Saint Louis Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Description Finding Aid
S0201 University of Missouri, Saint Louis Black History Project Collection 1911-1983

This National Historical Publications and Records Commission funded project collected historical source material documenting the African-American experience in St. Louis. The project developed a slide presentation and held three conferences on St. Louis African-American history from 1981 to 1983. The collection includes correspondence, reports, surveys, biographical information, and a slide show.

 Finding Aid
S0202 Austin Porter Leland Papers 1954-1991

The papers of Austin Porter Leland document his time as the Chairman of the Old Post Office Landmark Committee. The committee successfully campaigned to preserve the Old Post Office in St. Louis, which led to national legislation allowing for commercial use of historic buildings. Included in the collection are articles, correspondence, legislation, newspaper clippings, presentations, reports, statements, TV documentary transcripts, and photographs. The collection also contains material on other civic projects, including the Wainwright building.

 Finding Aid
S0203 St. Louis Union Labor Advocate Newspapers 1934-1937

The St. Louis Union Labor Advocate was a Labor newspaper endorsed by Central Trades and Labor Union of St. Louis and St. Louis branch of AFL. The paper was the precursor of the St. Louis Labor Tribune. The collection does not include issues from September 1934 and May 1, 1937

 Finding Aid
S0204 Daughters of the American Revolution, St. Louis Chapter Records 1895-1985

The Daughters of the American Revolution, St. Louis Chapter Records document the chapter's activities from 1895-1985. The collection contains minute books, a treasurer's book, scrapbooks, correspondence, artifacts, and photographs.

 Finding Aid
S0205 James Parker Wheatley Papers 1945-1982

The James Parker Wheatley Papers document the daily activities of a pioneer in educational television programming. Born in 1906, Wheatley served as a broadcaster on the Armed Forces Network, general manager of WGBH in Boston, and the first public affairs director of KMOX in St. Louis. Materials of interest include Wheatley's diaries, reflecting his appointments with potential interviewees for programs on WGBH and KMOX, and an undated telephone directory of his professional contacts.

 Finding Aid
S0206 Leonard Matthews Werner Papers 1917-1981

The Leonard Matthews Werner Papers contain correspondence, newsletters, manuals, and newspaper clippings documenting his work establishing the Sebago Club, Camp Ironwood in Maine, and the Sebago School for Disturbed Children.

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S0207 Monsignor Timothy Dempsey Manuscript 1940

This collection contains the unpublished thesis Monsignor Timothy Dempsey: An Historical Study of Charitable Enterprise in St. Louis by Reverend Harold J. McAuliffe, which chronicles the life and charitable endeavors of Father Timothy Dempsey.

 Finding Aid
S0208 Woman Gathering II Collection 1984

The Second National Woman’s Gathering met in St. Louis at Fontbonne College on August 17-20, 1984. The Gathering was intended to empower women and reject the powerless and inferior gender roles placed upon them by society. The materials in this collection include a registration sheet, Off The Wall II, two cassette tapes documenting the Gathering, and a 16mm film entitled Women’s Voices: The Gender Gap Movie.

 Finding Aid
S0209 St. Louis Joint Council of Women's Auxiliaries Scrapbook 1926-1976

Founded on February 27, 1926, under the leadership of Mary Ryder to assist strike efforts and to lobby for legislation to improve working conditions for laborers. It helped to establish Mary Ryder Homes for underprivileged and homeless women in 1930 and pioneered the organization of state and national auxiliary groups. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, photographs, and histories of individual auxiliaries.

 Finding Aid
S0210 Duane and Judith Woltjen Meramec Dam Collection 1952-1984

The collection contains correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, and bumper stickers documenting Duane and Judith Woltjen's involvement with the Sierra Club, Ozark Chapter's efforts to prevent the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ plan to dam the Meramec River near Sullivan, Missouri, in Franklin County.

 Finding Aid
S0211 Memorial Addresses on the Life of Senator Lewis Bogy 1878

Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Lewis Bogy, (A Senator From Missouri), Delivered In The Senate, January 16, 1878 and House of Representatives January 23, 1878.

S0212 Memorial Addresses on the Life of Representative Richard P. Bland 1900

Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Richard P. Bland (Late Representative from Missouri), delivered in the House of Representatives and the Senate

S0213 Nancy Bliss Morfit Lewis Scrapbook 1928

This scrapbook contains photographs of campers at Camp Inter Oaks, a camp for girls, located near Cuba, Missouri. Lewis, a native of St. Louis attended the camp in 1928. The photographs depict campers swimming, playing tennis, participating in archery competitions, and playing in the woods.

S0214 Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, St. Louis Chapter Records 1962-2015

The records of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, St. Louis Chapter contain correspondence, meeting minutes, membership directories, and newsletters relating to the group’s mission to promote world peace and social justice. Subjects of interest include the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), the league’s opposition to the United States’ intervention in Vietnam, and China.

