Saint Louis Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Description Finding Aid
S0001 Academy of Science of St. Louis Records 1856-1959

The records contain meeting minutes and copies of its journal, "Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis." Established in 1856 by twelve prominent St. Louis residents, the Academy of Science's mission was to promote the advancement of science.

 Finding Aid
S0002 Agribusiness Club of St. Louis Records 1937-1970

The Agribusiness Club of St. Louis was founded in 1937 as the Farmers’ Club of St. Louis and was affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The club was established to advance research, interest, and cooperation in agricultural business. In 1960, Farmers’ Club of St. Louis was renamed the Agribusiness Club of St. Louis. A decade later, in 1970, a decision was made by the club to merge with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce’s Food and Agriculture Committee to form the Food and Agribusiness Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, membership rosters and cards, and the constitution and bylaws of Agribusiness Club of St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0003 Jaquelin Ambler Collection 1966-1972

The Jaquelin Ambler Collection contains gallery announcements, flyers, programs, invitations, and newspaper articles regarding St. Louis area art clubs, galleries, and artists collected by Jaquelin Ambler between 1966 and 1972, after her retirement from the St. Louis Art Museum.

 Finding Aid
S0004 American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section Records 1903-2009

The records of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section, contain correspondence, meeting minutes, subject files, and issues of the “The Chemical Bond,” documenting the group’s mission to promote the field of chemistry. Founded in 1907, the St. Louis Section’s members have included pioneers in chemistry who helped make St. Louis a chemical manufacturing center.

 Finding Aid
S0005 The Case of the Ville Manuscript 1975

"Symbolic Emergence of Community in an Historically Black Neighborhood: The Case of the Ville," or simply "The Case of the Ville," was an essay written by Charles Bailey. The paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society in Chicago, April 9-12, 1975 and discussed the history of the Black majority neighborhood "the Ville" and the symbolic sentiments that have been attached to the neighborhood because of its history.

 Finding Aid
S0006 First African Baptist Church History 1976

The First African Baptist Church History contains a four-page document that briefly describes the history of African-Americans in St. Louis as well as the First African Baptist Church in St. Louis. The church was founded in 1827 by Reverend John Berry Meachum and is the oldest African-American church west of the Mississippi River. Many of the original congregation consisted of slaves, who were permitted by their owners to attend. A physical church was built two years following the organization’s inception and went through two other location changes to accommodate the rapid growth of the church’s congregation.

 Finding Aid
S0007 Black Jack, Missouri, Housing Controversy Collection 1973-1976

The collection contains court documents, memorandum, newspaper clippings, and a University of Missouri-St. Louis student paper regarding the city of Black Jack, Missouri's attempt to prevent the Park View Heights Corporation from building an integrated housing complex within its borders.  

 Finding Aid
S0008 Louise Marie Bliss Papers 1894-1971

The papers of Louis Marie Bliss contain diaries, correspondence, and manuscripts regarding her life as an author and pacifist. Bliss was a member of the Fellowship for Reconciliation and worked for the Civil Liberties Committee. The materials in this collection date from 1894 to 1971.

 Finding Aid
S0009 Women in Communications, Inc., St. Louis Chapter Records 1926-1998

This collection contains the records of the St. Louis Chapter of Women in Communications, Inc., formerly called Theta Sigma Phi. Women in Communications sponsored various programs to educate, encourage, and reward women in the field of communications. They also sponsored an annual “Ladies of the Press” luncheon. The materials in this collection include correspondence, minutes, reports, bylaws, constitution, directories, brochures, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks.

 Finding Aid
S0010 Missouri Society for Health and Physical Educators Records 1937-2010

The records contain bylaws, correspondence, meeting minutes, research abstracts, and photographs regarding the Missouri Society for Health and Physical Educators'  (MOSHAPE) mission to develop and promote health, leisure, and movement programs.  

