Collection Number | Title | Collection Dates | Description | Finding Aid |
S0401 | Mark W. Tiedemann Papers | 1982-2016 | This collection contains correspondence, drafts of novels and short stories, galley proofs, and convention booklets for Science Fiction Conventions, including Archon, documenting Tiedemann’s career as a Science Fiction author. |
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S0402 | Thelma Blumberg Photograph Collection | 1940-1980 | This collection contains photographs taken by Thelma Blumberg, a freelance photojournalist, who created a large volume of photographs in the late 1950s and 1960s in a location that came to be known as Gaslight Square. Her photographs documented the neighborhood near the intersection of Olive and Boyle at a time when that area changed from a quiet antique row into one of the country’s most popular entertainment districts. In the 1960s, Blumberg ‘s journalistic photography often appeared in the Sunday Magazine section of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, in the St. Louis Scene Magazine, and St. Louis Magazine. |
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S0403 | St. Louis Rapid Transit Study Long-Range Program Reports | 1971 | This collection contains two reports prepared by government and private organizations to study the feasibility of a rapid transit system fo the St. Louis area. |
S0404 | Missouri, St. Louis County Missouri Map | 1960 | A Historic St. Louis County, Missouri, a map prepared by St. Louis County Planning Commission. |
S0405 | W.C. Gilman & Co., St. Louis Metropolitan Area Transportation Study | 1959 | The St. Louis Metropolitan Area Population, Land Use, and Employment Study contains population, land, and employment estimates for the St. Louis area in 1957 and provided projections for 1970 and 1980. Dr. Ernest Jurkart of Marketers Research Services, Inc. authored the study. |
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S0406 | Rosco Miselhorn Pencil Sketches of Mississippi River Steamboats | 1946-1962 | This collection contains six prints of pencil sketches of famous riverboats which have plied the Mississippi River and berthed at St. Louis, including Admiral Betsy Ann, Tom Greene, Golden Rod Showboat, River Queen, and Golden Eagle. |
S0407 | City of St. Louis Map | 1874 | A map of the City of St. Louis compiled from surveys by Julius Hutawa, 1874. |
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S0408 | Sverdrup & Parcel And Associates Land Use Report | 1976 | A report commissioned by the St. Louis Port Commission. |
S0409 | Pruitt-Igoe Action Program Report | 1972 | This collection contains a 71-page unpublished report titled Summary and Conclusions of Pruitt-Igoe Action Program Phase I & II. The report, commissioned by Mayor Alfonso Cervantes's committee on the redevelopment of Pruitt-Igoe, proposed the addition of new families at Pruitt-Igoe, partial demolition, rehabilitation of existing units, and construction of parks and shopping centers. |
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S0410 | History of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity | 1953 | The collection consists of a 90-page history of the first 23 years of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, an African American fraternity. |
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S0411 | Organization History of Ferrier Harris Nursing Home Manuscript | 1979-1980 | This collection contains a brief history of the Ferrier Harris Nursing Home written by Harriet (Lamb) Williams, a former board member of the nursing home and daughter of Ferrier Harris, the organization’s namesake. |
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S0412 | Viola Moss Papers | 1960-1984 | The Viola Moss Papers contain newspaper clippings, brochures, correspondence, and photographs related to Viola Moss’s involvement with the International Graphics Arts Union Auxiliary #505, the St. Louis Council of Women's Auxiliaries, the Missouri State Council of Women's Auxiliaries AFL-CIO, and the Mary Ryder Home. |
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S0413 | Historical Preservation Task Force Records | 1979-1980 | This collection documents the work of the Historic Preservation Task Force's work as one of four citizen participation task forces of the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council. Included in this collection are correspondence, minutes, agendas, by-laws, and handbook. |
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S0414 | Ken MacSwan Papers | 1968-2002 | The collection primarily contains photographs taken by MacSwan documenting his career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis Metro region. Subjects of interest include St. Louis Cardinals Games, street scenes, and a Billy Graham Crusade held as the St. Louis arena. |
S0415 | St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society Records | 1810-1993 | The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society records contain abstracts of medical journals written by St. Louis doctors, newspaper clippings, reports, and photographs regarding medicine and medical practice in Missouri. |
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S0416 | Brotherhood of Eperotes, St. Louis Chapter Constitution | 1934 | This collection contains a photocopy of the Consitution of the Brotherhood of Eperotes of Macedonia, Thrace, Asia Minor, and the Islands of the Aegean, Alexander the Great Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri, 1934, in Greek. |
S0417 | Mary Margaret Ellis Memoir | 1914-1930 | This collection contains the memoirs of Mary Margaret Ellis, a second-generation Irish-American. The memoir includes stories of her childhood in the Soulard area of South St. Louis. |