 Finding Aid
S0215 Maggie Peoples Papers 1963-1971

The papers of Maggie Peoples document her life as St. Louis-area civil rights leader. The collection includes material from the National Council of Negro Women, Women in Community Service, St. Louis Bicentennial Committee, a photograph, and an oral history interview with Mrs. Peoples.

 Finding Aid
S0216 Mary Ranken Jordan Collection 1936-1980

The Mary Ranken Jordan Collection contains a booklet, correspondence, a short biography, and news articles chronicling Mary Ranken Jordan's life and involvement in the St. Louis Women's Christian Association, the Ranken-Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, and numerous other charitable organizations from 1936 to 1980.

 Finding Aid
S0217 Warehouse Employees Local 667 Strike Bulletins 1935-1936

Warehouse employees called a strike against Kroger Grocery and Baking Company on November 7, 1935. The union demanded an increase in wages, seniority rights, a closed shop, and an end to work speedup programs. In March 1936, the International Executive Board revoked Local 667's charter for failure to comply with the International's negotiated settlement. The bulletins detail the strike activity, negotiations, support from other unions, and the use of scab labor.

S0218 St. Louis Association of Colored Women's Clubs 1901-1980

Collection includes minutes, photographs, histories, convention programs, yearbooks, pamphlets, and publications of the Informal Dames, the Auroran Club (of the YWCA), the Prudence Crandall Club, and the association.

 Finding Aid
S0219 Mary Margaret Mulligan Diary 1941-1946

Mrs. Mulligan kept a diary for her daughter from birth to five years old. The entries are made as if the daughter wrote them.

S0220 Cora Smith Collection 1920-1960

The collection primarily consists of two diaries written by Cora Smith, a native of Batchtown, Illinois, chronicling life with her sister, Lily Ann Briggs, in the Skinker-Debaliviere neighborhood in the 1950s.

 Finding Aid
S0221 National Women's Political Caucus, St. Louis Chapter Records 1971-1986

The National Women’s Political Caucus, St. Louis Chapter Records contain correspondence, newsletters, student papers, and testimonies documenting the chapter’s efforts toward encouraging women to seek elective and appointive positions in all levels of government. The chapter also supports all political candidates sympathetic to women’s issues and works for the repeal of laws which discriminate against women.

 Finding Aid
S0222 Missouri State Women's Political Caucus Records 1971-1987

The Missouri State Women's Political caucus was formed in 1972 as the state organization of the National Women's Political Caucus. WPC encourages women to seek elective and appointive position sin all levels of government, supports all political candidates who will work for women's issues and works for the repeal of laws which discriminate against women. The collection includes newsletters, minutes, resolutions, and bylaws.

 Finding Aid
S0223 Beta Sigma Phi Collection 1954-1966

This collection consists of photographs pertaining to the St. Louis chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, an international social sorority for women. The images depict various Beta Sigma Phi events, including card parties and the rituals of jewels, a ceremony for new members.

 Finding Aid
S0224 Phyllis Schlafly Papers 1972-1982

The Phyllis Schlafly Papers contain newsletters, brochures, flyers, and newspaper clippings documenting Schlafly's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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S0225 Equal Rights Amendment Collection 1972-1984

The collection consists of correspondence, resolutions, flyers, roll call votes of the Missouri Legislature, and newspaper clippings concerning the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment in Missouri and the United States.

 Finding Aid
S0226 Women's Physical Education Club of St. Louis and Vicinity Records 1931-1994

The Women’s Physical Education Club of St. Louis and Vicinity Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, rosters, and treasurer’s reports documenting the club’s mission to provide a forum for women physical educators to discuss mutual problems and demonstrate physical skills and teaching techniques.

 Finding Aid
S0227 Robert Harry Krieger Papers 1917-1983

The Robert Harry Krieger Papers contain three journals and military certificates documenting Krieger's service in the United States Army with the 198th Chemical Depot Company and as a stock clerk in the European Theater of Operations and the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre during World War II. Additionally, the collection contains Robert’s father’s World War I journal from when he served in the United States Naval Reserve Forces on a submarine chaser and minesweeping ship.  

 Finding Aid
S0228 International Women's Year Collection 1974-1980

The International Women’s Year Collection contains correspondence, photographs, publications, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and oral history interviews chronicling International Women’s Year, the Missouri State Coordinating Committee, and the 1977 National Women’s Conference.

 Finding Aid
S0229 Reverend Marguerite Shirley Kenney Papers 1965-1981

Reverend Marguerite Shirley Kenney was ordained on February 25, 1978, by Bishop Walker of the Washington Diocese and is one of the first women priests in the Episcopal Church of the United States. Prior to January 1, 1977, the ordination of women to the priesthood was not permitted. The Papers document her decision and struggle to become a priest in the Episcopal Church and reflect the Episcopal Church's changing attitudes. The bulk of the material dates from 1972-1978. Contents include poetry, correspondence, notebooks, sermons, speeches, applications, school papers and exams, photographs, publications, newspaper clippings, and resource material.