 Finding Aid
S0011 Ernest Calloway Papers 1932-1989

The Ernest Calloway Papers contain correspondence, speeches, public statements, reports, campaign materials, newspapers, and photographs documenting Calloway's activities as president of the St. Louis NAACP, political analyst for Teamsters' Local 688, political activist in St. Louis, and lecturer on urban affairs for St. Louis University.

 Finding Aid
S0012 DeVerne Calloway Papers 1929-1986

The DeVerne Calloway Papers contain correspondence, meeting meetings, newspaper clippings, photographs, posters, and scrapbooks chronicling her personal life and career as the first African American woman elected to the Missouri legislature. As the Missouri State Representative from the 70th District (1962-1981), Calloway focused on assisting welfare recipients and prisoners, which is reflected in her correspondence.

 Finding Aid
S0013 Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Books Collection 1857-1972

The Florissant Missouri City Council Ordinance and Council Meeting Minute Book Collection include copies of official correspondence, council rosters, budgets, resolutions, certificates of appointments, and maps, chronicling the city's growth and development from 1857 to 1973.

 Finding Aid
S0014 Victor E. Clark Collection 1968-1969

The Victor E. Clark Collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting Clark's attempt in 1968-1969 to create a "Hitler Museum" of the former Nazi buildings and bunkers in Obersalzberg, Germany.

 Finding Aid
S0015 Lucille Papendick Collection 1912-1967

The Lucille Papendick promoted art and cultural education programs throughout her life and after her death through a fund she set up to support cultural, arts, and education organizations and the community. The collection contains programs from concerts, plays, recitals, and dance programs in St. Louis by visiting performers at theaters throughout the St. Louis area.

 Finding Aid
S0016 Dyson-Bell-Sans Souci Papers 1845-1880

The papers contain 83 letters written by or to Absalom Roby Dyson (1832-1864) and his wife, Louisa Johnson Dyson (1833-1898), between 1850 and 1880 regarding their life in Steelville and Franklin County, Missouri, before the Civil War and Absalom Dyson’s service as a Confederate soldier. Also included are various teaching contracts, business and employment records, and other documents related to Absalom Dyson’s work as a farmer, postmaster, and teacher.

 Finding Aid
S0017 Jewel Family Papers 1859-1878

The Jewel Family Papers contain photocopies of correspondence between members of the Jewel family during the Civil War. Correspondence between siblings James and Sallie Jewel, the former of whom served as a private in the Confederate army, comprises most of the collection. Also included is correspondence between William, Martha, Mary, and James Jewel Sr., as well as close cousins of the Jewel family. The complete date range of the collection is 1859-1878, with bulk dates from 1862 to 1865.

 Finding Aid
S0018 Agnes Cady MacNutt Scrapbook 1913-1929

The Agnes Candy MacNutt scrapbook book includes newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and a biographical sketch documenting McNutt's pioneering efforts promoting the dance movement in the Playground of the Parks and Recreation System in the City of St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0019 William N. Eisendrath Papers 1929-1976

The papers contain correspondence between St. Louis area art collector and gallery director William N. Eisendrath Jr. and prominent artists including Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Virginia Peusner, Alexander Archipenko, and Robert Chesley Osborne. 

 Finding Aid
S0020 Down Memory Lane Manuscript 1976

The Down Memory Lane Manuscript is a 50th-anniversary celebration history of the Charles Sumner High School, originally published in June 1959 for the 1909 graduating class, St. Louis, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0021 Organization of Chinese Americans Newsletters 1975-1978

Originally founded in 1972 as the League of Chinese Americans, Organization of Chinese Americans – Asian Pacific American Advocates promotes the cultural heritage and social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The collection consists of newsletters from the organization from the mid-1970s.

 Finding Aid
S0022 Development and Roles of Ethnic Groups in St. Louis Manuscript 1966

"The Development and Roles of Ethnic Groups in St. Louis" is an unpublished manuscript written by Harry Nadler for a graduate seminar in sociology at Washington University.

S0023 Ethnic Heritage Studies Colloquium, Proceedings 1975

This collection contains the transcript of the Ethnic Heritage Studies City-Wide Colloquium proceedings, which was held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on May 13, 1975.