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S0418 | Antioch Baptist Church Souvenir Program | 1979 | A souvenir program and history for the 100th Anniversary Celebration of a prominent African American St. Louis church. |
S0419 | Avis Dungan Carlson Daybooks | 1923-1943 | This collection contains the daybooks of Avis Carlson, writer, covering her daily life from 1923-1943. The daybooks begin in 1923 when she lived in Illinois and end in 1943 when her husband, Harry Carlson, was being transferred around the country in the United States Armed services. Carlson commented on her personal and daily routine but often referred to wider topics such as the Depression, the Dust Bowl in Kansas, international affairs, politics, the League of Women Voters, American Association of University Women, and the YWCA. |
S0420 | Normandy Area Historical Association Records | 1877-2008 | The records of the Normandy Area Historical Association contain photographs, correspondence, programs, yearbooks, and histories relating to the organization's mission to help resolve common or area-wide problems, including those of stabilizing communities, as well as increase historical awareness among Normandy residents. |
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S0421 | Missouri Coalition For The Environment Records | 1967-2007 | The Missouri Coalition for the Environment was incorporated in St. Louis in 1969 as a volunteer citizen's organization whose mission includes education, communication, planning and action on issues involving the environment; notably clean air, energy, open space/land use, solid waste, transportation, and clean water. The records document the founding of the organization, its administration, and the environmental issues it studied, protested, supported, and criticized. |
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S0422 | International Institute of St. Louis Records | 1919-1960 | The records of the International Institute of St. Louis contain founding papers, correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, case reports, and photographs documenting the institution's mission to assist immigrants with assimilating into American culture. |
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S0423 | Citizens for Reformed Electric Rates Records | 1975-1977 | The records of Citizens for Reformed Electric (CRER) rates contain studies, speeches, and newspaper clippings relating to the group's mission to promote equitable electric rates in Missouri. CRER was instrumental in the successful passage of Proposition 1 (1976), which prohibited electric corporations form raising their rates to finance the cost of construction work in progress (CWIP). |
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S0424 | Northwoods, Missouri Records | 1939-1980 | This collection contains meeting minutes, ordinances, budgets, reports, and a map of a North St. Louis County municipality incorporated in 1939. |
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S0425 | Missouri Senior Cameo Club Collection | 1997-2022 | This collection consists of program booklets, scrapbooks, and CDs chronicling the club's sponsorship of the Ms. Missouri Senior America, an annual pageant showcasing the talents of women over age 60. |
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S0426 | Labor for Peace Conference Records | 1972-1973 | Labor for Peace was a voluntary organization of trade union leaders who joined together in 1972 to bring an end to the war in Vietnam. 985 delegates from 32 states and the District of Columbia attended the founding conference in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 23-24, 1972. The delegates represented 35 international unions and issued a statement of policy that outlined their perspective of the effects of the war on America. They demanded immediate withdrawal from Vietnam and a peace-oriented economy. The records include correspondence, memos, reports, a policy statement, and newspaper clippings. |
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S0427 | Rural Revolt in Missouri Collection | 1979-1984 | This collection contains seven papers on rural revolt in Missouri. Two of the papers were delivered at Missouri Conference on History, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, April 1979; three at the Mid-America Conference on History, Springfield, Missouri, September 1979; and two were written for the history courses at the University of Missouri-St. Louis and Washington University. |
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S0428 | Sierra Club, Ozark Chapter Records | 1967-2019 | The records of the Sierra Club, Ozark Chapter, contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, photographs, and newsletters documenting the chapter's mission to protect the nation's wilderness. Subjects of interest include nuclear power, coal and strip mining, and the Meramec Dam. |
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S0429 | Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Union, Local 108 Records | 1945-1977 | This collection consists of labor agreements, constitutions, photographs and bylaws of Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers, Local 108. |
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S0430 | The Communist Newsletters | 1868-1877 | The collection consists of monthly newsletters originally published by the Reunion Community in Jasper County, Missouri, devoted to the establishment of common property and cooperative labor in business and political relations. Founder Alcander Longley established the Friendship Community in St. Louis in 1871 and continued to publish the newsletter. |