 Finding Aid
S0230 College Club of St. Louis Records 1916-2008

The collection consists of nine scrapbooks on one roll of microfilm containing press clippings and programs of activities and benefits, 1916-1943, of the College Club of St. Louis, whose membership consists of women graduates of accredited colleges. Additional materials of interest include correspondence regarding the College Club of St. Louis’s consolidation with the St. Louis branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumni in the early 1920s.

 Finding Aid
S0231 Business and Professional Women, St. Louis League Records  1936-1988

The records of the Business and Professional Women, St. Louis League Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and scrapbooks relating to the league's mission to promote the interests of women in business.

 Finding Aid
S0232 League of Women Voters of Missouri Records 1911-2023 The collection contains correspondence, photographs, publications, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and memorabilia dating from the League's creation in 1919-20. In addition, the records (minutes, treasurer's reports, and publications) of the Missouri Equal Suffrage Association, for the years 1911-1919, are included.  Finding Aid
S0233 Rotary Club International District 6060 Records 1946-2021

This collection contains correspondence, memos, yearbooks, directories, anniversary programs, and conference materials documenting Rotary District 6060's mission to support local rotary clubs through club visits and organizing yearly district conferences. Organized in 1910 with the founding of the St. Louis Rotary Club, District 6060 is an administrative body that oversees Rotary Clubs in the Eastern part of Missouri, from Hannibal to the Missouri Bootheel.

 Finding Aid
S0234 St. Louis Metropolitan League of Women Voters Records 1936-2006

The records of the St. Louis Metropolitan League of Women Voters contains correspondence, financial records, reports, publications, and newspaper clippings chronicling the organization's mission to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government.

 Finding Aid
S0235 Paul William Preisler Papers 1902-1971

The Paul William Preisler Papers document Preisler's career as a union organizer, lawyer, photographer, and biochemist in St. Louis. They contain correspondence, legal papers, newspaper clippings, and photographs. Subjects of interest include civil liberties, legislative redistricting, and Socialism. Photographs include images of Hooverville, Labor leaders, strikes and protests, and political parties. 

 Finding Aid
S0236 Margaret Hickey Papers 1922-1990

The papers of Margaret A. Hickey consist of correspondence, speech files, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks documenting her career as a lawyer, journalist, businesswoman, public servant, from the 1930s into the 1980s. An interest in women and their economic and social problems proved the motivating force behind much of her work. As a lawyer, she became conscious of the unique legal problems facing women; as a government advisor, she studied various facets of women's role in society; and as the founder and director of Miss Hickey's School for Secretaries, she helped train educated women for careers in the labor force.

 Finding Aid
S0237 Vorwaerts Workmen's Singing Society Records 1895-1977

German immigrants formed Arbeiter Gesangverein "Vorwaertrs" to maintain their musical heritage and to promote working-class interests. Voerwaerts and Damenchor Vorwaerts presented regular concerts and participated in national songfests. Walter Hoops edited the Saenger Zeitung, the national journal from 1967 to 1977. The collection contains protocol books, financial ledgers, correspondence, programs, and issues of the Saenger Zeitung.

 Finding Aid
S0238 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records 1901-1965

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records document the district's growth, campaigns for an eight-hour workday, strikes and strike benefits, labor grievances, employment in St. Louis, jurisdictional disputes with other unions, and national union policy. Railroad machinists founded Locals 41, 85, and 394 of the International Association of Machinists in 1888-1889. They were chartered, along with Local 121, as District 9 of the International Association of Machinists in 1902.

 Finding Aid
S0239 Sons of Union Veterans, General Sherman/Billy Yank Camp No. 65 Records 1982-2016

This collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, ledgers, newsletters, and membership files pertaining to the General Sherman/Billy Yank Camp No. 65 of the Sons of Union Veterans. The Sons of Union Veterans' mission is to preserve and disseminate the history of soldiers who fought for the Union during the Civil War.

 Finding Aid
S0240 Leather Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers' Union Records 1941-1970

The collection contains photographs and newspaper clippings of the activities of the Leather Goods Union and its predecessor, the Fur and Leather Workers' Union. Included in the collection is a scrapbook on the successful 1941 strike against Gardner Pocket Book Company of St. Louis and photographs of the 1958 strike against Hartmann Luggage.

 Finding Aid
S0241 Kay Drey Papers 1943-2012

The papers of Kay Drey contain correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, and subject files documenting Drey's work to integrate University City Housing in the early 1960s and her anti-nuclear power activism from the 1970s to the 2010s.

 Finding Aid
S0242 Henry Kuck Letters 1861-1865

This collection consists of letters written by Henry Kuck to his wife, Metta Kuck, while he served in Company G, 31st Missouri Volunteers, during the Civil War. In the letters, Kuck describes the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Atlanta, and military actions in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.