 Finding Aid
S0024 Nanette Baz-Dresh Manuscript 1982

This collection contains one manuscript titled “Shakesperean Plays in St. Louis in the Nineteenth Century”. Nanette Baz-Dresch wrote the manuscript for a class at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0025 Fellowship of America's Loyal Irish Record Book 1928-1930

The Fellowship of America’s Loyal Irish Record Book contains a constitution, by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, and membership list of a St. Louis Irish organization. The organization was founded to promote “good fellowship” amongst St. Louis Irish Americans.

 Finding Aid
S0026 Albert Wenzlick Real Estate Company Report 1926

This collection contains an unpublished 36-page report titled "Studies and Analyses Covering a Proposed Colored Amusement and Building Project to be Located in Saint Louis, Mo." In the report, the Albert Wenzlick Real Estate Company proposes the erection of an entertainment and residential complex containing a theater, dance hall, five retail stores, a bowling alley, and 28 efficiency apartments for African Americans in St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0027 Carper Casket Company History 1975

This collection contains a handwritten history of the Carper Casket Company, an African American-owned casket firm founded by George A. Carper in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1932.

 Finding Aid
S0028 History of Central Baptist Church Manuscript 1927

This collection contains a manuscript titled The History of Central Baptist Church, showing her influence upon her times by Reverend George E. Stevens. Reverend Stevens wrote the manuscript in 1927 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Central Baptist Church, an African American Baptist Church founded in 1846 in St. Louis City.

 Finding Aid
S0029 St. Louis Germans, 1850-1920: the Nature of an Immigrant Community and its Relation to the Assimilation Process Dissertation 1970

This manuscript is an unpublished dissertation by Audrey Olson documenting the assimilation of St. Louis Germans into American life.

S0030 Study of Voluntary Association of Greek Immigrants Manuscript 1950

This collection contains an unpublished thesis titled A Study of Voluntary Associations of Greek Immigrants of Chicago from 1890 to 1948 with Special Emphasis on World War II and Post War Period by Constantine A. Yercaris. Yercaris chronicles the history of Greek voluntary associations throughout Chicago from 1890 to 1948.

 Finding Aid
S0031 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Dedication Album 1962

This collection contains a dedication album of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in St. Louis, Missouri, titled Partners in Progress. St. Nicholas created the album in 1962 to celebrate the addition of a community center to the church. The album documents the history of St. Nicholas's Greek Orthodox Church and the Greeks in St. Louis from 1870-1962.

 Finding Aid
S0032 Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church Almanac 1976

The Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church Almanac includes an illustrated history of the Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church and the Serbian community in St. Louis from 1900 to 1976. Holy Trinity created the almanac to celebrate the United States' bicentennial in 1976.

 Finding Aid
S0033 Harmonie Singing Society Collection 1935-1971

The collection contains a manuscript, flyers, and program books relating to anniversaries and performances of the Harmonie Singing Society from 1935-1971.

 Finding Aid
S0034 Czechs in St. Louis Collection 1929-1974

The Czechs in St. Louis Collection contains anniversary programs, histories, and unpublished manuscripts, relating to Czech-American life in St. Louis, including Bohemian Hill, St. John's Nepomuk Parish, and Sokol St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0035 Italians in St. Louis Collection 1966-1973

This collection contains anniversary programs and histories of the Italian Club of St. Louis, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fratellanza and Societa Unione E Fratellanza Italiana, and an unpublished manuscript titled "Over Here: St. Louis Italo-Americans and the First World War" by Gary Ross Mormio.

 Finding Aid
S0036 African Americans in St. Louis Collection 1920-1991

The African Americans in St. Louis Collection is an artificial collection containing histories, unpublished manuscripts, programs, directories, reports, pamphlets, and articles documenting St. Louis's African American Community from 1920 to 1991.