S0431 | Right-To-Work Referendum Collection | 1973 | This collection contains reports, brochures, and correspondence pertaining to the Right-to-Work Referendum, a proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution to limit labor unions by making membership voluntary. |
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S0432 | St. Ferdinand's Chruch, Florissant, Missouri Records | 1792-1977 | Established in 1789 as the first church in Florissant, Missouri, St. Ferdinand's was the focal point of the Catholic Indian Mission Movement of the 19th century with Father DeSmet and Mother Duchesne both active there. The records include registers for baptisms, first communions and confirmations, marriages, burials, and financial records of both Old St. Ferdinand's (1789-1955) and New St. Ferdinand's Church (1955- ). In Latin, French, and English. |
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S0433 | James W. Symington Papers | 1965-1976 | James W. Symington was the Democratic U.S. Representative from Missouri's second congressional district from 1968-1976. His papers include correspondence, legislative material, speeches, press releases, congressional statements, opinion files, district project files, military case files, campaign material, newsletters, clippings, photographs, video tapes and films. |
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S0434 | Health & Welfare Council of Metropolitan St. Louis Records | 1911-1977 | The Health and Welfare Council (HWC) of Metropolitan St. Louis records contain reports, studies, statistical data, manuals, narratives, and histories documenting the governance and activities of the organization. Also included are histories of related charities and social service organization in the St. Louis area. |
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S0435 | Theodore F. Lentz Papers | 1926-1983 | Known as the father of peace research, Lentz began his career as an educational psychologist at Washington University in 1924. He resigned from full-time teaching in 1948 and devoted the rest of his life to scientific peace research. His 1955 Towards a Science of Peace led to further research and the establishment of peace research centers around the world. The papers includes material from the Character Research Association and Peace Research Laboratory. |
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S0436 | Missouri Public Interest Research Group Records | 1971-2000 | The Missouri Public Interest Research Group (MOPIRG) was founded by student activists following Ralph Nader's address at St. Louis University in March 1971. The group is a research and advocacy organization for consumer, citizen and student interests in Missouri. The collection includes board meeting minutes, bylaws, news releases, memorandum, correspondence, and publications. |
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S0437 | Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition Records | 1973-1979 | The Missouri ERA Coalition Records document the Coalition's efforts to get the ERA ratified in the Missouri Senate. The collection contains budgets, bylaws, campaign strategies, correspondence, funding requests, local fundraising material, meeting minutes, literature from workshops and rallies, conference notices, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and papers. The bulk of the collection chronicles the Coalition's development of grassroots support from 1977-1982, in particular, canvassing activities (caravan, phone bank, house party kits, letter writing, and lobbying instructions). |
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S0438 | Compton Heights Band of St. Louis Records | 1960-2022 | This collection consists of correspondence, newsletters, magazines, newspapers, photographs, negative slides, programs, flyers, scripts, VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, cassettes, and one vinyl record that document the band’s history and mission to play and preserve concert band music in the Compton Heights community. |
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S0439 | Craft Alliance Center for Art and Design Records | 1964-2015 | The Craft Alliance is a non-profit, cultural and educational organization which promotes the production, enjoyment, and understanding of the crafts. The records include budgets, bylaws, correspondence, exhibition schedules, Education Center program schedules, newsletters, scrapbooks, and photographs. |
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S0440 | Matthews-Chambers Papers | 1860-1970 | The Matthews-Chambers papers document the work, social activities, and travels of the Chambers family from 1811-1974. The collection also reflects social and political conditions in St. Louis, England, and India during the 19th century and early 20th century. Included in the collection is Correspondence (1877-1884) among members of the Chambers family reveals inter-familial tensions over child rearing, education and finances. These letters also describe military duties, social activities, living conditions, and attitudes toward natives among British Army officers and British planters living in India during the late 19th century. |
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S0441 | Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace Records | 1966-1974 | St. Louis-area Businessmen opposed to the Vietnam War founded the St. Louis chapter of Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace in January 1968 to protest American involvement in Vietnam. The chapter lobbied Congress, organized conferences, letter writing campaigns, and speakers to protest American involvement in Vietnam. The collection includes correspondence with speakers and other peace groups, membership lists, memorandum, news clippings, newsletters, petitions and speeches. |