 Finding Aid
S0243 YouthBridge Community Foundation Records 1876-2003

The YouthBridge Community Foundation Records (formerly the German General Protestant Orphan’s Home and General Protestant Children’s Home) contain meeting minutes, ledgers, and scrapbooks relating to its history as a home for impoverished orphans. Materials of interest include intake record books, documenting the child’s name, birth date, the reasons for their admittance and dismal from the orphanage, as well as the names of their parents. Also included in the collection are photographs depicting the cornerstone laying of YouthBridge’s former campus at 12685 Olive Street Road and an essay on the history of YouthBridge, titled Still Caring: the Evolution of a St. Louis Orphanage, by Glenn J. Sartori. The materials in this collection date from 1877 to 2003.

 Finding Aid
S0244 Aeronautical History Society of St. Louis Newsletters 1972-1974

This collection contains newsletters published by the Aeronautical Society of St. Louis, a nonprofit organization founded to encourage the study of aeronautical history, expand aeronautical information, and bring together airplane enthusiasts.

 Finding Aid
S0245 St. Louis Pledge of Resistance Newsletters 1987-1989

This collection contains the newsletter Points of Resistance, published by the St. Louis Pledge of Resistance. The St. Louis Pledge of Resistance was a local chapter of the National Pledge of Resistance, a direct-action group organized to protest American involvement in Central America.

 Finding Aid
S0246 Women's Rights in Missouri Manuscript 1987

The Women’s Rights in Missouri Manuscript contains a 31-page unpublished manuscript titled The Dawn of Her Deliverance: Women’s Rights in Missouri, 1866-1875, written by Kathy Peterson, a University of Missouri-St. Louis Department student in 1987. The manuscript chronicles the evolution of the women’s suffrage movement in Missouri from the Civil War to the founding of the Woman Suffrage Association of Missouri in 1867.

 Finding Aid
S0247 St. Louis Storytelling Festival Records 1979-2019

The St. Louis Storytelling Festival Records contain correspondence, flyers, photographs, posters, and videotapes documenting the organization's mission to preserve the history and culture of communities throughout the world through an annual three-day storytelling festival, held in St. Louis, Missouri. Materials of interest include a VHS tape of the twentieth annual St. Louis Storytelling Festival.

 Finding Aid
S0248 Metropolitan Area League of Women Voters Collection 1919-1987

This collection contains reports, correspondence newspaper clippings, and meeting minutes from several St. Louis area chapters of the League of Women Voters. The chapters include Kirkwood, University City, Webster Groves, North County, St. Louis County, metro, Clayton, and Central County.

 Finding Aid
S0249 Artist Presentation Society Records 1946-2014

The Artist Presentation Society Records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, and programs pertaining to the organization’s mission to advance young classical musician’s careers by holding annual auditions and hosting concerts for the winners. Topics of interest include concert ticket sales, audition applicant requirements, membership outreach, and the concert series Prelude Performances, co-sponsored by the Sheldon Concert Hall.

 Finding Aid
S0250 Conrad Theodore Fehlig Diaries 1902-1913

Conrad Theodore Fehlig was a partner in the Fehlig Brother Box Manufacturing Company. His diaries reflect activities of his personal life, including passing references to the 1904 World’s Fair, a Teamsters strike and notes about the weather.

 Finding Aid
S0251 J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices 1937, 1940, 1983

The J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices consists of notices to foreign bond holders, including the First National bank in St. Louis, regarding the Imperial Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911.

 Finding Aid
S0252 Robert Rankin Papers 1937-1992

The papers of Robert Rankin contain correspondence, articles, meeting minutes, and reports chronicling her career as vice president of the Danforth Foundation, where he focused on issues dealing with spirituality and ministry on college campuses. Subjects of interest include campus ministries, higher education, African Americans, women, and disabilities.

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S0253 St. Louis City Plan Commission Collection 1918-1942

The St. Louis City Plan Commission Collection consists of annual reports, zoning plans, and a report titled St. Louis After World War II.   

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S0254 Women of Achievement Records 1955-2023

Women of Achievement is the oldest ongoing program in St. Louis with the sole mission of recognizing the contribution of women to the quality of life in the area. St. Louis Globe-Democrat publisher Richard Amberg created the awards program in 1955 to offer an annual award to ten women who have made a significant difference in the community. The collection includes bylaws, selection committee files, and newspaper clippings.

 Finding Aid
S0255 Eugene and Earline Knackstedt Papers 1880-1980

The Eugene and Earline Knackstedt Papers contains correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, 16 mm films, and Kodachrome slides relating to the operation of Shaw Camera Shop, owned by Eugene and Earline Knackstedt from the early 1960s until 1985. The materials document the construction of the Arch and the St. Louis Science Center, as well as photographic work Earline Knackstedt performed for the, The United States Army, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Falstaff Brewing Corporation. The materials in this collection date from the 1880s to the 1980s.