 Finding Aid
S0037 Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records 1850-1974

The Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records contain correspondence, ledgers, protocol books, and articles of association about the founding and operation of this German fraternal association. 

 Finding Aid
S0038 Howard F. Baer Papers 1960-1998

The Howard F. Baer Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting his activities as a St. Louis Zoological Sub District Commission member from 1979 to 1984 and his time as a Trustee of the Missouri Botanical Garden from 1937 to 1985. Also included in the collection is Baer's autobiography, "An Ordinary Man."

 Finding Aid
S0039 Medlock-Luecke Family Papers 1873-2021

The Medlock-Luecke Family papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, family histories, and a yearbook pertaining to the Jim, Kay, Joey, and AJ Medlock; the Luecke family, primarily Robert Clarence and Louise Meers Luecke; and other branches of the family, including the Eakers and the Hodges.

 Finding Aid
S0040 Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now Records 1972-1980

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform NOW (ACORN) contains bylaws, correspondence, newsletters, issue statements, and press releases relating to the group's mission to fight for social and economic justice for low and moderate-income families in Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0041 Citizens for Global Solutions of Greater St. Louis Records 1947-2012

The records of Citizens for GLOBAL Solutions of Greater St. Louis contain newsletters, correspondence, membership rosters, speeches, reports, bylaws, meeting minutes, and financial materials pertaining to the group's mission to lobby for world peace in a world community where enforceable law replaced armed conflict. The group was founded in 1947 as the World Federalists Association of Greater St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0042 Junior Kindergarten Collection 1962, 1964-1970

This collection includes articles of incorporation, correspondence, reports, lists, and flyers relating to the founding and operation of Junior Kindergarten from 1962, and 1964-1970. Junior Kindergarten was organized in 1965 by the Junior League of St. Louis and Page-Park County YMCA (currently Bayer YMCA) to improve the school readiness of educationally disadvantaged children around St. Louis City before their entrance into a public kindergarten.

 Finding Aid
S0043 Nine Network of Public Media Records 1952-2015

The Nine Network of Public Media records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, photographs, newsletters, and newspaper clippings regarding the organization's mission to provide community-supported educational television to the St. Louis area.   

 Finding Aid
S0044 Missouri School Districts Collection 1917-1980

The Missouri School Districts Collections is an artificial collection combining small acquisitions pertaining to various school districts in St. Louis and outstate Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0045 Americans for Democratic Action Records 1948-1988

The collection contains meeting minutes, letters, memos, periodicals, and membership information pertaining to Americans for Democratic Action, St. Louis Chapter, a political advocacy group that promotes the principles of liberals as formulated in the New Deal. The bulk of the material dates from 1959 to 1970 and 1977 to 1982, all during the administration of Jack L. Pierson. Subjects of interest include the group’s endeavors to promote progressive political candidates, as well as their involvement in anti-war protests.

 Finding Aid
S0046 Adolph Gustav Lipp Papers 1839-1944, 1958

The Adolph Gustav Lipp Papers contain marriage certificates, photographs, newspaper clippings, and theater programs documenting the life of Adolph Lipp, who immigrated from Germany to St. Louis, Missouri, between the late 1880s and 1890s.

 Finding Aid
S0047 St. Louis American Red Cross Scrapbook 1952-1955

The scrapbook contains newsletters and newspaper clippings pertaining to the St. Louis Chapter of the American Red Cross’s 1955 Fund Campaign. Also included in the scrapbook is a letter from Whitelaw T. Terry, Chairman of the St. Louis Chapter’s 1952 Red Cross Fund to Fred W. Gardner, Chairman of the chapter’s Special Gifts Division, regarding the 1952 fund raising campaign in St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0048 Metropolitan Educational Center in the Arts: End of Project Report 1967-1970

A report compiled by staff members of the Metropolitan Education Center in the Arts (MECA), a three-year program, founded in 1967 under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, to provide arts education programs to students St. Louis metropolitan region. MECA-sponsored programs taught students drama, modern dance, writing, and photography.

