Collection Number | Title | Collection Dates | Body | Finding Aid |
K0908 | Charles George Wade Papers | 1888 | Wade was the assistant engineer on the construction of the Railway. Includes a booklet and drawings relating to the Kansas City Cable Railway. |
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K0909 | Charles L. Carr Papers | 1915-1951 | Carr was an attorney in Kansas City, MO and the General Solicitor for the Kansas City Public Service Company. Includes the personal and professional papers of Carr: correspondence, printed materials from various organizations, files related to the streetcar company and the Missouri State Supreme Court.. |
K0910 | Chicago and Alton Railroad Collection | no date | Wallet of items including receipts, maps, and architectural drawings |
K0911 | Childbirth and Parent Education, Inc. of Kansas City Records | 1968-1980 | Organizational records include correspondence, newsletters, other printed/published materials, convention files, and questionnaires. |
K0912 | Chris R. Lester Papers | 1970-1999 | Lester was an investigative reporter for the Kansas City Star. Includes Lester's research materials for his Star series on banker Frank Morgan, Kansas City sprawl, and other articles. |
K0913 | Community Backed Anti-Drug Tax (COMBAT) Records | 1999-2001 | COMBAT was a Jackson County supported anti-drug program. Includes administrative records, grant materials, notes, reports, printed and published materials, and newspapers clippings. |
K0914 | Communities Creating Opportunity (CCO) Records | 1976-2012 | Organizational records of a faith-based, grass roots organization focused on community issues such as healthcare, foreclosure, and pay day loans. Includes board minutes, financial records, public relation files, training, research, and newsletters. |
K0915 | Community Builder: The Life & Legacy of J.C. Nichols Collection | 2005-2007 | Audiovisual materials gathered while researching a documentary film on Nichols, footage from the film, and copies of the finished film. Includes video tapes, CD's, DVD's, and a production binder. |
K0916 | Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner (BIAV) Collection | 1969 | This collection contains a ""Grace and Blessings"" booklet and a yarmulke from the Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner Mortgage Burning Dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Israel Bettinger. |
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K0917 | Conservatory of Music Collection | 1918-1976 | Rosters, monthly publications, handbook of the KC Junior League, 1952-1962; chi Omega Fraternity Alumnae chapter rosters 1954-1955; Kansas City Young Matrons Yearbook, 1958/59; United church Women of GKC directory, 1961; Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae directory, 1957/58; Kansas City Juniorettes directory, 1955/56; Add to KC 27- Library: "Sunset Hill-First 50 Years", "Taming the Mighty Missouri" by Robert L. Branyan, 1973; "Sigma Nu General Catalogue", 1918;" University Club of Kansas City, MO", 1976. |
K0918 | Contemporary Art Society Records | 1984-1988 | Financial records, including bank statements, tax returns, audits, 1984-1988. |
K0919 | Cramer Minstrel Collection | 1934 | Scripts and programs for the Co-operative Club's 22nd birthday dinner. |
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K0920 | Daughters of the American Colonists (DAC), Mary Ball Washington Chapter Records | 1972-2002 | Scrapbooks, State Assembly Proceedings, press books, Missouri State Society membership directories, and newsletters. |
K0921 | David Beatty Stereo Proposal | 1965-1966 | A proposal to install a sound system at the Music Hall at the Kansas City Municipal Auditorium. |
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K0922 | David G. Widder Papers | 1918-1996 | A diary Widder kept as a boy, scrapbooks relating to Kansas City history and architecture, newspaper and magazine articles, books, photographs including a World War I era album. |
K0923 | David S. Jacobs Collection | 1980, 2001 | Two medical volumes edited by Dr. Jacobs. |
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K0924 | David Leroy Alexander Papers | 1865-2001 | Family papers of the Alexander and Graham families of Jackson County and Pettis Counties in Missouri. Includes correspondence, birth certificates, marriage licenses, funeral information and other legal papers. Also Alexander's World War II military records; Robert B. Graham's discharge papers from the Missouri State Militia (1865); scrapbooks; photographs; books; and a journal kept by James Andrew Alexander of Longwood, Missouri. |
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K0925 | David Reid Ross Manuscript | 2000 | Manuscript, Kansas Abolitionists Fight Confederates in Missouri written by Ross. |
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K0926 | David Schuster Papers | 1915-1918 | Handwritten musical scores transcribed by Schuster, an early member of the Kansas City Philharmonic orchestra. Also includes published classical music. |