 Finding Aid
S0256 American Radio Collection 1931-1972

The American Radio Collection consists of 514 reel-to-reel audio tapes documenting the early years of commercial broadcast radio through its golden years to the decline of network radio in the early 1960s. Items of interest include broadcasts of Abbott and Costello and the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

S0257 Concerned Parents of Greater St. Louis and St. Charles Collection 1972-1973

The Concerned Citizens for St. Charles Collection contains correspondence, interview transcripts, and a term paper, primarily documenting the group's efforts, led by Laura Rogers to ban controversial textbooks from schools and establish a private Christian school in St. Charles, Missouri.  

 Finding Aid
S0258 Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County Records 1954-2014

The records of the Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County contain bylaws, correspondence, meeting minutes, and newspaper clippings regarding the organization's mission to foster productive citizens by providing youth with educational, recreational, and social activities. Materials of interest include the early Board of Directors meeting minutes (1955-1956), two issues of the Boys’ Club Journal (1956-1957), an in-house newsletter produced by club members, and newspaper clippings chronicling the early history of the organization.

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S0259 Missouri Speleological Survey Records 1956-2011

The Missouri Speleological Survey Records contain contains newsletters and guidebooks pertaining to the Missouri Speleological Survey's mission to study and research Missouri caves.

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S0260 Mid-America Grocers Association Records 1948-2003

The Mid-America Grocers Association (MAGA) records contain the organization’s photographs, slides, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, and in-house publications. Founded in 1905, MAGA’s mission was to promote the interests of food industry retailers through its involvement in legislative affairs, labor relations, scholarship programs, and continuing education. (MAGA was formerly known as the Metropolitan Retail Food Dealer Association). Materials of interest include photographs depicting grocery store grand openings, product shows, awards dinners, and social outings.

 Finding Aid
S0261 Historic Sites Inventory 2017

Data sheets and three ring binder of the Historic Sites inventory compiled by the East-West Gateway Co-Ordinating Council.

S0262 O'Neil Family Collection 2016

Doris' Story, Some Remembrances of Ellen Doris O'Neil Gelfus Dorhman, 1901-1989, book and CD. 2016

S0263 Humane Society of Missouri Collection 1923-1970

The Humane Society of Missouri Collection contains a charter, constitution, amendments to the articles of association, petitions, annual reports, and publications of an organization dedicated to preventing and alleviating the suffering of animals.

 Finding Aid
S0264 Edward and Thelma Klein Papers 1929-1931

The papers of Edward and Thelma Klein consist of correspondence sent from Edward to his future wife, Thelma, during his years studying at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy from 1928 to 1930, as well as his time as a pharmacist in St. Louis City from 1930 to 1931. In the letters, Klein professed his love to Thelma, recounted attending shows at St. Louis City theaters, and noted the effect the stock market crash of 1929 had on the drugstore business and the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.

 Finding Aid
S0265 Harold Linden Forester Papers 1925-2007

The Harold Linden Forester Papers contain identification and travel documents, maps, illustrations, pamphlets, newsletters, postcards, correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, newspaper clippings, academic materials, and military records. The materials date from 1925-2008 and pertain to Forester’s military service during World War II, his undergraduate years at the University of Southern California, his numerous jobs, his world travels, and his lifelong medical problems stemming from a wartime injury. The papers also contain information about the Forester family and Lawrence County, Missouri. Materials of interest include wartime letters from Forester to family members and friends, firsthand recollections of the Battle of Peleliu, and a scrapbook featuring photographs of the Forester family in Lawrence County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0266 Focal Point Calendars and Newsletters 1974-1989

The Focal Point Calendar and Newsletters are a collection of monthly newsletters distributed by the St. Louis Folk Music Society and Focal Point, a non-profit coffeehouse for performers and fans of folk music. The calendars contain schedules of performers.

 Finding Aid
S0267 Barclay-D'Arcy Family Papers 1907-1940

The Barclay-D’Arcy family papers consist of correspondence, photographs, postcards, newspaper clippings, school records, and ephemera pertaining to the Barclay and D'Arcy family's involvement in World War I, the American Red Cross, the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, and the University of Missouri. Key figures included in this collection are George Reppert Barclay, Lillie Isadora Barclay, Thomas Swain Barclay, and  Julia D’Arcy. Of note are letters sent from Thomas to his mother and father describing the economic, political, and social climate in postwar Europe.