 Finding Aid
S0049 Harrison J. Liebrum Papers 1928-1972

The collection contains correspondence, labor agreements, union identification cards, ballots, and programs of Harrison J. Liebrum. Liebrum was an employee of Laclede Gas Company from 1925 to 1971, and a charter member of the Gas House Workers Union, Local 18799.

 Finding Aid
S0050 Mid-Continent Life Services Corporation Records 1975-1978

The Mid-Continent Life Services Corporation Records contain meeting minutes, agendas, bylaws, correspondence, and newsletters documenting the organization’s mission to provide community services to the LGBT community in St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0051 Harriett F. Woods Papers 1939-2006

The papers of Harriett Woods contain correspondence, senate bills, transcripts of senate committee hearings, newsletters, press releases, and photographs chronicling her life as a journalist, television producer, Lieutenant Governor, and Missouri State Senator from the 13th district. 

 Finding Aid
S0052 Sacred Heart Church of Florissant Records 1867-1981

Jesuits established Sacred Heart in 1866 as the second church in Florissant, Missouri, to serve the growing German population of the predominantly French town. That year, the first combination school and convent opened and in 1877 the Sisters of the Precious Blood took over the educational mission of the parish. The records contain registers for baptisms, first communions and confirmations, marriages, and deaths, in Latin, German and English.

 Finding Aid
S0053 New Age Federal Savings and Loan Association Records 1915-1967

The New Age Federal Savings and Loan Association records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, ledgers, newsletters, and programs documenting the organization's mission to provide African-American St. Louisans with loans to buy homes.

 Finding Aid
S0054 Mary Anne Sell Diaries and Social Calendars 1941-1944

The Mary Anne Sell Diaries and Social Calendars consist of microfilmed diaries and social calendars owned by Mary Anne Sell Pernoud, a high school student and St. Louis socialite that attended Villa Duchesne high school during the mid-20th century.

 Finding Aid
S0055 St. Charles, Missouri Collection 1952-1976

The St. Charles, Missouri, Collection is an artificial collection consisting of reports, budgets, maps, histories, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the history of St. Charles, Missouri.  

 Finding Aid
S0056 Missouri Campaign Spending Reform Records 1969-1977

The Missouri Campaign Spending Reform Records contains legislative bills, memos, correspondence, and newspaper clippings documenting efforts by Wilhelmina Roberts and Missourians for Honest Elections to reform campaign spending in Missouri from 1969 to 1977.

 Finding Aid
S0057 St. Louis Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Records 1939-1977

The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, treasurer’s reports, and newspaper clippings documenting the establishment and growth of the St. Louis Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.

 Finding Aid
S0058 St. Louis Protestant Orphan's Asylum Records 1834-1940

The St. Louis Protestant Orphans' Asylum Records contain bylaws, histories, annual reports, board minutes, matrons' daybooks, and admission and departure records documenting the organization's mission to care for orphaned children.

 Finding Aid
S0059 Florence Wyman Richardson Usher Scrapbooks 1909-1913

Florence Wyman Richardson Usher helped found the Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis in 1910. She chaired the League's lecture committee for six years and was a member of the board of governors in 1912. The scrapbooks in this collection document suffrage activities both nationally and in St. Louis. They include news clippings, correspondence, public notices, programs, leaflets, and Usher's annotations.

 Finding Aid
S0060 Joseph Pulitzer Papers 1897-1958

Joseph Pulitzer was an editor and newspaper publisher, whose holdings included the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The papers primarily relate to his editorship of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and cover nearly every aspect of the operation and production of the newspaper, including its internal business management and its editorial policies. The collection contains extensive correspondence with family, journalists, and politicians.

 Finding Aid
S0061 St. Louis Labor Council Minute Books 1913-1963

The St. Louis Labor Council, AFL-CIO Meeting Books contains meeting minutes, committee reports, and attendance lists documenting the Council’s efforts to strengthen organized labor, and avocation for social justice in the St. Louis area from 1913 to 1963.