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S0442 | Blumenhorst Family Papers | 1586-1959 | The Blumenhorst Papers contain correspondence, bills of sale, wills, and a diary, chronicling the histories of the Craig, Lewis, Watts, Wallace, and Woodson families from 1586 to 1959. |
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S0443 | National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section Records | 1895-1984 | The National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis Section promotes unity among Jewish women through education and community service. The organization pioneered work with the milk program in public schools (1917-1933), and the Golden Age Senior Citizens' clubs in 1945. The collection includes reports, minutes, financial statements, scrapbooks, photographs, slideshow, newsletters, and tapes. |
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S0444 | Ethical Society of St. Louis Records | 1880-2011 | The Ethical Society of St. Louis Records contains meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, marriage applications, and cassette and VHS tapes relating to the group’s mission to create and sustain an ethical humanist congregation dedicated to the advancement of ethical values and behavior without reference to religion or a deity. Materials of interest include meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees and annual membership meetings, which include discussions on the Society’s move from Sheldon Memorial to 9001 Clayton Road, finances, and membership outreach. |
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S0445 | Lesbian and Gay News Telegraph Records | 1981-1990 | The Lesbian and Gay News-Telegraph was a local LGBTQ newspaper founded in 1981 to encourage communication with St. Louis' LGBTQ community. The Lesbian Gay News Telegraph reported on local, regional, and national issues affecting the LGBTQ community and also published a calendar and directory of gay organizations. The collection contains unpublished articles, newspaper clippings, newsletters, a poster, and issues of the Gay-News Telegraph. Also included in the collection is an oral history interview with Gay News-Telegraph editor, Jim Thomas. |
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S0446 | United Nations Association of St. Louis Records | 1945-1999 | The records of the United Nations Association of St. Louis contain correspondence, publications, minutes, newsletters, and programs pertaining to the group's mission to increase understanding of world problems and the United Nations' effectiveness in dealing with them. Correspondents include Edna Gellhorn, James S. McDonnell, Jr., and Eleanor Roosevelt. |
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S0447 | Missouri Federation of Teachers Records | 1957-1985 | he records of the Missouri Federation of Teachers contain correspondence, newsletters, legal materials, photographs, and the organization's charter. The collection documents various activities on behalf of teachers, including representing teachers in labor disputes with local school districts, lobbying for collective bargaining and improvement in teacher tenure requirements, and developing hiring guidelines for teaching positions created by voluntary desegregation. |
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S0448 | Coalition for Information on School Desegregation Records | 1954-1984 | The Coalition for Information on School Desegregation was founded in 1981 to provide information on school desegregation in the St. Louis metropolitan area through a speakers' bureau, resource center, and newsletter. This collection includes reports, meeting minutes, newsletters, news clippings, and court documents on school desegregation cases. |
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S0449 | Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers | 1958-2021 | The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc. |
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S0450 | St. Louis Square Dancing Collection | 1949-2019 | This collection consists of bylaws, correspondence, flyers, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks, documenting the Swinging Singles, Singles and Doubles, and St. Louis Metro Square and Round Dance Association's efforts to promote and teach square dancing in the St. Louis Metropolitan area. |
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S0451 | Friedrich Hecker Papers | 1825-1986 | Friedrich Hecker led an unsuccessful revolt for a German republic in 1848; emigrated to America; aided a second Baden revolt in 1849; and settled in St. Clair County, Illinois. Hecker commanded two regiments in the American Civil War and was active in Republican party politics. The papers contain correspondence, certificates, newspaper clippings, and artifacts, primarily on the German revolts, the Civil War, and Republican politics. The collection is in German and English. |
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S0452 | Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Papers | 1798-1981 | Edward Mallinckrodt was an Industrialist, scientist, and philanthropist in St. Louis. He Served as Mallinckrodt Chemical Works director (1901-1965), vice-president (1918-1928), and board chairman (1928-1965). The collection Documents family and business history, Mallinckrodt’s contributions to medicine, conservation, and education. Included in the collection are correspondence, reports, biographies, speeches, notes, scrapbooks, publications, blueprints, patents, and photographs. |