 Finding Aid
S0268 St. Louis Tip Toppers Inc. Records 1943-2012

The records of the St. Louis Tip Toppers Inc. contain bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, booklets, correspondence, and scrapbooks pertaining to the club’s mission to provide friendship and fellowship for tall people through social activities and charitable causes. Materials of note include the club’s monthly in-house newsletter, Tips on Toppers, which contain the club’s meeting minutes, essays recounting the clubs planned social activities, event listings, and tips on clothing stores catering to tall people. Also included in the records are the club’s scrapbooks, which document the member’s charitable endeavors and social events, including their sponsorship of the 1986 Tall Clubs International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0269 Morisse Family Papers 1854-2023

The Morisse Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, reel-to-reel tapes, and citizenship papers of the Morisse, Zimmerman, Walter, and Rosenthal families of St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as well as Quincy, Illinois. Materials of interest include photograph albums compiled by Herbert Ernest Morisse, documenting the Morisse families' involvement with Boy Scout Troop 21 of the Ethical Society of St. Louis and their outings at Herb Ella cabin along the Black River. The albums also contain photographs chronicling Herbert Ernest Walter Morisse's years as a student at Washington University in the early 1930s. Other materials of interest include correspondence between Marian Morisse and her brothers, Walter and Henry Hoener, during World War II.

 Finding Aid
S0270 Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis Records 1955-2019

Founded in 1970, Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis (DSAGLS) seeks to benefit the lives of people with Down syndrome and their families through individual and family support, education, and public awareness. This collection consists of meeting minutes, financial statements, newsletters, brochures, and newspaper clippings. It also contains legal materials pertaining to Merry vs. Parkway School District, a legal case that DSAGLS participated in during the 1980s and 1990s that involved Parkway School District refusing to give proper education to students with disabilities.

 Finding Aid
S0271 International Association of Administrative Professionals, Lindbergh Chapter Records 1996-2014

The International Association of Administrative Professionals, Lindbergh Chapter Records contain agendas, meeting minutes, chapter rosters, membership surveys, and photographs pertaining to the Lindbergh chapter's mission to help administrative support professionals advance in their careers. Topics of interest include fundraising assistance for members attending professional conferences, membership drives, as well as charitable causes the Lindbergh Chapter supported, including the St. Louis Area Foodbank.

 Finding Aid
S0272 Kalb Family Papers 1909-1985

The Kalb Family Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, patents, and financial reports pertaining to the Kalb family and Kalb Electric Company’s establishment and operation. Founded in 1909 by Ralph Tennent Kalb, Sr., the Kalb Electric Company is a Maplewood-area business dedicated to lighting installation, chandelier and lamp restoration, and custom lighting designs. Kalb, Sr. also served as a City of Maplewood Councilman for nearly 14 years.

 Finding Aid
S0273 Wilkins Family Papers 1931-2006

The Wilkins Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, meeting minutes, programs, hymnals, and recipe books pertaining to the Wilkins family of Webster Groves. The materials in this collection primarily reflect the lives of Mattie Hunt Wilkins and her descendants. Items of interest include the meeting minutes of Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter 4. Mattie Wilkins was the Worthy Matron (WM) of the lodge.

S0274 Richmond Heights Historical Society Records 1900-2013

The Richmond Heights Historical Society (RHHS) Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, newsletters, plat maps, newspaper clippings, and correspondence collected by RHHS’s volunteers documenting the history and culture of Richmond Heights from the 1900s to the present. Materials of interest include maps of Richmond Heights’ area subdivisions, including the names of homeowners. The materials in this collection date from 1900 to 2013. 

 Finding Aid
S0275 Dudley Grove Papers 1974-2022

The Dudley Grove Papers contain correspondence, photographs, resumes, and awards documenting Grove's philanthropic work with the Junior League of St. Louis, the Center for Creative Arts, Women of Achievement, the Urban League of St. Louis, and the Young Women Christian Association Metro St. Louis. The collection also includes a scrapbook containing photographs, flyers, bumper stickers, and newspaper clippings chronicling Grove's 1993 candidacy for mayor of Ladue, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0276 Mensie Family Papers

The Mensie Family Papers contain correspondence, baptismal certificates, photographs, and scrapbooks pertaining to Vernon August Mensie's (1917-1999) service with the 4th Airdrome Squadron of the 5th Air Force during World War II; the death of Vernon's uncle, William Henry Mensie (1887-1967); and Vernon's efforts to trace the lineage of his grandfather, Johann Bernard Mensie and his descendants. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks chronicling Vernon August Mensie's (1917-1999) travels to Colorado and California and his service with the 4th Airdrome Squadron of the 5th Air Force during World War II.

S0277 Rotary Club of Crestwood-Sunset Hills Records 1969-2020

The records of the Rotary Club of Crestwood-Sunset Hills contain meeting minutes, newsletters, manuals, flyers, reports, and photographs pertaining to the group's mission to support the community service projects and fundraising. Topics of interest include the club's annual Arts and Crafts Fair, membership recruitment, and the club's fundraising efforts for charitable organizations, such as the Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. Also included in the collection are the South St. Louis Rotary Club records, which merged with the Rotary Club of Crestwood-Sunset Hills in 2012. The materials in this collection date from 1969 to 2020.