 Finding Aid
S0062 Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records 1939-2023

The Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records contains correspondence, programs, and financial materials relating to the history of opera in St. Louis from 1939, including the opera productions, metropolitan opera auditions, and the efforts to raise the public's interest in opera. 

 Finding Aid
S0063 People's Party National Convention Collection 1971-1973

The People's Party National Convention Collection contains position papers, campaign literature, and newspaper clippings documenting the American leftwing's national conventions, held in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1972 and 1975. During the conventions, delegates adopted platforms calling for world peace, non-nuclear proliferation, tax reform, and women's and gay liberation.

 Finding Aid
S0064 Postcard Collection 1902-1956

This collection contains postcards of Missouri cities and towns from 1902 to 1956. Subjects include Charles Lindbergh, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the St. Louis riverfront, buildings, parks, and streets.

S0065 Arthur Proetz Papers 1885-1917

The Arthur Proetz Papers consist of a family scrapbook containing theatre programs, flyers, and newspaper clippings from German and English newspapers, documenting the musical and cultural milieu of turn-of-the-century St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0066 Logan Uriah Reavis Papers 1844-1888

The Logan Uriah Reavis Papers consists of microfilmed correspondence written and received by Logan Uriah Reavis, a St. Louis businessman and civic booster who, from 1876 to 1889, lobbied to move the nation's capital from Washington, D.C. to St. Louis, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0067 Rotary Club of St. Louis, Missouri Records 1948-1977

The Rotary Club of St. Louis records correspondence, reports, and rosters documenting the group's mission to promote community welfare and international understanding through student exchange programs and by supporting libraries, vocational training, and help for the disabled.

 Finding Aid
S0068 New Democratic Coalition Records 1968-1977

The New Democratic Coalition Records contains newsletters, correspondence, bylaws, and press releases regarding the New Democratic Coalition, a Democratic party reform group founded in response to the 1968 Democratic Convention. The objectives of the New Democratic Coalition included reform of campaign spending, tax assessment, and the widening of the delegate selection process.

 Finding Aid
S0069 Committee for Environmental Information Records 1956-1977

The records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, narrative histories, and curricula documenting the Committee for Environmental Information's mission to collect, evaluate, and make available to the public, information concerning nuclear tests and weaponry and the uses of nuclear energy. 

 Finding Aid
S0070 St. Louis Artists' Guild Collection 1907-1976

The St. Louis Artists’ Guild is one of the oldest extant art organizations in the country and one of the few which maintains its own building and galleries. The Guild sponsors annual art exhibition competitions and provides education in many artistic varieties. The materials consist of minutes, catalogs, correspondence, "Book of Hours," indenture deed, and programs, including those of Little Theater of St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0071 Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Report 1963

The Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Report is a planning survey of cultural activities and needs in Greater St. Louis, produced by Booz, Allen & Hamilton for the Greater St. Louis Arts Survey Committee of Civic Progress, Inc.

 Finding Aid
S0072 St. Louis Civic Ballet Records 1958-1979

The St. Louis Civic Ballet Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and photographs documenting the dance company’s mission to foster young people’s interest in ballet through performances and scholarships.

 Finding Aid
S0073 St. Louis County Data Collection 1942-1977

The St. Louis County Data Collection is an artificial collection of various small donations documenting the history of St. Louis County and county government. The collection consists of publications, reports, newspaper clippings, pamphlets on historic buildings, highways, zoning, land use, and recreation.

 Finding Aid
S0074 St. Louis Municipalities Collection 1930-1976

The St. Louis Municipalities Collection is an artificial collection containing multiple small publications documenting the history of St. Louis County's municipalities. The collection contains publications, histories, and reports.

 Finding Aid
S0075 St. Louis City Data Collection 1885-1985

The St. Louis City Data Collection is an artificial collection comprised of various donations documenting the history of St. Louis City, city government, and historic sites. Included in this collection are reports, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets on neighborhood rehabilitation, street plans, population trends, and urban land policy.