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K0927 | David R. Zeff Collection | 1939-1950 | The David R. Zeff Collection contains newspaper clippings, newsletters, and memorabilia from the Aleph Zadik Aleph B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, the Jewish Youth Federation, Southwest High School, and features photographs of the contestants of the 1945 Yom Kippur Dance Night's Sweetheart contest, as well as personal photographs. |
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K0928 | Davida L. Jacobson and Harvey A. Jacobson Papers | no date | The Davida L. Jacobson and Harvey A. Jacobson Papers contain a single photograph of two boys, Morris and Albert (relatives of Davida Jacobson), and a genealogical chart of the descendants of Hirsch Brenner, relatives of Harvey Jacobson. |
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K0929 | Della Fleming Parker Papers | 1905-1965 | Playbills and programs (some with autographs) from Kansas City theaters and musical venues. Also is a World War II ration book and newspaper clippings. |
Finding Aid |
K0930 | Delta Kappa Gamma-Missouri Alpha Chapter Records | 1938-1989 | Organizational records of the Chapter, a professional honorary Society of women educators, including meeting minutes, yearbooks, publications and historical background of the Society. Also scrapbooks of clippings, programs, and ephemera, and some correspondence, minutes, and reports. |
K0931 | Devinki Family Papers | 1889-1981 | Booklets, court documents, medical files, certificates, postcards, newspapers, a passport, and letters in English, German, Polish, Russian, and German relating to the Devinki family. |
Finding Aid |
K0932 | Dividend Dames Records | 1981-1994 | Organizational records of an investment club including minutes, membership rosters, treasurer's reports, stock reports, some correspondence, attendance records, agendas, and expense records. |
Finding Aid |
K0933 | Donald A. Dietrich Papers | 1953-2000 | Traffic and transportation studies |
K0934 | Donald Dwight Davis Papers | 1912-1997 | Personal and business papers of Davis who was president of WHB radio and KMBC-TV. Also included are some papers of his wife, Harriet Treash Davis (1909-1997). |
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K0935 | Doris Tager Edelman Papers | 1940 | Photograph of a sorority at Central High School, Kansas City, MO. |
K0936 | Dorothy and Herman Glass Papers | 1916-2000 | The collection consists of photographs, programs, and newsletters from B'nai B'rith and Hadassah along with a high school commencement program, yearbook, and newspaper clippings. |
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K0937 | Gladys Hoover Haven Daniels Collection | no date | Daniels was a music teacher and performer of note in Kansas City, MO. Handwritten Sheet Music: "A Birdie with a Yellow Bill", lyrics by Robert Louis Stevenson, music by Dorothy Godfrey. |
K0939 | Sarah Kraft Small Papers | 1976-1977 | Small served as Beth Shalom Sisterhood president. Includes Sisterhood administrative papers and programs. |
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K0940 | Edward B. Garnett Papers | 1914-1959 | Garnett, was the longtime editor of the Sunday Kansas City Star, Includes diaries, cancelled checks, correspondence, and personal papers. |
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K0941 | Edna Scotten Billings Papers | 1938-1974 | Billings was the organist for Grace and Holy Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Kansas City, MO. Includes recital programs, order of services, various publications, and music scores. |
K0942 | Eileen Miller Collection | 2000 | A Village Shalom brochure, printed before Village Shalom opened on June 20, 2000 |
K0943 | Eleanor Parelman Judd Papers | 1928-1990 | Judd attended Beth Shalom elementary school. She was honored by the Denver Allied Jewish Community Council for her work with the Kansas City Federation. Includes diplomas, awards, and family photographs. |
Finding Aid |
K0944 | Elinor Fox Kamen Papers | 1940-1943 | Radio scripts and other documents relating to Kamen's career in radio broadcasting while working on the radio programs "The Little Red Schoolhouse" and "Women in the News." |
Finding Aid |
K0945 | Estelle Rose Berman and Fred S. Berman Papers | 1910-2008 | Papers of Berman family including scrapbooks of Kappa Tau Sorority, family and organizational photographs, diplomas, certificates, clippings, and programs. |
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K0946 | Grant Samuel Stauffer Papers | 1990-2000 | Stauffer was the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Representative from Missouri 5th District, 1992, 1998; and for U.S. Senator from Missouri, 2000. Includes brochures, research notes, files and other documents relating to the National and Missouri State Libertarian Party as well as Kansas City, MO political issues. |
K0947 | Greater Kansas City Art Association Records | 1956-2006 | Organizational records and scrapbooks from the Greater Kansas City Art Association. Includes officers files, correspondence, minutes, financial records, membership files, newsletters, photographs and audio and video tapes. |
Finding Aid |