 Finding Aid
S0278 St. Louis Internship Program Collection 1993-1999

The collection contains newsletters, program booklets, newspaper clippings, and a student handbook, chronicling the group's mission to provide St. Louis inner-city high school students with internships at local businesses to learn more about the business world, America's legal system, and to prepare for their post-secondary education.

S0279 Municipal League of Metro St. Louis Records 1918-2020

The Municipal League of Metro St. Louis records consists of member meeting minutes relating to the organization's mission to improve St. Louis County residents' lives by fostering cooperation among St. Louis County government and municipalities. Topics of interest include the League's lobbying of state and federal government for legislation designed to help municipalities better serve their residents, including the proposed implementation of an internet sales tax and the removal of radioactive waste stored in St. Louis City and County. Interspersed throughout the meeting minutes are resolutions, reports, and policy statements regarding recreational opportunities for at-risk youth in St. Louis County, solid waste management policy, and local control of municipal affairs in light of St. Louis County Executive Sam Page's restrictions on businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also included in the collection is a history of the League, written by Charles W. Sisler, a former Crestwood council member (1977-1991). The materials in this collection date from 1918 to 2020.

 Finding Aid
S0280 LifeBridge Partnership Records 1952-2021

The LifeBridge Partnership Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and histories documenting its mission to help individuals with disabilities become independent and active members in their communities. Materials of interest include a feasibility and need analysis commissioned by LifeBridge in 1983 to evaluate and recommend a centralized recreational facility for the St. Louis Region’s disability community. Also included in the collection are LifeBridge Partnership's born-digital files, including board meeting minutes and resolutions, newsletters, and strategic plans. Topics of interest consist of LifeBridge's reevaluation of its mission, name, and logo; program support services, including transportation services for clients; and LifeBridge's updated health policies and fundraising strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The materials in this collection date from 1952 to 2020.

 Finding Aid
S0281 Barbara Sprenger Papers 1867-2016

The Barbara Sprenger Papers contains correspondence, histories, photographs, reports, and maps pertaining to Dioxin and hazardous waste dumping of the Russell Bliss, Grover Callahan, and related properties in the Wildwood and Ellisville, Missouri, areas. The collection also contains family papers, which include correspondence, genealogical research materials, and photographs.

 Finding Aid
S0282 John Henry Pohlman Papers 1938-1949

The John Henry Pohlman Papers contain correspondence, military orders, and case files pertaining to Pohlman's service in the United States Army during and after World War II. The papers include the case files Pohlman created while working as a legal officer prosecuting Nazi war crimes cases in 1947 as part of the 7708 War Crimes Group.

 Finding Aid
S0283 Chain of Rocks Bridge Collection 1997-1998

The Chain of Rocks Bridge Collection consists of magazines, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and a scrapbook compiled by Karlene McAllister, former promotions director for Trailnet Inc.'s Old Chain of Rocks Bridge restoration project. The collection documents Trailnet Inc's early efforts to restore the bridge as a pedestrian walkway. The items in the scrapbook consist of photographs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, newsletters, and promotional flyers that chronicle several Trailnet Inc.-sponsored activities on the Chain of Rocks bridge, including Halloween events, birdwatching, and a marriage ceremony held on the bridge.

 Finding Aid
S0284 Daniel Aloysius Byrne Papers 1891-1961

The Daniel Aloysius Byrne Papers contain photographs, military registration cards, and a diary pertaining to Byrne’s early life and service in the United States Army during World War I. A St. Louis native, Daniel Aloysius Byrne (1891-1976) served in Company B, 114th Field Signal Battalion, 39th Infantry Division, primarily overseeing telephone exchanges in France after the November 11 armistice. Materials of interest include Byrne’s diary, which documents his experiences training at Camps Pike and Beauregard; encountering German submarines while crossing the Atlantic Ocean onboard the U.S.S. DeKalb; and witnessing air battles between American and German forces near Ippecourt, France.

 Finding Aid
S0285 Barbara McDonnell Collection 1998-2004

The Barbara McDonnel Collection contains 7x17-inch palladium prints of the Saint Louis area between 1998 to 2004. The black-and-white images depict urban sprawl, the Mississippi River, and St. Louis City buildings. A native of Kirkwood, Missouri, Barbara McDonnell (1947-  ) began her professional photography career in 1994, producing platinum and palladium prints depicting suburban and urban subjects, still lives, and landscapes. Her artwork has appeared in the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago's Midwest Photographers Project, and the Sheldon Art Galleries.

S0286 Lorenzen Family Papers 1927-2002

The Lorenzen Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and a scrapbook, primarily pertaining to the lives of Dorothy and Robert Lorenzen and their daughter, Georgia Lorenzen Kay. The materials in this collection date from 1927 to 2002.

 Finding Aid
S0287 Agricultural Institute of St. Louis Records 1945-1983

The Agricultural Institute of St. Louis Records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs pertaining to the organization's mission to support the general welfare of the rural population of the United States through research, experiments, studies, and investigations related to agriculture. The materials in this collection date from 1945 to 1983.