 Finding Aid
S0076 St. Louis Local History Collection 1963-1980

The St. Louis Local History Collection is an artificial collection comprised of various small donations documenting the history of St. Louis City, neighborhoods, and historic structures. The collection includes reports, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and unpublished manuscripts regarding Pruitt-Igoe, Mill Creek Valley, Laclede's Landing, and the Ville.

 Finding Aid
S0077 Haren Family Collection 1831, 1968

This collection includes an 1831 farewell pamphlet for the German families of Geiger, Haren, and Von Leveling, a photocopy of Haren Family Reminiscence written by William A. Haren, and a photocopy of an excerpt from German Americans: An Informal History by Richard O’Connor. 

 Finding Aid
S0078 John Wilson Diary 1904-1909

This collection contains a diary written by John Wilson, an English immigrant. In the diary, Wilson chronicles his daily life in the first decade of the twentieth century, discussing the social and political life of St. Louis and Jennings, Missouri, and the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904.

 Finding Aid
S0079 Mary McLeod Bethune Draft Statements 1945

This collection consists of typescript drafts of statements Bethune wrote near the end of World War II for an unspecified conference of African American organizations. In the statements, Bethune demands “the eradication of all handicaps upon African American’s political, social, and economic life.”

 Finding Aid
S0080 Glasstown, U.S.A., A Brief History of Glassmaking at Crystal City, Missouri, Paper 1981

This collection consists of Glass Town USA, A Brief History of Glass Making At Crystal City, Missouri, 1868-1981, a 64-page manuscript chronicling the history of Crystal City, Missouri, and the Crystal Plate Glass Company.

 Finding Aid
S0081 Jennings Historical Society Collection 1843-1981

The Jennings Historical Society Collection contains photocopies of newspaper clippings, a deed of property, photographs, and the contents of a scrapbook collected by Jennings Historical Society regarding the history of Jennings, Missouri, a north St. Louis County suburb.

 Finding Aid
S0082 St. Louis Regional Fellowship of Reconciliation Records 1941-1967

The St. Louis Regional Fellowship of Reconciliation Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, and reports documenting the chapter's commitment to the philosophy and programming of religious pacifism. Topics of interest include conscientious objectors during World War II and the Korean War, the relocation of Japanese citizens, and nuclear weapons disarmament.

 Finding Aid
S0083 Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis Records 1923-1985

The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis contains meeting minutes, correspondence, bylaws, and photographs documenting the group's mission to assist St. Louis area students by providing them with interest-free loans to help further their education beyond high school.

 Finding Aid
S0084 Virginia Irwin Collection 1934-1963

The collection consists of annotated index cards to newspaper articles Virginia Irwin wrote for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as a feature writer. 

 Finding Aid
S0085 Louisiana Purchase Exposition Collection 1902-1904

The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Collection is an artificial collection of publications chronicling the World's Fair in St. Louis. Publications of interest include three volumes of the Worlds Fair Bulletin, published from 1900 to 1904 to promote the fair.

 Finding Aid
S0086 St. Louis Teachers Strike of 1973 Collection 1972-1973

The St. Louis Teachers Strike of 1973 Collection contains correspondence to and from St. Louis teachers, court proceedings, strike bulletins, and flyers documenting the first teacher's strike in the history of St. Louis. 

 Finding Aid
S0087 Robert S. Saunders Papers 1965-1971

The Robert S. Saunders Papers contains the unpublished autobiography of Robert S. Saunders, chronicling his life as a migratory laborer and union organizer during the 1930s and 1940s. The autobiography includes narratives of living conditions in migrant camps, and Saunders’s efforts to recruit members for the Socialist Party in the Midwest.

 Finding Aid
S0088 Appelbaum Family Papers 1942-1946, 1971-1975

The Appelbaum Family Papers contain a scrapbook created by Marie C. Hamacher Appelbaum, documenting her son Lawrence T. Appelbaum's service in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. The scrapbook consists of correspondence, photographs, greeting cards, and newspaper clippings Lawrence T. Appelbaum sent her from 1942 to 1946. Additionally, the collection includes World War II Marine Corps photographs and two genealogical books written by Marie Hamacher Appelbaum.