K0948 | Greater Kansas City Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Records | 1935-1997 | Organizational records of the Chapter, whose purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character. Includes meeting minutes, directories, printed and published material, and event planning files. |
K0949 | MidAmerica Pastel Society, Inc. Records | 1998-2017 | The MidAmerica Pastel Society, Inc. Records contain administrative and financial materials related to the Kansas City area nonprofit arts organization. |
Finding Aid |
K0950 | H. Levi and Company Records | 1890-1924 | The company was a gentlemen's furnishings company in Kansas City, MO. The business records includes correspondence files, customer and manufacturers' orders, credit reports, customer files, some salesmen's files, and several personal files of the company's partners, Hyman Levi, Jacob Friedman and Joseph Minda. Also included are materials concerning the Stum, Roberts, Smith and the Ruby Fern Mining Companies. |
K0951 | Harold and Miriam Pittell Papers | 1900-1986 | The family papers include photographs, programs, marriage announcement and ketuba (marriage contract). |
Finding Aid |
K0952 | Harold F. Blackburn Papers | 1942-1946 | Blackburn was veteran Trans World Airline (TWA) pilot. During the World War II, he was superintendent of TWA's Intercontinental Division., which was part of the Air Transport Command. Includes the Intercontinental Division, Washington D.C., statistical handbook. |
Finding Aid |
K0954 | Harris S. Joseph Papers | 1924-2000 | Joseph was active with the Boy Scouts of America for over thirty years, serving as a scoutmaster for Troops 61 and 2. Includes photographs, anniversary booklets, programs, flyers, pins, and clothing related to Boy Scout troop 61. |
K0955 | Harry Krantz and Miriam Levitt Krantz Papers | 1949-1968 | Krantz was elected to the Prairie Village, KS, city council. Includes newspaper clippings, Prairie Village Democratic Club campaign sheet, and a Talman Grill menu. |
Finding Aid |
K0956 | Harvey-Dutton Dry Goods Company Records | 1903-1908 | Business records consists primarily of customer files and receipts. |
K0957 | Hazel Adkins Kirkland Papers | 1905-1909 | Kirkland attended Liberty Ladies College and was a member of the Eta Upsilon Gamma sorority. Includes sorority ink drawings, a newsletter, and a group photograph. |
K0958 | Heart of America Jewish Historical Society Records | 1990-2005 | Includes audio recording of programs at the society's meetings and oral interviews.(see also K0441 Montague) |
Finding Aid |
K0959 | Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers | 1960-2007 | The Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers include Leo Lesky's obituary, a sales book from Lesky's dry-cleaning business, and a CD of family videos of the Lesky family and their friends. |
Finding Aid |
K0960 | Helen Seibert Thomes Dance School Records | no date | Includes choreography of dances used by Thomes in her dance school |
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K0961 | Heritage Trust Records | 1972-1983 | The Heritage Trust Records contain correspondence, administrative files, an inventory, newspaper clippings, and photographs related to architectural ornamentation recovered from demolished building in Kansas City, Missouri. |
Finding Aid |
K0962 | Herman A. Johnson Papers | 1971 | Architectural drawings of Johnson's residence at 2632 West Paseo Blvd., Kansas City, MO. |
K0963 | Niel Melvin Johnson Papers | 1830-2007 | Research, oral histories, and manuscript materials collected and created by Johnson, archivist and historian, on Swedish-Americans in Kansas City. |
Finding Aid |
K0964 | Hewitt Family Papers | no date | Photographs and other items relating to the Hewitt family in Kansas City. |
K0965 | Charles Hipsh Family Papers | 1925-1963 | Yearbooks, photographs, pamphlets and booklet concerning Hipsh, Jewish community leader, businessman and banker. Also video of Hipsh family. |
Finding Aid |
K0966 | Home Health Care Alliance, Inc. Records | 1994-1999 | The Alliance recruited, trained, and placed in-home care providers with cooperating agencies. Organizational records includes financial records, contracts, educational programing, minutes, and case files. |
K0967 | Horace Miller Foster Collection | 1936-1975 | Foster was a music teacher and a bandleader. Includes photographs of school bands, individual students, and miscellaneous other school related items. also scrapbook containing clippings, correspondence, photographs, and other general information concerning Foster's career. |
Finding Aid |
K0968 | Howard S. Goller Papers | 1977-1978 | The Howard S. Goller Papers include photocopied newspaper articles written by Howard S. Goller concerning the history of Jews in Kansas City. |
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K0969 | Hugh Gene Graff Papers | 1939-2007 | Graff was general manager of flying for Trans World Airlines (TWA) in Kansas City. Includes pilot training manuals, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, aeronautical maps, and ephemera. |
Finding Aid |
K0970 | Nancy J. Shulze Oral History Collection | 1998 | Audio tapes and the transcripts of oral interviews Shulze conducted concerning interracial marriage. |