 Finding Aid
S0288 Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers 1916-1980

The Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, postcards, yearbooks, and a scrapbook, pertaining to the family's ownership of the Western Candy Company and LaVerre Grim's service in the United States Armed Forces during World War II.

 Finding Aid
S0289 Kappa Phi Sorority, Sigma Chapter Records 1926-2019

This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks pertaining to the Kappa Phi Sorority, Sigma Chapter, founded in 1926 by St. Louis-area women who had attended the Elmhurst Evangelical Training School at Elmhurst College (later Elmhurst University) that same year. Membership expanded in the following years to include women who belonged to the United Church of Christ and other Protestant denominations. The group initially focused on awarding young women scholarships to attend Evangelical Leadership Training Schools throughout the country and evolved into raising funds for St. Louis Metropolitan area charities, including the Emmaus Homes and the United Way. The collection contains scrapbooks compiled yearly by Sigma Chapter members, consisting of newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence, documenting their social activities and charitable endeavors. Items of interest in the scrapbooks include photographs of the Sigma Chapter's visits to the St. Louis Colored Orphans home in 1941.

 Finding Aid
S0290 Susan Kerckhoff Papers 1900-2014

The collection primarily consists of Susan Kerckhoff and her mother, Ruth Kerckhoff's diaries. Ruth Kerckhoff's diaries recounted Susan Kerckhoff's marriage to John Mulligan on June 27, 1959; the death of her husband, Otto Alexander Kerchkhoff, whose family founded Pevely Farms, on April 21, 1966; and social outings, including her service as a matron at  Veiled Prophet Ball in 1959. Other items of interest include a scrapbook documenting Susan Kerckhoff's experiences as a maid of honor for the Veiled Prophet Ball in 1956.

 Finding Aid
S0291 National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records 1954-2020

The National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, photographs, and scrapbooks regarding the organization’s mission to encourage and assist young artists in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area by bestowing scholarships and awards, and holding annual competitions in drama, literature, music, art and dance.

 Finding Aid
S0292 Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records 1990-2021

The Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records consist of correspondence, newsletters, booklets, and flyers, documenting its efforts to ensure that prisons are reserved only for those individuals that must be incarcerated and that those individuals receive humane treatment.

 Finding Aid
S0293 Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis Records 1911-1960

This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, and reports documenting the Tuberculosis and Health Society of St. Louis's mission to prevent, relieve, and control the spread of tuberculosis in the St. Louis area.

 Finding Aid
S0294 Pageant and Masque of St. Louis Collection 1914; 1975

The Pageant and Masque of St. Louis Collection contains an official program of a May 28-31, 1914, performance, including a description of the Pageant, a large dramatic production of the history of St. Louis, and the Masque, a poetic and musical interpretation of the pageant’s history.

 Finding Aid
S0295 Jazzman Project Collection 1933-1973

The Jazzman Oral Hisotry Project was a series of interviews with jazz musicians conducted between 1971 and 1973, which are part of the Oral History Collection (S0829). During the course of the interviews, other materials were also collected. Those photographs, newspaper clippings, and programs are in this collection.

S0296 American Association of University Women, Metropolitan St. Louis Interbranch Council Records 1976-2018

The American Association of University Women (AAUW), Metropolitan St. Louis Interbranch Council Records consist of meeting minutes, directories, brochures, reports, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to support the programs and projects of St. Louis-area branches of the American Association of University Women.

 Finding Aid
S0297 American Association of University Women, Creve Coeur Branch Records 1969-2016

This collection contains histories, meeting minutes, membership handbooks and applications, award and scholarship information, and scrapbooks pertaining to the American Association of University Women Creve Coeur, Missouri branch’s mission to empower college women through further education, political lobbying, and charitable endeavors.

 Finding Aid
S0298 Gloria C. Gordon Papers 1950-2010

The Gloria C. Gordan Papers contain meeting minutes, correspondence, pamphlets, academic essays, and a dissertation documenting Gordon’s involvement with the Older Women’s League, Brit Tzadek v’Shalom, and the STL Village. Gordan’s activism spans several decades from her involvement in the Committee for Environmental Information’s Baby Tooth Survey to promoting peace during the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. 

 Finding Aid
S0299 Jerry Rabushka Papers 1975-2020

The Jerry Rabushka Papers contain diaries, scrapbooks, script, program bills, posters and VHS tapes documenting Rabushka's career as a playwright, author, and musician. Materials of interest include scrapbooks and photographs of Rabushka's original plays, including Full Frontal Nudity, Gaywatch, and Woof! The Road Show.

 Finding Aid
S0300 George Miles Gibson Jr. Papers 1914-1980

The papers of George Miles Gibson contain correspondence, journals, sermons, and books documenting his career as a pastor, professor, and prolific writer. Also included in the collection are biographical and genealogical material about Gibson.

 Finding Aid