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S0453 | Lawrence "Max" Maxeiner Papers | 1920-2014 | The Lawrence "Max" Maxiener Papers primarily consists of photographs documenting Maxiener's career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include photographs of the flood of 1993, Union Station, and Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton's visits to the St. Louis area during the 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns. |
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S0454 | Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign Records | 1980-1988 | The Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign Records document the anti-nuclear movement that spread throughout the United States during the 1970s and 1980s as a result of the hostile relations between the United States and Russia. This collection includes correspondence, meeting minutes, publications, proposals, financial reports, and news clippings related to Freeze’s efforts in spreading a message of peace and a bilateral cessation of nuclear weapons manufacturing. Much of this collection is also focused on Freeze’s political involvement and their moves to elect representatives and a president in office that supported their cause. |
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S0455 | Arthur Witman Papers | 1934-1978 | Arthur Witman was St. Louis Post-Dispatch news photographer (1932-1969), who pioneered the use of 35mm in news photographs and organized the St. Louis Press Photographer's Association in 1945. The papers contain correspondence, articles, speeches, and newspaper clippings. |
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S0456 | Living Treasures Oral History Collection | 1983-1985 | The St. Louis Living Treasures Project documented the life and artwork of older folk artists in the St. Louis area. The folk artists shared techniques learned from their cultures of origin in oral history interviews conducted by OASIS. The 31 artists who participated include African Americans, Native Americans, Asian immigrants, and European immigrants. |
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S0457 | Saul Dubinsky Papers | 1959-1978 | The Saul Dubinsky Papers chronicle his involvement with Downtown St. Louis, Inc., and the City Plan Commission. Other subjects of interest include the Daniel Boone, Mark Twain and Ozark Expressways, Highway 50, and the Lindell-Kingshighway area. Dubinsky was a real estate developer and civic activist. He served as chairman of the City Plan Commission and was instrumental in establishing the Planning Committee of Downtown St. Louis, Inc. |
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S0458 | The Legal Aid Society of the City and County of St. Louis | 1956-1970 | The Legal Aid Society of the City and County of St. Louis was formed in 1956 to provide indigents with legal representation in civil cases. The Society began representing community organizations in 1969 and lost its affiliation with the United Fund for defending non-indigents and militant groups. The collection includes newspaper clippings, a report of the Bar Association's investigating committee, independent contributions, correspondence, and committee memorandum. |
S0459 | Anthony R. Crawford Collection | 1980-1983 | The collection includes black and white prints and negatives of downtown St. Louis buildings taken between 1980 and 1983, including prints and negatives of the 1981 Veiled Prophet Fair and Parade. The collection also includes one folder of newspaper clippings about the razing of historic buildings to redevelop the downtown St. Louis area with the Gateway Mall complex. |
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S0460 | Daniel R. Fitzpatrick and Bill Maudlin Papers | 1935-1962 | Daniel R. Fitzpatrick and Bill Maudlin were St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial cartoonists. The collection is comprised of duplicate pertaining to local and national political, social, and economic issues. Included in the collection is Fitzpatrick's "rat Alley" series depicting vice and corruption in St. Louis from the 1930s-1950s and cartoons depicting local and national labor issues. |
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S0461 | Park Jerauld White Papers | 1911-1982 | The Park Jerauld White Papers contain correspondence, articles, poems, and reports documenting Dr. Park Jerauld White, a pediatric physician, poet, and civic reformer. An early advocate of integration to improve public health, Dr. White opened one of St. Louis’ first integrated pediatric practices in 1924 and championed efforts to stop lead paint poisoning and nuclear bomb tests. |
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S0462 | Lawrence M. Raftery Papers | 1900-1983 | The Lawrence M. Raftery Papers contain correspondence, photographs, memos, and artifacts documenting Lawerence M. Raftery, a sixty-nine-year member of the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Traders (IBPAT). Raftery later served as vice president, general secretary-treasurer, and president of the IBPAT. |
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S0463 | Avis Dungan Carlson Papers | 1940-1979 | The Avis Dungan Carlson Papers contain manuscripts, articles, genealogy, appointment book, and newspaper clippings primarily documenting Carlson's drafting of her two books, Small World…Long Gone: A Family Record of an Era and In the Fullness of Time: The Pleasures and Inconveniences of Growing Old and participation in groups such as the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan St. Louis. |