K0971 | Esther Swirk Brown Collection | 1994 | Brown, a social activist, played significant roles in the desegregation of the South Park elementary school (Merriam, KS) and the Brown v. Board of Education case. Included is a memorandum by her husband Paul Brown summarizing Esther's life and involvement in civil rights activities. |
Finding Aid |
K0972 | Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers | 1932-2006 | The Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers contain correspondence, audio, and video related to Dunn family history, correspondence about a family reunion, undated photographs of relatives, and a group photograph, as well as three items related to the Harvey Jacobson family and Jacobson's Strictly Kosher grocery store. |
Finding Aid |
K0973 | Robert Emmett Walton Papers | 1928-1974 | Walton, a Catholic priest, was an army chaplain during World War II, parish priest and pastor in Kansas City, a missionary in Bolivia, and a priest on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Includes yearbooks, magazines, programs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and newsletters, and photographs, slides, and negatives chronicling Walton's adventurous life. |
K0974 | Fellowship House Association of Greater Kansas City Records | 1948-1979 | The purpose of the Association was to promote mutual understanding, fellowship and respect among the people of the community. Includes meeting minutes and agendas, constitution and by-laws, programs, correspondence and other materials. |
Finding Aid |
K0975 | First National Bank of Kansas City Collection | 1906-1961 | clippings, articles related to the history of the bank |
K0976 | Frank Joseph O'Leary Papers | 1911-1974 | O'Leary was an attorney in Kansas City, Missouri. Includes appointment books, lecture and class notes, financial records, case files, family photographs, and correspondence. Also letters written prior and during World War I to O'Leary's future wife, Edna. |
K0977 | Frank Olin Babcock Papers | 1916-2003 | Personal papers of former Executive Vice-President of the Associated Plumbing Contractors and Mechanical Contractors of Greater Kansas City. Includes personal papers, photographs and other materials relating to the life, family, and work of Babcock. |
Finding Aid |
K0978 | George Carl Schowengerdt Papers | 1921-1922 | Photographs of students and/or faculty of Kansas City University, Kansas City, Kansas. |
K0979 | George G. Capito Papers | 1900-1960 | Photographs, funeral service and obituaries, diplomas, letters of commendation, yearbooks, and newspaper clippings relating to the Capito and Tabolsky families. |
K0980 | George Morgan Speech | 1973 | Audio tape of a speech made by Morgan a Political Parties Class at Center High School, on political boss Tom Pendergast. |
K0981 | Gerean Y. Rudnick Papers | 1954-1968 | Rudnick and other family members were owners of Thriftway grocery stores in Kansas City. Includes newspaper clippings and grocer magazine clippings on their Thriftway stores. |
K0982 | Gladys Hoover Havens Daniels Papers | 1906-1975 | Daniels was a music teacher and performer of note in Kansas City, MO. Includes daily journals and travel diaries of Mrs. Daniels. Also material related to her interest in music and notes for talks, programs, and clippings. |
K0983 | Hyde Park Neighborhood Association Records | 1973-2010 | Includes homes tour files, newsletters, walking tours, an abstract of title, and homes tour posters. |
Finding Aid |
K0984 | Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy Auxiliary Scrapbooks | 1983-1999 | The Auxiliary's purpose is to assist the school's growing financial needs and provide scholarship money to help students meet tuition costs. Included are scrapbooks chronicling the Auxiliary's activities. |
Finding Aid |
K0985 | Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy Scrapbooks | 1952-1980 | Scrapbooks containing correspondence, programs, newsletters, donor letters, newspaper clippings, student rosters, ephemera, and photographs of classes and events of the Academy. Also loose photographs, both formal and informal, of students and classes, Hyman and Clara Brand, Joan and Walter March, and of the Academy's staff, teachers, and board members. |
K0986 | Inga Baruch Silverman and Martin L. Silverman Papers | 1971, 1991 | Special service booklet honoring Rabbi Gershon Hadas on occasion of his 75th Birthday; script and notes for ""Heaven Help Us!"" a comedy performed by members of Beth Shalom Congregation. |
Finding Aid |
K0987 | Inland Architect and News Record | 1883-1908 | Published between 1883 and 1908 by the Chicago-based Inland Publishing Co., the magazine featured prime examples of structures from all over the United States, work in Missouri and by Missouri architects. |
K0988 | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Records | 1958-1989 | Planning materials for MAECON, the annual trade conference; section officers' files including correspondence, financial information, and minutes; membership materials; and other administrative information. |
