historical Society, and to other projects of the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City.


Dr. Robert Lee Hill Papers, 1978-2015 (K1352)
23 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Sermons, correspondence, photographs, books, speeches, awards, personal records, business files, and notes relating to Hill's 30-year career, primarily with Community Christian Church, KC, MO


Henry Edward Hill Diary, 1922-1923 (K0298)
0.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Diary detailing Kansas City architect Hill's work in China on the campus expansion of Beijing University. Includes details of his work, military conflicts, daily life, and descriptions of Peking and other, nearby locales.


Jeffrey Paul Hillelson Papers, 1947-1984 (K0321)
2.3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks of newspaper clipping and other materials relating to Hillelson, Kansas City city council member, U.S. Congressman, and civic leader. Also film of a local television show that Hillelson hosted while Congressman on government issues.


Hinde Family Papers, 1844-1865 (C3668)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters received by Rodney Martin Hinde and his wife, Catherine Scholl Hinde, of Moorefield, Nicholas County, Kentucky, and Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, from Hinde and Scholl relatives in Missouri, Tennessee, Indiana, and Kentucky. Letters discuss farming and family matters.


Hinton Funeral Home Records, 1992-1995 (K1359)
0.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The records contain a book providing biographical information on decedents and documenting funerals arranged by Hinton Funeral Home.


Charles Hipsh Family Papers, 1925-1963 (K0965)
0.5 c.f.

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Yearbooks, photographs, pamphlets and booklet concerning Hipsh, Jewish community leader, businessman and banker. Also video of Hipsh family.


Irma Lou Hirsch Papers, 1967-1975 (K0729)
4 c.f.

Hirsch was Assistant Director, Missouri Regional Medical Program, Kansas City Area Planning Office. Includes studies, surveys, various training programs, curriculum samples, committee reports, and articles that reflect the education and career mobility opportunities for students and professionals engaged in the allied health professions.


Historic Kansas City Foundation Records, 1974-1995 (K0207)
65 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Operational records and programming and research materials for a historic preservation agency in Kansas City, MO.


"The History of My Family", 1962 (C3587)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains descriptions of homesteading in Jackson County, Missouri, and Stratton, Colorado; wagon trains; Baptist churches; Civil War battle and aftermath in Jackson County; and Flanery and McQueary family genealogies.


History of the Lives of Jack and Bess Sokolov, (KA2609)
.05 c.f.

 Finding Aid

“History of the Lives of Jack and Bess Sokolov” is a composition written by Jack Sokolov concerning the genealogy of the Sokolov family.


HistorySpeaks Oral History Collection, 2000-2002 (K0400)
10 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Video oral history interviews of individuals whose experiences highlight past events that have shaped Kansas City.