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S0464 | Thomas Anthony Dooley Papers | 1932-1988 | Thomas Anthony Dooley was a physician, naval officer, and humanitarian. He assisted with the evacuation of refugees from Vietnam in 1954-55, established hospitals in Laos and Vietnam in 1956, and was the co-founder of the Medical International Cooperation Organization (MEDICO), which helped build and train staff for hospitals in foreign countries, specifically Southeast Asia. The collection includes book manuscripts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, audio and videotapes, scrapbooks, and photographs. |
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S0465 | Dorothy C. Roudebush Papers | 1959-1982 | The Dorothy C. Roudebush Papers document Roudebush’s advocacy for family planning services. Roudebush was a member of Planned Parenthood and was the chairperson for the Citizen's Committee for Family Planning Through Public Health Services (1963-1968) and the Family Planning Task Force (1968-1971). She also helped found and headed the Committee for Legal Abortion in Missouri in 1969. The collection includes correspondence, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, speeches, and Senate testimony. |
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S0466 | David Hungate Papers | 1965-2009 | The David Hungate Papers contain correspondence, photographs, sheet music, press releases, concert schedules, financial statements, music zines, and newspaper clippings documenting Hungate's career as the original bassist for the band Toto and his later career as a recording session musician for artists such as Chet Atkins, Lyle Lovett, and Tonya Tucker. |
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S0467 | Christian Nationalist Crusade Collection | 1945-1968 | The Christian Nationalist Crusade was a racist and anti-Semitic group founded in St. Louis in 1942. The collection includes tracts, issues of the group's newspaper, "The Cross and the Flag" (1947-1952), and literature from related groups (1956-1968). | Finding Aid |
S0468 | John Davis Buckner Papers | 1875-1981 | John D. Buckner was a St. Louis-area educator and civic leader. Throughout his career as an educator, Buckner served in various position in St. Louis City Public Schools: Sumner High School Faculty (1943-1960, 1964-1968); Sumner principal (1968-1971); Supervisor of secondary education, St. Louis Public Schools (1960-1964); and curriculum specialist for city schools (1971-1977). The papers contain minutes, reports, financial statements, high school yearbooks, and photographs documenting Buckner's activities in educational, civic, and fraternal organizations. |
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S0469 | David T. Burbank Papers | 1912-1987 | The David T. Burbank Papers contain correspondence and research materials for his book, "Reign of the Rabble," an account of the St. Louis general strike in 1877. The collection also includes Burbank's personal papers as well as newsletters and literature he collected from regional labor and socialist organizations. |
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S0470 | Clarissa Start Lippert Papers | 1939-1976 | The papers contain scrapbooks, correspondence, and newspaper clippings documenting Clarissa Start Lippert’s career as a features writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. |
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S0471 | Harry Von Romer Collection | 1880-1981 | Harry Von Romer was a laborer, union organizer, and a Central Trade and Labor Union convention delegate. The collection includes labor agreements, correspondence, constitutions and bylaws, as well as union-related buttons and badges Romer collected over his lifetime. |
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S0472 | James H. Meredith Papers | 1961-1987 | James H. Meredith was a United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri. Between 1972-1981, Meredith oversaw the legal battle to desegregate the St. Louis Public Schools. In 1979, he ruled that the St. Louis City Board of Education did not hold the responsibility for racial imbalance in city schools. When the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed his ruling, Meredith became committed to voluntary desegregation. The collection includes seven scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs. |
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S0473 | Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association Records | 1853-2020 | The Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association was founded in St. Louis on October 20, 1853. Initially, the organization focused on young men's spiritual development but later expanded to include the mental, social, physical, recreation, and vocational needs of both sexes. The collection consists of by-laws, correspondence, meeting minutes, schedules, press releases, and photographs. |
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S0474 | Austin Family Papers | 1944-1946 | The Austin Family Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, a pamphlet, and a newspaper clipping documenting the military service of the Austin, Campbell, and Myers families. Materials of interest include photographs of Private James David Campbell (1920-1967) serving overseas in Germany during World War II. |
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S0475 | Leslie Konnyu Papers | 1935-1981 | The Leslie Konnyu Papers contain correspondence, clippings, programs, and articles documenting his life and work as a Hungarian-American author, editor of the American Hungarian Review, and director of the St. Louis T.S. Eliot Society. |