K0989 | Instrument Society of America (ISA)-Kansas City Section Records | 1943-1954 | Includes general correspondence, meeting notices, meeting minutes and regional and national conference materials. Also information about the Electric Association of Kansas City and the Kansas City Industrial Instrumentation Society. |
K0990 | International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) Air Transport Local 1650 Records | 1970-1999 | Organizational records include printed and published materials, bylaws, agreements, awards, plaques, signs, flags, and photographs. |
K0991 | International Refrigeration Compressor Remanufacturers Association Records | 1965-1990 | Organizational records of the trade association includes correspondence, financial records, newsletters, and planning materials for conventions and board meetings. |
Finding Aid |
K0992 | Isaacs Clothing Company Records | 1900-1908 | Business records of a Kansas City Garment factory, wholesale clothing distributer including correspondence, paid bills and receipts, sales orders, and shipping information, and oversize business ledgers. |
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K0993 | Issie J. Ringolsky Papers | 1894-1915 | Ringolsky was a partner with David I. White in the Ringolsky & White law firm. Includes case files for clients were business owners in Kansas City, several of whom were involved in the garment industry. |
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K0994 | J. Holt Collection | 1953-1959 | piano-related materials |
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K0995 | Jack Bohm and Liz Viscofsky Bohm Papers | 1950-2006 | Family papers including newspaper clippings, event programs, flyers, biographies, and photographs relating to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood. |
K0996 | Jack Reitzes Papers | 1931-2006 | Born in Kansas City, Reitzes was an member of Temple B'nai Jehudah. Materials related to his and his family's activities including newspaper clippings, yearbooks, correspondence, commemoration booklets, event programs, newsletters, photographs. |
K0997 | Jacqueline Jacobson Slutsky Papers | 1953-1966 | Photocopied photographs of the Slutsky and Jacobson families. |
K0998 | Jacob Brown Papers | 1961-2002 | Brown was a prominent attorney and civil leader in Kansas City Jewish community. Includes material related to the sale of property by Congregation Beth Shalom to Kroh Brothers Development Company & Allen & Company, Inc. Also biographical material on Brown. |
Finding Aid |
K0999 | James F. Halpin Residence Architectural Record | 1912-1913 | Architectural drawing of the home at 1226 W. 56th Street, Kansas City, MO. |
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K1000 | James H. Roberts Diary | 1858-1909 | Roberts built houses, made and sold brooms, taught school, and owned a small mercantile store briefly. He was interested in Spiritualism and his second wife and one of his daughters were mediums. Includes a handwritten diary consisting of both shorthand and longhand entries. Entries were made every year on the writer's birthday, beginning at the age of 27, continuing until his death at 78. |
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K1001 | James Sherman Botsford Memorial Booklet | 1915 | Memorial booklet for Botsford, prominent lawyer and civic leader, and former district attorney for Western Missouri. |
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K1002 | Jamie Frederic Metzl Collection | 2004 | An attorney and active in Missouri Democratic politics, Metzl ran for for the Democratic nomination for Missouri's Fifth Congressional District for the U.S. House of Representatives. Includes flyers and a banner from Metzl's congressional campaign. |
K1003 | Jan E. Hults Dissertation | 1996 | Hult's dissertation on the career of Senator James Alexander Reed (1861-1944) . |
K1004 | Janet Deborah Katz Lerner Papers | 1989-1994 | Lerner was a teacher and coordinated a celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday called Project HEART. Includes a scrapbook documenting the Project |
K1005 | Janice L. Finkelston Papers | 1960 | Bat Mitzvah study phonograph records; J.P. Louis Funeral Home Yizkor booklet. |
Finding Aid |
K1006 | Jason D. Jacobson and Amy H. Jacobson Papers | 1945-1949 | Issues (some incomplete) of the Zionist newspaper The New Palestine. |
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K1007 | Jeanette Miller Wayne and Robert H. Wayne Papers | 1938-1989 | personal papers and photographs, papers of Sam Dantzig who served in WWI with Harry S. Truman including invitation to Truman's inauguration and signed portrait of Truman |
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K1008 | Jeffrey Bruce Winkel and Deborah Gale Winkel Papers | 1910-2005 | Family papers including bonds, certificates, genealogical charts, and photographs. |
K1009 | Michael A. and Jenifer Smith Blum Collection | 1996-1998 | Publications, music and program information for the rededication celebration of Congregation Beth Torah and dedication of their first permanent house of worship. |
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