 Finding Aid
S0089 Missouri Social Hygiene Association Scrapbook 1928-1933

The Missouri Social Hygiene Association (MSHA) Scrapbook contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to disseminate knowledge and laws concerning social hygiene to the public. 

S0090 Socialist Party of Missouri Collection 1909-1966

The Socialist Party of Missouri became one of the best organized state-wide chapters of the American Socialist Party, especially active during the 1930s and 1940s. Missouri contained strong pockets of rural socialism and consequently, the Party considered the state an important region for socialist activity. The Socialist Party Records reflect this activity, and include administrative files, publications, and oral histories.

 Finding Aid
S0091 World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 Memorial Volume 1892-1893

A book commemorating the World's Columbian Exposition by the Joint Committee on Ceremonies.

 Finding Aid
S0092 Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis Collection 1946-1972

The Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis Collection consists of pamphlets chronicling the group’s mission to foster public interest in art in St. Louis by sponsoring art exhibitions featuring local artists.

 Finding Aid
S0093 Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Collection 1938-1982

The collection consists of annual reports, newsletters, and pamphlets chronicling the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis’s efforts to provide social services for the St. Louis area’s African American population.

 Finding Aid
S0094 Nathan B. Young Papers 1923-1928

The Nathan B. Young Papers contains correspondence and drafts of his unpublished autobiography, "The Quest and Use of an Education." Young was an African-American educator who attended Talladega College, Oberlin College, and Selma University. He taught at Tuskegee Institute and Atlanta University and was president of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
S0095 St. Louis Public Schools Power Plants Struggle Manuscript 1982

This collection contains an autobiography titled The 30’s: Donnybrook Decade in St. Louis Public School Power Plants (A Geechee Maverick’s Quest in a Jim Crow City), written by Frank Weldon Young. Young wrote the manuscript to discuss his life as the first African American to receive their stationary engineer’s license in the city of St. Louis.

 Finding Aid
S0096 Young Socialist Alliance Collection 1974-1975

The Young Socialist Alliance Collection contains flyers, posters, newspaper clippings, court briefs, and issues of the Young Socialist from the St. Louis chapter of the Young Socialist Alliance from 1974-1975. The Young Socialist Alliance was the youth group within the Socialist Workers Party from 1960-1992 and promoted causes and candidates representing the Socialist Workers Party.

 Finding Aid
S0097 Crawdad Alliance Records 1979-1981

The records contain flyers, leaflets, handbooks, newsletters, meeting minutes and a newspaper pertaining to the Crawdad Alliance’s efforts to halt the proliferation of nuclear power in Missouri, including the construction of the Calloway Power Plant in Calloway County, Missouri, through nonviolent means, including civil disobedience.

 Finding Aid
S0098 Funsten Nut Strike Manuscript 1933

In 1933, employees of St. Louis-based dried fruit and nut dealer Funsten Nut Company demanded and received higher wages by striking. The collection consists of a thesis by St. Louis University student Myrna Fichtenbaum, entitled "The Funsten Nut Strike May, 1933". The paper discusses the local historical setting, the sequence of strike activities, and the connections with the labor movement and Communist Party.

 Finding Aid
S0099 Nina Lewis Papers 1894-1926

This collection contains newspaper clippings and the bylaws, a constitution, and rituals of St. Louis Black Lodges, and the August 1909 Negro Educational, that were collected by St. Louis resident Nina P. Lewis in her lifetime.

 Finding Aid
S0100 Joint Community Board Records 1973-1974

The records contain meeting minutes, memos, evaluations, and reports of the Joint Community Board, a community service organization that was located in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri. The board was comprised of three Central West End churches—Trinity Episcopal, Second Presbyterian, and First Unitarian—and oversaw the administration and funding of after-school and summer programs for neighborhood youth, as well as neighborhood revitalization projects.

 Finding Aid