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S0476 | Elizabeth Gentry Sayad Papers | 1943-2009 | The Elizabeth Gentry Sayad Papers consist of newspaper clippings and correspondence, documenting her activities in St. Louis-area cultural events. Topics of interest include A Fair to Remember, Christ Church Cathedral, the Mayor's Task Force on the Humanities and the Arts, the Mississippi River Festival and Tricentennial, the New Music Circle, and the Repertory Theater. |
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S0477 | Soldan High School Collection | 1923-1931 | The Soldan High School Collection contains issues of the "The Scrippage," Soldan High School's newspaper (1924- 1926), Award certificates, 1924-1931, a Graduation Program (1927), newspaper clippings (1923-1924), and five photographs (1924). |
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S0478 | St. Louis Women Historians Records | 1983-1988 | This collection contains reports, correspondence, photographs, and publicity relating to the St. Louis Women Historians from 1982-1988. The St. Louis Women Historians was founded in 1981 to provide a local forum for women historians throughout St. Louis. |
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S0479 | Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Records | 1933-1982 | The Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, contracts and negotiations, grievances, and membership enrollments records documenting the union's day-to-day business activities, including contract negotiations with gas companies, union conventions, and labor strikes. |
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S0480 | Bernard Hayes Papers | 1961-1989 | Bernard Hayes pioneered African-American radio in Louisiana, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco before becoming an announcer at KATZ in St. Louis in April 1965. In 1972 and 1977, he helped organize efforts to ensure that local black-owned radio stations retain their black employees and programming. He became the news director of KWMU in March 1982. The collection includes scrapbooks, photographs, an oral history and a cassette and records produced or recorded by Hayes. |
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S0481 | Viola Woodall Papers | 1942-1946 | The Viola Woodall Papers contain service men's letters, newsletters, and ledgers. During the 1940s, Viola Woodall directed the Young Men's Choir of Immanuel Baptist Church in St. Louis City. After many choristers joined the armed services during World War II, Woodall organized church women, "service mothers," to write them as a means of bolstering morale. |
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S0482 | Kroeger Family Papers | 1850-1960 | Dr. Ernest Kroeger (1862-1934) was a composer, educator, and musician who founded and directed Kroeger School of Music and directed musical programs for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The collection contains correspondence, publications, documents, and photographs relating to Dr. Kroeger and his family. |
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S0483 | New Music Circle Records | 1959-2008 | Founded in 1951, the New Music Circle (NMC) provides a forum for area composers and musicians. NMC is interested mainly in contemporary and avant-garde music. These records include correspondence, flyers, programs, meeting minutes, one LP recording, one 45 RPM recording, two cassettes, one reel-to-reel, and photographs of the group's activities and concerts. |
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S0484 | Curtis C. Crawford Papers | 1964-1985 | The Curtis C. Crawford Papers document his political career as the Assistant Circuit Attorney in St. Louis, 1956-1964; director of Legal Aid Society, 1966 to 1967; regional director of the U.S. Small Business Administration in 1970; chairman of the National Appeals Board and the U.S. Parole Board, 1970-1977. Crawford also ran for the U.S. House of Representatives and mayor of St. Louis. The collection contains campaign literature, correspondence, and photographs. |
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S0485 | Orville Spreen Railroad Papers | 1830-1982 | Orville Spreen was a Wabash Railroad employee and executive for 50 years (1912-1962). His papers include newspaper clippings, freight receipts, invoices, articles, patents, providing information on general railroad history, specific railroad lines, railroad museums, railroads in St. Louis, and railroad societies and associations. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks, cash books, and photographs of centennials and locomotives. |
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S0486 | J. Orville Spreen Papers | 1900-1982 | James Orville Spreen was a Wabash employee and railroad executive for 50 years (1912-1962). Most materials in this collection pertain to Spreen's involvement with the Junior Chamber of Commerce Historic Markers Committee. The collection consists of pamphlets, tourist information, and photographs. The photographs document several areas in St. Louis, which were later razed for the Mansion House, JNEM, and Stadium project. |
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S0487 | St. Louis City/County Board of Freeholders Records | 1959-1990 | The records of the St. Louis City/County Board of Freeholders contain meeting minutes, correspondence, plans, photographs, and audio cassette tapes, chronicling the board's mission to reunify St. Louis City and County. The plan was never brought before the voters due to a class-action suit brought by non-property holders. |
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S0488 | Selwyn Pepper Papers | 1928-1995 | Selwyn Pepper was a St. Louis-area journalist who Began career at "The Scrippage," the Soldan high newspaper. In 1935, Pepper joined the staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and covered major news stories, including heatwaves, riverfront bond issue fraud, and the Cardinals' World Series win in 1946. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings. |
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S0489 | University of Missouri-St. Louis Women's Studies Program Collection | 1949-1988 | This collection contains newspapers, magazines, articles, posters, conventions notes, and newsletters from across the United States, focusing on women-oriented issues and feminist-lesbian literature. Publications of interest include several lesbian-feminist publications such as Off Our Backs, Lesbian Connection, DYKE, The Lesbian Tide, and Moonstorm. |
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S0490 | Buchholz Family Papers | 1912-2004 | This collection contains correspondence, photographs, newsletters, and a funeral record book primarily pertaining to William Buchholz's interests in genealogy and the histories of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. Materials of interest include a funeral record book of the Ellis Undertaking Company and issues of The Alhambran, a magazine published by the Alhambra Grotto in St. Louis. |
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S0491 | Irving Dilliard Papers | 1867-1992 | The Irving Dilliard Papers contain correspondence, writings, subject files, and photographs documenting his career as a journalist at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Subjects of interest include civil liberties and the United States Constitution. |
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S0492 | Minority Aging Project Collection | 1987-1990 | From 1987 to 1990, Students from assistant professor Steven Wallace's Sociology 470 class on gerontology interviewed elderly African Americans for a class project. Topics of interest include racial discrimination, the Depression, family life, and working conditions. The collection contains cassette tapes, transcripts, and summaries of the interviews. |
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S0493 | Bob Broeg Papers | 1946-1990 | The Bob Broeg papers contain drafts, rewrites, and corrected copies of manuscripts written by St. Louis sportswriter Robert William Patrick "Bob" Broeg. The collection includes a book Broeg wrote about Stan Musial, "The Batting Order: Baseball From a Different Angle," "Ol' Mizzou, a Story of Missouri Football" (1974), and both the 1983 and 1986 editions of "My Baseball Scrapbook." |
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S0494 | St. Louis City-St. Louis County White House Conference on Education Records | 1955-1988 | This collection contains correspondence, cassettes, reports, and meeting minutes documenting the St. Louis-St. Louis County White House Conference on Education’s effort to improve education throughout St. Louis by examining local education problems, establishing effective communication among citizens, educators, and legislators, and creating recommendations to serve as guidelines for developing education policy. |
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S0495 | George McCue Papers | 1948-1985 | The George McCue papers contain information on the preservation of the Old Post Office in downtown St. Louis and personal correspondence regarding George McCue's role as an art critic and editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Also included in the collection is an oral interview with McCue recorded on August 21, 1990. |
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S0496 | Musical Research Club Scrapbooks | 1913-1984 | This organization was founded in 1912 by twelve women who wished to increase their knowledge and appreciation of music. This collection consists of thirteen scrapbooks and one yearbook. Included are photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, newsletters, correspondence, and convention material. |
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S0497 | The Ville Collection | 1975-1990 | This collection contains oral history tapes, unpublished and published manuscripts, and articles pertaining to "The Ville," known initially as Elleardsville, a predominately African-American neighborhood in northwest St. Louis, where African American intellectuals and the elite lived before integration. |
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S0498 | Nahm Family Papers | 1964-1984 | The Nahm Family Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and an 8mm film documenting the family's immigration from South Korea to St. Louis in the mid-1960s. |
S0499 | Diane Kerckhoff Papers | 1842-2023 | The Diane Kerckhoff papers contain correspondence, newsletters, photographs, police reports, and training manuals documenting Kerckhoff’s involvement in crime prevention in Missouri, including her work with the St. Louis Crusade Against Crime, the St. Louis County Justice Commission, the Missouri Crime Prevention Association, and the Attorney General’s Crime Commission. Also included in the collection are policy and procedures manuals Kerckhoff co-wrote for small police departments as co-founder of Policy Inc. |
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S0500 | Agnes Garino Papers | 1960-2022 | The Agnes Garino Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, and newspaper clippings documenting her involvement with the Kirkwood City Council, the Kirkwood Symphony Orchestra, and the St. Louis Sports Commission, and the U.S.-Olympic Festival. |
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